Bolivia - September 8th 2022
The struggle of the peasants of the Yungas of La Paz:
Open the road to the worker and peasant alliance!
For the immediate uprising of the labor movement against their collaborationist leaderships to blow as a single fist the attack of the government and the looting transnationals that give no peace!
Let's recover the COB from the hands of Huarachi
and other henchmen!
Desde hace años que el gobierno busca controlar políticamente a los campesinos de los Yungas de La Paz a toda costa, tratando de dividirlo, con prebendas, e incluso persecución, y brutales represiones. Tal fue que dividió a su organización Adepcoca (Asociación Departamental de Productores de Coca) y en este último periodo puso incluso un mercado paralelo para la venta de coca en La Paz.
For years the government has sought to control the peasants of the Yungas of La Paz politically at any cost, trying to divide them, with perquisites, and even persecution, and brutal repression. They even divided their organization Adepcoca (Departmental Association of Coca Producers) and in this last period they have even set up a parallel market for the sale of coca in La Paz.
A lot of money is at stake here, from the land rent of the coca fields and all the business derived from it, which the government seeks to capitalize on. Most of the peasants, 35,000 coca growers, are standing up for the struggle of the 43,000 coca growers of La Paz (Yungas). They are marching cold, hungry and tired, they arrived in the streets of Villa Fátima in La Paz looking for the government to close the illegal coca market which was approved along with leaders related to Morales and Arce's MAS.
In La Paz the situation went out of control, with the rage for so many years of job instability and in the face of government persecution they surpassed the police and burned that illegal market. They are also carrying out a criminal process against the Minister of Rural Development Remmy Gonzales and the MAS-related leader Arnold Alanes for "failure to fulfill duties, attack on freedom of work and others".
They have been in a state of emergency for more than a month with constant mobilizations and have only received crack down and witch hunts by the government that guards the illegal market with its police.
The peasants denounce that according to the general coca law there can only be two markets at the national level, one in Cochabamba (Sacaba) where there is coca production and the other in La Paz, but the third is outside the regulations and pursues only political ambitions of the government.
In this situation, the government seeks to disintegrate the forces of the labor and peasant movement, dividing them, or taking them over as it did with the COB, the Mining Federation, the La Paz Factory Worker Federation, etc., so as not to have any questioning of its lackey policies in favor of imperialism.
The MAS seeks to extract a piece of money from the income from the coca plantations while leaving the best lands to the Media Luna oligarchy. Poor peasants have started fighting uncoordinated with the working class, who is suffering terrible leadership crisis because unions have lost their political independence, they are painfully nationalized, as they have been never before.
We must fight from the grassroot workers and peasants in alliance to re-found the COB of '52 from the bottom up!
Down with Huarachi and his clique of
As the Pulacayo Thesis state: war against class collaboration! All the solidarity from the labor movement with the poor peasants of the Yungas.
Enough of persecution and crackdown by Arce’s government, oppressor of peasants and workers!
Down with the oligarchs and landowners that the MAS of Arce protects so much! The oligarchy of the Media Luna must be expropriated to guarantee land to the ruined and poor peasants.
Land, job stability and living wages according to inflation!