Ukraine - June 5, 2014
Bombs and slaughter by Kiev’s army, under the orders of NATO, against the workers of Donbass
Hollande, Merkel, Obama, Putin and the Ukrainian oligarchy and bourgeoisie, closed the gaps in the top, made a pact and agreed their business again
They openly attack the masses to impose the IMF and WB plans
Yesterday the financial bourgeoisie of Kiev, lackey to imperialism, diverted to their own vantage the masses against the hated government of Yanukovich (tutored by IMF and supported by Putin) and put the entire nation down at Maastritch and Obama’s knees.
Today, while the workers of Donbass stood up against the dismissals and low wages in the Eastern Ukraine, the butcher Putin and the coal mogul from the East agreed with IMF, Obama and Merkel their business, based on the slaughter to the uprising working class
Let’s stop the slaughter of Poroshenko government, his police forces and counterrevolutionary officers and his fascist militias!
Maidan Square (in Kiev) must belong to the workers and poor peasants, to unify the workers from the coal mines with the ones of the steel factories in the East into a single fight of the working class, to conquer decent wages -as a minimum of 2500 Euros for all, at the same level as Euro's Europe-, and to expropriate the Ukrainian oligarchy and break with IMF!
Only the unity of the Ukrainian working class, leading the oppressed masses from the rural areas and the city can unify and make Ukrainia independent form the imperialist plunder The only way to end with the slave wages and the unemployment which make hundreds of Ukrainian workers to leave the country is: Expropriating the capitalist parasites!
The only way is to restore the proletarian dictatorship under revolutionary forms
The European and Russian working class must stand up together with their slaughtered class brothers of Donbass who are fenced by Putin and the Eastern bourgeoisie, while they are used as small change for their business with Merkel and the Bundesbank
The task of the Russian soldiers is to disobey the officers of the murderer Putin, who is withdrawing the troops from the borders of Ukraine, and fight alongside with their class brothers, the workers of Donbass. If the IMF and its lackeys of Kiev smash the Ukrainian working class, they will come tomorrow for the Russian working class. Down with Maastricht! Out with IMF!
For the military smashing and defeat of the counterrevolutionary forces of Kiev’s army under NATO orders! Down with Merkel-Putin-Obama agreement that aims to slave Ukraine and slaughter the working class! For a soviet and independent Ukraine, based on the worker and soldiers’ committees! For the Socialist United States of Europe!
Between November and December 2013 an economic crack broke into in Ukraine. Plundered by an unpayable foreign debt, which was contracted by a handful of oligarchs linked to the business of Russia, Germany, U.S. and IMF, Ukraine was shook by a default late 2013.
In this country there are the lowest paid workers across Europe with wages of 300 Euros. 140 billion dollars is the debt left by the old Stalinist bureaucracy, who have become today into a new Ukrainian oligarchic bourgeoisie, linked to business with Russia and European imperialism.
The economic crash, catastrophe and unprecedented sufferings of the masses pushed them to confront, more and more, the Yanukovich’s government supported by Russia and Putin, which applied the worst plans to attack the exploited to resume the repayment of debt to the IMF. The situation of the masses and the Ukrainian nation became unbearable. A huge crack and social crisis shook the entire Ukraine.
The bourgeoisie saw this situation oncoming. As we posed in our statement on April on the Ukrainian question, the bourgeoisie got the first movement and, "supported in the middle classes and manipulating the nationalist feeling, it channeled the right aspirations of a sector of this one and their hate against Yanukovych and the butcher Putin." Thus expropriating the fight of the masses, the oligarchy of Kiev, which could no longer support Yanukovich, diverted the masses uprising, having an agreement with the EU, making promises to the exploited that through "an agreement with the European Union, they would come out of the crisis."
Yanukovich's government was no longer legitimate. Unlike in 2004, the Eastern Ukrainian workers, whose economy is based on mining and a steel industry linked to the industrial-military apparatus in Russia, did not come out to defend the hated government of Yanukovych. He fell under his own weight.
Imperialism, with NATO and Merkel, under the leadership of Obama, quickly took advantage of the political and structural crisis to keep running all the businesses that are profitable from the ruined Ukraine, and to give loans so Ukraine can repay its debts. In this way they moved to consolidate their entire domination over this nation, pushing Russia and its business to the East border, and settling down NATO and EU power throughout Ukraine from Kiev.
Under these conditions, a huge political crisis was opened. The hitman of imperialism and partner of Merkel, Putin, was ousted from Ukraine and their businesses were threatened in the east of that country. Ukraine was divided. The Crimean pipeline, together with this peninsula was for Russia. The rest of the pipelines and the rest of Ukraine went to U.S., IMF and EU.
With the shift to the EU, and the crack conditions, the workers uprising begin in the mills and mines of eastern Ukraine. They saw the possibility to lose their jobs and for their wages to fall. The "Great Russian" bourgeoisie and Putin threatened with "the mother of all battles". Workers of Donbass realized that the subjugation of Ukraine to IMF plans represented a mass layoff and a reconversion of the mining and steel factory in the region.
From the beginning, the Great Russian bourgeoisie used the workers uprising to negotiate with Merkel and Obama. Their troops and soldiers were sent to the east to blackmail their foes and to better negotiate their interests. They were not to lead the struggle and uprising of the workers of Donbass, but to contain and control this uprising, in case it was out of control and spread to the west. This is already clear today.
First, Putin pressed the local bourgeoisie of eastern Ukraine to divert the uprising of the workers who stormed and united with the rank and file soldiers of Ukrainian army, to vote instead in a referendum blessed by the Orthodox Church. On the backstage, Putin's government pledged to accept the result of the presidential elections in Kiev, which were made on Sunday, 25/5/2014, and the president emerged from them.
Also he used politically the independence sentiment of the masses from the East promising they would be granted a relative autonomy, which meant that the "Great Russia" could still be influencing business in that region. Putin’s intention was not to confront imperialism, IMF and EU, or annex eastern Ukrainian. He was just looking for his businesses and not being put out of them. He had already been paid: Crimea and maintaining the gas business with Germany.
Referendums for Eastern Ukrain independence and federation with Russia were buried and quickly forgotten, by Putin first of all.
In these plebiscites it had been expressed although under labyrinthine ways (such as is the national question), the desire of the masses to escape from the IMF plans which come for everything, to restructure the mines, mills, etc.. But, unlike the electoral trap of Kiev, the referendums failed to prevent the arming of the workers and the independent emergence of the working class, which began to win over the rank and file soldiers of Kiev Army under the command of NATO and set up soldiers' committees. Therefore, the Kiev’s government placed there all its anger in order to massacre and contain the masses' uprising.
So very quickly, spurred on by the terror at a revolutionary uprising of the working class, Putin, Merkel and Obama accelerated an agreement in the tops, at the back of the masses. According to it, Kiev’s government recognizes, as we have already seen, the continuity of the carbon and high military technology business from Russia with Germany, France and throughout Europe; and to ensure that together with the slaughter and exploitation of the Ukrainian working class, Ukraine will pay the fraudulent foreign debt to the IMF.
Layoffs in the coal mines and steel mills in the East, their conversion, direct investments by and partnership of imperialist companies with the oligarchy of east ... Putin is not worried about it, provided he is somehow involved in these business . "Business is business" ... "businesses are businesses". The danger to the exploiters, in this political, economic and social crisis, is that the workers of Ukraine remain armed and could defeat the IMF plan, and this would threat seriously the interests of the entire Ukrainian bourgeoisie as well as those of imperialism and Putin. The unity of the Ukrainian working class would be established immediately.
They had to quickly close the political crisis in the heights. Yesterday the masses in Kiev threatened to break out independently. Now the workers of the East are threatening to do it too and they went much further. In response, the exploiters closed the deal.
Meanwhile, UK-US imperialism -that is part of this agreement- seeks to impose a major offensive against Putin and Russia. They are the financial creditors of Ukraine, through the IMF and World Bank. They are the leaders from NATO of the counterrevolutionary army of Kiev. They are those who occupy, with their NATO boot, the oppressed nation, and they think to reach its eastern border (with Russia) with their military forces, commanded directly from NATO, as is the counterrevolutionary army of Kiev, now slaughtering the workers of the Donbass.
The US-UK offensive shows the various places where imperialist powers are facing the Ukrainian crisis. Germany and France seek a pact with Putin to keep their businesses, based on the current conditions that are being imposed; while U.S. and England demand to Russia a policy of even greater submission. For them, Ukraine also becomes immediately a spearhead to take steps forwards in the next period, even to semi-colonize the Great Russia.
In the Ukrainian crisis there has been a dispute between US-UK imperialism on one hand, and Germany and France on the other, to see who gets most of Ukrainian business today and tomorrow with Moscow.
Kiev's army attacks the workers of Donbass and Putin withdraws his troops from the Ukrainian borders
The main threat: that the rank and file soldiers of Russia join the East Ukrainian workers to fight with them against the oppressors
The hitman of imperialism, Putin, has withdrawn his troops from Ukraine's border. The government of Kiev, as soon as Turchinov took over as interim president, let out a war of extermination and slaughter against the workers of the Donbass.
The withdrawal of the Russian troops from the border with Ukraine is due to terror; the murderer Putin and his counterrevolutionary officers’ caste are afraid at the possibility that before the slaughter that has started, the Russian soldiers could aim their guns alongside their Ukrainian brothers, the workers from the Donbass, against their class foes. That's why the murderer Putin withdrew all his troops, when he saw dozens of Kiev army privates passing onto the side of their brothers, the workers of eastern Ukrainia.
Russian troops were not in the border to confront imperialism, NATO or Kiev’s Army. They have been there to help Great Russian bourgeoisie haggle around their business and attack, on behalf of imperialism, if the situation of the Ukrainian masses goes out of control –as we said-. Anything else is a lie and sham of the Stalinist left and its filthy allies at international level. They both support the butcher Putin, junior partner of Citibank, BASF and the French military technology.
Some of these currents have gone too far in their insanity. They have asked Putin to give weapons to the workers of Donbass. This means creating illusions for the rebel masses that Putin may give them weapons to confront NATO and imperialism.
The bourgeoisie never propels class struggle. They do not give weapons to the masses to make revolutions or carry out anti-imperialist fights. A bourgeois will never be his own executioner. He uses the masses, as happened here, and prepares the best conditions to defeat them. This is what Putin did by rebuilding the gas agreement with Merkel, of finances with IMF, military high tech with France and keeping for himself –as we said- Crimea peninsula. And what about the rest of Ukraine? The eastern side? It was left as a free area by Putin so Kiev’s Army can kill workers to their will. And he has Russian troops far away from the border, so rank and file soldiers of his army do not escape to fight with the workers of Eastern Ukraine. This is the truth. These are the facts.
The current moment of the Ukrainian situation is that the different imperialist gangs and Russian and Ukrainian bourgeoisies managed to close the crisis at the top and there are brutal clashes for the business starting with the Ukrainian bankruptcy in late 2013. Now it's the time when the counterrevolutionary pact consolidates; where imperialism moves towards the borders of Russia, which received a secondary role in the business and a small share of the territory (Crimea).
The bourgeoisie, as we saw before, moved forward in Kiev, in Maidan Square, before an independent uprising of the masses. The latter's fight was diverted towards the support to the UE. In the East, between these disputes, an independent action of the miners and steel workers of Donbass passed by, and fought against an agreement with the imperialists of the UE and IMF, since these workers see they could lose their jobs and wages.
Also there is a speed race. The counterrevolutionary troops of Kiev, commanded by NATO and based on the fascist militias of financial and agrarian western oligarchies, must kill and disarm Donbass masses quickly, because their chiefs must apply the same plan of attack and dismissals, starvation and misery in Kiev and the entire Ukraine.
IMF and capitalists’ whip tend to unify the Ukrainian working class. This is why they diverted the conditions of a revolutionary uprising in Kiev with demagoguery, saying that “with Europe we will be better than with Yanukovich and Putin”, and now, they are all together, even with Putin, to kill the Eastern masses.
Ukrain’s fate is being an EU and IMF colony. This is what they are settling and want to settle with Kiev’s counterrevolutionary offensive that attacks with precise blows the unions and worker organizations and districts in the Eastern cities like Donetsk, Lugansk or Sloviansk.
Commanded and controlled by IMF and World Bank, and with the massacres and bombings in Donbass, a counterrevolutionary pact of EU, Obama and their hit man Putin was rebuilt
Putin is going to travel, these days, to meet Hollande to remember D-Day. He agreed with Merkel the gas traffic; with Poroshencko, the new president, he has already agreed repaying Ukrainian debt with Russia for gas, including money in advance. The business for selling French and German military technology to Russia are guaranteed. IMF and the World Bank put the money to colonize Ukraine.
Turchinov’s government –the transitional government until Poroshenko, the “chocolate baron” assumes- signed an agreement with IMF and WB. They will give him, in order to fulfill their plans for the illegitimate foreign debt to be repaid, 17 billion dollars (3.2 were already given). The UE give in advance a 1-billion-euro loan and other short term loans. WB approved a 3.5 billion aid as financial and political assistance.
This means the credits given to Ukraine will never enter to its safeboxes. They will be taken as payments of the interests of the debt. Based on the fact that the World Bank will overlook a restructuration, under direct control, of all governments –from the municipalities up to the national government- and rebuild the state, the plan includes restructuring the entire industry and the mining industry in the East and privatizing state companies that are profitable in all of Ukraine.
The pact with IMF, EU, WB and Putin, guarantees Ukraine as a guarded colony. But in order to achieve it they must massacre the masses of Donbass who heroically resist. Already killer Turchinov, as transitional government, has said “I am convinced that our armed forces will carry up to the end the cleaning of terrorists, and that the criminals paid by Russia will be eliminated and will face justice”. It is a “nationalist” attack that encourages anti-division fascist gangs of Kiev to kill, not Putin white troops, but workers who are armed in Donbass.
This is happening today: hundreds of deaths and wounded in Eastern Ukraine; air bombings with planes, helicopters and artillery on Lugansk, Donetsk and Sloviansk. The government cannot intervene with the army on land because they are afraid that the army would split and rank and file soldiers move to the masses side. For example, on May 9th, the “Victory Day” (against Nazis in WWII), the Ukrainian army shot a disarmed crowd with a result of 40 deaths.
In Odessa, fascists set on fire unions when exploited masses tried to refugee there with a result of 30 deaths.
On June 2nd, rebel militias wanted to take a check control in the border controlled by the government, in Lugansk. The government answered dropping many cluster bombs.
Exploited have started their exodus in Eastern and Western Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine is fenced. Militia men try to open the borders with Russia to allow evacuation zones. They are fighting alone against border check points controlled by Kiev’s Army.
Russia is takesits troops from the border. This is part of the counterrevolutionary fence against the masses in Eastern Ukraine. Coward bourgeois officers of white counterrevolutionary army of Putin do not even open the borders to give refugee to women and children who run away from the bombings and massacres in Donbass. This is the role of killer Putin who is only “brave” to kill the masses in Chechnya and Syria (with jackal al-Assad), when his bosses Obama and Merkel give him green light and when they do not, he runs like a rat, as always the white counterrevolutionary army has done!
That is the truth and exposes that cynical counterrevolutionary propaganda made by Stalinist, social imperialist and renegades of Trotskyism who disguise Putin as an “anti-imperialist fighter”. He is nothing but the head of a bourgeois government, junior partner of Citibank and BASF (Germany) and of war industry with imperialist powers.
These currents must declare themselves responsible, when they beg Putin for weapons to arm the eastern workers; when the only chance is disarming Putin and his officers in the borders with Ukraine for workers of Donbass to get weapons from their brothers, the rank and file soldiers of the Russian Army, to fight against the counterrevolutionary gangs of Kiev’s pro-imperialist Army.
Here and there, bourgeoisie and imperialism are trying to use in their favor masses’ national feeling, which expresses in a labyrinth way the fight against their miserable life conditions, as Trotsky defined in his work on the Ukrainian question in the late ‘30s. This national feeling against the oppression under great Russian bourgeoisie, yesterday supporter of Yanukovich –who also repaid the fake Ukrainian foreign debt- was used by Kiev’s bourgeoisie, as we have seen, to divert the uprising of Maidan Square in an agreement with the EU.
Russia was out of business. Imperialism took a blow even taking Ukraine from Putin. A huge feeling against IMF and EU drunken Eastern and Donbass workers when they saw they could lose their houses and jobs. They wanted to join the Russian Federation where there is a military industrial apparatus that receive coal and steel. This was not in Putin plans or in the pacts with Merkel and Obama. This “national feeling” of the Ukrainian workers was used by Putin in this business negotiations. Once they were over, eastern was declared “free zone” for Kiev’s counterrevolutionary gangs. This is the current situation.
We insist. Capital’s whip unifies the working class. The conditions for the merging of a revolutionary party of the Ukrainian proletariat are coming closer and closer to become true. It is an imperious need to prevent the working class in Ukraine to suffer a terrible defeat.
Ukraine is a weak link that threatened with separating from the imperialist chain of domination in Eastern Europe. It has remained as a plundering victim of UE and IMF. If a proletarian revolution does not succeed, if the Russian proletariat does not burst again, if the working class of Maastricht keeps being tied to its own imperialist bourgeoisie, the path to enslavement and new colonization form Eastern Europe to the Russian steppes will open. The working class of the European imperialist nations will suffer double and triple attacks in the hands of financial capital.
USA –as Money lender of Europe- and bankrupt European imperialist powers, need new businesses. This means to increase the plunder in Eastern Europe, prepare the conditions, even with the big importance of French, German and US financial capital in Russia, to submit Russia in the next period under semi-colony conditions.
As we can see in the European crisis, there are too many imperialist powers. Greece, Italy, Portugal are bankrupt. This place of imperialist power will not be occupied by the “Great Russia”. Spheres of Influence in the semicolonial world have been distributed and shared by means of the WWII. The question today is how far the colonization of Eastern Europe And even the “Great Russia”, will go, in the hands of imperialist powers.
The Ukrainian question has become a key problem for the European and world working class. The national question and a feeling contained in decades and centuries of oppression of the Ukrainian people by Czars, Stalinism and now imperialism, can only be solved –as the October Revolution has proved- by a soviet independent Ukraine, federated by its own will to the Socialist United States of Europe. In order to achieve that, a new victorious socialist revolution in Ukraine and all countries in the former USSR must be conquered.
FLTI - Collective for the Fourth International
After the fraudulent elections patronized by NATO and the EU, the first measures of the Government of Poroshenko were to deepen the attack launched by the interim Government of Turchynov against the working class of Eastern Ukraine and impose the plan of colonization of the IMF to the whole of Ukraine
For a revolutionary program to unite the Ukrainian working class and the exploited in Eastern and Western Europe!
For the Re-foundation of the Ukrainian Bolshevik Leninist party! For the Re-foundation de the Fourth International!
Some few hours after the fraudulent presidential elections in Ukraine under the patronizing of imperialism and NATO last May 25, which have proclaimed the Chocolate Tycoon Petro Poroshenko as the new Ukrainian President by a landslide, the president-elect announced a military operation against the insurgents "to avoid the eastern part of the country to become a new Somalia", and said that "those who do not want to surrender their weapons are terrorists and we do not negotiate with terrorists". Of course that in the East, people did not vote. The elections were massively ignored.
After the elections the first step of the Government of Turchynov, the transitional Government until Poroshenko assumes, has been redoubling the offensive for disarming the masses in Eastern Ukraine.
In the little hours of Monday, May 26, when the election results began to be known, Donetsk’s militia went for the city airport. The Ukrainian army responded with aircraft, helicopters and machine guns, which caused many casualties: 40 dead (among them militiamen and some civilians) according to the Kiev Government, and de 100 dead according to pro-Russian sources.
As soon as the election results were known, the imperialist bourgeoisie came out to validate the election and to congratulate the new president. French president Hollande, the German candidate Martin Schulz and (Secretary General to NATO) Rasmussen also did so, the same as Obama, who did not hesitate to congratulate the Ukrainian people for going on masse to the polls, "despite the threats and provocations". US State Secretary Kerry, for his part said: "The United States respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, condemns and rejects Russia’s occupation and his attempt to annexing Crimea and maintains their commitment of working with Ukraine and other allies to achieve a peaceful resolution of the conflict".
Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, also said through his spokesman that he would respect the election results. The only thing that Putin will not respect is the Ukrainian workers’ needs, and in particular those in the Donbass.
It's been announced that next month, Poroshenko would travel to Russia to meet Putin. They are expecting that the Eastern masses are defeated and disarmed. All the bourgeois fractions and imperialism, and the murderer Putin himself, have given their support to the new president and call for "peace" to continue doing business, but not before attacking and ensuring the crushing and massacring of the masses.
Putin, Obama and the EU have already agreed once again about their businesses. They are trying to reconstitute, now with Poroshenko, a new Government as that of Yanukovich yesterday, but with a million-times more enslaved Ukraine to the IMF, Merkel, the whole EU, plus the murderer Putin maintaining a part of the business.
The imperialists seek to close the crisis of the gaps between the factions within the Ukrainian bourgeoisie, which opened under de crack and tended to create the conditions for a mass revolutionary uprising as we have seen in Kiev months ago and in Eastern Ukraine today.
With the electoral deception, with promises as: "within imperialist Europe we will be better", or in the other case: "along with the Great Russia there will be no dismissals in Donbas steelworks and mines”, they divided the Ukrainian working class.
With counter-revolutionary covenants, after the parliamentarian detours, they consolidated -behind the back of the masses- agreements and business deals among Russia, the EU and the US... And all together they are now massacring the exploited. They want to prevent, as yesterday Kiev oligarchy did in the Maidan Square, an independent breakthrough of the exploited.
Putin now swears that he recognizes the new Government in Kiev, and that he does not acknowledge any autonomy and independence for the east... Business deals have been sealed. "Business is business". And this will be paid for by the masses.
The massacre against the Donbas’ workers has begun. It should run quickly. When the slaughter of the last worker fighter is finished, it will begin the ruthless attack on all Ukrainian working class to impose hunger, dismissals and looting by the IMF plans until the end. Putin will play all its weight to impose the surrender on the Donbas workers.
The only independent Ukraine can only be conquered by a revolutionary pact between both the Donbas and Kiev workers
Breaking with the financial bourgeoisie in Kiev – which is binding the working class to the imperialist Europe and the IMF — and breaking with Jackal Putin —who used the struggle of the eastern working-class as small currency in his business deals with Merkel and Obama—, that is, breaking with the bourgeoisie, the Ukrainian working class will begin to conquer a path to victory. It will do so fighting for its demands and linked with the European working class, fighting to squeeze out imperialism, NATO and the IMF, and retrieving the dictatorship of the proletariat under revolutionary forms.
With the unity of the Ukrainian working class and its allies, the Russian and Eurasian Republics’ workers, plus the working-class in imperialist Europe, Ukraine will be a strong support for the workers in East and Western Europe. Under the command and control of NATO, the IMF, Merkel and Putin, Ukraine will be a base for counterrevolution against the whole European, and particularly Russian, proletariat.
The Donbas workers, used as cannon fodder by Putin for his business, and now given in to be massacred by the troops of the Kievan and NATO army, cannot fight alone. The working class leaderships, both at European and international level, have submitted the Ukrainian workers, either to the semi-fascist financial bourgeoisie in Kiev, or to the Ukrainian oligarchs and Putin, a partner of Merkel and the Bundesbank. Now, all of them have sealed an agreement, and the working class pays for the former’s business with their blood.
Aid for Donbas workers will not come in the hands of Putin, a Citibank Manager, a butcher and a junior partner of the Bundesbank and a minion of imperialism, but in those of the workers and rank and file soldiers of Russia and Crimea. For joint committees of Donbas workers and rank and file soldiers in the Russian troops that today Putin is carrying far away from the border with the subjugated Ukraine, which is prey to NATO, EU and the IMF!
For the defeat of Kiev army, lackey to imperialism, and its murderous officers’ caste! These are the same officers that yesterday, under NATO orders, murdered hundreds of workers who wanted to throw down Yanukovich in the Maidan Square, and today are massacring Donbas workers at close range.
Out with Turchynov-Poroshenko and the entire financial bourgeoisie in Kiev, which usurped the struggle of the working class against Yanukovich, and placed it at the foot of the EU!
Long live the resistance of the Slavyansk, Donetsk and Luhansk workers!
For armed factory and mine-workers’ committees!
No Ukrainian rank and file soldier should kill even one Donbas worker; the rifles must be turned around! The Russian rank and file soldiers must defect from Putin’s counter-revolutionary White troops, so Russian workers under arms will fight alongside their class brothers in Donbas!
East Ukrainian Trade unions and militias should already call workers all across Ukraine to wage a common struggle against the repressors of the people in Maidan square and the new Government of Poroshenko, continuators of Yanukovich’s plans of hunger and handing out to imperialism!
Kiev army officers, under the NATO command, have come to continue the application of the IMF plans against all the Ukrainian working class and people. The military base of Putin’s White counter-revolutionary officers in Crimea exists as a gendarme to crush the revolution throughout the region. Out with the Russian military base in Crimea! Only in this way, its people can decide freely and democratically their own self-determination.
A single class, a single fight from Kiev to the Donbas! Enough of hunger wages! 2500 euros for everybody! Distribution of all de working hours, so all the hands who still aren't working can come to produce! Decent jobs for everybody!
Out with the oligarchy linked to Monsanto, Cargill and the steel and mining barons, all of them small partners to imperialism! Expropriation without compensation and under workers’ control of all factories, mines and banks! Renationalization of Gazprom without compensation, under workers control! Let's expropriate BASF and the Total!
Let's ignore the fraudulent external debt of Ukraine, deriving from the Stalinist old traitor hierarchs that have turned today into a new multi-million-dollar oligarchy, agents of the Citibank!
Out with NATO, the EU, the World Bank, Putin and the fascist bourgeoisie from Kiev!
Yesterday, the Stalinist bureaucracy handed out the Worker States and the USSR to imperialism. The reformist left, Obama’s friends, are dressing Putin - business chief of the Great Russian bourgeoisie – as an ally to the working class.
They lie. Putin showed in which side he truly is in Syria, with Obama and al-Assad slaughtering the masses. He gives evidence by submitting, with imperialist military bases, the former Muslim republics of the former USSR, and associated with Merkel and the Bundesbank, as their minion, defending their business throughout the region. He shows who he really is, the same as an ally of the "red bosses", killers of the workers on behalf of the transnationals: the Chinese bourgeoisie.
Other left agents of the bourgeoisie and imperialism, calling for "a social Maastricht", are the reformists, direct agents of Obama, who want to make the Ukrainian workers believe that without a socialist revolution they will conquer their independence and freedom. These are who cover with a "silk gown" Maastricht’s Europe, the Fifth Republic of imperialist French butchers, the English Crown, the Spanish Bourbons, the Iron Lady of German imperialism and other exploitative Governments of the European imperialist powers, that apply to the working class within Maastricht equal or worse conditions than those they are preparing to apply in Ukraine. Enough of submitting the European working class to imperialist Maastricht and the butcher Putin!
Dozens of thousands of Ukrainian workers are working as slaves in imperialist Europe, along with their class brothers and sisters from Africa and Middle East, and the rest of East-European Countries. Immigrant workers, and the Ukrainians in imperialist Europe in particular, are a key constituent part of the working class.
Labor aristocracies and bureaucracies of the unions, and the social imperialist parties leave the immigrants to their fate and the worst exploitation in the Europe of the Maastricht Treaty. They are responsible for the "backwardness in their consciousness" of Ukrainian immigrant workers and all the European working class.
"We are all immigrants! Out with Maastricht! Down with imperialist Europe!"… That is the war cry that if taken by the Western European working class it would put at the order of the day the Ukrainian working class unity, and also the unity of the latter with the workers of East and Western Europe. A revolutionary leadership of the European working class should lead the way, which guarantees conquering the conditions to defeat and expel from the worker organizations the bureaucracy and labor aristocracy that have subjected the exploited to their executioners, the imperialist governments and regimes.
For a working class, Soviet, independent Ukraine based on the workers and soldiers’ councils! For a new Socialist Ukrainian revolution that shakes from the ground imperialist Europe and Putin’s counter-revolutionary White Russia!
Let’s break with Maastricht! Out with the IMF!
A single class, a single fight of the working class in Europe!
The enemy is at home: we must defeat all the imperialist bankers and expropriate them without compensation! For the European and world working class to live, imperialism must die!
For the Socialist United States of Europa!
In the Donbas mines the working-class emerged that in the ' 60s and ' 70s fought against the murderous Stalinist caste that had usurped the heroic revolution of October 1917. In the ' 67-'68 struggle of the Donbas’s miners, Trotskyist workers fought and were heading in the first row who kept the program and the continuity of Bolshevism and the Fourth International.
They were left to their fate by the demolishers of Marxism and the Fourth International, which gave in the combat of the Soviet working class against Stalinism together with which they lived for decades in the West to strangle the world revolution. Back in the story, this time cynically, as yesterday they wanted to depict as "progressive" and "revolutionary" the Stalinist Red Army that crushed the Eastern European masses in order to ensure the imperialist domination in the West, today they want to depict murderous Putin as an ally of the anti-imperialist struggle of the oppressed peoples.
Hundreds of thousands of workers in the mines and steelworks of the Donbas should not be subjected to murderous Putin, to the world counter-revolutionary Stalinist left, to the lackeys of the social imperialist parties, or to which cover the left flank of those who support the imperialist system in bankruptcy.
The Ukrainian bourgeoisie and imperialism, with great instinct of oppressive class, know that they must slaughter in the East, for then been able of doing it in the West, to complete tying Ukraine with double and triple chains. They know that there exists a link that could gather together Europe's revolution from the Russian steppes to Portugal. They recall with hate that in the “black soil”, the Red Army of the Third International of Lenin and Trotsky’s Soviet Russia crushed the imperialist counter-revolution that wanted to rout Petrograd and Moscow.
We Trotskyists that fight for founding the Fourth International anew, know that the threads of continuity of revolutionary Marxism have been broken and cut by Pabloites, neo-Stalinists and other capitulators that gave in our party and our banners to Stalinism and the treacherous leaderships.
On order to refound our world party we Trotskyists must return to the heroic fighting which starred our brothers and sisters, repressed and killed in the concentration camps of Stalinism in the 1930s, and who were shot while leading the heroic strike of the workers of the Donbas in late ' 60s.
We Trotskyists know to recognize, in the maze of the national struggle, the interests of the classes that underlie in social and military clashes. We know to distinguish that from the depths of the coal mines there was continuity to our program until the ' 70s. We know that the Donbas miners were the battalion that resisted Stalinist plans for the surrender of the USSR and the looting of the wealth on behalf of the Citibank and the rest of the imperialistic banking, when the bureaucratic lot was disciplined under the orders of Reagan and Thatcher, to restore capitalism at the end of the ' 80s. In the Donbas mines, as in the mines of Bolivia, the fighting was about there was not even soap for miners to wash their hands.
For those who today are fighting from the FLTI for the foundation of the Fourth International anew, it is a high honor to call for fighting alongside the heroic workers of the Donbas coal mines. We are doing it again. This is not the first time.
In 1988, when these miners stood against Gorbachev - which had already opened the way to the capitalist restoration in the former USSR, under the tutelage of Citibank, Reagan and Thatcher-, in the party in which we acted (the Morenoite International League of the Workers and the Argentinean MAS) a huge crisis opened, which then would be continued through multiple outbreaks of that movement.
Then, those that today are the core of the FLTI headed a battle cry, which was none other than putting all the forces of those that claimed –like us– to be part of Trotskyism to the service of the success of the political revolution and not of the capitalist restoration in the former Soviet Union. Unfortunately, the latter outcome was what happened.
At that time, the Argentinean MAS (Movement for Socialism, the Morenoite main party) was having a political and organizational agreement, called the "Front of the People", with the Communist Party. That is just one more example of how, for years, in the West, all the Renegades of Trotskyism had whitewashed Stalinism its soiled clothes, and then they ended up complaining about the "backwardness of Soviet workers" when the Soviet Union was falling apart, with Stalinism handing it out to imperialism.
We were expelled from our party, to the cry of "go to Russia!” During their congresses in Argentina, they got up on their shoulders the leaders of Argentinean Stalinism, a party founded by Vittorio Codovilla, the killer of Trotsky in Mexico (He organized the murder, NT) along with Mercader.
We see today how Union leaders and currents that joined us in that fight have returned to their point of origin. It is what happens with the PTS, which went much further back in its break with the Morenoites, and so it was transformed into a party follower of Gramsci and Kautsky. So far it has gone that today within the Argentine working class it raises the same program as (Social-imperialist) president Bachelet and the Chilean PC, namely, that all the problems of the working class would be solved with laws voted by the bourgeois parliaments.
In the '80s, the Argentinean MAS had a strategic front with Stalinism and covered it with the excuse that it was a tactic to accumulate votes in the elections so to put a Deputy in Parliament. Today, the PTS in Chile has a strategic agreement with Stalinism: these would not be the Red Pacos (i.e. “red policemen”, NT) enemies of the masses, and you must not build any parallel leadership to the Stalinist leadership of the CUT (Chilean Central Union, NT). This makes them strategic appendages of Stalinism and its betrayals to the Chilean working class.
Other currents are retaking the Pabloite road, and call upon the international working class to ask Putin for weapons, or situate him as part of the "camp" of the struggle of the masses against imperialism and the IMF. The Pabloites of yesterday are the same "campists" of today. They are reformist currents that deny class struggle as the determinant of the events of revolution and counter-revolution, since for them, the determining factor is a struggle between bourgeois camps, that is, of "progressive" against "regressive" blocks. They make the struggle of antagonistic classes disappear as the drive of History.
In the post-war period they were with "the Socialist block" against the "capitalist bloc", though actually there was always a single world economy and politics, directed by imperialism. With the latter, the Stalinist bureaucracy had a Pact of Peaceful Coexistence, to strangle the world revolution. It was just waiting for the time of sufficient accumulation of defeats to revolutions in the West; so they could become the new bourgeoisie and hand out to imperialism the Worker States...and that is what happened. So these people were not supporters of the gains of the Workers State, but of the treacherous Stalinist bureaucracy.
These disguised Pabloites in the 21st century not even already wear loincloths. Considering that there is a campist struggle between Putin and imperialism, which class struggle is subordinated to, is a classically Stalinist pseudo-theory-program for supporting 'progressive bourgeois camps' against the 'regressive' ones; for them, "the fundamental contradiction” is no more between classes and their irreconcilable interests; in that place they have substituted the struggle between “(progressive vs regressive) bourgeois fields", "nation vs imperialism", or “fascism vs democracy".
We see today, the LIT speaking straightforwardly about the necessity of… asking US for weapons to shoot down al–Assad’s helicopters and planes! They want to make the masses believe that 'democratic' imperialism is going to support them to defeat fascist Bashar the Dog. But the “bombs” that Obama sent were the Iranian Ayatollahs, to massacre the masses in Damascus.
In Syria, the other face of the same “campist coin” was the pro-Stalinist currents. These were on the side of murderous and genocidal Bashar al-Assad who -supported by Putin-, as it has already been demonstrated, has made the "dirty work" on behalf of all the imperialist powers, with his genocidal campaign. These currents made the world proletariat believe that there was a "progressive camp" confronting NATO. That is the "camp-theory", the largest revisionism and demolisher of Marxism, and the greatest enemy of the workers, because it tells them they can only succeed if subjected to a "progressive" camp of the bourgeoisie.
Today these theorists of "progressive bourgeois camps" want to do the same in Ukraine. They hold "let’s make a front with Putin, against the US and the EU". But Putin withdrew its troops from the borders to prevent workers and Russian peasants who are under arms from defecting from their ranks and passing through to the side of the Donbas workers to fight against Kiev’s army.
These Pabloite currents now are playing the distracted; as absent-minded as the social-imperialist parties, saying that the fundamental contradiction in the revolutions of the Maghreb and Middle East 2011 was between democracy and dictatorship... They ended up supporting parliamentarian detours, which were only bourgeois expropriations of the start of proletarian revolutions, for long enough so that the exploiters can conquer the conditions for the reoccurrence of generals’ sabers to massacre the masses.
The LIT ended up supporting the bourgeois generals of the Free Syrian Army, waiting for American bombs that never came, while the barrel bombs of the dog Bashar, supported by Obama and Putin and the Geneva Conventions were falling in Homs and Aleppo.
The combat is class against class. The alternative is: either the Socialist Revolution wins, or none of the immediate needs of bread, decent wages and jobs for everybody, national independence, would be solved for the working class. Imperialism is reaction all along the line.
The Trotskyists are back to fight in Ukraine, as in the October Revolution, as in '67 /'68, as in '88 /'89: WE ARE STANDING ALONGSIDE THE DONBAS MINE WORKERS!
Today, we know to distinguish our class and our enemies. We know to distinguish in which barricade to find us for fighting against our class enemies and imperialism.
Therefore, located on the side of the trenches of the Donbas workers, we call for the unity and solidarity of the world working class, to unite the workers of all over Ukraine for fighting against imperialism, for decent wages and the right to employment of Ukrainian workers and their dignity, which is the same demand of all the European and world working class.
From the ruins of the cities of the East, today bombed -and the conditions for this are already emerging- the Fourth International must stand up, the only one that can unite the Ukrainian working class with the European and world working class, and lead them to the victory of the Socialist Revolution. Our entire struggle and commitment is on it.
FLTI - Colectivo por la IV Internacional, (FLTI - Collective for the Fourth International) integrated by:
Liga Obrera Internacionalista (LOI-CI) – Democracia Obrera, de Argentina- (Internationalist Workers League (LOI-CI) Workers Democracy of Argentina)
Partido Obrero Internacionalista (POI-CI), de Chile- (Internationalist Worker Party (POI-CI), of Chile)
Workers International League (WIL), of Zimbabwe
Movimiento Revolucionario de las Milicias Rebeldes, de Libia- (Revolutionary Movement of the Rebel Militias, Libya)
Brigada León Sedov, de Siria (Leon Sedov Brigade of Syria)
Comitê Revolucionário dos operários e juventude pela auto-organização (CROJA), do Brasil- (Revolutionary Committee of Workers and Youth for Self-organization (CROJA), of Brazil)
Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas (LSTI), de Perú (Socialist League of Internationalist Workers (LSTI), of Peru)
Liga Trotskista Internacionalista (LTI), de Bolivia- (Internationalist Trotskyist League (LTI), of Bolivia)
Liga Comunista de los Trabajadores (LCT), de Venezuela- (Communist Workers’ League (LCT), of Venezuela)
Grupo Comuneros, de Colombia- (Communards Group, of Colombia)