The rebellious Peru is once again flooded with worker and peasant blood: 17 exploited murdered by the hand of the counterrevolutionary coup of the Fujimorist regime and the armed forces commanded by the US military bases
Fierce massacre of the police
to the masses of Juliaca - Puno
From Latin America and the whole world: Let's stop the massacre of the workers and peasants of Peru!
The government of Dina Boluarte, a US puppet, and the Fujimorist armed forces killed 17 workers and poor peasants today in the city of Juliaca in the department of Puno.
This bloody massacre was the response of imperialism and the bourgeoisie to the revolutionary uprising that the exploited masses of Peru have been leading since December, mainly in the south of the country, to defeat the ferocious coup perpetrated by the Fujimorist regime and the genocidal generals of the armed forces.
Since the demonstrations were reactivated on January 4, the working class and poor peasants of the department of Puno have become the vanguard of the combat of the masses throughout the country, with dozens of picket lines on the highways, blocking the border with Bolivia, developing enormous demonstrations in all the cities of the region, etc.
In particular, for days, the masses of Juliaca have been fighting to take over the Manco Cápac airport, facing harsh repression like the one experienced on Friday the 6th.
Today, residents of all the cities and districts of the department marched to Juliaca. The demonstration of thousands and thousands of exploited headed towards the airport. The order of the US military bases and the officers caste of the army was clear: just as the military had done in Ayacucho on December 15, the police began shooting at the demonstration. From helicopters they not only threw tear gas bombs and pellets, but also they had war weaponry. Many of the comrades were killed by so-called "expanding bullets" that explode inside the body, destroying entire organs.
Dozens of exploited fell injured and were immediately helped by their companions. But many died instantly. The morgue of the local hospital collapsed. The murderous repression not only took place at the airport, but some hours after, it took place throughout the streets of the city, with the dogs of prey of the police shooting at point-blank range against the exploited until late at night.
As if that were not enough, the Boluarte government decreed a 3-day curfew in the entire department of Puno, militarizing the entire region.
As the massacre that was taking place in Juliaca became known, the fair hatred of the workers and the oppressed throughout the country began to spread.
In the first place, in the city of Puno, thousands of exploited people looted large stores and burned several police vehicles and the headquarters of public buildings such as the Judiciary and the National Customs and Tax Administration Superintendence (Sunat ). In Ilave, also in the Puno region, an attempt was made to take over the police station and the house of congressman Jorge Flores Ancachi of the right-wing Acción Popular party was burned down, demonstrating the hatred of the masses against the bourgeois politicians of the damned Fujimorist regime.
Meanwhile, in Cusco, Arequipa and other regions, workers and poor peasants took to the streets in support of their Juliaca class brothers.
On the other hand, in the capital a militant demonstration marched around Plaza San Martín shouting "Puno, resist! Lima is with you!" and then a vigil was held in front of the Justice Palace.
Since the counterrevolutionary coup was consummated, there are already more than 45 martyrs of the masses. Imperialism, the Fujimorist regime, its government, the armed forces and the repressive forces are the true and only terrorists!
Enough of the massacre of workers and peasants!
Down with the state of exception and the curfew!
The spilled blood will not be forgotten!
Freedom now to the prisoners for fighting against the Fujimorist regime!
Workers and popular courts to judge and punish the murderers and repressors of the people!
No justice, no peace!
Those above declared war on the workers and the people. They continue flooding Peru with the blood of the exploited.
The workers and peasants cannot be one more day unarmed at the mercy of the repression and massacre of imperialism and the bourgeoisie!
With delegates from the CGTP, the Macro-regional Coordinator of the South, the Mining Federation, the Construction workers, the National Central of Miners and all the organizations in struggle, we must set up one: Workers' and peasants' militia to disarm and crush the officer caste and all the repressive forces! For committees of common soldiers who disobey the Fujimorist officers and move over to the side of the rebellious people!
While the masses leave dozens dead in combat, it cannot be that the CGTP leadership just calls for a peaceful vigil in Lima. Enough! We must impose the break of the CGTP with the Fujimorist regime!
Congress of unions and mass organizations in struggle to put the power of the exploited on their feet and organize the Insurrectionary General Strike until they all go away, defeat this infamous regime and crush their fujimorist coup and their murderous generals!
Urgently, we must take to the streets of the whole Latin America!
From all the labor, student, Human Rights organizations, etc., in Latin America and the world, let us organize actions of struggle such as demonstrations to the embassies and consulates of Peru, rallies, strikes, etc., to stop the massacre of the Fujimorist armed forces and the Boluarte government.
From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, the same class, the same struggle against the same enemy: imperialism and its servant regimes!
Out with the US military bases in Peru and the entire continent! Out with the IMF! Out gringos!
Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas de Perú (Socialist League of Internationalist Workers of Peru)
Like in the struggles of Bolivia against the coup of Añez y the Banzerist generals , today people in Peru are shouting:
That is the path taken by the masses. Its reformist leaderships are at a 180 degree angle. 'Now yes, civil war', they shout in Cusco. Demonstrators deployed in the imperial city, call for the fight. This in the framework of the National Strike and after the more than 4 dozen deaths in the last (and only) month of the new government. This is how the revolutionary battle of the masses must be organized and prepared, despite and against the cowardly leadership of reformism. This is how we have to fight in Brazil and now again against the fascists of Santa Cruz.
The masses put the dead. The bourgeois governments call to trust the Armed Forces and political lackeys of the US. The masses put the dead and risk their future. Now yes, civil war. The cowardice of the gringo and treacherous left is expressed in its desperation to restore social peace over the blood and worker and peasant misery... But imperialism and its bankruptcy do not give a rest. Reformism sees the ground shake under its feet.
In saying of Trotsky: "If it is criminal to put the revolver to the masses when they are deceived and go to vote; it is twice as criminal to oppose the ballot to the fascist revolver..."
Crackdown from choppers in the airport of Manco Cápac in Juliaca
From helicopters, police shot tear gas and live ammo against the exploited
During the night, the massacred against the workers and peasants of Juliaca went on
Protest in Lima against the massacre o Juliaca-Puno