February 24, 2022
From Russia, Andrey Sedov, correspondent of the “International Workers' Organizer”
Brief theses on the of the Russian counter-revolution aggression against Ukraine
1) Putler* finally called a spade a spade: this war is not even against Ukraine, but first of all, retrospectively - against the Bolsheviks and their heritage (in the form of the right of nations to self-determination)
2) Stalin's donkeys fully support the war criminal, despite the anti-communist and anti-Leninist rhetoric that was seasoned with his invasion of Ukraine
3)The escalation of hostilities (the war began almost 8 years ago) was inevitable, since the Russian big bourgeoisie, in conditions of a deep internal crisis, poverty, explosive price increases, extinction and a covid catastrophe (the death toll over the past year exceeded 2 million), will try to solve these problems generated by it at the expense of neighbors. War makes it possible not only to plunder and seize new territories, but everything can be attributed to it.
4)Unconditional solidarity with the Ukrainian masses in their just struggle for national independence, against occupation and Russian chauvinism. Support not for the corrupt bureaucracy, but for the self-arming and self-organization of the Ukrainian masses for this struggle. Clearly distinguishing between the Ukrainian masses and the bourgeoisie, which flees the country at the first military threat, and before that, it willingly traded with the Russian capitalist regime, concluded and supported the now-dead "Minsk agreements". Distancing themselves from far-right, conservative, reactionary groups
5) Revolutionary defeatism in relation to the Russian bourgeoisie and its criminal gangs, military and repressive apparatus. Not pacifist mantras, like bourgeois liberals and "left" liberals and reformists. The imperialist world stabilizes the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The war, on the contrary, shakes it up in the future, and the defeat of Putin's gangs provides a chance to free the oppressed masses
6) Solidarity and coordination of the struggle between the revolutionaries and the oppressed peoples of all countries that have been affected by Russian chauvinism and colonialism is necessary. Free Syrians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Chechens (their poor and oppressed classes in the first place) are brothers in misfortune and common struggle. In Ukraine, Russian chauvinism is working out the methods of expansion tested on these peoples: either the creation of puppet enclaves, or direct support of the local ruling mafia, which is in vassal relations with the Kremlin's big business.
}7) The role of Yankee imperialism and the EU has so far been reminiscent of the second edition of Munich-38**: the appeasement and containment of Russian fascism, which had the expected, opposite effect. Despite the escalation of the war in Ukraine, imperialism did not stop using the Kremlin gang and its vassals to suppress popular revolutions in other countries: Syria, Kazakhstan. The Russian Black Hundreds in their crusade against Ukraine are justified by the fact that it is under external control - Yankee imperialism. But today, a small-time Wall Street clerk is far more powerful than the Russian oligarchs and their sledgehammer-wielding mercenaries put together. The Black Hundred aggression is pushing Eastern Europe even more into the arms of NATO. But it should be noted that the salvation of Ukraine from the horrors of the occupation and the Russian world is entirely in the hands of the Ukrainian masses themselves, their readiness to fight to the end.
8)The escalation of hostilities will aggravate the situation of the masses on both sides of the border, but it was from wars - as the history of the past and the century before last, that the greatest revolutions grew
*From Putin + Hitler, it is how the Russians call Putin, TN
** signed by the UK, France, Italy and Germany, in September trying to solve the Sudets Crisis, giving something to Hitler to keep him happy and to prevent him from go on invading, TN