From Rudolph Klement Socialist Publishing House we denounce that today 3 agents of the “Federal Security Service” (FSB) of Russia detained Andrey Sedov, writer and stringer of our Publishing House because he denounced the massacre to the Syrian masses carried out by the Russian invader troops and the Al Assad regime.
Our writer was thouroughly interrogated in the so-called “pre-emptive conversation” of the FSB, the security apparatus of the Russian State that descends from the KGB and is a true Gestapo under Putin’s command. They took fingerprints and DNA from him for their database. He is now under constant direct surveillance of the FSM, which threatened him with incarceration if he keeps bringing the war crimes of the butcher Putin and the genocidal Al Assad to light.
Putin has been hardening and deepening the persecution to all the activists in Russia, especially to the working class and the militant youth, with hundreds of political prisoners that are tortured in his prisons. Activists and human rights organizations have been denouncing this campaign of repression and arrests wave of the FSB and the terror regime of Putin, which has attacked our writer today.
From Rudolph Klement Socialist Publishing House we call for an international campaign to cease the persecution of Andrey Sedov, who has worked with us in the ellaboration of the books of the Syrian revolution we have published.
The terror regime in Russia fears every word of the truth and that’s why they seek to incarcerate everyone that tells the truth. These repressive actions of Putin’s government are attempts to intimidate and silence jus. But we will not stop our work and we will keep denouncing that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are terrorists and murderers of the masses of Syria and the Middle East!