After the phony elections of al-Assad
Counterrevolutionary offensive to subjugate
and crush the resistance
In Idlib and in the besieged sold-out Daraa demonstrations continue
and they don’t surrender the weapons
The exploited don’t give up!
The recent elections of the regime, which were held over the basis of hundreds of thousands of dead, 15 million refugees, thousands and thousands of political prisoners under torture, gave a clear result which was not seen in the ballots but in the streets: al-Assad has no legitimacy among the Syrian people. In the streets of Idlib and in other countries where the Syrian refugees are concentrated there were huge demonstrations rejecting al-Assad and his elections, while in Daraa there were also confrontations with his genocidal forces. In the ballots there was only a number fabricated by al-Assad which is not good enough to settle a stable counterrevolutionary regime.
Al-Assad is supported only by the treacherous leaderships of the working class in the world, and also Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and imperialism and the UN that cleared the skies for him to make a mass slaughter and commit the worst war crimes. The Assadist army is nothing more than an occupation force, one of the many that have invaded Syria, on behalf of imperialism.
Despite such counterrevolution in ten years, of the aforementioned international support to al-Assad, of the siege to the revolution in Syria and the handing over of the rebel cities one by one by the Sunnite bourgeois generals, the Syrian resistance marches over and over again with the war cry “the revolution continues” in Idlib. In Daraa, despite the city being handed over by the FSA 3 years ago, the resistance keeps marching against the regime. There are daily protests and clashes with al-Assad's army, sometimes cities of the southern governorate have been liberated with huge uprisings. The counterrevolution is not settled completely.
Recently, Biden met representatives of the European imperialist powers and then Putin. His statements showed his goal is China and Iran, and for that he needs in Middle East the masses not to remain in the streets. In Syria he needs a complete defeat of the resistance so al-Assad’s regime is not destabilized.
That’s why he leaves those who are operating in Syria (al-Assad, Putin, Turkey, etc.) to play each one their counterrevolutionary role and do what they need to crush the resistance completely. As long as USA keeps occupying the oil wells and taking the black gold, everything is valid to crush the masses, and if there’s a dispute among USA's different agents, let them solve them among themselves.
Thus a few days ago al-Assad and Putin launched a campaign of bombings and artillery fire on the cities of Idlib neighbouring M4 and M5 highways in the border of that region, mainly Jebel Al Zawiya. At the same time, there’s a rumour they will launch an offensive to enter Idlib, or at least, keep those highways, roads and crossings that connect the region, leaving it isolated.
Synchronized with this, and using it as a “gun to the head”, inside Idlib HTS has started to threaten every brigade or independent group that is still there to be subjected directly to its discipline, or else they would be dissolved, disarmed, vanished from Idlib or put into jail. HTS says it will “open the fronts” against al-Assad's attack but only with those under its direct command, which means this “front opening” is an attempt to subjecting the resistance that wants to fight against al-Assad.
In Daraa, the regime and Russia imposed a siege, isolating the city, without letting anyone in or out, until the resistance, which has been in uprisings and clashing against the regime there, disarms and surrenders.
The offensive they have launched is clear: the resistance must surrender and submit to one of the forces that are occupying and splitting Syria, otherwise they will end up in jail or killed. This is what al-Assad and Putin are looking for, as well as HTS or even the National Army, under the Turkish command, which is occupying the Syrian north, where they persecute everyone that does not accept its discipline.
Al-Assad and Putin attack Idlib and besiege Daraa, but the resistance does not surrender! It’s still on the streets of Idlib and they don’t accept subordination to HTS. In Daraa they don’t surrender the weapons, and march against the regime. We won't be able to defeat Al-Assad while subordinated to a bourgeois general that has made a common government agreement with him or is his partner in Geneva conference, from which they partitioned Syria under the US command. We need to regroup and unify the Syrian resistance under a program for victory, putting an end to all the sellouts we have suffered for 10 years.
To defeat the offensive of al-Assad on Daraa, to defeat him in Idlib and for the revolution to continue and reach Damascus, we need to expropriate all the factories and banks to put all the available resources to win the war and for the people to eat. We need to call the people in Daraa, Damascus, Quneitra, Ghouta to rise up, as well as in the cities that are suffering the fascist boot of al-Assad and the starvation and misery it imposes, to make a joint struggle with Idlib. Open the fronts in al-Assad’s rearguard!
In Idlib, to open the fronts we need to conquer the generalized arming by opening HTS arsenals, which are keeping away the best of the weaponry and don’t let us confront Bashar all the way. We need to set up the workers, poor peasants and soldiers' coordination committees back again.
Open the fronts with the refugees and displaced for them to enter the fight for a decent living, recovering the houses usurped by al-Assad, and expropriate the houses and mansions of the multimillionaires in the Assadist gangs that got rich with war and the blood of the martyrs.
Expropriating oil and banks, we will have funds to make reality the war cry of 2011 that today continues, Dignity!
Out with al-Assad! Out with all the invader troops! Down with the Geneva conference! Free all the political prisoners!
The uprising masses of Lebanon and Iraq and the Iranian workers have opened the fronts in their countries. There are huge processes that continue today on the streets, fighting for bread and freedom, against the miserable living conditions to which they are forced. In Iraq there is no electricity, drinkable water or work. In Lebanon there is no way of buying even milk. In Iran, the workers aren't paid their wages while they see the prices rise exponentially day by day. All of them are taking to the streets with a single demand. In Lebanon and Iraq the uprising against the bourgeoisie and imperialism continues. In Iran, a huge oil workers strike, which different sectors have joined, has paralysed the second largest oil producer in the world. In the latter, we confront the same enemies: the ayatollah that massacre in Syria and support al-Assad, they kill in Iraq, they support Hezbollah in Lebanon while they starve and supress their own people. We need a unified struggle, going through the path we started with the Palestinian people, whose bourgeoisie tries to divide by supporting al-Assad. In the entire Maghreb and Middle East, one single intifada!
We need to break the siege to the Syrian revolution and break its isolation internationally! The resistance is still standing. Al-Assad receives the support of the treacherous leaderships of the working class and diverse governments of the world. We have to take to the streets in support to the Syrian resistance in the entire world! |