Chile - February 18, 2023
The pro-US government of Boric and the CP "prescribe" the Chilean constitutional trap,
to save the Fujimorist regime and strangle the Peruvian national insurgency
Today in Peru there is an enormous revolutionary combat. The revolted masses of workers and peasants from deep Peru have been fighting every day in the streets against the counterrevolutionary coup, to bring down the murderer Dina Boluarte, and that hated and corrupt parliament of servants of the US and so that nothing of the infamous Fujimorist regime remains standing. The national insurgency of the fierce Peruvian masses has already lost about a hundred of their own to the bullets of the army and the murderous police and hundreds have been wounded or mutilated, imprisoned or prosecuted.
But that great national insurrection is threatened. Delegations of varied stripes from the world reformist left are arriving in Lima. Parliamentarians from that puppet imperialist Maastricht European Parliament arrived. Between February 6 and 9, three members of the European Parliament were in Peru, namely Manuel Pineda (Unidas Podemos), Sandra Pereira (Communist Party of Portugal) and José Gusmao (also from Portugal). Manuel Pineda met with "congressmen from the Peruvian left who are fighting for a constituent assembly" and on his return to Spain he published an article in El Diario called "Peru: standing in the street for democracy". There, he recommends that the solution is a new constitution, which, he says, "is neither a new recipe nor an experiment. It is the same path that neighboring countries such as Bolivia or Chile have taken in recent years". From Latin America, in countries like Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, etc. large delegations also arrived, including of course the renegades of Trotskyism in all its variants. They all come to support that traitorous Stalinist bureaucracy of the CGTP controlled by the CP and Patria Roja, which from the beginning has been betraying the fight of the exploited while negotiating with the murderer Boluarte. They also meet with the scammer Verónica Mendoza and her party “Nuevo Peru” (New Peru), whose presidential candidacies were supported by Stalinism and Pablo Iglesias, leader of the Spanish Podemos, the same ones who had betrayed the fight of the Indignados of Spain before and supported the ultra-reactionary Spanish monarchy together with the Spanish CP. All this filth of the "New Left" of the world together with all the Peruvian reformism are plotting to get the revolted masses off the streets, save the murderer Boluarte, the Fujimorist regime and impose an anti-democratic trap, to strangle the Peruvian national insurgency.
As part of that same policy, the Chilean government sends one of its men to Peru: Diego Ibáñez, MP of Chile and president of Boric's party Convergencia Social (Social Convergence). In an interview with the bourgeois newspaper La República (The Republic) and in a virtual forum together with Verónica Mendoza and a member of the European Parliament, among others, this character has insisted over and over again that in the face of the political crisis that Peru is going through, the example to follow is that of Chile.
This is what Ibáñez said in the interview: “Chile serves as an example that in turbulent times, the political elites must take up these demands and open the institutions, understanding that the problems of democracy are solved with more democracy. (...) The example that serves in Chile is that even the right-wing agreed to open the institutions to convene a constituent process that would allow a long-term stability. When the institutions and politics are closed, the protests continue to be reproduced. They may calm down for a while, but eventually they keep on reproducing." He says that the example set by Chile is that the right-wing agreed with the constituent trap called by Piñera himself.
And then he states that “The constituent process is a sovereign power, but it has certain principles. It is not an overflowed power. The principles that we gave to the first constituent process in Chile were respect for judicial rulings, respect for the democratic and republican character of Chile, while any other political model could not be installed in a constituent assembly, and the constituent assembly must respect the human rights treaties ratified by Chile. This fixes you to develop the debate in a certain way.”
As it could not be otherwise, he openly claims the "Agreement for social peace and the new Constitution" which is the one that regulated the farce of the Constituent Assembly in Chile as an appendix of the Pinochetist regime. This Constituent Assembly is totally rigged and fraudulent, which did not give bread, neither free education, nor land nor anything to the masses, and guaranteed all their businesses and property to imperialism and capitalists and kept the civic-military regime intact.
It should be noted that with that infamous "Agreement for social peace and the new Constitution" of November 15, 2019, signed by the former MP of Chile and today president G. Boric, they saved the notorious Pinochetist regime and Piñera, who was hanging by a thread. He is the one who called for the constituent farce. Subsequently, with anti-democratic referendums, a constituent convention, municipal, parliamentary and presidential elections, they ended up getting the masses off the streets. Now, those hated parties of the right-wing and the pro-US left, after the last referendum on September 4, 2022, want to impose a new deadly trap on the workers and the people, with their so-called "Agreement for Chile." Turning their backs on the people, the representatives and senators of the government and opposition, from the CP to the UDI and Republicans of Kast, have ended up implementing the next constitutional trap. The parliament, at cave of bandits servants of the imperialist transnationals, appointed a Commission of 24 Experts who will draft the proposal prior of the new constitutional text. 50 members will be the "Constitutional Council" elected by popular vote and 14 members of a "Technical Admissibility Committee" appointed by parliament. If the previous constitutional convention was anti-democratic, rigged and fraudulent, the new one will be worse and very similar to the one prepared by Jaime Guzmán's handful of “experts” and the Pinochetist armed forces in the '80s. The Chilean exploited are only granted the "democracy" of going to vote compulsorily to elect the "Constitutional Council" in April this year and in the undemocratic ratification referendum of November 26, 2023!
This way, they secure to maintain the essence of Pinochet's '80 constitution, protected by the genocidal military and the US embassy. This MP, a paid servant of the US transnationals, however, did not say a single word about the trap of the "New Agreement for Chile", which will only give "more democracy", but for the rich and fabulous profits for the imperialist transnationals and their minor native partners.
Those who proved themselves by surrendering the revolutionary struggle in Chile, who today manage the business of the imperialist mining companies from the government, and the Pinochetist military, who keep dozens of fighters imprisoned, are going to Peru, sent by imperialism, to export that counterrevolutionary plan in a rigged Constituent that, just as it guaranteed that Piñera remains in power in Chile, in Peru it can guarantee that Boluarte stays and make an "orderly exit" with some cosmetic reforms in the Fujimorist regime, to wash its face as "democratic" in the midst of a counterrevolutionary coup that murdered dozens of comrades and today the jails are filling up with fighters.
The starvation government of Boric, the CP and its ex- concertationist partners like the PS and the PPD has been in office for a year and it has only deepened its attack on the workers and the people, on behalf of US imperialism, to continue subjugating the nation to the looting of copper, lithium, and all our natural resources. Inflation is close to 14%. This diminishes the meager wages of workers. Pensions are miserable. Labor informality and unemployment will be even worse due to the international economic crisis, and it will become unbearable for the working majority.
Meanwhile, the government of the jailer Boric and the CP continue with the militarization of Araucanía against the Mapuche poor peasantry. Furthermore, to complete reinforcing the civic-military regime, with the votes of the Communist Party and the Frente Amplio (Broad Front), the hated parliament approved that the Pinochetist armed forces monitor critical infrastructure, with the excuse of "protecting the northern macro-zone, from the migratory crisis and insecurity caused by organized crime”. LIES. A strike in a strategic sector of the economy, such as a big mine, a refinery, ports, or any fundamental sector of the country's operation such as health, it could be branded as critical infrastructure and therefore the Armed Forces may intervene to restore "The rule of law". This is possible because this government of class collaboration is sustained and supported with the complicity of the union bureaucracies and the leadership of the labor movement, which called to vote for it. Those who are at the head of this policy once again are the strikebreakers of the CUT and its Social Unity Board and the entire reformist left of the most diverse stripes.
The renegades of Trotskyism, who participated in the constitutional fraud, have also disembarked in Lima, as well as those who called to vote for Boric “against the right-wing” in Chile. A representative of the PTR and another of the LOR-CI of Bolivia participated in a forum-debate at the UNMSM with a congresswoman of the parliament from Fujimorist regime. This is a scandal. Those who called to vote for Castillo-Boluarte in Peru, Petro-Márquez in Colombia and Lula-Alckmin in Brazil have also attended. All these currents, for a while now, have adopted the classic Stalinist policy of supporting the "progressive bourgeois camps" or "democratic camps" as part of that deadly trap against the workers.
Enough of deceiving the workers and bringing them to their knees before their executioners! Today our brothers in Peru are fighting against the military coup and that illegitimate and murderous government of Boluarte. That is the way to go! Fight against these pro-US governments, who are not friends of the poor people and who are there to impose the looting plans of imperialism! Today in Peru the revolutionary combat of October 2019 is lived! Our class brothers and sisters cannot be left alone in the face of the massacre carried out by the Fujimorist military and the Boluarte government! We must set up a Continental Congress of worker and peasant organizations!
The workers and peasants of Peru fight for bread, for land, for freedom. That is why they face the counterrevolutionary coup of Dina Boluarte and the US. They know of the enormous riches in copper, gold, lithium, etc. that Peru has, but the imperialist transnationals plunder it. That's why they shout GRINGOS GET OUT!
The workers and poor peasants, especially in the regions, have been developing their self-organization structures. They have set up their struggle committees, their coordination organs, etc. and they marched to Lima to fight to topple the Boluarte government, and that pro-US Congress of the Fujimorist regime. The Peruvian exploited are showing all the exploited of the continent a great example of how to fight. That is the only way to confront this hunger governments, whether Boric of Chile, Petro of Colombia, Lula-Alckmin of Brazil or Fernández of Argentina, etc. all lackeys of imperialism.
The trap that the Stalinists of the CP and the CP Patria Roja, together with Nuevo Peru, the CGTP bureaucracy and the entire Peruvian reformist left, all members of that infamous world “New Left”, are trying to set up is a supposed “democratic way out that demands the resignation of Boluarte, snap elections with recomposition of the Congress of the Republic and a Constituent Referendum” behind the backs of the masses and in an undemocratic way to save the Fujimorist regime of the US. It is a sinister scam against the struggle of the Peruvian exploited!
To this scam we must oppose the fight for a truly free and sovereign Constituent Assembly, imposed on the ruins of the Fujimorist regime, without Dina Boluarte, without that puppet fujimorist congress, without genocidal military, without the murderous police, without corrupt politicians, without imperialist transnationals and without treacherous bureaucrats. This Assembly is to break with imperialism, hand over the land to the poor peasants, to impose the end to all the powers of the State and the Fujimorist regime and all the treaties that bind Peru to imperialism. It is to, at the same time, give genuine work for all available hands with a minimum wage equal to the cost of the family basket for the working class and to guarantee free public education and health care for the children of the workers and all the pressing demands of the exploited of the Peruvian nation. Only a provisional revolutionary government of workers and poor peasants, disarming the army and all the Fujimorist repressive forces, will be able to conquer the broadest democratic freedoms and a truly free and sovereign revolutionary Constituent Assembly, which will be able to decide the destiny of the nation without the rifles of the generals and Fujimorist military pointing at the heads of the exploited Peruvians.
Tens of thousands of Peruvian immigrant workers live in Chile and are over-exploited by subcontractors in mining, in ports, in construction or as domestic workers. The organizations of the Chilean working class and all those who claim to defend the interests of the working class have the obligation to speak out against the counterrevolutionary coup of Boluarte and the US, and go in support of our class brothers in Peru. Nothing prevents it! As the motto of immigrant workers in Chile says: Chilean or foreign, the same working class!
Open the road to the Latin American worker and peasant alliance to expel imperialism that comes to plunder all the wealth of our continent! One singe class, one single fight!
We must break all economic, political and military treaties with imperialism!
Open the road to the unity of the exploited of Latin America with the workers of the US!
Out with the US military bases in Peru, Colombia, Chile, and the entire Latin America!
Freedom now to the prisoners for fighting!
For the working class to live, imperialism must die!
Peru will be socialist or a Wall Street colony! |