With the massive bombardment on Idlib, Ghouta and the Basharist slaughtering in Wadi Barada it is clear that from that conference of killers, thieves and sellers out of the Syrian revolution it will not come peace but new massacres, more starvation and sufferings for the Syrian people.
It has been held the Astana meeting, in the capital of Kazakhstan, with the participation of representatives from Russia, Iran, Turkey, Bashar and the FSA generals as “representatives of the Syrian opposition”. This time, the latter did not go as divided factions but unified under the command of Turkey after selling out Aleppo. Trump administration that recently assumed the office of the US presidency sent a supervisor of his diplomatic delegation to that country. Everybody is waiting for the new chief and president of the conference, that is, Trump, as yesterday it was Obama.
In this conference the exploited masses are not represented. There is no representative of the Syrian revolution, let alone of the millions crowded in the refugee camps, of the internal displaced. In that meeting, there is not any survivor of the families massacred by Al Assad whose towns were demolished by Putin.
Nobody voted for the FSA generals participating in that conference. They were not at the front of any battle or revolution. They are who made it surrender as it is proved by the battle of Alepo and others betrayals for the dog Bashar.
Kazakhstan Conference is called the “conference of peace” but in fact it is not held for ending up the slaughtering; just the contrary. It is held to deepen and lead the genocide of Al Assad and his allies to the end. It is already denounced by the Syrian masses in the regions free from Assad control like Ghouta, Douma, Wadi Barada and Idlib. These cities are still suffering the bombardments and siege of the Basharist forces and his allies as Putin and Ayatollahs, so they see how these supposed “conversations of peace” in Astana only provoke more bombs and death. This is not new, it has already happened in 2013 with the conference of Vienna and Geneva. The proof of the lies behind these “conversations of peace” is the 600.000 massacred, 15 millions of refugees and all the cities destroyed.
Nothing good will come from the Astana conference to the Syrian people already living under a generalized starvation. For them, no solution will be given in that conference. There, the winners are those who share out the business and wealth from Syria at the expense of the sufferings of Syrian masses.
The FSA and Sunni bourgeoisie under the command of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar say that they go to the conference to “stop deaths”. This is a lie. It is a vile blackmailing to impose the surrender with even more thousands of deaths and refugees. This is the contribution of the FSA to this meeting of the killers of the Syrian people: the surrender of the revolution from inside.
This is the real face of the Kazakhstan conference the masses are suffering.
From that conference the enemies of the revolution unified their forces to end up disarming till the last rebel and re-take all the strongholds of Syria to re-build the state of exploiters demolished by a mass revolution. Now it is under the command of USA, Russia and Turkey. Thus, they have deepened the attacks on the rebel regions, especially on Idlib, where the last trench of the Syrian revolution is set up.
In Kazakhstan, as yesterday in Vienna and Geneva since 2013, they only decide that Al Assad keeps in the government killing the people. These are the actual facts. This conference already decided that Assad will continue in power as a prize to be the best executioner of the Syrian people.
Once the Syrian revolution was sold out at a great extend by the FSA and other bourgeois “opposite” factions, on behalf of “the national reconciliation” they will now reconstitute a single army among the murderous Al Assad’s officers (and his partners of the Iranian theocracy and Hezbollah), and a selective caste of FSA generals who are business men and unconditional addicted to the imperialism.
In the revolutionary offensive in 2011/2012, masses divided such murderous army. They broke the army horizontally. The vast majority of soldiers with their weapons passed themselves on the side of the people.
For the Kazakhstan conference it is about disarming them and the whole people; and the generals who “passed” on the side of the revolution using a “democratic language” to surrender revolution from inside has to come back now to the same headquarters from where they emerged to be able to reconstitute altogether the state of the oppressors in Syria.
But for this great operation, of course, there will be a moment that the face of Al Assad would not be useful to put a good cover on such a counterrevolutionary conspiracy so that masses can assimilate it. At proper time, he will be cast aside. But his services are still useful and thus the Kazakhstan conference sustains him. The imperialism and his lackeys still have a long way ahead to strangle the Syrian revolution.
From the Astana conference, USA organizes and disciplines all his agents to the last phase of the counterrevolution in Syria and secure his dominance in the entire Maghreb and Middle East
It is undoubtedly that the imperialism used all his agents to put the Syrian revolution in a defensive position and in a phase of massacre and extermination. He already used his agents of the Iranian theocracy and Hezbollah and now they are no longer useful.
Obama lifted the embargo to Iran so that in exchange they can be the clash forces against the Syrian masses. Now Trump wants to lock them up in Teheran and even he threatens his own mercenaries with his gunboats from the Mediterranean to discipline them. This is in that way because after defeating the Syrian revolution, USA has to rebuild his counterrevolutionary control devices in the whole Maghreb and Middle East where the oil routes are located; the 80 % of the world economy is supplied by these oil routes.
The Iranian theocracy and Hezbollah were very useful as mercenary forces to crush the Syrian revolution. But they are not to control the business of the imperialist oil companies. USA needs to put his most loyal gendarme in the table of Kazakhstan-together with Russia and Turkey- that is, Zionism. He must give Zionism back the power of fire.
After defeating the Syrian revolution it is not about prizing the Iranian theocracy but the imperialism tries and will try to rule and enter also Iran to blood and fire to take directly for his own all the Iranian business and oil wealth. With this coin he will pay historically for their services given. Trump already told the Iranian theocracy: “come back to Iran” and “suspend every policy on missile test” since they are not for that role. The imperialism begins a new phase after his offensive on Syria and will try to secure his victory. For that, to walk on Iran with his own boot is a pending dispute.
Zionism –like the US imperialism after his defeat in Iraq- hasn´t had power of fire till the moment. But just now when the Syrian revolution is been defeated, the Yemeni revolution isolated, the counterrevolutionary gangs of the murderous Egyptian army is slaughtering masses in that country, and the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are recognizing the Zionist State of Israel, the conditions are getting ready for Zionism to play again a direct counterrevolutionary role in the region by the hand of Trump. Putin, Turkey and Al Assad are not enemies of Zionism but the biggest sustainers of it.
The defeat of the Syrian revolution and the “victory of Al Assad” is leading to this tragedy: USA that in the past was expelled from Iraq and Zionism that did not have fire power nowadays they are coming back with their warships able to attack again at any moment against the masses from the region. The plan of Trump for Kazakhstan is the following: that USA and Zionism can intervene directly again without so many intermediaries of the bourgeois local gangs. But we will see if it can be done. Nobody takes as certain the death of the Syrian revolution, or that of the Maghreb and Middle East, let alone the defeat of the working class in the central countries.
In those conferences, all the executioners of the Syrian revolution move very carefully. Despite Mr. Trump brags, US masses are not already ready to allow the Wall Street´s gangs to go to new military adventures. They need to smash even more the revolution in the region for the Zionism can act without being the trigger that makes Maghreb and Middle East rebel in a single combat. For that reason, the dog Bashar, Russia, Turkey and FSA play a role still prominent in the events of Syria.
Therefore, the attempt to make workers of the world and from the tormented Syria believe that “Kazakhstan conference will bring peace” is a cruel lie. It is a deceit that covers the deepening of new and superior counterrevolutionary strikes against the Syrian revolution and the oppressed from Maghreb and Middle East. The counterrevolutionary agreement among Russia, Turkey and USA is just starting the massacres, strikes and mortal attacks against the people who “dared” to revolt for bread and freedom from Tunis to Damascus and Jerusalem.
From Kazakhstan, imperialism prepares to take the last trench of the Syrian revolution on Idlib and guarantee positions to control the whole Syria
The plan of the Kazakhstan conference not only includes those who went to Astana and those who are preparing to enter. From there they define all the steps that still remain to be taken to crush the last trenches of the revolution.
Huge rebel forces have regrouped in Idlib chewing hatred and yearning to enter the fight again not only against the dog Bashar but also against the bourgeois generals of the FSA, who sold out all the positions conquered by the resistance from 2011/2012 in Syria.
It is clear that the revolution has entrenched itself in the last lines. With the bombing of Idlib today they seek to punish and soften the heroic people of that province. But everyone knows that this will not be enough. Idlib must fall like Aleppo yesterday. That is the strategy of the counterrevolution.
There, Al Nusra (today called Jabhat al Fatah al Sham) has a huge weight, an army party led by the Sunnite national bourgeoisie linked to trade and finance with Turkey and Saudi Arabia itself.
They did not go to Astana, but not because they did not want to. In fact, they changed their name, announced their split from Al Qaeda and recently declared that they are in favor of integrating to any conference to find "a political way out for Syria" precisely because they were trying to go.
They made efforts for this, such as when they together with the FSA sold out Aleppo; (hoarding weapons and food, refusing to enter decisive battles to break the siege, retreating from the battlefield while the masses died defending the rebellious neighborhoods). But it is still not enough: imperialism commanding the Kazakhstan conference has assigned them another role, that is to contain the rebel masses of Idlib, where the rebels who resisted to the end in Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Daraya , Wadi Barada and the ones of that city. Idlib today is the last of the rebel bastions, and Al Nusra generals disguise as opponents to Astana to control it, as part of the same plan of Kazakhstan’s conference to finish defeating the Syrian revolution.
But this is not easy. Al Nusra is “sitting on a volcano”, the one of the revolutionary masses who conquered Khantoman yesterday, who learned from the experiences of huge revolutionary offensives throughout Syria and their cruel defeats. There they are the forces that want to regroup themselves to strongly hit the regime.
This is the contradiction of Jabhat al Fatah al Sham: the role that he was forced to play to be received in Astana and the indomitable forces that he must control. For this purpose, the revolutionary masses of Idlib must be softened, disarmed and a thousand times more martyred by the bombings of Al Assad and Putin, so that the heads of Jabhat to Fatah al Sham have the hands free to sell them out.
The total war on Idlib has begun. The excuse is, again, "the fight against terrorism". Tons of bombs from Al Assad and Putin rain over their cities. But the tragedy is that while this is happening, the FSA is already playing the role of armed division, under the command of Turkey and the conference of Kazakhstan, to act as a new whip to disarm and defeat the last trenches of the revolution.
The FSA sold out Aleppo after being taken to the operation "Shield of the Euphrates" (the Turkish invasion in Syria) to place itself under the orders of Erdogan "against the ISIS" and leave the front against Bashar. Now it is led to attack Idlib under the excuse of "facing terrorism", either directly under the orders of the Kazakhstan conference of Russia, Turkey and the United States. Thus these FSA generals have placed him directly as one of the aggressor forces against the rebellious masses. This in turn shows that every attack "against the ISIS" is nothing more than a screen to attack the Syrian revolution.
To do this, the FSA has to leave out of its ranks and disarm thousands of fighters from its rank and file cutting off its funds and supplies. Thus those who refuse to go to confront Al Nusra in Idlib and those who continue to ask for weapons to confront Bashar are set aside and forced to disarm. The well-paid FSA brigades are left with a disciplined army to attack the masses. All fractions of the FSA that went to Kazakhstan have been unified, along with Ahrar al Sham, into a common force.
The FSA attack on Al Nusra barracks was the perfect excuse for the latter to initiate a military response "from above", leading to the collision and fratricidal tearing of the militiamen and the people of the Syrian revolution.
But the workers and the people of Idlib took to the streets shouting: "Guns are not for fighting between brothers!” This irruption of the masses prevented this criminal, fratricidal and suicidal clash of the revolution, ferociously driven by the gangs of the Sunni bourgeoisie who are fighting for the business of post-revolutionary Syria.
The disarmament of the FSA officialdom was and is posed in the last trenches of the revolution as a vital task. Either the masses disarm the officers and businessmen of the FSA or they will end up disarming the masses and finally selling out the revolution, or attacking them militarily as it is doing today in Idlib.
As we already saw them in Aleppo, about ten times, hiding the weapons that could have broken the siege of Al Assad; and storing food that could have been the supplies for six months to the hungry people of the resistance in Aleppo... everything for a few rich people could do their business increasing the price of the products and acting as usurers of the people bombarded by the barrels of Al Assad and Putin's bombs.
As is already denounced and shouted in all the streets of rebellious Syria: the generals of the FSA fled from Aleppo changing their uniform and putting on the one of Al Assad, raising their flags again!
The control of the militiamen and the poor people - that of the revolution - of arms is the only guarantee to defend the last trenches of the Syrian revolution.
To support the trenches of the revolution, it is necessary to urgently regroup the rebels and the militiamen, who do not obey orders from Turkey, Qatar or Saudi Arabia, or from the United States, and only do so from the tormented Syrian people.
It is a vital necessity for the revolution to conquer a single command of the resistance. It has to be set up and representative of workers' delegates, refugees, internally displaced persons, poor peasants and of all those who do not live exploiting other’s work profiting and trading with the hunger and deaths of Syrian people.
¡The weapons are of the militiamen and the tormented Syrian people, who conquered them with their revolutionary uprising of 2011/2012! The guns are in the barracks and are kept by the bourgeois generals. Let the barracks open! The oppressed and the militiamen who give their lives have all the right to have absolute control of people’s armament!
Throughout the province of Idlib, the oppressed masses took to the streets to stop a fratricidal war. All the power of Idlib to the councils of delegates, refugees, internally displaced persons, and workers and poor people of all their cities! They must choose their representatives. They must take the political control and military power of the resistance! Only in that way it will be possible to really conquer a single army that will serve to return to Aleppo, regroup the resistance, and retake the offensive against Damascus and Al Assad.
The bourgeois generals and their operating rooms attack the rebellious workers and people from behind, whether the FSA or Al Nusra. As life has already demonstrated, they end up being "operating rooms" of the sellers and executioners of Syrian revolution.
In Idlib, as in the rebel zones yesterday, it cannot be allowed while the oppressed people give their lives in the struggle against Bashar, a handful of rich and usurers will be enriched at the expense of the blood of the revolutionary people.
In the trenches of the revolution, we must end with the high prices and business made with the hunger of the people! Enough of hoarding food that causes soar and inflation prices! We must end the usurer and the lender in the trenches of the revolution!
All economy and all food must be for the people who are martyred by Al Assad to eat and have dignity! Stop negotiating over the death and massacre of the Syrian people!
Labor and popular control of the entire economy in the rebel zones! Expropriation of those who profit from the hunger of the people!
For committees of sourcing, price control and production throughout Idlib and rebel areas!
Decent salary for all!
The fascist bands of Al Assad and his mercenaries in every city they take appropriated refrigerators, televisions, kitchens and all the goods of Syrian poor people. The expropriators and thieves of the revolution must be expropriated! In every city that the rebels take: no dwelling or property of the people is touched, but the factories, the oil wells and the Banks of the executioners of Syria are expropriated and confiscated.
Committees of militiamen, with chiefs and representative delegates voted 1 every 50 in rank and file assemblies!
Open the road to the shora! Open the road to the coordinating committees of workers and militiamen!
A single army, a single people of the oppressed masses, a single fist to defeat Al Assad!
Open borders! Let the refugees back home, because in Idlib and in the last trenches of the resistance they must have a pan and a rifle to fight against the dog Bashar to recover housing and freedom!
Carlos Munzer
Collaboration for the newspaper The Truth of the Oppressed