Syria - Opinion Article April 10th, 2018
The fascist snake that massacres the Syrian masses sleeps coiled in Damascus and Moscow, but the head is on Wall Street
The US is now looking to settle the PAX AMERICANA in Syria with its guns, once al-Assad and Putin end their task of crushing the revolution through genocide.
USA, France, NATO, that is, the leaders of the Putin and Bashar gang, after 7 years of massacre in Syria, now want to appear as liberators of the nation. Hypocrites! The US imperialists left open skies; together with Turkey they organized the surrender of all the cities conquered by the insurrected people in 2011 and 2012.
US imperialists, with lackey troops, entered Raqqa, Palmyra and Deir ez-Zor (while they were taking out their ISIS employees on air-conditioned buses) and they were massacring more treacherously than al-Assad when he entered Aleppo or Ghouta.
Trump, Obama, Macron, Merkel: you are the chiefs of al-Assad and Putin, who did the dirty work of crushing the revolution for you. You needed them, and still need them until there is not a single combatant standing for bread and freedom.
The USA shows its gunships in daylight. It waits now for Russia and al-Assad to finish crushing Idlib, the last trench of revolution. As the true cynics they are perhaps they will make selective attacks, as they did in April 2017 coordinating with Russia the attack on an empty air base of al-Assad. Now it will show that some lash will hit its servant. Otherwise, it would not be credible.
For US imperialists and Zionism it is essential to recover their direct firepower in the Middle East, after US expulsion from Iraq and the revolutions of 2011. The counterrevolutionary and fascist advances of their agent al-Assad have created the best conditions to intervene.
The more al-Assad massacred the oppressed people of Syria, the more he created the conditions for the US and Zionist attacks, the latter now taking strength to try to crush Gaza.
With the excuse of chemical weapons (the same ones that were fired by al-Assad more than 200 times with the approval of the UN) they now want to obtain the support of their own people for military adventures of great proportions in the world. Miserable! Perverts!
The Syrian people know that al-Assad used not only chemical weapons, but also thousands of barrels and missile bombs, and that he has murdered dozens of thousands in his prisons under torture.
The United States, the chiefs of that UN assassination round table, are preparing to be the ones who distribute the booty of martyred Syria.
Hypocrites! In 7 years there were hundreds of thousands of murdered and millions of refugees. Miserable! The Us imperialists will impose a regime of terror and hunger like the one they imposed with the dog Bashar in a split and invaded Syria, turned into a regime of the protectorate of that den of bandits of the UN, in case they succeed.
For imperialism, Al Assad, Russia and Iran are to crush the revolution. But it will be the imperialist powers that rise up with the victory of the civil war and divide the spoils.
Just look at Iraq, or Palestine occupied by Zionism; you will understand that Trump -who has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Zionist-Fascist state of Israel- will never bring freedom to Syria.
USA and France are already in Syria! They massacred in Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor worse than al-Assad did; and they kept for themselves all the oil wells.
The USA, France and Turkey, have already shared the fundamental: oil and pipelines. Putin is a mere hit man. He charges his fees by selling weapons at the bloodied Syria counter.
And what about al-Assad? He keeps quiet and in submission to the master. Along with the traitors of the PKK and the YPG, he surrendered Afrin -without firing a single shot- to the butcher Erdogan, as a pledge of peace.
Syria was invaded by the hand of the fascist executioner, al-Assad.
The bourgeois generals of the FSA are applauding. Traitors! A thousand times traitors! As Trojan horses, they gave Homs, Aleppo, Qsair, Hama and now Ghouta to the dog Bashar. In this last area, in accordance with Russia, they will be what they always were: the police of al-Assad! And they surrendered their militiamen, forcing them to comply with mandatory military service in al-Assad's army!
That is the truth. Ghouta fell through the betrayal! Al-Assad had been defeated by land a thousand times.
Hyenas and lions come for prey. But they still need to defeat Idlib, Gaza, Yemen… and Tehran, where the masses win the streets shouting "the clergy live like gods and the people live like beggars."
The parasites of Wall Street are counting the profits that the 200 billion of investment to reconstruct Syria today in ashes will leave.
But do not spend money beforehand. The battle of Idlib, still the battle of the refugee camps and the masses of the entire Middle East is missing. The battles of Madrid, of Paris, of New York are also missing ... that is what imperialism fears.
They have pulled out the gunships. The bosses of al-Assad have arrived, as he is already a squeezed lemon. But they doubt. They ask and discuss in the UN and in the chancelleries around the world: Is the revolution sufficiently defeated to enter and put the dog aside so the master can dominate?
We are living the last chapters of the revolution and the counterrevolution in Syria. The last word has not yet been said. Imperialism doubts. It knows that it has the last silver bullet -its intervention- and that by firing it, it can miss the target, because in Idlib there are not only the best militiamen of the revolution, but also the revolutionary masses who long ago made their experience with the traitors of the FSA that surrendered all the rebellious cities. The masses there know that Turkey has closed borders to turn Idlib into a slaughterhouse of the last remaining of the revolutionary masses of Syria.
The left was always with some one of the bourgeois and imperialist gangs that crushed the Syrian revolution. They supported the dog Bashar; they hung on the coattails of the PKK and the YPG, which agreed with al-Assad. Others were with the FSA generals, calling on the intervention of France and the US imperialists.
Stay calm, Messrs. Your bosses and friends are winning. USA has already massacred in Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor. Turkey has already grabbed and kept the pipelines. Bashar has already dropped chemical weapons. The Kurdish people are in the cantons of Rojava subjugated to the US bases and betrayed by the PKK.
But do not sing victory either. Everyone already sees the blood stain on your foreheads because of your betrayals to the revolution.
Syria, a huge revolution a thousand times betrayed, still lives in the blood of a whole people: the hardened masses of the Maghreb and the Middle East. The last acts will be written in the combats of the world working class. There they will settle accounts with the executioners and traitors to the revolution.
There will be no forgetting or forgiveness!
Out with all the invading troops in Syria!
Out with the USA, the French Foreign Legion, Russia, Turkey and Iran!
Out with the fascist dog al-Assad!
The fascist snake that slaughters the Syrian masses sleeps coiled in Damascus, but its head is on Wall Street. There, sooner rather than later, we will cut off its head. The Syrian people also have their allies: the American workers. They will do justice to bankers and traitors.