Argentina, Jujuy - December 27, 2023
As part of the national day of struggle of the CGT and the CTA...
Teachers in struggle in Jujuy demonstrated against the DNU of Milei and the IMF
Different unions that make up the Intergremial marched from their union headquarters to the Plaza Belgrano in front of the governor's office, a hallmark of struggle for workers who go out to fight for their immediate needs such as salary and decent living conditions.
The teachers, members of the ADEP union (pre-school and primary level) marched once again for their demands and rights, against the reform of Morales (UCR) and the PJ and against the DNU of Milei and the IMF. They did so, together with the convening unions, CEDEMS (secondary teachers union), APUA (Association of university professionals of the public administration), SEOM (municipal workers union) and other unions that were accompanied by the different unemployed and social movements together with the left-wing parties.
From the pre-school and primary teachers marched with the slogans of:
"Inflation and the debt, it is not ours, let the caste pay for it and not the people" "No to the DNU and the adjustment" "No to the removal of union rights" "No to the cutting of labor rights" "For a justice on the side of the people and in defense of construction" "No to the protocols that violate and restrict our rights".
In Jujuy we already live these protocols of persecution and criminalization. UP WITH THE RIGHTS! DOWN WITH THE DNU!
Correspondent from Jujuy
Find bellow the speech of the teacher Ernesto, music teacher in struggle, part of the group "LOS MALPA" (underpaid, in Spanish “mal pagados”) demanding "GENERAL STRIKE"...