For a revolutionary socialist internationalist May Day
For the Martyrs of Chicago and all the martyrs of the working class!
Open the road for the worker and socialist revolution in Peru, Latin America and the world!
- Stand with the heroic masses in Syria and the working class that resists in Ukraine, massacred and invaded by Putin! They are the Martyrs of Chicago of today!
- Stand with the Cuban workers and youth that rose on 11J against the hunger imposed by the new bourgeois of the restorationist government of the Communist Party!
- Stand with the workers of SIDOR in Venezuela, who fight against the starvationist government of Maduro!
On this May Day in Peru, in order to unify our demands… Out with the treacherous bureaucracy from our workers' organizations! Let’s recover the CGTP from the hands of the Stalinist bureaucracy of Patria Roja and the Communist Party!
For a Congress of the CGTP and the peasant organizations to break with the bourgeoisie and fight for a General Strike!
Out with Castillo, agent of the IMF, the transnationals and a defender of the Fujimorista regime!
For a provisional workers and peasants' government: CGTP should take power together with the peasant organizations in struggle, based on the rank and file soldiers’ committees!
- To have subsidized fuel, cheap fertilizers, decent wage indexed to the inflation level, the land for the poor peasant, Open the road for the workers and peasants' alliance! Expropriate the expropriators!
- Over the rubbles of the regime of the 1993 Fujimorista constitution, let’s set up the Free democratic sovereign revolutionary constituent assembly to break with imperialism, to give the land to the poor peasants and to get all our demands.
The cost of living in the country has risen in an alarming way, since it is 7% already, being one of the highest inflation rates in the last 20 years. While the people is starving, the mining transnational companies keep making juicy businesses with the high prices of minerals at the expense of the pollution of lands and rivers. While the number of informal workers, which are more than 70% of the total in the country, is increasing, the government pays the foreign debt, which represents 43.2% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
So the workers end up paying the fraudulent foreign debt while the country id plundered and over-exploited through miserable wages. This is the plan of Biden and imperialism that the government of Castillo applies to the letter. This is a government which the left called to vote for. In order to apply this plan, the government has the armed forces and the police, which at the beginning of the year were trained by the US army that was authorized to enter the country by Professor Castillo. Thus, this government is applying the plans just as Fujimori would’ve done or even worse, being backed in the reactionary Fujimorista constitution, to defend the profits and businesses of the IMF and the transnationals with the murderous military.
These repressive forces of the state, under the command of Pedro Castillo, came out to defend the property of the bankers, the CONFIEP (National Confederation of Private Businessmen Institutions) and all the capitalists. This way, while the starving people was protesting two weeks ago in the whole Peru at the war cry “out with Castillo!”, the government took the military and police out to the streets to repress the demonstrations. The result was 6 dead so far. This has not stopped the government, which in April 8th established the state of emergency in every highway of the country for 30 days. The response of the government to the workers is the crackdown. On April 27, with a contingent of 676 policemen, they savagely repressed a group of commonards in Las Bambas mines (Apurimac). The commonards had occupied the facilities of MMG mining company in protest, demanding the return of their lands that were sold to the company years ago. The result were more than 5 commonards wounded and 11 arrested. Stop the repression on the workers!
This May Day, we stand with the independent struggle of the working class, and against the counterrevolutionary class collaboration policy of supporting the “progressive bourgeois”.
It is time for the workers to re-take the path of struggle of 2020 and the fight against hunger and the increase of the cost of living since early April. Unfortunately, when the response of the working class to the crisis of the capitalists is decisive and we need to take over power, the leadership of the CGTP has saved the Fujimorista regime’s life and put the workers at the feet of the anti-worker government of Castillo. The policy of the CGTP leadership, Patria Roja and the Communist Party, in the entire continent have imposed the policy of class collaboration and supported the “progressive” bourgeois, who are actually variants of the regimes and agents of imperialism.
This May Day, we fight against the scam of Stalinism and the renegades of Trotskyism and their class collaboration policy. They tried to drive the Latin American masses out of the streets and put them behind Castillo, Boric, Lula, Fernandez, Arce, by lying about “confronting the right-wing", as all of them are true agents of imperialism. Today they are the ones that try to close the way for the revolutionary struggle of the workers and peasants in the entire Latin America. We see Pedro Castillo applying the imperialist plans, in the same way as Piñera and Macri did, as the PT is preparing to do in a front with the bourgeoisie in Brazil, or Petro in Colombia with the support of the entire Latin American left and the bourgeoisie that allegedly confronts Uribeism.
They were the same ones who called the workers, the black people and the rebel youth of USA to be subjected to Sanders and the Democratic Party of the imperialists of Biden and company.
Down with the class collaboration policy that subjects us to our executioners! Long live the independent struggle of the working class and the poor peasants! Only the unification of the workers and peasants' ranks of the deep Peru with the exploited of Lima, Peru's capital city will be the guarantee of victory for the workers. Let the CGTP break with the bourgeoisie! Stop making us kneel before the government of Castillo, agent of the transnational companies and the IMF! Against the murderous armed forces and police repression, trained by the US military bases: workers and peasants' militias! Out with the military bases from Peru and Latin America!
Against capitalism and this rotten system… Long live the struggle for the socialist revolution! Only a provisional revolutionary government of workers and poor peasants in Peru, based on the self-defense organs and workers and peasants' militias will be the only one that can get all our demands. Only this government, breaking with and completely independent from the bourgeoisie can ever conquer a revolutionary free sovereign democratic constituent assembly. Because there cannot be a democratic free sovereign constituent assembly without disarming the officers caste of the Armed Forces, dissolving the repressive forces of the murderous police, expelling the US military bases from the country, breaking the economic political and military treaties that the capitalists imposed with the Fujimorista regime of subordinating the nation to the imperialist plunder, like the FTA.
On this May Day… Long live militant internationalism!
This May Day finds the workers of the world under a brutal attack for them to pay the costs of the crisis of the capitalists. Imperialism focused its forces in Syria, where al-Assad, Erdogan and Putin massacred and imposed a genocide for 11 years against the Syrian people, on behalf of imperialism. Now we see the killer Putin, after massacring the workers uprising in Kazakhstan in February, to invade and massacre Ukraine today.
But the working class hasn’t said its last word. We can see this in the heroic Syrian resistance that fights against the murderer Bashar and Putin, which massacre on behalf of imperialism. Stand alongside the Syrian resistance! Stand alongside the heroic Ukrainian resistance!
Stand together with the strike of the workers of Sidor, Venezuela! They are confronting the farce of the so-called “Bolivarian revolution”, which made the people starve and only came to guarantee the imperialism business deals and plunder of Venezuela, Bolivia or Argentina.
Stand alongside the working class and the exploited of Cuba, rebelled against hunger and the sell-out of the gains of the revolution to the capitalists and the new rich of the Communist Party! Free all the political prisoners of the 11J 2021 uprising! Free all the political prisoners of the world! Judge and punish the murderers and repressors of the workers and oppressed peoples!
Stand together with the working class in the whole Latin America and with the US working class, which have the key to stop the US imperialist beast from within!
On this May Day… Under the banners of the Fourth International!
We fight in a single anti-imperialist struggle. We fight for a unified struggle of the workers and peasants in Peru and in the entire Latin America against imperialism, its military bases, its governments and regimes.
Unfortunately, we see currents that, while claiming to belong in the working class, they have subordinated the US workers to Biden. They are the same ones that say they support Putin, the guardian of the imperialist businesses in Eurasia, who is crushing and massacring Ukraine as he did yesterday in Syria. The genocide by al-Assad, Putin and Erdogan in Syria, supported by the sabres and the oil companies of the US, which was supported by all the traitors of the reformist left internationally, won’t be forgiven and won’t be forgotten. They have a stain in their foreheads and their hands are stained with the blood of the workers and peasants.
For that reason, we need to recover the party of the Fourth International, cleansed from traitors and false Trotskyists that took it to the feet of Stalinism and the bourgeoisie, and re-found it under the theoretical legacy of the 1938 Transitional Program, to give the Peruvian and international working class the leadership they deserve to succeed in the struggle for the socialist revolution. Long live a revolutionary socialist internationalist May Day! Long live the Fourth International!
Lima, April 29, 2022