Brazil - September 21st, 2022
Presidential Elections
√ The working class never gave up and keep on fighting Bolsonaro and the bosses, with strikes, factory occupations, etc…
√ Lula and the PT, together with all the bosses' parties, supported by the bootlicker bureaucracy, supported the hated Bolsonaro government from the “opposition” and now hand in hand with the FIESP…
They imposed the electoral trap...
No political support for the bourgeois front of Lula- Alckmi
They also represent imperialism and the proslavery bosses
Workers and the exploited…
LET'S VOTE FOR THE WORKER CANDIDATES of the Revolutionary and Socialist Pole
For a provisional worker and peasant government
supported by the self-organized and armed masses
Next October 2, the bourgeois elections for president will take, with the runoff on the 30th. In addition to the president, governors, federal and state deputies and senators will be voted on. They impose the electoral trap at a time of enormous awakening of the Brazilian working class, they continue to confront Bolsonaro relentlessly and will do so until the very day of the elections. Those were the only one who didn't give up. Despite suffering from the pandemic with almost 700,000 deaths and unheard-of illnesses and with stabbings in the back from the bureaucracy that negotiated the surrender of wages and collective agreements, the workers never stopped fighting. There were more than enough conditions to conquer the general strike and defeat Bolsonaro in the streets. In the midst of the pandemic, more than 600 strikes broke out in 2020, in 2021 there were more than 720, deepening this path as we see in 2022.
This poses enormous challenges to prevent the elections from diverting the ongoing struggle and numbing the forces of the working class subjected to Lula, as well as to lead the fight that is underway to victory, developing the organisms of self-organization and unified struggle, independent of the bourgeoisie and its state. (See box: “The working class puts up a fight…”)
Lula in 2018 surrendered to Judge Moro and called for Bolsonaro to be removed by voting in 2022...
Now he comes to subdue the workers and get them off the streets
to prevent the defeat of Bolsonaro and the capitalists
To tell the truth, the one who surrendered a long time ago was Lula and the PT, along with the bootlickers of the trade union. This trap of the bourgeois elections was imposed because, in the face of former president Temer hated by the masses, Lula surrendered to Judge Moro and agreed to go to jail, calling, from the ABC Metallurgical Union hugging the church, the working class to leave the streets. It was from there that the Bolsonaro government emerged, from the surrender of Lula, the PT and the union bureaucracy, which called on the working class to wait until the 2022 elections to defeat Bolsonaro. They set up this plan supported by the collaborationist leaderships from the CUT, the CTB, the Força Sindical, from the MST and the MTST, etc. Down with the collaborationist union bureaucracy!
At the same time, they were supported by the left from the Intersindical led by the Castro currents of the PSOL and from a part of the leadership of the CSP-Conlutas that also leads the PSOL. The latter will not present an independent candidacy against the bourgeoisie and will support the Lula- Alckmin candidacy in an electoral front. (See box: “The PSOL deceives the workers… ” ).
With the elections they want to paralyze the working class and get them off the streets. To divert, subdue and strangle them, Lula's class collaboration front is set up with Alckmin called "Brazil of Hope", which make up: PT, PSB, PCdoB, PV, PSOL, REDE and SOLIDARIEDADE. And that a few days ago they met with the banker Meirelles and other bourgeois politicians at a convention in São Paulo. (See box: “A picture is worth a thousand words…” )
Today Lula and Alckmin are the "alternative" set up by imperialism and the FIESP of the same type of replacements that have already been applied in Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, etc. In other words, a government of class collaboration, which comes to prevent the ongoing struggles of the working class from defeating the hated Bolsonaro government.
This is how the bourgeoisie and its politicians deceive and swindle the working class! The electoral process that is underway is nothing more than a smoke screen that hides the brutal jump in the attack against the exploited. Enough of submission to the bourgeois regime that only guarantees "Order and Progress" for a handful of capitalists with super-exploitation, looting and millions of hungry! Down with the infamous regime of the 1988 Constitution!
Lula knows very well what it is about, because he has already done it since his origins in the '70s, surrendering the struggle of the working class, when he emerged as a trade union bureaucrat of the "Pastoral Operaria", that is, of the current of the Catholic church within the labor movement, earning the trust of the capitalists. Then he governed together with the bourgeoisie of the PMDB of Alencar and Temer, from 2003 to 2016, handing over Brazil to transnationals.
Today capitalists and imperialism come from all over to recolonize Brazil. The next government will strictly impose the imperialist plan against the working class and the exploited. And to impose it, it has to defeat the working class that is fighting it.
For this reason, with the trap of bourgeois elections, imperialism and the slaver bosses will always win, enormously legitimizing the next government so that it applies the plans that Bolsonaro could not impose, to guarantee the recolonization of Brazil. IT'S THEM OR US! May the factory committees and the strike commandos of 1978-80 return! Let's resume the fight in the streets as in 2013!
In the first and in the second round...
No political support to the bourgeois candidacy of Lula-Alckmin!
From the CSP-Conlutas let us promote...
Committees of Support to the workers' candidates of the Socialist and Revolutionary Pole
We see the entire bootlicker bureaucracy, supported from the left by the PSOL, PCdoB, etc., defending that "to defeat Bolsonaro we must vote for Lula-Alckmin." Actually, it is quite the opposite. To defeat Bolsonaro is necessary to guarantee that the working class and the exploited become independent from the bosses.
We call on the workers not to vote for their enemies in the bourgeois parties, much less in their alliances disguised as "allies" such as Lula-Alckmin. In the midst of this electoral trap, it is a key question to unite the ranks of the working class and the poor peasants, to unify the sectors that are on strike in a Struggle National Committee, to strike as a single fist against the capitalists.
We call for a vote of class independence! Today around the "Socialist and Revolutionary Pole", led by the PSTU-LIT, the CST-UIT, the MRT (Argentine PTS group) dozens of workers candidacies are presented in the elections, where they correctly determine the need to defeat Bolsonaro's government with actions in the streets. We call for a class vote in the Revolutionary Socialist Pole. From now on we call the currents that compose this Pole and we will put our forces so that, from the CSP-Conlutas, to set up Committees in Support of workers candidacies of the Pole.
Except where they present as candidate the governor an officer of the Military Police in the state of Espírito Santo, an issue that we repudiate, since this means calling on the workers to vote for their repressors.
Neither in the first nor in the second round do we vote for or support our executioners!
For proletarian internationalism and the socialist revolution
Under the banners of the Fourth International
Imperialism counts in these elections with the "alternatives" of Bolsonaro or Lula, knowing that both will govern under the command of the US imperialism and the transnationals. That is why Ukraine and Syria are the mirror where all the oppressed peoples of the world should look at, if they do not defeat imperialism and its servants: the
sepoy bourgeoisies.
The last word has not been said, THE FIGHT CONTINUES! Lula-Alckmin are not allies of the working class and the exploited, THEY DO NOT REPRESENT US! Our allies are the workers and the exploited in struggle of the whole continent, mainly the North American working class, and of the imperialist metropolises like England, Germany, Italy, etc. There are the forces to develop the awakening of the Brazilian working class towards the triumph.
The currents of the reformist left promise more "democracy" and "freedom" hand in hand with the exploiters. Phonies! The struggles that are underway need a revolutionary leadership that confronts the collaborationist leaderships, which is the only way to pave the way for the workers to respond to the war they have declared on them, on the road of socialist revolution.
That is why we the exploited will get our demands only through a provisional revolutionary workers' and peasants' revolutionary government, supported by the self-organized and armed masses, in alliance with the exploited of the continent, so as to put an end to the sufferings of the people, the imperialist plunder and the big landed property of the parasitic oligarchy, on the ruins of the infamous regime of the 1988 Constitution.
For this reason, today more than ever we need to set up an internationalist, revolutionary and insurrectionist party. The class struggles that are underway will give us a thousand and one opportunities to regroup the ranks of revolutionaries under the Transitional Program of the Fourth International of 1938. We Trotskyists of the CROJA-FLTI put all our forces into this combat.
Revolutionary Workers' and Youth Committee for Self-Organization
and Youth for Self-Organization, Brazil
Adherent of the FLTI
Despite the electoral trap, the working-class wages battle
No more fighting divided!
Down with the collaborationist bureaucracy of the CUT, CTB, FS, etc!
National Fighting Committee!
May the Factory Committees and the Strike Commandos return!
As we have said, the working class did not give up and put up a fight, reversing in a large part of the factories in struggle the bosses' plan of massive layoffs, factory closures, liquidation of the agreements; most sectors that waged battle overcoming the bureaucracy, as we happened in the metallurgists in San José dos Campos de Avibras (arms factory), in the steelworks of the CSN, or in the transport workers of the whole country going on strike, as in the subway workers, to give just a few examples, of workers' struggles that ended in partial victories.
Now, at the height of the electoral situation, a huge strike has begun at the Mercedes Benz factory in San Bernardo do Campo against the attempted mass dismissal of more than 3,600 workers. Just a few weeks before the elections, it is clear that the workers have not given up and continue to fight, bringing to life the threat of the factory committees of 1978-80, which may be a nightmare scenario for the bourgeoisie and imperialism. THE BRAZILIAN WORKING CLASS BEGINS TO STAND UP.
The bourgeoisie knows that the working class has not been defeated yet and, although it is momentarily under electoral deception, it has just twisted the arm of the bosses and continues to stand up in enormous struggles with factory occupations, strikes and actions in the streets, as it has not been seen for decades. In order to divert, subdue and strangle this awakening of the working class that threatened to wipe out Bolsonaro, the Lula-Alckmin formula has been set up as a deception and as an "alternative", under the direct command of the FIESP and transnationals.
Thanks to the collaborationist policy of the bureaucracy, thousands of workers are standing up but they are doing so in isolated and struggles separate from each other; in the meantime, those leadership that we must vote for Lula-Alckmin in order to defeat Bolsonaro. Down with the collaborationist bureaucracy of the CUT, FS, CTB, etc.! Otherwise, it is not possible to advance or take decisive steps to achieve living wages of R$5,000 for all to make end meets, to fight for the distribution of the working hours without cutting down salaries, for decent jobs for all, to achieve land, decent housing, so we can never break with imperialism and the IMF. To conquer the slightest and most immediate demands, it is necessary to unite the ranks of the workers and defeat the traitors of the collaborationist union bureaucracy.
It is necessary to break the submission to the bourgeoisie imposed on us by the bootlicker bureaucracy, in the midst of the ongoing struggles. There are enormous conditions so that from the CSP-Conlutas and from all the sectors in struggle of all the trade union, of the landless peasants and homeless workers, a call is made to set up a National Committee of Struggle to unite the scattered struggles and to confront the policy of class collaboration of the pelega bureaucracy that kneel us before the executioners. To prepare, organize and conquer the General Strike that will sweep away the attack of the capitalists and imperialism... Let us stand up, with delegates from all the factories and establishments: working and popular grassroot committees and the centralized strike commandos by neighborhood, region, state and national level. Down with the bootlicker bureaucracy! Open the road to the workers in struggle!
The PSOL deceives the workers and dresses out Lula-Alckim as if they were their “democratic” allies Let's break with the PSOL's policy that subjects the workers to their executioners!
While Lula has already stated in several interviews that he will not try to reverse the labour and social security reform, that he will not reverse anything that the bourgeois has already conquered with Bolsonaro’s government, we see that the PSOL will not present independent candidates, and not only they call to vote for the Lula-Alckim formula, but in faced with this possible new government, they are ready to support them from the parliaments and the governorates. What we see with the PSOL of Brazil is comparable to what happened with the Podemos of the Spanish State.
For these elections, the PSOL has federated to the Rede Sustentabilida, the party of Marina Silva and Heloisa Helena. It is a bourgeois party financed directly by the Itau Bank, one of the greatest banks in the country. Their argument for calling to vote for Lula is: “Everybody against Bolsonaro, in defense of democracy, Lula president”.
But Lula goes with Alckim. A man who comes from the leadership of the PSDB, the most right-wing party of the industrial bourgeois, the party of the FIESP. Alckmin is a man of the Opus Dei. Therefore, the candidature of Lula-Alckim comes from winning the sympathy of Pope Francisco himself!
Alckmin already ruled Sao Paulo from the PSDB with an iron fist. He is from FIESP, the industrial chamber which with the imperialism and transnationals installed in Brazil organized the coup of 1964. It is neither democratic nor progressist. It is for the same FIESP that in the basement of the Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz factories tortured activists during the dictatorship.
The defense of the Lula-Alckmin formula as “democratic and progressist” shows the collapse of the PSOL. It shows that they have openly renounced to Socialist revolution and take a leap in its assimilation into the bourgeois regime. Hence, it is striking, and thousands of vanguard workers and youth wonder it, why the CST-UIT (that ahead the Socialist and Revolutionary Pole) or the LS-LIS, among other currents of the known as “Radical Left Bloc” refuse to break with this party. Those organizations claim to defend class independence and reject the policy of the PSOL leadership. Let´s break with the policy of subjecting the exploited to their executioners!
In these photos we see how far the policy of submission and class collaboration goes. In the photo, Guilherme Boulos for the PSOL, is proudly attending those events, and also Luciana Genro of the PSOL, the principal leader of the Movimento de Esquerda Socialista (MES). This image speaks by itself. Firstly, they said that it would be an alliance with the “democratic” Lula, then that they it could also be accepted that he goes with Alckmin, then they rejected to present an independent candidature and they federated with the bourgeois party of Rede.
And now? Now they meet and they shake hands with banker Henrique Meirelles. Now they shake hands with the former President of the Central Bank during Lula government, his career as a banker always linked to BankBoston, even during the military dictatorship, since 1974 holding both the presidency of BankBoston and as CEO in the US. He was Minister of Finance and Planning (Minister of Economy TN) during the government of Temer, former vice-president of Dilma, since 2016 to 2018.
THE PSOL LIES! They deceive the workers telling them that with them, we will defeat Bolsonaro in the elections. THE PSOL TO THE PRECIPICE!