February 20, 2024
Two years of the criminal Russian invasion of Ukraine
Thousands of dead and injured, millions of displaced, cities destroyed...
Ukraine: a nation devastated, divided, occupied and a thousand times more plundered and indebted to imperialism
Out with the Great Russian occupation troops of fascist Putin from the Ukrainian nation!
Zelensky, the head of the Ukrainian pro-imperialist oligarchy, threw the entire weight of the crisis and the war on the workers and the exploited people, who are the ones who really die, already without ammunition, on the battlefield.
From the hand of the NATO's lackey government, the Great Russian invasion cannot be defeated.
Strangled by the IMF, and while Ukraine is invaded with iron and fire, financial capital sucks away all its wealth and Monsanto and Cargill steal all the wheat and cereals from the rich Ukrainian land that they sell at low prices throughout Europe.
Subjected to imperialism and the transnational corporations, the Ukrainian nation will not be able to free itself or expel the invader.
A government of workers' councils and rank and file soldiers must be established to take the political and military direction of the war into their own hands
We must unite the ranks of the Ukrainian working class from Kyiv to the Donbass with the same demands for national liberation and against the superexploitation and martyrdom of its workers from the East to the West.
Hundreds of thousands of young workers in Russia are refusing to go kill their brothers in Ukraine and die for the jackal Putin. There is the great ally of the Ukrainian people! In the hands of the youth and workers of Russia it is the path to their liberation.
The fight for the national liberation of Ukraine is also part of the same struggle of the workers of all the former Soviet republics, from Kazakhstan to Georgia, from the Caucasus to Belarus, where ferocious dictatorships allied to Putin and imperialism crush the oppressed peoples.
Yesterday, US imperialism was using Ukraine as a pawn to be crushed by Putin. Thus it wore down and economically isolated Moscow in a long trench war, while destroying the European market and weakening its competitors, the Franco-German axis that was supplied with Russian gas associated with Putin.
The response of imperialist Maastricht was to deepen the attack on the workers and all the oppressed classes of Europe by a thousandfold.
The US imperialism and imperialist Maastricht in their bankruptcy have launched a fierce offensive against the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world. War is also their big business.
In Ukraine, in the heart of Europe, a huge struggle for the national liberation of an oppressed nation is taking place. The fate of all the workers and the oppressed nations of the continent also goes in it.
The European working class must stand up to defeat the Russian occupation of Ukraine and end with imperialist Maastricht and NATO!
Stalinists and social-imperialist parties are those who support Russia's bayonets that are crushing Ukraine. They say that this is how they “fight against NATO.” How miserable! From the unions and workers' organizations, these leaderships disorganize every workers' struggle throughout the old continent, and support their governments, which are all from NATO, and together with them they attack and loot all the oppressed peoples of the world.
They have left the national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian working class isolated…
No people that helps oppress another can liberate themselves.
Two years after Putin's occupation and massacre of Ukraine...
The European working class must come to the aid of their Ukrainian brothers now, before it is too late. Weapons for Ukraine! Continental General Strike now!
Russia's counterrevolutionary adventures, fueled by imperialism, have taken a leap with the invasion of Ukraine.
Before, Putin’s troops went to crush the uprising of the workers of Kazakhstan and to support Lukashenko's counterrevolutionary government helping it quell the uprising of the workers and people of Belarus
Yesterday the jackal Putin, allied with the fascist al-Assad, stamped out with iron and fire, in a true genocide, the revolution of the workers and people of Syria. Millions were left as refugees and forgotten as pariahs inside and outside their own nation.
The outrageous deeds of the butcher Putin, the guardian of the businesses of imperialism and all capitalists, do not end here. Today Zionism, under the command of the US imperialism, is attacking the Palestinian nation and performing massacres in Gaza... Putin and his counterrevolutionary troops are today guarding the borders of the Golan for Zionism!
They do this “dirty work”, just like the Shiite bourgeoisie of Iran and Lebanon who are fencing Gaza, by preventing millions of Palestinians from going to fight alongside their brothers.
Traitor parties of the international working class support the PLO, a bourgeois leadership that collaborates with Zionism from the West Bank, and represses the Palestinian people so that they do not enter the fight alongside the masses of Gaza.
Putin, the murderer of the masses of Ukraine and Syria, is far from being an ally of the Palestinian people in their fight against the fascist state of Israel.
From the UN, the Moscow jackal is a defender of the “two states”, that is, of the Zionist keeping the Palestinian people prisoner in concentration camps.
From the Russian military bases in Syria, such as those in Tartus and Latakia, Putin acts as a true shield protecting the supply of the counterrevolutionary forces of the fascist Zionist state of Israel.
Putin, murderer of the people of Syria and Ukraine and accomplice of Zionism and its massacre of the Palestinian nation!
Counter-revolutionary white Russia is at a 180° angle to the brave Yemeni nation that has declared any ship carrying weapons and ammunition for the state of Israel in the Red Sea a war objective...
That is what the role of Putin and his regime of oligarchs of Great Russia is all about: being the defenders of the businesses of imperialism throughout Eurasia, and always ready to massacre helpless and unarmed peoples.
Two years of Putin's occupation and massacre of Ukraine...
- A great national liberation struggle of the oppressed Ukrainian people…
- A great surrendition on the part of Zelensky's sepoy government and the Ukrainian oligarchy...
- A great betrayal by the leftist currents who serve Putin…
The traitorous leaderships have led the workers' organizations to not distinguishing their allies in the trenches of war, in every battle and in every revolutionary process carried out by the exploited.
In Colombia with Petro, in Chile with Boric, in the US itself with Biden, to give just a few examples, they made the workers believe that these governments were their allies, though they only brought more hunger, misery and war.
This is the true tragedy of the 21st century:
Stalinists, social-imperialist parties, union bureaucracies, traitors of Trotskyism and the Fourth International, passed off the butcher Putin and the ferocious dictatorship of the jackal Al Assad as allies of the exploited masses of the world, and instead they are who have filled with blood and imposed the most ferocious genocide of the century XXI to the revolutionary Syrian people that were fighting for bread, freedom and national independence.
Some renegades of Marxism, servants of the imperialist bourgeoisies, have tried to put the workers on the side of Putin who invaded Ukraine, and so they have managed to isolate this national liberation struggle from the European working class. Others made the workers believe that the oppressed peoples could free themselves from the hand of NATO and the imperialist Maastricht... A big lie, a great infamy.
They all have a great point in common: they have passed off the greatest enemies of the masses as their allies, they have broken the unity of the European and international working class and they have subjected the workers to their executioners...
It was these conditions of imperialist offensive and a thousand and one betrayals of the lackeys of imperialism, which gave Zionism a free hand to openly massacre today in Gaza and drown the Palestinian nation in a bloodbath.
The workers who take to the streets for “Free Palestine” in all the capitals of Europe must raise the minimum demand for “arms for Ukraine”, as the flag of their struggle, and also “unity with the working class of that occupied nation” and for “the military defeat of the butcher Putin”, the murderer of Damascus, Aleppo and all of Syria, who is the partner of Zionism and the US imperialism in the occupation of the Palestinian nation.
Ukraine will be Soviet and independent or a protected colony.
For the United Socialist States of Europe!
Nadia Briante, Eliza Funes and Carlos Munzer
Authors of the book “Ukraine at War”