Syria - March 15, 2022
11° Anniversary of the Syrian revolution
Huge action of the masses in Idlib square
The resistance does not surrender
11 years after the beginning of the Syrian revolution, today the children of the martyrs of a heroic slaughtered slandered and betrayed revolution took to the streets in Idlib.
We will not forget, we will not forgive.
And we cannot… Now, it is in Ukraine where the murderer Putin does the dirty work of imperialism. Strengthened after his massacre in Syria, supporting the fascist al-Assad and after crushing the strike of the metalworkers and oil workers in Kazakhstan, today he attacks and invades the Ukranian nation and its people. Putin wants to defend his job as a murderer and jail guard of the peoples of Eurasia, where he acts as guardian of the businesses of all the capitalists. Imperialism and its armed arm, NATO, under the US command, now consider that the jackal of Russia has been used too much and so they go even in for Moscow, after subjecting all the former Soviet Republics and Eastern Europe as colonies or semi-colonies, under the tutelage of Maastricht or NATO.
If Ukraine is massacred, if its cities are demolished, and if it is handed over by the coward bourgeoisie of Kiev and NATO itself, it will be the best way for imperialism to advance in the political, economic and military control of all Europe. The US imperialism has handed over the Ukraine like a pawn in a chess game, to take Moscow and surround the whole of Russia.
For 11 years, imperialism and NATO left the skies open in Syria for al-Assad and Putin to bomb at their will, demolishing its rebel cities one by one.
The cowardly Sunni bourgeoisie and the battleless bourgeois generals of the FSA, under the umbrella of Turkey, handed Assad the keys to the revolutionary cities one by one, from within.
The Zelensky ultra-reactionary government will do nothing different with Moscow, as it has already done with NATO. It is because the national war against all occupation and oppression is either led by the working class, expropriating the capitalists and imperialism, or the native bourgeoisies will surrender it by agreeing with the invaders and saving their common businesses.
Never in 11 years was there a single clash in Syria from Turkey and the US together against Putin or Al Assad... they all signed a deal for the partition and occupation of Syria at the Geneva conference.
Today the imperialist oil companies, guarded by the YPG, the "libertarian" friends of the traitorous left, are taking all the oil from northern Syria to Turkey and from there to New York....
Miserable scoundrels...
The Assadist left, the "neutrals", the partners of the PKK, the Stalinists of Kurdistan, the servants of the Masonic imperialists of France who invented with U.S. and Al Assad the telltale of ISIS to set up an "anti-terrorist" front that covered up the massacre and occupation of Syria, must show their faces. Explain to your militants so much ignominy and betrayal.
Stand up and explain to the new generations of workers on the planet why you supported the murderers al-Assad and Putin or in other cases Turkey and the USA imperialists.
11 years of revolution and counterrevolution.
The resistance has not given up...
There in Syria the Trotskyists fought with the partisans, 15 of our comrades fell in a sea of 600 thousand exploited assassinated by the fascist Assad
Honor to all of them!
They are martyrs of the world working class!
15 million Syrian refugees are on the borders of Europe and all the countries of the Middle East...
They are outcasts expelled from their land... forgotten and dying in the desert or in the Mediterranean. That is what awaits the millions of Ukrainian refugees as soon as the cannons are forgotten and the invaders prevail.
There can be no forgetting! The unions and labor organizations of the world must demand that the borders be opened!
Solidarity with the displaced exploited of the world! Housing, food and work for all!
We socialists do not change having participated in the civil war in the correct trenches and resisting today with the workers the occupation regime in Syria, for a hundred or even a thousand deputies servile to the bourgeoisie and its regimes, as those who long ago renounced the socialist revolution...
11 years after the revolution, today the fighting in Syria, like before in Iraq, the Caucasus or Palestine, is taking place in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, while in Russia thousands are already taking to the streets against the butcher Putin, who is the best guardian of the business of and looting by the imperialist powers in Eurasia.
Miserable agents of the bourgeoisie throughout the world want to make the exploited believe that the alternative is Putin or NATO... An infamous and vile lie.
The combat is class against class and much more so when it is expressed in a labyrinthine way in the national question.
Reformism only seeks collaboration with different agents of imperialism with whom it hides its looting and dispossession from the oppressed peoples of the world.
The unity of the Ukrainian and Russian workers to destroy Putin's counter-revolutionary war machine is the only way to free Ukraine from invasion, with the working class taking the military leadership of the national war, together with the soldiers' committees and the worker and peasant alliance.
The intervention of the European working class in support of the invaded Ukraine is what opens the way for the defeat of NATO and the imperialist beast of Maastricht.
The unity of the US working class with the revolted masses of Iraq and Sudan, with the resistance in Yemen, Syria, Palestine and Iran would propose strangling US imperialism and all its sources of energy...
11 years after a great revolution, the fronts are opening… The masses have not given up. Their leaders are who have, who long ago renounced the socialist revolution. Without it there will be no bread, no land, no freedom, no national independence.
Al-Assad + Putin + U.S. = GENOCIDE
With yesterday's revolutionary lessons, we must prepare the new Syrian revolution. This will be an inseparable part of the fight of all the exploited in the Middle East and in particular with the Palestinian masses to crush Zionism and imperialism, and together with the European and US working class, so that this time there are the capitalists and all the enemies of the workers and oppressed peoples of the world who have to flee desperately, take refuge, and go into exile.
Russian troops out of Ukraine!
For the disarmament of NATO!
European General Strike!
Editorial Committee of the newspaper "The International Workers Organizer" - FLTI |