In the morning, the criminals entered to distribute one meal a day, which was not enough for a small child. They opened each bedroom and distributed that little food for the prisoners. After they finished, they leave the wing and give us the order to start eating and in 5 minutes we had to have finished that little meal.
Once, when the jailer was leaving the wing, he heard a sound coming from the fourth bedroom, so he opened the small window of the bedroom door and asked the president of the bedroom (Translators Note: jailers designated a president as responsible for enforcing their orders and he is the one who receives the punishments when one of the prisoners does not follow the commands): "Prostitute of the bedroom, son of a b..., who moved the bag of bread before I left the wing and gave the order to start eating?"
The president of the bedroom answered: "Sir, for God’s sake, nobody moved anything and everyone followed the rule of not moving anything".
Then the jailer answered with all sarcasm: "God better sees your sister's hairy bag." (Translators Note: bag means vagina). He closed the small window and went on his way telling the other criminal jailer who was walking with him in the wing: "Why do not we remove the supplies and leave them for another better day, when it is urgent?" Of course that bag was a bag of the dead, to make the prisoners get used to that in that terrible prison of Saidnaya. The jailer prepares the prisoner for death, to fulfill his promise in the shortest time as possible, which means that the days in jail are few and begin in a countdown, with moments of terror and horror and even murders by the murderous criminals.
The jailer opened the bedroom door, entered and repeated the question to the president of the bedroom: "Who moved the bag, son of...?"
The prisoner responded with the same previous answer: "By God, nobody moved anything, sir"
And here began difficult pain and oppression moments.
The jailer told him: "lie on your back". The prisoner lied down on his back and the jailers began to trample him with their heavy military boots. The blows concentrated on his face and chest, with full strength. They made the ugliest types of murder, crime and torture, until it became a corpse. He died with broken ribs and everything inside his body that moved stopped. After they finished with him and killed him, the jailer shouted in a loud and frightening voice "Who wants to be the bedroom president instead of this dog?" Silence and calm dominated us all for the horrors of murder crime of our prisoner friend in front of everyone.
But he did not like the calm, and said "Isn’t here someone who wants to be president of the bedroom? Well, then I'm going to choose a bedroom president and I'm going to rest from seeing you pigs."
He approached one of the prisoners, dragged him back and said "you are the president of the bedroom". He replied "I'm ready, sir." Then the jailer said "lie down" and started the same torture in the same criminal way until he became a dead body, like his prisoner friend before him.
Then he shouted out loud, "For my boot to have mercy on all of you, pigs, these are bags of many deaths, do not eat from them or you will die with the bags on you." And after that he asked "Who is going to be the president of the bedroom?"
One prisoner raised his hand and said "I will be the president of the bedroom, sir". The jailer told him: "And I promise you that your destiny will soon be like theirs, prostitute." Then he put his foot to the prisoner and began the oath procedure, and he said "God be with you, sir; and may Him take care of your land, sir."
After that, the criminals left the bedroom, closed the door and went to bring bags for the prisoners that were murdered under torture. They put them in the bags and took them out of the bedroom.
What a crime and oppression! By a small movement of the bag of bread that the criminal jailer heard, he murdered two young prisoners and promised the third one that they would kill him in the same way!
Is this a human being? They are criminal assassins emerged from the Al Assad regime.
Oh God, take revenge on those who oppress us, accept our martyrs, heal our wounded, and keep our way in you, Oh Lord, you who can do everything.
Mohammed Abu Faysal