September 7, 2018
From Las Heras, Santa Cruz, we want to be present in this international action for the freedom of the political prisoners of Syrian revolution.
We are oil workers of Patagonia, sentenced to life imprisonment and jail for fighting against the income tax (tax that the State takes out of our salary) and against labour flexibilization.
Our demand to defeat the condemnation that the oil companies and their justice have imposed on us is the same struggle. They are the same oil companies that finance the massacre and genocide against the Syrian exploited.
We raise our voices for our brothers in bloody Syria, for the thousands of workers and oppressed who rose for bread and freedom more than seven years ago, for the thousands of prisoners in the prisons of Al Assad and the millions of refugees.
We fight against the same enemy. This is what we understood when the Tribunal of the Oil Transnationals, issued the brutal condemnation in 2013. We united in a single fight with the workers and young people who were resisting in Aleppo, together with the León Sedov Brigade and the comrades Abu Al Baraa and Mustafa Abu Jumaa , killed by Al Assad and Putin. With them we set up the International Network for the Liberation of Political Prisoners and Justice to Our Martyrs. We joined beyond the borders with the Palestinian workers and Palestinean exploited who fight against the Zionist occupier, with Sammer Issawi and his family, heroes of the Palestinian cause; with George Abdallah, a fighter for the Palestinian cause imprisoned in the prisons of France for almost 40 years, together with the Basque independence prisoners, imprisoned in French prisons and the Spanish State. Together with the Marikana miners and their women who fought to do justice for the 34 miners killed by the Anglo American and the ANC police; together with the relatives of the 43 normalist students disappeared by the State in Ayotzinapa; next to Alberto Santillán, father of Darío Santillán, assassinated next to Maxi Kostequi in the year 2002 by the government of Duhalde and Solá; next to Alfón, political prisoner in the claws of the Spanish State; next to the young Greek anarchists, prisoners of the government of Syriza in the prison of Koridalos for rising up against the government and the State; next to the young revolutionaries Zengakuren and the JRCL-RMF of Japan who face imperialism in their own bowels.
That's the way we must deepen!
One single working class, the same struggle in the whole world against the same enemies!
We salute and strongly support this international action as a huge step forward in favor of Syrian workers and Syrian exploited. The workers of the world must rise up against this great genocide that Al Assad, Putin and their allies, under the orders of imperialism, are carrying out.
The international press treats the oppressed who rose up against the regime, fighting for bread and freedom as terrorists. Dozens of organizations, so called workers organizations, support Bashar and Putin Governments.
Here in Argentina the government uses the same words against us. If we get up because of our demands, they treat us as terrorists, they persecute us as they do with Sebastián Romero, a dismissed worker of General Motors, they imprison us as Facundo Jones Huala, a Mapuche prisoner who is imprisoned for fighting to recover his lands or as a Diego Parodi, young anarchist arrested for participating in the uprisings of December 14, 2017 in Buenos Aires. Also the streets are watered with the blood of companions like Santiago Maldonado and Rafael Nahuel, who were assassinated by the repressive forces of the State like hundreds of martyrs in the last years.
We know that the fight for our acquittal, for the freedom of all political prisoners and for conquering all our demands will only come true by uniting all the workers of the world in a single fight on a global level. That is why, from Patagonia, we are with you, to deepen and strengthen the unity of the workers and exploited all over the world.
From Las Heras to Idlib, from Athens to Madrid, from Gaza to Damascus, from Brussels to Turkey, from the US to the entire Middle East ...
Commission of Convicted Workers, Family and Friends of Las Heras:
José Rosales, sentenced to life in prison
Hugo González, sentenced to life
Omar Mansilla, sentenced to 5 years
Rubén Bach, sentenced to 5 years
Claudia Bazán, wife of José Rosales
Raquel Valencia, wife of Hugo González