Chile - May 19, 2022
While fascism raises terror in the streets...
The government of Boric and the CP, supported by all the leftists disciplined to Biden and the US, with the Pinochetist generals...
Militarizes the Araucanía of the workers and Mapuche poor peasants
Days ago, the Boric government announced the "state of exception" in the Araucanía and Bío Bio regions. There was an immediate military deployment to suppress, discipline and intimidate the fair struggle of the Mapuche-ethnic origin poor peasants, who are fighting for their lands to be returned, and also against the entire working class.
Today the Pinochetist military are once again patrolling the streets of southern Chile, this time not sent by Piñera, but by the government of Boric and the CP, who did not hesitate to militarize Araucanía, relying on the damned 1980 Constitution, from which they claim to be their “enemies”. Cynics!
This is the true face of this government of class collaboration, an agent of imperialism, which today resorts to the Armed Forces to protect the private property of the forestry companies, the big landowners and the imperialist transnationals that usurped the lands that belong to the poor peasantry.
The Communist Party was the vanguard in this measure, with the traitor Camila Vallejo slandering comrade Celestino Córdoba as a "common prisoner" to make the people believe that there are no Mapuche political prisoners, when dozens of comrades rot in the dungeons of this infamous regime because they fought for their legitimate demands. The “red pacos” (cops), commanding the repression of the “green pacos” and the Pinochetist military, are the dangerous ones! Nothing different from what the Cuban Communist Party does, beating up the workers and youth who revolted last year and today sentenced to prison with sentences from hell for those who "dared" to take to the streets against the hunger that they suffer for the capitalist restoration who imposed Castroism on the island to hand it over to imperialism.
It is no surprise that the Boric government takes the military to the streets. In these two months in office, it has largely demonstrated that it is the direct agent of the US imperialism, which came to the administration of the Pinochet regime of the genocidal generals, imperialism and the FTA, and to strictly apply the worst plans of the transnationals to continue unloading all the weight of the crisis on the working class and the exploited with hunger, fierce cost of living, miserable pensions and wages, unemployment… That is why each sector that took to the streets for their demands was violently repressed like the high school students of Santiago or ENAP's subcontracted workers; not to mention the fascist gangs that act in coordination with the pacos and are armed by the pinochetist generals and the transnationals, who murdered comrade Francisca Sandoval and previously attacked the migrant workers and high school students in struggle.
All this is what is being covered up by the scam of the Constitutional Convention, totally rigged and anti-democratic. While the masses suffer terrible hardships, imprisonment, repression and death, this appendage of the Pinochetist regime has finished its proposal for a new Constitution, which confirms that it is a formal makeup of the 1980 Constitution to uphold the uncompromising defense of private property the transnationals, the capitalists and the generals, as marked today by Pinochet's constitution. We are facing a “new” Constitution that does not give anything to the exploited masses nor does it solve any of their demands, neither the rupture with imperialism and the FTAs, nor the renationalization without payment and under workers' control of copper, nor the land to the poor peasants, no bread, no work, no decent wages or pensions for workers, no free education for the worker's son... It is a farce that poses as "democratic" and does not even guarantee the trial and punishment of the murderers of our martyrs nor the freedom of political prisoners. That is why the financial superoligarchy of Wall Street like Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan, the same ones that organized the coup in 1973, today support and call for the approval of the “new” Constitution. This is the Constitutional Convention of the pirates of the US imperialism!
With that farce of the Constituent Convention they want to continue deceiving us by talking about "democracy" and "freedom" when the genocidal military patrol the streets of Chile, when the fascist gangs murder fighters, when the repression only deepens, when thousands of comrades continue to be political prisoners. This is their true "democracy": the one of this damned Pinochetist regime, which the workers, the rebellious youth and the exploited masses fought to defeat with the revolutionary uprising of October 2019. The Constituent Convention scam was one of the fundamental pillars of the enormous trap set up by the bourgeoisie and the treacherous bureaucracies of the CUT and the Social Unity Roundtable against the revolted masses with the "Pact for Peace and the New Constitution" signed by Boric himself, to get us off the streets, save Piñera and the civic-military regime of the 1980 Constitution, in order to keep safe the domain of the exploiters against the working class and the exploited.
It is a cruel deception against the fighters for dignity so that the same Pinochetist regime continues, now with another collar, that of the cosmetic reforms of the Constituent Convention and the government of Stalinism and the Broad Front.
The renegades of Trotskyism are the advisors of the class collaboration government of Boric and the CP, the new executioner of the working class and the exploited masses
These currents, at every step, dedicated themselves to submit the masses to the rigged Constituent Assembly, starting with the MIT/LIT-CI which, hand in hand with the seat of its leader María Rivera, is part of that fraudulent Convention. They, together with other groups such as the PTR/PTS and the MST/UIT-CI, not only supported carrying out this Constituent farce, but also argued that this totally fraudulent Convention could "become sovereign, remove Piñera and assume power." They wanted to make believe that with the help of that bourgeois power they could defeat Piñera and the Pinochet regime and grant democracy, bread and freedom to the exploited, when that Convention is an appendage of the civil-military regime and is under the control of that caste of counterrevolutionary officers of the Armed Forces who at gunpoint guard the private property of the capitalists and imperialism.
Along with this, the MIT and the MST (in addition to the POR/Tendency of the Argentine PO and the majority of the continent's left), called to vote and/or support the electoral front of the Broad Front, the CP and the coup DC(Christian Democratic Party) with the excuse to "confront Kast" and even marched last May 1st, on International Workers' Day, in the official demonstration of this government sponsored by the CUT bureaucracy.
Today all these currents "regret" because Boric takes the military to the streets but they only continue to embellish that government of class collaboration. Thus, on May 17, the PTR affirms that the government decreed a “state of exception” because he “gave in to the right”, as if this were a “progressive government” that “yields to the pressure of the businessmen and Pinochetists political parties.” and not what it is: a direct agent of the capitalists and imperialism.
For its part, the MIT demands that Boric withdraw the military from Araucanía, while in the face of the murder of Francisca Sandoval they affirm in their statement on May12: “If the government really wants to investigate and dismantle organized crime and put an end to the complicity of the police, must form an autonomous Investigative Committee in relation to the state apparatus, which works in parallel and related to the Prosecutor's Office that investigates the case "... A policy similar to the one proclaimed by the MST that in a publication of May 12 it demands "to Boric substantive measures to stop this escalation", referring to the "bestial police fascist lumpen repression".
According to the LIT and the UIT, the responsible for confronting fascism and doing justice for Francisca is the government of the Broad Front and the CP, even together with the Pinochetist justice prosecutors who keep thousands of political prisoners and guaranteed impunity for all the military and boss politicians murderers of the people! They show a government that would have nothing to do with Pinochet generals in a civic-military regime, when Boric is the commander in chief of the Armed Forces and the policemen, under the orders of the Con Con US military base and the Pentagon. These people call this bourgeois government of class collaboration (a direct agent of US imperialism!) to break with the bourgeoisie and its band of armed men and carry out the tasks that only the working class can carry out, fighting for the proletarian revolution together with all the exploited classes of the nation. Stop lying!
The renegades of Trotskyism thus reissue the old Stalinist recipe of supporting the "progressive bourgeois camps" or "democratic" (as it is for them the government of the Broad Front and the CP), for the sake of "confronting the right" and the "fascism."Everyone with Boric against fascism" is their policy of "anti-fascist democratic front"... A brutal deception because democracy and fascism come out of the same sewer that is this capitalist system and, as Trotsky said, "for the capitalist class the difference between democracy and fascism is not decisive. Depending on the circumstances, they uses one or the other for their own ends.” Thus, today in Chile, imperialism supports Boric and the CP with its left hand and its fascist agent with its right.
Precisely for this reason what these currents affirm is an infamy, because the Boric government is not here to confront fascism or to disarm the Pinochet generals, quite the contrary. This government of class collaboration is here to numb the masses, remove them from the direct struggle in the streets, repress with blood and fire -as it is doing-, the most combative sector of the working class and the exploited with the repressive forces of the state and the Armed Forces, and thus pave the way for fascism to continue to raise its head and crush the proletariat. That is why Trotsky stated: “The Popular Front (referring to the government of class collaboration, NdR ) creates favorable conditions for the victory of fascism by lulling workers and peasants with parliamentary illusions, paralyzing their political will. The policy of alliances with the bourgeoisie is going to cost the working class dearly, years of suffering, of sacrifices, if not decades of fascist terror”. (“A Prognosis Confirmed, July 23, 1936).
That "policy of alliances with the bourgeoisie" is what the renegades of Trotskyism raise today, being the advisers of this government of class collaboration and subjecting the working class to its new executioner to prevent the proletariat from leading the struggle to crush the fascism and defeat the officer caste and the entire pro-imperialist civic-military regime and its government. This can only be done by resuming the revolutionary path of October 2019, setting up the Industrial Cordons, the first line, the self-defense committees, the workers' and peasants' militia, etc., and for this the first task is to impose the rupture of all the workers' organizations with the government of the Broad Front and the CP.
At 180° from this, the policy of these currents is to “give a democratic varnish” to the Pinochetist regime with the help of the Constituent Assembly and the Boric government, which come to keep that infamous regime intact… But we are not even dealing with consistent democrats in their “fight” against Pinochetism and fascism. If they were so, they would have called the workers to mobilize and arm themselves to defeat the repressive forces of the state, the Armed Forces officers, the Con Con base and the fascist gangs. The true policy of these leaderships is the "peaceful way" to "democratize" a regime that was imposed with a ferocious counterrevolutionary coup in 1973, which today shows entirely its Pinochet face with soldiers in the streets. They are following the footsteps of the Communist Party of Corbalán and Fidel Castro who with this policy betrayed the revolution of the Industrial Cordons in the '70s!
Today, while Stalinism has returned to power in Chile, it is the renegades of Trotskyism who play their role. Disciplined to Biden and the US, they are responsible for all the anti- worker measures that "their" president Boric is executing. We are facing a reformist left that uses the clean banners of the Fourth International to support the pro-US governments and regimes throughout the continent that came to divert the enormous revolutionary mass offensives. This is what they did in the first place in the United States: by saying "everyone against Trump" they supported Sanders, the "left wing" of the Democratic Party of the US imperialist pirates, to later submit the working class to Biden, the current commander of the Wall Street butchers. And for this reason in Latin America they dedicate themselves to give political support to the direct agents of the US such as Boric, Castillo in Peru, Petro in Colombia and Lula and his bourgeois front in Brazil. That is the sad role played today by the surrenders of the Fourth International, who long ago abandoned the fight for the socialist revolution to embrace the program and politics of Stalinism.
To defeat the civic-military regime and its government, the Pinochet generals and imperialism...
To crush the fascist gangs and disband the murderous police...
To conquer bread, land, free education, recover copper and all our demands...
We must retake the revolutionary combat for Dignity!
We have to get the majority of Chile back on its feet to take the destinies of the nation in our hands and re-forge the worker, peasant and popular alliance, as we did in the streets in October 2019, to reopen the path of the Revolutionary General Strike. We must return to the Plaza de la Dignidad, to take over La Alameda and the streets of all of Chile, to jump the turnstiles, to set up the first line and to paralyze the country's mines, ports and factories!
For this, the task of the moment is to impose the rupture of all the militant worker and student organizations with Boric's new Coalition and the Constituent farce, to kick out the collaborationist bureaucracies of the CUT and the Social Unity Roundtable to confront the government's attack.
From the struggle of the workers of ENAP, from the high schools occupied and all the sectors that are fighting, from the workers' organizations and the Mapuche community members, it is necessary to call for the setting up of a great National Congress of grassroots delegates from all the labor movement, the poor peasants and the rebellious youth to resume the path of the Revolutionary General Strike and the revolutionary combat of October 2019, to fight as in the revolution of the Industrial Cordons of the '70s.
For a self-defense committee of all worker, student and peasant organizations! For the worker and peasant militia! Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be destroyed! We are all Francisca Sandoval!
We must impose the end of the “state of exception” in La Araucanía, defeat the Pinochetist caste of officers, put an end to their robbery of the copper businesses and expel the Con Con American military base. For committees of rank-and-file soldiers who break with the officialdom and go over with their weapons to fight alongside the people!
Dissolve the pacos and all the repressive forces of the state!
Freedom for all political prisoners and trial and punishment for the military and all the murderers and repressors of the workers and the people!
We have to return to the fight for the renationalization without payment and under workers' control of copper and all natural resources, for the expropriation without payment of the bankers and the AFPs, of all the large estates, forestry and imperialist monopolies!
In this Chile plundered and subjected by imperialism, the only solution for the working class and the exploited is the path of the socialist revolution, this time leading it to victory by defeating the civic-military regime, its anti-worker parties, the Pinochetists generals, to imperialism and its FTAs.
The way out is to impose a revolutionary worker and peasant government on the rubble of this infamous regime and its genocidal caste of officers, as a bastion of the Latin American and world revolution.
Against the renegades of Trotskyism, disciplined to Biden and the US, who are submitted to Stalinism and class collaboration fronts with the bourgeoisie, the Internationalist Trotskyists of the POI-CI and the FLTI fight to recover the Fourth International, the World Party of the Socialist Revolution, of the hands of their surrenderers. It is necessary to build a true revolutionary, Trotskyist and internationalist party, together with the revolutionary forces of the working class and the brave youth of Chile and the world, and under the banners of the Fourth International , to return to the working class the leadership that it deserve and need to succeed!
Chile will be socialist or it will be a Wall Street colony!
Editorial Board of “El Cordonazo”,
voice of the Internationalist Workers' Party (POI-CI) of Chile, adherent to the FLTI