U.S. imperialism offensive on Latin America does not stop. Biden, that butcher disguised as "good old man", is now commanding, on behalf of the Wall Street pirates and the IMF, the robbery of US "backyard", which is plagued by misery, unemployment and the Covid massacre.
The new Cuban bourgeoisie welcomed Biden with the unification of the currencies, which settles down the capitalist restoration on the island and guarantees the imperialist transnationals and the Wall Street bankers they will take hard currency dollars out of their investments and looting from Cuba.
The capitalist restoration on the island, imposed by Stalinism, has been the greatest blow to the enormous battles of the Latin American masses, which during 2019-2020 broke out in a new wave of revolutionary and anti-imperialist struggle against the infamous governments and regimes. Proposing that “socialism no longer works even in Cuba”, as the Castro brothers did, imposing counter revolutionary pacts as in Colombia, Central America or yesterday in UNASUR, plunging the masses of the island into the worst of miseries, passing as "Socialism" the most brutal and savage of capitalisms in a semi-colonial country such as the Maduro government in Venezuela, is the greatest betrayal by Stalinism in this historical period. This “new ‘89” in the American continent is the biggest stab in the back of the revolutionary struggle for the seizure of power by workers and peasants.
Reformists affirm that the different revolutionary waves of the exploited have not succeeded fue to the “backwardness in the socialist consciousness” of the masses, silencing and hiding that it was imposed by Stalinism, by the consolidation of the capitalist restoration and by the enormous betrayals to each decisive battle of the workers and oppressed.
From Havana, the support of all the Stalinist parties and the renegades of Trotskyism was organized for Sanders and the social-imperialist fractions of the Democratic Party, all of which ended up supporting Biden to get the American masses out of the revolutionary struggle in the streets that were confronting the whole of the regime of domination in the USA itself.
The already worn-out forces of the "Bolibourgeoisies" of this "Bolivarian Revolution" scam, have led to the bankruptcy and decadence of Nicaragua and Venezuela and demonstrated how the native bourgeoisies are not only incapable of waging any serious anti-imperialist struggle, but they are always end up, as junior partners of imperialism, attacking the working class and the exploited to save their businesses and interests. That was the role of the Kirchners, the Lula, the Chávez, the Morales, etc. during the first five years of the 21st century
Today in Bolivia, where the masses were threatening a new revolutionary crisis to overthrow the semi-fascist government of Áñez, the regime and the same Banzerist generals who yesterday removed the MAS of Morales from power, brought it back in emergency so that in new elections it could again divert the revolutionary rise of workers and peasants. Settled in the betrayal of the COB bureaucracy, the MAS returned to power in Bolivia with the Arce government, after having given explicit support from Parliament to the Áñez government.
This happened when the revolutionary fire of different offensives of the Latin American masses was still hot.
In the second half of 2019, in Chile the Plaza de la Dignidad was seized by the masses and millions of exploited entered the combat, shaking the Pinochet civil-military regime and putting it in serious crisis…
Days before, the "gasolinazo" (a huge increase of fuels prices, TN) launched by Moreno's Government had been defeated in Ecuador. A huge worker and peasant semi-insurrection ended with the Government hidden in Guayaquil and the masses taking Quito, the capital of the country. The soldiers disobeyed the generals who had sent them to repress the workers and peasants. Hundreds of officers were taken hostage by the masses. A true revolutionary crisis opened in that country. It was the leaderships of the worker and peasant centrals (the FUT and the CONAIE, respectively) that brought Moreno back to the government. Such treason ended in an electoral detour that disorganized the masses. The pandemic thrown at the exploited did the rest. A puppet election has just taken place in Ecuador, where no candidate got more than 18 or 20% of the votes in the first round, giving finally Lasso the victory as president-elect, a follower of the oligarchs of Moreno's Government, against Correa's candidate. How millions of exploited would vote to support the movement of the "Bolivarian" Correa when it was him who d been applying the worst attack plans to workers and peasants for 10 years? Some time ago, as we have said, that scam of the "Bolivarian Revolution" disorganized the struggle of the masses and earned the just hatred of the exploited.
In boiling Peru, which last year revolted in a revolutionary way and left the regime and its parties battered, with the masses in the streets pulling down the government of Merino, the CGTP, led by Stalinism and the Patria Roja (Red Fatherland) Party, closed the way for the workers' and peasants' alliance to give a revolutionary solution to the crisis of the Fujimorista regime in a state of decomposition. Today the impasse is defined in a runoff for the presidence between Fujimori’s daughter and Pedro Castillo, a late "Bolivarian" that with populist chatter and from a bourgeois party like Peru Libre (Free Peru) is trying to convince the workers and poor peasants of the advantages of an open policy of class collaboration.
In Chile, it was the bureaucracies of the Social Unity Board that took the masses off the streets, in a pact with the Piñera government and the Pinochetista officers, to lead them to the fraud of a rigged “constituent”, protected by the sabers of the generals.
In Chile, it were the bureaucracies of the Social Unity Board that, in a pact with Piñera's Government and the Pinochetista officials, took the masses off the streets to lead them to the fraud of a rigged “Constituent Assembly”, protected by the sabers of the generals.
As we can see, it were the leaderships of the Stalinist, neo-Maoist, petty bourgeois trade union bureaucracies of all shapes and sizes stripes, which saved the bourgeois regimes and States in crisis from the hatred of the masses.
The Biden government then assumes this task already fulfilled by the treacherous leaderships of the masses, which in this way allow U.S. imperialism and the IMF to come for everything. The different variants of Stalinism and Castroism, which yesterday sustained the "Bolivarian Revolution", although totally worn out today, played the role of diverting this enormous uprising of the exploited.
Despite this, all the bourgeois regimes, their parties and institutions are in serious crises. They no longer arise great illusions and much less enthusiasm among the masses.
The renegades of Trotskyism played a decisive role in supporting Stalinism and the union bureaucracies of the continent from the left ...
Together with the Communist Party, these currents supported Sanders in the United States and today they are all faithful militants, from within or from without, of the “left wing” of the imperialist Wall Street monopolies.
From the Latin American Conference of the FIT-U came those who vindicated the "socialists" of the US and currents that were directly associated with them, as they did from the PSOL of Brazil with its leader Pedro Fuentes, or from the LIS / MST of Argentina, which formed a common "International" with the Zionist billionaire Sanders.
The renegades of Trotskyism, like the PTS of Argentina, have legitimized the fraud of the Pinochetista "Constituent", entering the electoral trap in Chile ... "critically", of course. In Bolivia, while calling for a fight against the “advance of the extreme right”, they demand from the government of the Morales’ MAS to vote in Congress “progressive” laws for the masses. They have become nothing more and nothing less than a pressure group on the bourgeois government, recreating illusions in it. Meanwhile, the already worn out Bolivian POR is in open bankruptcy after supporting the Áñez coup alongside the COB bureaucracy.
In Argentina, while they "face the right", the renegades of Trotskyism press the Fernandezes Government, considered a "progressive" one by them, for laws "favorable to the workers". They live in an eternal electoral campaign. With their arm in the unemployed movement, they lead it to beg for alms from the capitalists and their government, while, before the harsh struggles of the working class, they only manage to leave them isolated and let them to die suffocated by the centralized assault of the bosses, who together with the union bureaucracy and the Government are trying to defeat them one by one.
The parliamentary cretinism of the renegades of Trotskyism only permitted the covering up by the left the electoral traps and detours concocted by the regimes and governments in crisis in the region and the perfidious actions of Stalinism throughout the continent, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.
The "New Left" is exactly this: a front of Stalinists and former Trotskyists in charge of taking care of the businesses and the capitalist regimes in the US, North, Central and South America... Small surprise: this is precisely their policy worldwide. If they reached the baseness of supporting in Syria either al-Assad's genocide against the Syrian masses or the supposed bourgeois “opposition” that fled the battlefield a long time ago, the policy of these currents in the American continent is not astonishing.
In Brazil and Argentina the union bureaucracies and the reformist left carry out the same policy.
Brazil has burst into a monumental economic and political crisis, which is deepening with the pandemic that has caused the death of hundreds of thousands of workers and the poor both in the cities and the countryside. There the argument is the same one used by the PJ (the Peron Party) and the union bureaucracies in Argentina in 2017, when they affirmed that Macri could be defeated in the 2019 elections. Thus they took the working class off the streets and from the direct fight against that hated anti-worker government. That same policy is pactised by the World Social Forum and reformism in Brazil today: "We’ll remove Bolsonaro, either in the 2022 elections or, though a parliamentary Impeachment, by negotiating with the bourgeois gangs in the Congress." Meanwhile, the worst attacks are being applied to the Brazilian working class against their collective bargainings, with labour flexibility, and chronic unemployment, in a country where the capitalist system and its rotten pro-imperialist regime have been blown-up. This is what the role of the union bureaucracies, PT or non-PT, is about: to tie the hands of the working class so that it does not break into the scene against the hated Bolsonaro government.
In the US, as we have already said, this same policy of subjecting the rebellious masses to the electoral trap has just been applied to get them out of the fight in the streets, leading them behind the vote for Biden to "defeat Trump."
We are facing an open policy of class collaboration, reissuing the old recipe of Stalinism of supporting the "progressive" and "democratic" bourgeois camps, to tie the fate of the proletariat to a sector of its executioners. An example of this is also the case of the PSOL of Brazil, which is discussing the making of a front with the PT for the next elections.
Nothing different happens in Argentina. Peronism allegedly"defeated" Macri in the elections and imposed a government supported by the traitors of the union bureaucracy - a true police force within the labor movement – and is applying the same plans of hunger, misery, of attack on the agreements, of job insecurity, etc. The Fernández government, a Government like Macri's but in a sweetened versión, leans in brutal Bonapartist ways, with the full state-ization of the unions, with a union bureaucracy that is ready to liquidate and destroy any working class tendency to exert resistance, leaving it exposed both to fierce repression and the attack by bourgeois justice. This has happened in very tough combats such as the occupation of land in Guernica, the struggles in the meat union such as in ArreBeef processing plant and the Penta refrigerator plant, or while the workers' responses against labour flexibility, as today in the Port of Buenos Aires, while millions of starving workers seek to subsist under subhuman conditions.
Reformism will blame this on the masses, when in reality this happens due to their betrayals. They try to paint the Peronist government of the Fernándezes as a government that is "kind to the people; however, it is settled in a sinister and totally dictatorial pact with the union bureaucracy, the UIA and the organically anti-labor “estancieros” of the Rural Society.
The Fernándezes government is firmly devoted to demonstrate to imperialism that they will be the ones le to repay, by casualizing and martyring the work force in Argentina, the foreign debt and guarantee the looting of the nation.
In Latin America, due to the actions of the treacherous leaderships and their overabundance, things went from enormous struggles and a new revolutionary wave that swept across the entire continent, to a reactionary moment, of an imperialist bourgeois counteroffensive that tries to stabilize governments and regimes that had been battered by the previous rise of masses. It was not the heroic working class of the United States, Chile, Peru or Colombia that put the revolutionary general strike on the order of the day, nor the workers of Brazil and Argentina, much less the workers and peasants of Ecuador and Bolivia who gave up. It was their leaderships who betrayed them.
The last word is not said. Both the objective conditions of economic crash and a huge social and political crisis all across the continent push for a very tough resistance against governments and regimes totally discredited. Under these conditions, slowly maturing, new clashes between revolution and counterrevolution are prepared.
When revolutionary Ecuador was burning, 11 Latin American armies gathered under the command of the Pentagon. Learning from the experience of Ecuador, where the president had fled and, as we have said, the capital city had been left in the hands of workers and peasants, it was discussed and agreed that the policy and strategy of imperialism and its governments and regimes in Latin America in the face of the mass mobilizations should be none other than "isolating the violent" and giving extreme legality and support to the "peaceful".
And so they did. Today the prisons are full of political prisoners and the best of the vanguard have been fired from the factories and establishments after hard fighting, or are contained, manu militari, by the union bureaucracies and the repressive forces.
Not a day passes that in Colombia they do not assassinate a worker or peasant leader. More than 2,500 prisoners are held hostage in the dungeons of the Pinochetista regime in Chile, which continues to assassinate fighters with its repressive forces. In Argentina, all workers’ struggles end with a harsh repression, with workers dismissed, and persecuted by the bosses' justice. Sebastián Romero is still in prison and thousands of workers continue to be prosecuted, while the bourgeois gangs dispute their business in the justice of the oppressors, managing their fascist and anti-worker judges at will. In Senkata and Sacaba, Bolivia, people continue to claim for justice for their dead and for the freedom of the fighters against the Áñez coup, while they still continue bearing legal charges against them under the current government of the “Bolivarians”. Likewise, a fierce dictatorial regime imposes capitalist restoration in Cuba, where any attempt to set up independent labor unions or organizations is repressed iron and fire.
Our combats, the fight of the currents that fight to re-found the Fourth International, far from culminating, become more necessary and essential than ever. The historical task posed by the Trotskyists in the 1930s is still pending:"(...) the proletariat of Latin America has not been able, cannot, won’t be able to fight effectively for its class interests, except in collaboration with the proletariat of the imperialist countries. Thus, for the Bolshevik-Leninists, there is no task more important than that of establishing the connection and later the unification between the different parts of the proletarian organization of the continent, creating an organism so well built that any revolutionary vibration of it occurred in Patagonia, would reverberate immediately, as transmitted by a perfect nervous system, in the revolutionary proletarian organizations of the USA. Until such a thing is accomplished, the task of the Bolshevik Leninists in the American Continent will not have been accomplished”.
That is the task and the obligation of the Trotskyists at the present time. Reformism does not get along with the masses. Their fate will be that of the regimes they have saved. A revolutionary regrouping of the workers' ranks is the task of the moment. |
Joe Biden
Dock workers' assembly in Buenos Aires
Police evicts the protest of the dock workers
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Arce inaguration in Bolivia
Protest in Peru
Demonstration in Peru
Youth fighting in Peru