Opinión Socialista
"David Soria has passed away, former shop steward of Paty"
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Convergencia Socialista
"Comrade David Soria,
forward up to Socialism!"
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The following comrades also sent their messages of solidarity:
- Nuevo MAS – Northern Area
- PCT (Partido Comunista de los Trabajadores - Workers’ Communist Party )
- Poder Popular – Northern Area
- PRML – Northern Area
- Corriente Político Sindical Rompiendo Cadenas (Union Political Current “Breaking Chains”)
- PRC (Partido por la Revolución y el Comunismo – Party for the Revolution and Communsim)
- Frente Popular Darío Santillán (Popular Front Dario Santilan) : “Our deepest condelence”
- Mónica Schlotthauer, railway worker of Section Haedo de Buenos Aires and former National Deputy of Izquierda Socialista
“My Greetings to his family and comrades. Towards socialism, always.”
- Gustavo Giménez, leader of Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores, Teresa Vive:
“What a shame. A great comrade. My condolence to his family and comrades.”
- Juan Ferro, Leader of Partido Obrero Tendencia
- Hernán Centeno, leader of SUTEBA Escobar and member of Convergencia Socialista, persecuted and judged for fighting:
“Hi Villa. I’ve just heard of David’s death… I’m speechless. Beyond the differences, I’ve always considered him a real comrade, those who are indispensable. I send you a warm hug to you, his family, friends and comrades of Democracia Obrera. Towards Socialism always, comrade Soria!”
- Nico Kobane, of Convergencia Socialista:
“Comrade David Soria. Towards victory! My greetings and from my comrades of Convergencia Socialista to his comrades in this difficult moment.”
- Carlitos, from PTS Northern Area:
“We’ve fought side by side with comrade David in the same current in the ‘90s”
- Carlos Maradona from MST Northern Area:
“Falleció el compañero David Soria. Fue durante muchos años delegado general de PATY. Fue militante del viejo MAS. Un luchador clasista y antiburocratico. Hace muchos años diferencias políticas nos distanciaron pero éramos muy amigos y compartimos muchas batallas. Un saludo a su familia y a sus compañeros en mi nombre y en el del MST zona norte”.
- Bárbara, member of LSR:
“Dear Walter, I’m very the news about comrade David Soria. Please send our solidarity to his family, friends and comrade of struggle. Whatever we can do, we are at your disposal. A warm hug.”
- Lío member of the ‘Band Sociedad de Resistencia’:
“Workers have received a fierce blow. Comrade David Soria has passed away, shop steward dismissed from Party and revolutionary worker, comrade who showed up in every struggle against the exploiters of Argentina and the world, deadly enemy of the capital. Having fought with him has been an honor. Until victory always!”
- Yunuen Velarde, zapatist
“Yesterday I got a call from Lourdes Hidalgo and he told me how this comrade, David Soria, without even knowing her, has donated hamburgers for her recovery when she was in hospital and how he helped her many other times with the issue of Luis Vale. It is a shame meeting such a comrade because he passed away.”
- Jorge, PSTU Northern Area
- Maxi Venceremos / Partido de Trabajarxs (Workers’ Party)
- Anarchists of Northern Area
- Paula Alvarado, lawyer of family Santillán