Chile - April 25th, 2021
For us, workers and exploited masses not to continue paying for the crisis from those above…
Revolutionary general strike now!
The dockers are showing us the way
From the mines, ports and all workplaces let us set up rank-and-file assemblies, unitary strike committees and self-defense committees to centralize the forces of the working class like a single fist, along with the "first line" and the barricades of the rebellious youth
Out with Piñera and the fraud of the government's "constituent process",
the former Concertacion, the Pinochetista generals
and the class collaborationist bureaucracy
For a free and sovereign revolutionary Constituent Assembly
on the ruins of the regime of the Constitution of the ‘80
Let's make the Chile of those below rise up again so that the socialist revolution succeeds!
Today the anti-worker government of Piñera, on behalf of US imperialism and the slave employers, continues to make us pay the costs of the economic crisis with millions of dismissals, furloughs and salary reductions, guaranteed by that damned law of "employment protection" that was voted by all parties in that corrupt, rubber-stamp Parliament, a mere Wall Street notary.
All this in the midst of the deepening health crisis, with millions of workers having to expose themselves to the "covid 19" virus in their workplaces, putting their health and their families at risk. Thousands and thousands of workers and exploited have been infected, or died by the voracity and profit-thirst of the slave masters! The pandemic makes us sick ... Piñera and the capitalists kill us!
Adding to this, the oppressed sectors that are forced to go through a quarantine of hunger and unemployment, having to pay for the crisis out of their own pockets with their pension savings and the unemployment fund and survive with miserable bonds. Piñera's economic measures are a real mockery against the exploited: meanwhile he has requested a millionaire loan with the IMF, so he grants millionaire subsidies to transnationals and employers.
As if this were not enough, this murderous government and the exploiters use the pandemic to demobilize the masses and prevent the Chile of those below who continue to suffer the scourge of unprecedented hardships, from burning again, while the bloody repression of the murderous pacos has been redoubled and the Pinochet militars continue to patrol the streets of the nation with the cover of the "state of exception" and the curfew.
This criminal act of the government has only guaranteed the imperialist transnationals to continue to grow their fortunes as is the case of the copper transnationals, which have seen their profits increase alongside the increase in the price of the mineral, at the expense of bones, muscles and health of the working class. Today the price of copper is going "through the roof", while health, jobs, wages, education, etc. they are still "on the ground". Along the same lines, the richest sectors of the local bourgeoisie, a minor partner of the transnationals, increased their fortunes by more than 70%, showing that those at the top continue to benefit in the midst of the crisis that they have provoked.
If today Piñera and the civil-military regime of the Constitution of the '80 is able to unleash such an attack against the working class and the poor people and to accentuate the health crisis, it is because the collaborationist leaderships saved this government and the hated regime of the 1980's Constitution, which had been cornered by the enormous mass revolutionary combat beginning in October 2019. When the former Concertacion and all the corrupt parties signed the “Pact for Peace and the New Constitution” to get us into the detour and the rigged “constituent process”, the bureaucracy of the CUT and all the organizations of the Board of Social Unity took the workers out of the path of the General Strike and separated the mass movement and the fierce "first line" from their best ally, the labor movement.
This was also the plan applied by the different union bureaucracies in the rest of the American continent, like in USA, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, etc. It is because every combat that the workers and the fighting masses wage calls into question the governments, regimes and their parties and the plan of US imperialism.
After diverting the revolutionary combat and betraying it at the negotiating tables with the government, the leaderships of the Board of Social Unity led us to the feet of the “constituent process” to remove the masses from the streets and guarantee that Piñera, the Pinochetista generals and the imperialist transnational continue to starve, enslave, repress and kill the workers and the people. First it was the scam of the plebiscite to choose between the "Approve" and the "Rejection" of October and now they want to submit us to the electoral circus of May 15 for the "Constituent Convention". They want us to believe that from the hand of a totally fraudulent and rigged "Constituent", which is an appendage of the Pinochetista regime, that is regulated and protected by the genocidal military and imperialism, something could be changed, when (everybody knows) everything will remain the same. Thus they are giving Piñera time to finish his term, though we still shout out for dignity, freedom for political prisoners, justice for our martyrs and maimed, and all our just claims.
The workers are fighting and facing the government again!
Today the workers' movement is responding to the height of the attack that the government is carrying out on behalf of imperialism and the bourgeoisie.
On 4/21, nearly 6,000 dock workers organized in the Port Union paralyzed 17 ports from north to south, due to the announcement of the government that it was preventing the withdrawal of 10% of the AFPs again by appealing to the Constitutional Court. The port strike once again demonstrated the enormous weight of the working class, which due to its role in production is the one that can hit the government, the capitalists and imperialism where it hurts the most: in their profits and in their property.
While the ports were paralyzed, in the working-class neighborhoods of the whole country the barricade fight returned against the quarantines of hunger that this government has been imposing for a year, at the same time that the "first line" of the health workers (forced to face the pandemic in the worst conditions, within collapsed health centers), are leading different measures of struggle and have broken into the Ministry of Health for a few hours on 4/23.
The "general health strike" of the CUT strikebreaker bureaucracy: a call for a "peaceful" strike to prevent us from resuming our revolutionary struggle
When huge sectors of the workers and exploited are struggling to return to combat because they can no longer bear their situation, when we already have thousands of deaths, hundreds of thousands of infections by Covid, and the highest numbers of daily infected, when we must live in a true state of siege with the military in the streets and a bloody repression that continues to add political prisoners and martyrs of the working class and rebellious youth, now the CUT bureaucracy calls for a "general health strike" for the next 4/30.
When he secretary general of the CUT, Nolberto Díaz, of the coup-plotter Christian Democrats, saw the huge port strike that attacked the profits of the capitalists, the demonstrations of health workers and the fire of the barricades that returned at various points throughout Chile he was quick to declare: "The call is not to carry out marches, or barricades ... We want a peaceful general strike, under the instruction of the unions ... with discipline, in a peaceful way." Hurrying to act beforehand, these traitors want to subject us to the “union discipline” of the CUT, which has only given up our revolutionary struggle and saved the Piñera government and the regime of the 1980s Constitution!
The CUT bureaucracy has been a fundamental pillar of the "constituent process" which is meant to maintain the looting of the imperialist transnationals, for the caste of the Pinochetista generals to continue taking a slice of the copper profits, for the nation to continue being subjected to triple chains that bind it to US imperialism through its political, economic and military pacts, etc. That is why the CUT bureaucrats present themselves as candidates to the “constituent” in order to finish burying our fight for dignity.
This so-called "general health strike" controlled by these "red pacos” has been thought as to finish submitting us to the "constituent" scam, that is, so that Piñera goes on. But the workers and the exploited masses in their revolutionary struggle have drawn the conclusion that in order to get even the most minimal and elemental demands they have to overthrow the Piñera government and the Pinochetista constitution, which all the parties of this rotten regime have administered in these last 30 years where they only imposed the fiercest dictatorship of capital.
The policy of the CUT bureaucracy is that the revolutionary combat that was fought in 2019 with enormous days of revolutionary general strike, with mass mobilizations, with the setting up of the "first line" to face the repression of the government, never returns.
There are still currents of the renegades of Trotskyism such as the PTR, which demand that the CUT bureaucracy "make the call to strike effective." This is a death trap since it generates illusions that with the help of these strikebreaker bureaucrats, workers can conquer the general strike, when each workers' struggle in recent years, each day of general strike that took place in the mines and ports in 2019, each strike like the dockers today was conquered in spite of and against those "red pacos" from the CUT. It´s not surprising this policy of the PTR that for years has been following the Stalinist bureaucracy of the CUT, while it has put all its forces, as well as the MIT, etc., at the service of legitimizing the "constituent" trap by presenting their candidates, 180° different from a call for taking again the revolutionary path of October 2019.
Our struggle and just demands cannot be left in the hands of 200 bureaucrats of the CUT, or in the hands of the bureaucrats of the Board of Social Unity, much less in the hands of any of the treacherous leaderships of the proletariat. The only ones who can achieve everything we demand, it´s us the workers and the exploited by purging from our ranks those who have betrayed our fight for dignity, those who have abandoned our political prisoners and our martyrs.
The only alternative for those below is the revolutionary path of October 18, 2019
We must return to the path of the Revolutionary General Strike, put an end to this trap of the "constituent process" and lead the struggle for "Out with Piñera" and "Down with the‘ 80s constitution "!
We must build rank and files Assemblies and strike committees made up of the base in every port, mine and workplace! Let committees of unemployed, immigrant workers and working women stand up so that the working class can strike as one fist!
So, in each health center, hospital, doctor's office, medical schools, we must build committees of workers and students for the whole of the labor movement to take the leadership and solve the current health crisis!
May the youth of the "first line" fight again with their best ally, the labor movement! For "firsts lines" in each mine, port and work center!
From the territorial assemblies, the October 18 Coordinator and all the groups that fight for the freedom of political prisoners, from the organizations that fight for justice for our martyrs and maimed and from all the workers and student organizations that claim to be combative, we have to put all our forces to conquer the Revolutionary General Strike right now!
As a result of the port strike, different workers' organizations began to speak out against the government's anti-worker measures, as is the case of various unions of the mining proletariat, public transport workers, etc. Meanwhile, the Clasist Central of Workers is calling to conquer the General Strike. It is time to move from words to deeds and for all these organizations to go on strike together with the port workers to make the Revolutionary General Strike a reality!
For self-defense committees and workers and peasant militia to defend us from the repression of the murderous pacos and the military in the streets! For committees of rank and file soldiers that go to fight alongside the poor people and disavow their genocidal generals!
We must impose the Revolutionary General Strike to overthrow Piñera, the entire regime of the 1980s constitution and its “Constituent Convention” scam!
The power of those below must be raised!
National Congress of grassroots delegates from the entire labor movement, rebel youth and poor peasants of Mapuche origin
This will be the most democratic and representative organization of the vast majority of the Chilean workers and people, the rebellious youth and the rank and file soldiers who decide to organize together with the people to defend their lives.
May the Chile of dignity rise up again and not the one of the traitors who saved Piñera and want us on our knees!
Out with the bureaucracy of the CUT, the Board of Social Unity and all the unions and student collaborationist bureaucracies!
Down with the curfew and the "state of exception"! Dissolution of the caste of the Pinochet generals! Dissolution of the murderous police, the intelligence services and all the repressive apparatuses of the state!
Freedom of the more than 3,000 political prisoners! Workers' and people's courts to judge and punish all the murderers of our martyrs of yesterday and today!
There is plenty of money to get salaries, pensions, decent jobs, free public education, housing, quality health and all the just demands of the exploited!
Renationalization of the copper and all the natural resources that the imperialist transnationals loot, without compensation and under the workers' control! Expropriation of the banks, the insurers and the AFPs without compensation and under the control of the workers!
Against the fraud of the Pinochet "Constituent Convention", for a free and sovereign Revolutionary Constituent Assembly, imposed on the rubble of the Pinochet regime, without Piñera, without genocidal militars, without murderous pacos, without corrupt politicians, without imperialist transnational corporations and without traitorous bureaucrats, to break with imperialism, conquer free public education, and land for the poor peasants of Mapuche ethnic origin.
A Constituent Assembly with one delegate for every 10,000 voters, with recallable delegates who do not earn more than the average wage of a worker, with a single Chamber that declares the cessation of all powers of the state and of the civil-military regime and all treaties that tie Chile to imperialism like the FTAs, to break with imperialism; that gives the land to the poor peasants, imposes 8 hours of work with a minimum wage equal to the family basket for the working class, and public education, free and of quality for the worker's children.
Only a provisional revolutionary government of workers and poor peasants will be the one that, by disarming the army and the repressive Pinochetista forces, will be able to conquer the broadest democratic freedoms and a truly free and sovereign revolutionary Constituent Assembly, which will be able to decide the destiny of the nation without the bayonets of the Pinochetista generals and militars pointed to our heads.
Chile will be socialist or a Wall Street colony! |