Brazil - November 4, 2022
The bourgeois front of Lula-Alckmin has won the elections, it's the new manager for the imperialist businesses and the 300 families
The working class and the impoverished rural and urban masses have been subjected to the "democratic" executioners, US agents
Bolsonaro, the fascist gangs and the generals, murderers of the people are raising their heads
The democratic freedoms, the bread, the roof and the land of the working class and the exploited are to be conquered and defended only with the methods of struggle of the working class and the proletarian revolution
We do not discuss with Fascism, it is to be destroyed!
From the unions, the factory committees, the landless and homeless movements,
A workers' and peasants' militia must now be set up to crush the uprising of the fascist scum!
It is the workers and the poor people who must surround the barracks. There are the common soldiers, the sons of the working class and the people
For committees of common soldiers to control and stop any coupist officer who tries to rise up against the people!
The working class must put order in a Brazil devastated by imperialist looting, which has left millions and millions of exploited people living in famine
Enough already! We must attack the businesses and interests of the 300 families and imperialism!
Bread, land, roof and freedom!
Revolutionary general strike!
The working class have been submitted to the front of Lula and the bourgeoisie, their hands are tied so that they are not able to win over the impoverished middle classes and crush the reaction.
Today the Bolsonaro base is concentrated around the barracks with proto -fascist pickets and blocking more than 200 routes throughout the country, calling for military intervention.
The workers' organizations must break with the bourgeoisie. It is time to break with the capitalists and their parties that subjugate and isolate the working class from its allies in the countryside and the city.
Enough already!
Lula has not come to defeat Bolsonaro, but to surrender Brazil to imperialism. For two days the fascist middle class has won the streets and Lula is in hiding.
From the CUT, the CSP- Conlutas and all the workers', Landless and Homeless organizations, we must break the subordination to Lula- Alkmin and organize immediately and urgently the pickets to crush the reaction.
The metalworkers of Angra in Rio de Janeiro have already marked the way, they marched with their pickets to dissolve the blockade in the BR101 route.
Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be destroyed! From the factories and in the favelas, we must set up right now the workers' militias and the workers' and popular self-defense committees. Those same fascist gangs are calling on the caste of army officers to carry out a coup. We workers must march with our militias on the barracks to crush these concentrations and call on the common soldiers, who are our sons and brothers under arms in the army, to ignore the officers and to come over to the side of the working class and the people. Let's set up Committees of rank and file soldiers to put all officers and military leaders under arrest! We must dissolve the murderous police that arms the fascist gangs!
While the reaction continues in the streets, Lula will take office on January 1 giving full guarantees to imperialism and the bourgeoisie that he will not touch a single one of their assets, profits or businesses.
We must tell the truth to our class. Lula has appointed a direct representative of the 300 families as his vice president so that if he doesn't fulfill his duties, Alckmin can impeach him like Temer did with Dilma. He put the guarantee of a direct man from Wall Street as a finances minister.
Lula only promised to give alms to the slaves, though he is serious about defending the bourgeois regime to the letter and maintaining absolute control of the unions and the labor movement. Even so... nothing is enough. Yesterday the hungry went out to take over supermarkets in some areas of Brazil. It is because they believe that there is a friendly government in charge and so the workers can redouble the offensive for wages, housing, land and work. The relations of forces will be defined in the streets and not in the bourgeois elections in which the bourgeoisie settles the administration of their businesses. Like yesterday with Moro, today Bolsonaro with the reactionary masses in the streets reminds Lula of his character as a prisoner and that he will return to the jail if he does not behave well.
Bolsonaro and the 300 families show the whip to their "democratic" agent, whom they will make kneel down like a camel, so that big capital can climb on his already old humps of liar and impostor to the masses.
The path to follow in order to defeat Bolsonaro and imperialism, for conquering bread and land and crushing the proto -fascist gangs is to expropriate the transnationals, imperialism and the 300 richest families, the great owners of Brazil, among them the dame Alckmin and the CEOs of the banks…we have to hit them where it hurts, in their profits and properties. Out with the IMF! Out with the transnationals!
Democratic freedom and rights are only defended with the method of the proletarian revolution.
We must stop reaction just now! They are coming against the entire working class and the poor people! As we workers' organizations did in the '30s, when we marched to crush the fascist "green shirts" in Praça da Sé... As our brothers from Bolivia raised in the streets, confronting the fascist gangs of the Media Luna in 2019: Now yes, civil war!