Senkata, Bolivia - May 16, 2022
A Front comprised of treacherous union bureaucrats and enemies of socialism left the heroic families of victims who were the vanguard of the fight against the 2019 fascist coup alone
It's a huge betrayal to the struggle of the victims of the Senkata and Sacaba massacres who still demand justice, and freedom for the political prisoners
Justice will not come from the government of Arce, an impostor against the people
The trial and punishment of all murderers will not come from any bourgeois government, it will come with a new revolutionary uprising of workers and peasants.
Let's recover the COB (Bolivian Worker Central) from the hands of the trade union bureaucracy!
Neither forgetting, nor forgiving or reconciliation: justice alone
Today in the morning hours (9 a.m.) the march of the victims of the Senkata and Sacaba massacre started from District 8 (El Alto) despite the cold that hits and the strong sun that punishes; going hungry and thirsty, several compañeras in pollera (traditional skirt) carrying their wawas (little children) in their awayos (coloured cloth wrap attached to the body to carry babies an toddlers), among them widows, orphans, workers who are still prosecuted but had no trials and are persecuted, wounded by gunshots advanced kilometers and kilometers to reach the Government Headquarters seeking to be received by the government, which has not yet given justice or freedom to all the political prisoners of 2019 and, on the contrary, it has only guaranteed full freedom to fascists like Camacho, Árias, Mesa and the murderous army officers.
The victims, despite having summoned on several occasions the Bolivian Workers' Federation (COB), the Federation of Neighborhood Councils (FEJUVE) of El Alto, the Regional Workers' Center (COR) from El Alto, the Departmental Workers' Center of La Paz, among other organizations, called on them now again to fight together with them for justice and freedom for all political prisoners; however once again these bureaucratic leaderships flatly turned their backs on them, leaving the victims of the fascist coup alone in their struggle. That is why and with just anger the victims denounced these bureaucrats who use only lip service to fight for justice in their extended meetings and congresses but in fact they have done absolutely nothing for justice. They are wretched!
Not even those left-wing or feminist organizations that sometimes had raised up and claimed to fight for justice for the "shed blood from Senkata and Sacaba" appeared, demonstrating that in fact they are disciplined under the MAS of Arce.
Needless to say what was the attitude of other currents such as the POR de Lora that while the 2019 fascist coup ended up in a bloc with fascism of which they were in fact spokespersons. They were consistent with their actions then, when they slandered the workers and peasants who rose up and sought to confront Camacho and other fascists calling them " MAS hosts”, “lumpenes” and “MAS hordes”. Two variants of a kin of lackeys to the bourgeoisie, turning their backs on the fight for justice and the freedom for all political prisoners.
Despite the fatigue that overwhelmed the victims, they arrived in force in the afternoon at the luxurious Casa Grande del Pueblo where the administration of the Arce government lies; its buildings were expensively guarded by police and members of the Tactical Operations Unit Police (UTOP) who had fenced off the entrance to Murillo Square. The government, accustomed to turning a deaf ear to worker and peasant demands, once again closed its doors to the victims of the Senkata and Sacaba massacres, from which it had harangued promises such as putting justice for the victims as first “priority”. Pure bourgeois demagoguery of the MAS to save the entire murderous regime and protect the businesses of the fascist oligarchy of the Media Luna! Down with the “pacification” deal among the MAS, the Media Luna and the COB bureaucracy that was blessed by the OAS and the UNO!
As if that were not enough, the families of victims denounced that the State, in the hands of Sabina Orellana Cruz (Minister of Culture), organizes Festivals on behalf of the Victims, relatives, injured, tortured of the 2019 massacre to raise money. Families got furious when they found out that this minister had collected around 400 thousand bolivianos (58 thousand dollars) of which not a single penny has reached them that are suffering from hunger, cold and fatigue in demanding justice.
At night, the victims continue fighting in a vigil until the president receives them. They have just written banners with their own blood to achieve their demands for justice, which are those of all the oppressed people.
The victims of the Senkata massacre need all the solidarity of the workers, students and human rights organizations! Open the way to unity and coordination!
Claudia Pafundi's greeting of solidarity from Argentina, on behalf of the Commission of condemned workers, relatives and friends of Las Heras, arrived on the same day of struggle and was well received by the victims. We must deepen solidarity at the national and international level by voting from the assemblies in the factories, mines, schools and workplaces for effective support for our class brothers who still demand justice and freedom for all the political prisoners of 2019!
Enough of lackey leaders in our fighting organizations who are at the service of our executioners! Let's recover the COB, the COR from El Alto, the COD from La Paz and other organizations in order to fight for justice and all our demands raised by the workers and exploited!
Justice will come hand in hand with the worker and peasant uprising conquering our own courts headed by the victims of the 2019 massacre to judge and punish the murderers of the people!
Jail to Camacho, Mesa, Murillo and other fascists and officers of the murderous army!
Out with the UN, the OAS and the IMF!
Neither forgetting, nor forgiving or reconciliation: JUSTICE! The slaves uprising is not a crime, it is justice!
Rifle, Shrapnel, Senkata and Sacaba don't shut up!
Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas de Bolivia
Democracia Obrera Bolivia
(Socialist League of Internationalist Workers of Bolivia
Bolivian Workers' Democracy)