From the concentration and refugee camps, from the highways overcrowded with workers and peasants that run away from the bombs of the genocidals Al Assad and Putin supported by Trump
From the tormented Syrian masses, there’s a new war cry of rebellion and heroism:
From Idlib to Berlin Either we die by Assad’s bombs
or we cross to Europe
The world woking class must stop
the Syrian people holocaust
We have no choice but to die with Assad barrels and chemical weapons, or we all cross into Europe. We, the people displaced by force from our homes, will move in a great human mobilization entitled: From Idlib to Berlin, and that is Sunday 02-02-2020 at 2 pm. From the Aisha Um al-Mu'min camp, between Harem and Barrisha. Adjacent to the Turkish city of Rihaniyah. Anyone who can help move people or support the action can help. There is no Idlib after Idlib. * Addresses: * 1. Raise banners explaining our destiny. 2. The Turks are not enemies, we want them to make our message cross from their lands to Europe. Cooperate with our brothers all factions and not cause any involuntary sabotage. 4. Do not approach humanitarian crossings, pain relief arteries and adhere to the chosen area.For more information, follow the details of the Facebook من_إدلب_إلى_برلين |