Echoes of May Day
The pseudo-left and the Stalinist bureaucracies are marching with the Petro government, which is leading a ferocious attack against the working class on behalf of imperialism
This May Day finds us in the midst of the economic crisis, growing misery, inflation, rising fuel prices and labor flexibilization. In International Worker's Day and in vindication of the struggle of the world proletariat and the Chicago martyrs, once again the sellouts of our struggle, i.e., the Stalinist bureaucracies and the electoral pseudo-left endorse the government’s health, social security and pension reforms approved by the puppet parliament embraced to the Uribe right.
Nothing surprises of the flagrant class collaboration policy of this Stalinist bureaucracy that has come to sellout the wages of public sector workers. Communist Party member and labor minister Gloria Inés Ramírez has negotiated a miserable 15%, and has supported all the government anti-labor reform laws.
Enough of traitors and their class collaboration in the labor movement!
We are emphatic in affirming that, historically, Stalinism is the main responsible for the betrayals to the thousands of combats of the exploited in Colombia and around the planet.
In the same way today traitors of the CGTP bureaucracy have just taken the insurgent masses of Peru off the streets. They have done it before in Ecuador, in Colombia and in Chile with Boric sending Pinochetist militiamen to the Peru border together with the murderer Dina Boluarte to repress our migrant brothers who are fleeing, as in Venezuela, from the starving regime of Maduro.
They are the ones who have handed over worker and peasant Cuba to imperialism and became bourgeois, keeping the Cuban working class under their boot and without being able to raise their heads in prison for having dared to rebel against the miserable living conditions imposed by the government of Diaz Canel – Castro
They are the same ones who supported the jackal Putin who, together with the murderer al-Assad, have crushed the Syrian revolution on behalf of all the imperialist powers which today support him in the invasion of Ukraine and in the massacre of his own working class.
We must say that this May 1st, the workers, the rebellious youth and the exploited had nothing to do with these leaderships that are collaborationist with the bourgeoisie, and it is evident that we have nothing to celebrate when here we see the illusions of a true change increasingly vanishing. More and more the mask of this anti-worker government falls, as stated by Petro himself: "he fears they will not let him fulfill his role in history of carrying out the change" How cynical!
Petro is the current commander of the Uribist murderous regime of the gringo military bases!
From Cali, Loma de la Dignidad Resistance Point: the vanguard of the first lines does not give up or sell out.
This first of May, La Loma comrades refused to march with those who diverted and betrayed that enormous revolutionary struggle of 28A in which many of them gave their lives. After a thousand attempts and without being able to buy us with governors and mayors’ gifts and crumbs, imprisoning us with police stunts and false positives, pointing the gun to our temples to make us punish ourselves to carry out the reforms of labor slavery and against which we fight and leave our lives...
We must say that we have been under this government for nine months now, a government that promised change and spoke of peace, and continued to kill and persecute us. Only in April 21 leaders were assassinated, rising to 55 that were massacred this year. Our imprisoned comrades continue to rot in jails and there has been no justice for our martyrs who have dyed the rivers of Colombia with their blood.
Meanwhile, this first of May we see the same ones wanting to drag us so that we reconcile with our executioners. Spilled blood will not be negotiated. We neither forget nor forgive! Trial for and punishment to all the police and military murderers of the Colombian people! For Workers' and People's Tribunals to judge and condemn all those responsible for the massacre of the worker and youth vanguard and the thousands of social leaders murdered.
Down with the "TOTAL PEACE" plan, the same peace plan from the graves of Uribism that is imposed today by the class collaboration government of the bourgeois Petro, backed by Stalinism.
March of the union central UTC (Union of workers of Colombia)
Since 2019, the UTC has been waging a fierce fight against the traditional bureaucracies CUT, Fecode, CTC, CGT, etc. with a policy of class rupture with and independence from the bourgeoisie, so this May 1 in Bogotá, the capital, dozens of unions as well as state, food, transport and aviation sectors called for a march "against opportunism and union bureaucracy" and "For an internationalist, combative, class-oriented and revolutionary May 1st"
While Stalinism and the Historic Pact with the union bureaucracy gathered in the Plaza de Bolívar to support the government's reforms, the above mentioned sectors marched against the pension reform and the health care reform and in defense of the struggle that the university students have been waging. This shows that even though we have been defeated, the working class does not give up and is willing to fight. But we are aware of the need to unite our ranks at the international level, because if we don't, we will be defeated country by country. The comrades of the UTC have just made pronouncements in favor of the international unity of the workers, demanding the Peruvian revolution against the coup and for the fall of the murderer Dina Boluarte. On February 2, they participated in the Internationalist Solidarity Day with the insurgency of the workers of Peru and are promoters together with other organizations to set up an Anti-Imperialist Continental Congress of workers and peasants in Lima.
On March 25, they were part of the Internationalist Action Day on the 12th anniversary of the Syrian revolution, sending them a fraternal and warm greeting, committing themselves to the struggle of the Syrian people who resist and fight against their own enemies, the regimes that increasingly enslave us and that must be defeated. For this reason, the message of the first of May from the Syrian resistance did not take long to arrive despite the thousands of kilometers that separate us and it was read at the ceremony called by the comrades of the UTC.
This first of May, the Trotskyists together with a group of comrades delimit ourselves from the bourgeoisie, Stalinism and their supporters and we separate flags.
We fight together with our brothers and sisters from Latin America and the world. In Colombia we raise against the reformist wave, calling on the unions, worker, student, peasant and popular organizations to desist from supporting this government of capitalists and imperialism seeking to adorn it.
We call for the formation of a National Committee of workers, peasants and students Organizations, from the front lines, with grassroots delegates, to prepare the counteroffensive and advance to organize the revolutionary general strike to resume the path of 28/A and lead it to victory.
To succeed, we must set up the revolutionary leadership that the Colombian and international working class deserves and needs
The working class and the Colombian peasants have never given up and continue to fight and resist. The defeats suffered by the workers and the peasantry have been due to the traitors who gave up their struggles from within, i.e., the Stalinists supported by former Trotskyists such as the LIT that, in Colombia, have called to vote for the repressor and bourgeois Petro. In Chile, they called for the fraudster Boric and his farcical Constituent Assembly. In Peru, they called for Castillo.
Therefore, faced with the heroism of the masses that resist and fight, a revolutionary leadership that is up to the task of their combats becomes essential. Otherwise, reformism and Stalinism will lead the working class and poor peasants to new frustrations and massacres.
A revolutionary regrouping of the workers' ranks has become more necessary than ever. This will take place under the hot fire of the current combats, the attack of the class enemy and the revolutionary lessons that we, Trotskyists, can draw together with the international vanguard on the basis of the banners of the Fourth International, expropriated by the former Trotskyists who have brought it to the feet of Stalinism.
Grupo Comuneros (Communnards Group) - Members of the FLTI