April 15, 2024
International Correspondence
Under the orders of the genocidal Biden, the fascist state of Israel attacks the Iranian nation
Those who really fight and die facing Zionism are the Palestinian masses, today sold out and betrayed a thousand times
Letter from the FLTI to the socialists of South Africa
Dear WIVL Comrades,
We have received the latest statements and drafts that you sent us regarding the Palestinian issue.
We are preparing a declaration on the conflict between Iran and the state of Israel, which is extremely topical. As soon as we have a first draft we will be sending it to you.
For us the key issue is that the US is on a counteroffensive to recover all the spheres of influence in which it had been weakened not only by the disputes with the imperialist Maastricht, which had taken control of the entire European market, but also in the Middle East, where the US had to retreat and flee from Iraq starting in 2008. This had left the control mechanisms of imperialism in the region completely in crisis, with the US American masses ready to prevent any direct military intervention by the USA.
This made Iran play a role as an indirect agent of imperialism since 2012 and it became one of the most important counterrevolutionary devices that the US and its oil companies had in the entire Middle East.
The Iranian Ayatollahs, together with Russia, crushed the Syrian revolution. From the south of Iraq, with al-Sadr and the Shiite brigades, they have been containing the revolutionary uprising of the Iraqi masses after the US retreat. They are which guarantee that the bourgeoisie maintains control of the heroic Yemeni masses. And they are the ones who surrender Palestine from within, just as Turkey did with its agents in the Syrian revolution.
The Iranian bourgeoisie with Hezbollah have closed the borders of Lebanon so that the 4 million Palestinians there who long to enter Gaza to fight do not intervene. They contain the Palestinian masses, much as Egypt does. Of course they fire some missiles, but in order to control their own base that is boiling with hatred for the massacre in Gaza.
For us then, the key to the current conflict is that imperialism, by promoting the Zionist massacre in Gaza, is seeking Zionism, which is its direct agent, to be which restore order throughout the entire region.
If Zionism had intervened in the Middle East in 2011, it would have unified all the masses in a revolutionary uprising against it. This was so because the order based on the state of Israel as imperialist gendarme in the Middle East since the second post-war period had been completely weakened by the US retreat from Iraq, as we already said, and by the generalized revolutionary mass uprising of 2011.
The massacre in Gaza, as well as the attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria, have for imperialism the aim of once again placing Zionism and the state of Israel at the center of the scene, as its central counterrevolutionary device in the region.
But the last battle of the revolutionary process of 2011 is not over yet: it is being fought in Gaza and threatens to spread to the whole of occupied Palestine and the entire Middle East.
In the West Bank there is a true uprising of the Palestinian people keen to take up arms, since the PLO acts the same as Hezbollah in Lebanon: containing the Palestinian masses and preventing them from arming themselves to go fight in Gaza.
The task of Hezbollah, under the command of Iran, as well as the PLO and Stalinism, is not to massacre the Palestinian people, but to prevent the majority of them from entering the fight from the neighboring countries where they are exiled and living as landless pariahs.
We are studying the first draft that you sent us on April 13, titled “A call to the workers and the masses in the Middle East: help stop the genocide against the Palestinians”, where you correctly define the counterrevolutionary role of Egypt, Turkey and Jordan, but we believe that your note does not delve into this point: the role of the indirect agents who crushed as many or more revolutions than the direct agents of imperialism. This is an opinion that we want to tell you.
It is precisely in this way that imperialism and the bourgeoisie attack the masses: with their fascist and counterrevolutionary regimes and governments on one hand, and also with “mermaid songs” and bourgeoisies painted as “progressive” and “anti-imperialist” that contain the revolutionary offensives from within.
As we see, by having played that role that was decisive in the Syrian revolution along with the role of the murderer Putin, Iran refuses to retire from the battlefield leaving behind the privileges it has conquered. For example, keeping together with al-Assad part of the loot they got from the genocidal crushing of the Syrian revolution, guarded by the Russian military base in Latakia.
From the beginning we believe that we are facing a clash among direct and indirect agents of imperialism. The latter uses both kinds... Iran, Hezbollah, and Stalinism contain the Palestinian masses of Lebanon, the West Bank, etc. so that they do not enter Gaza to fight. This allows the fascist agent to massacre without mercy. And in doing so, imperialism increasingly gets rid of its indirect agents that had been used to maintain its oil companies' businesses in the region.
As this process is not yet fully established, imperialism fears that a deep division of those at the top in the region would end up opening gaps through which the masses could break out again. Even a sole drone fallen with a previous warning on the state of Israel has risen the morale of the Palestinian masses, but also strengthens the Iranian bourgeoisie to crush its own rebellious working class.
Imperialism then, does not want “a military escalation to deepen.” Iran sent drones and missiles with advance warning with the aim of causing as little damage as possible. As a military action, it is nothing more than Iran saying: “respect what we have conquered for the services provided.”
Imperialism uses them, like the rest of the native bourgeoisies of the region, as a “squeezed lemon” to contain the masses, while supporting Zionism in its establishing genocide in Gaza and its returning to play its role throughout the Middle East.
The Palestinian resistance in Gaza today is paying, to a large extent, for the “neutrality” that its leadership and the PLO imposed on the Palestinian masses when the resistance of the Syrian people was fighting in Aleppo and sought to reach Damascus.
The armed masses of Syria saw that this was the path to Jerusalem while al-Assad, then and now as we see today, has been guarding the Golan Heights for the Zionists, together with Russia, founder of the state of Israel. A real tragedy.
We request your permission to publish your article “A call to the workers and the masses in the Middle East…” in the Op-Ed section of our website,
Regarding the second draft that you sent us on April 13, titled “Why capitalist politicians and the mainstream media lie” , it seems to us generally correct as a denunciation and contribution to the struggle of the Palestinian masses.
In relation to this note, we want to send you an opinion on the question of the “Jewish working class” and the base of the Zionist army that you develop and on which we want to reflect. We had discussed this issue with you years ago.
In this article you once again open expectations about the “Israeli soldiers who die on the front lines” and the “Israeli workers who have the same interests as the Palestinian workers.”
For us, this is a characterization and appreciation that we do not believe is matching reality.
The fact is the Palestinian nation has been occupied. Every class-conscious worker, Jewish, Muslim or Catholic, must join the Palestinian unions and every Jew who has a rifle on his shoulder must join the Palestinian militias fighting against occupation, otherwise they are fascist occupiers who are going to kill Palestinians and occupy their lands. At least they should be on the same level that Aaron Busnhell and take their weapons over to the resistance. The “Vietnam” scenario will not take place in Tel Aviv or with the Zionist-fascist army, but in the United States, paralyzing the US war machine and defeating Wall Street that supports Zionism.
For their fascist task, the Zionist soldiers receive U$D 3,000 monthly from USA to keep that fictitious state, that aircraft carrier on the ground.
We insist, the Zionists do not have Armed Forces with which the army base can be disputed. In occupied Palestine the question is clear: the soldier of Jewish religion goes over with his weapon and places himself under the discipline of the Palestinian militias, or he is a mercenary of the occupier.
A Palestinian worker, comrades, earns between 200 and 300 dollars. Almost for a bowl of rice, he works in the olive groves and the land. To leave his bantustan or ghetto, he must show a “good conduct” passport. The same for working as a slave in the Zionist maquilas, front companies for the US. The life of the Palestinian worker has absolutely nothing to do with the Zionist worker aristocracy and bureaucracy, which exists as such, on the basis of the super-exploitation and slavery of the Palestinian masses.
The Histadrut is a trade union center of an arrogant fascist labor aristocracy. You will remember that this is what Trotsky proposed in relation to the white labor aristocracy that supported and was part of the apartheid regime of occupation and enslavement in South Africa.
To enter the Histadrut, by statute, you must be for the destruction of the Palestinian nation. The interests of the Palestinian workers and those of the super-bourgeois aristocracy of the Histadrut are irreconcilable. So much so that, with the Haganah, it led all the fascist offensives to occupy the lands of the Palestinian nation.
The Zionist worker does well if the state of Israel crushes the Palestinian masses. Their interests, we insist, are irreconcilable.
That is why we fully agree with and are forwarding to you the declaration of the Palestinian unions calling for the Histadrut to be expelled from all labor and union organizations in the world, which was also promoted by grassroots sectors of the UAW union in the United States.
We are also sending you the common reflection that we made on this point when we met and began a merger process in the FLTI in 2009. In addition, we are attaching our work “Pariahs in their own land”, where we also defined all this clearly.
Of course, they are all materials to deepen a comradely debate, recognizing ourselves as both combatants of the world revolution and irreconcilable enemies of Zionism and imperialism and that we fight to set up an international struggle front so that the Palestinian masses succeed, defeating the Zionist- fascist state of Israel.
These were the concerns we wanted to convey to you about the drafts you sent us. Plus the request that we made above about publishing the first statement of April 13.
Revolutionary greetings,
FLTI Coordination Secretariat
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