Chile - October 24th, 2021
Tribute in the 5th anniversary of Abu Al Baraa's death
From Chile, Felipe Cruces by the Partido Obrero Internacionalista / FLTI
First of all, warm greetings to the daughters of Comrade Abu al Baraa, his relatives, his brother, who spoke at the beginning of the conference, and all the comrades present.
It's been 5 years since we haven't had our comrade, but despite that, the FLTI continued to fight to break the siege of the Syrian revolution. It continued to fight so that this revolution isn’t forgotten by fighting against so much betrayal. But also the masses fought. In Latin America, two years ago, we rise up simultaneously in Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, USA, but unfortunately, like here in Chile, we suffered a great betrayal, as well as in Colombia, "thanks" to diversions, betrayals and the traps imposed on us by the reformists, the union bureaucracies and, above all, the renegades of Trotskyism. All those counterrevolutionary forces together, which led us to these traps, diversions, which today are synthesized in the Constitutional Convention and in the next elections. But these diversions are not without consequences. They are not democratic diversions in general. They were and are useful for governments, such as the Piñera government, to arm themselves, to strengthen themselves and be able to harshly attack workers. We saw it weeks ago, when immigrant workers in northern Chile were attacked by fascist gangs; In southern Chile, in the Araucania region, Piñera militarized the area and with its troops the Pinochetist army depopulates every Mapuche community and threatens to poor blood again in that territory, which already has several martyrs and dozens of political prisoners. That's how governments hit. That's how regimes hit after these diversions that were imposed.
As we say, this is nothing new. We already lived it and suffered it in the Middle East. In Tunisia and Egypt they imposed these democratic diversions, but the blows were harsher and more savage. In Egypt they imposed a fierce military dictatorship after the democratic diversion. In Tunisia, after a rigged and anti-democratic constituent assembly like the one that prevailed in Chile, a worse government came. For this reason, comrades, the best tribute that we can pay to our comrade Abu Al Baraa, to our comrades in the Leon Sedov Brigade and to the Syrian revolutionary masses is to continue fighting for the path of revolution. That is the duty that we have from the FLTI and the revolutionaries. That is why we also carry the flags of the Syrian revolution and the face of our comrade Abu Al Baraa to the streets of La Alameda and to the first line, to fight for the revolution.
Today more than ever and on this day in homage to our comrade we say COMRADE ABU AL BARAA PRESENT! UNTIL THE VICTORY OF SOCIALISM, COMRADES!