Bolivia, La Paz - October 4, 2022
Breaking News
The miners of Colquiri take to the streets of La Paz again!
The miners' fight must win!
"If the national meeting of the COB has indicated the total abrogation of (DS) 4783, the execution belongs to the COB, Mr. Huarachi and the executives. Unfortunately, it can be seen, and they are not going to deceive us, here they have surrendered themselves body and soul (to the government, TN) and that is a high treason for us."
Colquiri miners show the way! To defeat the attack of the anti- worker government of the MAS, which guarantees business to the Media Luna, it is necessary to defeat the treacherous bureaucracy of the COB and the Mining Federation!
Below we present an interview made to a miner from Colquiri after they mobilized in front of the Ministry of Economy and Finance demanding the abrogation of DS 4783.
Yesterday, there was in a meeting held until midnight. In it, there were leaders of the Mining Federation and different sectors, such as Colquiri , Huanuni, Coro Coro , etc, with the government. The Minister of Economy and Finance made it clear that he is not going to repeal decree 4783. Given the submission of the leaders of the organizations, today the miners have taken to the streets of La Paz again. Long live the struggle of the miners from Colquiri!
There is plenty of money for 100% pensions, work for the unemployed, investment for mining companies, health and free quality education. The transnational mining companies and the cooperative bosses steal it! Nationalization without compensation and under workers' control of the entire mining industry!
Let´s open the road to grassroot assemblies of the CORs , the CODs and of rank and file delegates of the entire COB! ENOUGH WITH THE COLLABORATIVE BUREAUCRACY IN THE COB AND THE MINING FEDERATION!
This attack by the government and businessmen is the same attack for all workers. That's why we can't keep fighting alone and isolated.
Colquiri stood up, the miners of the private mine Bolivar spoke out in their support. May the mining base of Huanuni, Vinto and all the mining companies also rise up to lead the fight.
Let’s coordinate in a committee of workers' organizations such as Colquiri, the factory workers, teachers, SABSA and the poor peasants of the Yungas in struggle to fight in a single list of demands, for a plan of struggle and impose the General Strike to stop this attack.