Publicaciones de los adherentes a la FLTI
Inglés Portugués Árabe

April 11st, 2013


On the elections in Venezuela

The left of the renegades of Trotskyism at the feet of the Bolivarian pro imperialist regime

On April 14, elections for president will be held in Venezuela. After Chavez´s death, the Bolivarian regime coordinated its mechanisms and launched this new electoral trap to strengthen the whole bourgeoisie and its institutions, to be in better conditions to move to a redoubled anti-worker attack under Obama´s command.
Both main candidates, Maduro and Capriles, who called to vote Obama. The two, hugging the Bolivarian Constitution of the transnational companies, have the plan to deepen the devaluation of the currency that means plundering the workers' wages, the rate hikes, ensure super-profits of the bankers (98% in one year), keep paying 105,000 million dollars of fraudulent foreign debt incurred by Andrés Pérez and Caldera and the infamous regime of pact of Punto Fijo that the great Caracazo destroyed leaving over 2000 martyrs workers and peasants in the streets. This is a dispute over the administration of the Bolivarian regime and its result will bring nothing good for the working class, but rather the opposite.

The capitalist elections are in itself anti-democratic because the bourgeoisie controls the means of economy and propaganda while labor organizations do not have any of it, and for the elections it is the same the vote of a worker who produces national wealth (transforming the proletariat into individuals), than the vote of an employer or a nun parasite, being in fact the "sweet" wrapping mechanism of capitalist dictatorship. The presidential elections in Venezuela are doubly anti-democratic, in fact became a real referendum between Carpiles and Maduro. The working class and the exploited have been taken by their leadership to have to choose between the boiling pan of Maduro or the fried pan of Capriles.

The reformist left was functional to set this trap. On one side, some of them call to support Maduro "against the right Capriles" giving a progressive character to Chavezism and on the other side the ones to call "spoil vote" for wanting to pose as "revolutionary" but also, as we will show, give a progressive role to Chavism...

LIT and UIT: “spoil the vote” and put pressure on Chavism “so it can give an answer”…

Morenoist LIT has released a "LETTER TO THE LEADERSHIP OF PSL AND THE ORGANIZATIONS WHO SUPPORTED O. CHIRINO in elections of October 7TH” That letter states that "This right who is waiting to take over the government to attack also the most basic popular conquests (...) and regrets that Chirino is not a candidate because "now there are a better opportunity for both the candidate and for the possibility of a front.
Unfortunately, the companions of PSL have not fully appreciated this possibility, leaving a political vacuum, which of course exploit the enemies of the working class.
We think, despite of this, we still have time to raise an unit tactical, and campaign, which allow us to display a program of class independence and to call the fighters and activists to form a reference point, a Left Front to start now to build a political alternative. "

LIT refers of a "front" that would be an alternative of class independence and its program raises a number of demands but it does not call to defeat the Chavist union bureaucracy who subjugate to the fighting labor organizations to the bourgeoisie and to its institutions as Labour Ministry. LIT speaks of "class independence" without calling the workers to break with Chavism, servant of Obama and demolish the Bolivarian Constitution of transnational ... Finally its call to set up a "Workers' Political Tool" is the same policy than in Bolivia where they support to Solares, the COB bureaucrat gravedigger of 2003-05 revolution and supporter of the government of Evo Morales, founded a LP to win parliamentary respecting the Constitution and to sustain the regime of Evo Morales and fascist Media Luna containing the workers sectors and peasants who break with MAS. The renegades of Trotskyists dedicated to submit the most fighters layers of the working class in the Americas to Obama and scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" and regimes. This was also the role of the LIT-CI in the international congresses and Conclat ELAC in Brazil.

It is clear that reformist should disguised of red to contain the combative sectors of the Venezuelan proletariat who is in tough isolated struggles sector by sector as the workers of Polar, cement workers and teachers. But it is also clear that LIT’s call to Chirino is because they have the same strategy of class collaboration, but this time is the UIT-CI OF Chirino who has raised more clearly in his call to the "spoiled vote", let’s see ... "For all those reasons, we call workers, community activists, young people to demosntrate to demand to Maduro’s government to give urgent response to the myriad problems afflicting the people. The problems will continue, and the need to fight for our demands is more alive than ever. Like thousands of people are posing: "the struggle continues". Today more than ever we must rely on our own strength and unitary and autonomous demonstrations."

They call "spoiled vote" but its policy is "to ask to Maduro’s government to give urgent response to the myriad problems ..." this is not to call to break with Chavezism but to put pressure on it, so it gives demands to the workers. The funny thing is that they are placing as winners "Maduro government" ... Was not that neither Capriles nor Maduro solved the problems of the workers? At least that's the title of the statement by UIT-PSL.

This is the reissue of the Stalinist theory of "revolution by stages" and "progressive bourgeoisie" that led to huge losses and catastrophes the world proletariat. For them, first Chavismo would be "progressive", "revolutionary socialist" to the extent that "he brought the masses from poverty" and took "anti-imperialist measures". On the other hand, they claim that it was not all the way in the struggle for socialism, an issue that is still pending, and their movement, supported by the masses, or pushed forward by them, can achieve it.

If today the Venezuelan and Latin American working class have no "alternative" as they say, it is due to their continental policy of support on left side the "Bolivarian revolution" and the World Social Forum. Thousands opportunities the proletariat attempted to break with the Bolivarians, and thousands times the renegades of Trotskyism handcuffed him.

Trotskyists call not to vote any candidate of the infamous regime, we call the vote of the workers to unite the workers' ranks and conquer the fighting organizations to break with Chavezism and take again the path of Caracazo, this time leading him to victory.

Let the Caracazo and the peasant and worker come back in the entire American continent!
For a socialist worker revolution, without generals nor capitalist or imperialist bankers!

Today in Venezuela the ones on the "top" close ranks. Enlist their institutions. They know that the economic crisis, the bankers and imperialist looting, and the vulture "Bolivarian bourgeoisie" and all capitalist of Venezuela poses to move forward in the attack to the masses, as did the infamous regime of Punto Fijo in the 90s.

Layers of the Venezuelan proletariat did their experience with the government, which was not a "friend" of the workers and the people: freezing wage settlements in the Labour Ministry for 3 or 4 years, with gunmen attacking fighters violently or directly with Bolivarian police repressed savagely as it did with Sidor workers.
The working class started to experience with the Chavez’s government. Chavez's death interrupted temporarily this process and the reformist leaderships must prevent reopening it.

Nothing good will come from this election of the bourgeoisie and its politicians. The task at the moment: Unify the worker ranks! For a national congress of workers -employed and unemployed workers- across Venezuela, with delegates of the unemployed committees, one hundred of the entire labor movement to build a list of unique demands, decent work for all, rise wages at a minimum, livable and according to the familiar basket and defined by labor organizations!
To advance into a new offensive by their conquests, the working class must coordinate those who fight. The working class should set up strike committees and picket. For self-defense committees against gangs of thugs, rams and strikebreakers paid by the capitalists, and the National Guard of the repressive boli-bourgoisie government!

We need to break with them all subordination to the Labour Ministry and raise a specification unique demands of all the exploited! Down with the pro-imperialist Bolivarian Constitution!

Wall Street bankers, the imperialism and their Bolivarian partners need to get the Venezuela's foreign debt and demand their share of oil revenues. This needs further devaluation and they can take most of the dollars. For the people there are only inflation, unbacked currency, rate hikes, etc.. Capitalism is not a charity, and less when imperialism is bankrupt.
The revolutionary democratic anti-imperialist tasks remain outstanding and unresolved in Venezuela. The break with imperialism must be accomplished. Only the working class, leading the exploited masses, can conquer.
The exploited suffered hunger because most of the huge oil revenue is taken by imperialism and the bourgeoisie.
There are plenty of funds for a strong investment plan for the nationalized companies. But to do so, we must start not paying a single penny of these expropriations (totaling 26,000 million dollars) where the Venezuelan working class was exploited for decades.

Not a single penny to pay the foreign debt! Immediate Ignorance of the 105,000 billion of the fraudulent Venezuelan foreign debt contracted by the lackeys of imperialism of the regime of the pact Punto Fijo, paid promptly and augmented by the plunder of imperialism, this was done by the Boli-bourgeoisie!
For a plan of public works of building millions of homes, to end with the black market and alms of the exploited who have the black gold under their feet! Public Health and education, free and quality for all!

Stop the freeze of wages, the high cost of living and inflation! For the liquidation of the entire chain of intermediaries in the marketing of food and consumer goods! Supply Committees and price control committees!
Non recognition of the oil contracts between PDVSA and the oil imperialist companies! Full nationalization of Venezuelan oil under worker control!

To solve the chronic unemployment, which stands at 21% / 22% of the labor force, is one of the major outstanding tasks, together with the split with imperialism that neither the pact of Punto Fijo nor the Bolivarian Republic could solve nor will resolve it. Only a government of the working class, expropriating the bourgeoisie and imperialism, based on the demolition of this semi-colonial bourgeois state, can end with the scourge of unemployment of the Venezuelan masses.

Down with the officer caste coup and killer of the people! For soldiers committees! Full rights of organization for the privates! For a minimum livable wage and index of the soldiers while their military service last! Delegates of soldiers with unions, labor organizations and supply and price control committees and the unemployed organizations!
For a republic that is neither Punto Fijo nor Bolivarian! For a working, socialist Venezuela, without generals, capitalist or imperialist bankers!
For the Socialist United States of Central and South America!
The continental policy of the "Bolivarian bourgeoisie" has been, in various forms, such as UNASUR and regional blocs, to keep the imperialist plunder of the oppressed nations of South America, Central America and the Caribbean.
No to the ALBA of the transnational and the capitalist restoration in Cuba! No to ALBA of the pact between Chavezism with the fascist murderer regime of U.S. bases in Colombia!
Down with MERCOSUR of the transnational companies and the FTA between the countries in the Andes and Mexico, that enslave our nation to imperialism!
One single Latin American revolution which will lead, defeating the bourgeois states, the socialist revolution, which will be Latin American and worldwide, or nothing!

For the re-foundation of the Fourth International, 1938!

Board Committee of Democracia Obrera
of LOI-CI, adhesive of FLTI