International Event on the 13th anniversary of the Syrian revolution |
From Bolivia:
Representatives of the Asociación de víctimas y familiares de la masacre de Senkata (Association of victims and relatives of the Senkata massacre) stand in solidarity and speak
Statement by Jorge Mayta (political scientist), president and representative of the Asociación de víctimas y familiares de la masacre de Senkata (with legal status).
“I urge all of you from here, from South America, from Bolivia, to the brothers and sisters in Syria, keep strong and let's do something. May the world hear our voice, may it reach every ear and may all this end once and for all”
First of all, very good afternoon or good morning to all of you, “sisters and brothers” as this expression is used in Bolivia. I have great solidarity with the brothers and sisters in Syria on behalf of the Association. I am a representative, with the directive body, of a large part of the victims who have suffered a massacre, a violation of our human rights.
We belong to this Association, we are victims just like you brothers and sisters. Myself is a direct victim and I share one word with all of you: “massacres.” How long will this type of massacres last?! What do we have to do to no longer suffer this type of torture, the violation of our human rights?!
We are united by language, we are united by culture, we are united by everything, to every corner of each country. I urge all the comrades present perhaps we can create a world international magazine on the topic of massacre and justice. Maybe we can create an international Summit.
The United Nations, a body that is totally corrupted, politicized by political fronts that do not represent us, send ambassadors, they send representatives who are not direct victims that feel the pain as we feel it or as the brothers in Syria tell it. I almost lost my arm in 2019 in the massacre that happened here in Senkata and it is a pain that is shared with all of you brothers and sisters.
I have listened very carefully to the brothers, how they have explained, how they have hailed this reality that they live. We have been on a pilgrimage from 2019 until today for the issue of justice. There is no justice, justice is not reaching our country. It is being politicized, we are seeing the possibility of how they take advantage of that term of “justice” in our country. General elections are coming in my country and they are looking at that mechanism to structure and see how to take advantage of this situation.
I just want to say to all of you brothers and sisters: peace and freedom, enough of massacres! and let justice be done in the world. Just as they torture and massacre us with such technological weapons, they are destroying the world. They are destroying it and for that world peace we have to fight as direct victims.
I repeat to you again: let's make and create a magazine of all the victims as you are telling it, as we do too, that magazine that touches the issue of justice, that touches the issue of the massacres that we have experienced. An international summit of all of us can be held on the topic of world peace. Brothers and sisters who are listening, I urge all of you from here, from South America, from Bolivia, to the brothers and sisters in Syria, be strong and let's do something, make the world hear our voice, make it reach every ear so that all this ends once and for all.
Thank you very much and please let us make these types of communications constantly to have that shared experience, to have that reality that we are living on the other side of the world and on this side of the world. Let's get together because they have already brought us together with the term "massacre" that we are experiencing. I thank you and I just urge all of you to do something, let's not be silent.
Words from comrade Cipriano Rogelio Chapetón Corina, vice president of the Asociación de víctimas y familiares de la masacre de Senkata:
“Greeting to the brothers of Syria who are commemorating 13 years of revolution, but also remembering the massacre”
“In 2019 I suffered a gunshot wound and in the hospital they humiliated me telling me that I was a 'terrorist' (…) “Keep strong, brothers! We will not give up! “All of us who are here will ask for a single cry for Justice!”
Very good afternoon from here, from Bolivia, I am sending a big hug to all of you who are present here in the meeting room. Also greetings to the brothers of Syria who are commemorating 13 years of revolution, but also remembering the massacre. We here in Bolivia have also suffered a massacre by the government in 2019.
I am a direct victim, since our rights have been violated here in Bolivia. My name is Cipriano Rogelio Chapetón Corina, directly wounded. We here in Bolivia have also had our rights violated in 2019. On November 11, I suffered a gunshot wound to my left arm, from there I went to the hospital and there they humiliated me telling me that I was a “terrorist”, “drug trafficker”, “thug”, “looter” and all that. That's what I lived that year, brothers, sisters.
We don't have to let them repress and humiliate us. We always have to shout “justice!”, supporting each other, brothers, sisters. I would say: keep strong brothers! We will not give up, brothers and sisters! All of us who are here will ask for a single cry for Justice! Thank you very much brothers and sisters. |