Syriza police with the fascist of Golden Dawn attack the refugees and solidarity groups in their combat to lock them again in concentration camps and to deport them
We must defeat the attacks of the bands of the Golden Dawn, under the orders and armed by the bankers, and EU transnational companies, attacking the refugees and solidarity groups in their struggle for a decent life in the Athens port of Piraeus and on the island of Chios
To smash fascism and fight alongside the refugees to defeat the plan of EU and Syriza of concentration camps and deportations
Thursday 7 of April, in Chios, fascists staged protests so the refugees leave the port of Chios, they had occupied for a week after 800 of them managed to break the fence and escape the concentration camp called Vial. That same day, the fascists attacked the shop Soli Café, a solidarity group with refugees. After the fascists intimidated and beaten for hours the refugees, the police arrived to evacuate the port. The mayor of the island with all the police at his back said: "It is over, they have no other option, or they come with me (ie to the concentration camp) or go with them (the fascist)". So they managed to evacuate the port and the refugees are caught again in the concentration camp. Thus the government of Syriza, with its police, acting together with the fascists making a game of "bad cop and good cop" against the refugees who resisted deportation. Syriza says, "You agree to go to a concentration camp and to deport you or you're going to be killed by the fascists".
On Friday April 8, the fascist of Golden Dawn with its parliamentary man leading who are armed by the bankers, Troika and multinational corporations concentrated in the Athens area of Piraeus, near the port, where the refugees are living in tents hoping that the borders are opened. That afternoon the anti-fascist movement called for a demonstration against it.
Then on Sunday 10 in Piraeus, the fascist gangs gathered together again. This time they reached at the harbor entrance. The EU and the imperialist Troika is using all its agents to defeat the struggle of the refugees. They are divided from the workers, who are shackled by the union leaderships as the CP that runs the inter-union group as PAME which led dockworkers union. When Golden Dawn came to the door of Piraeus, where was the PC, PAME and the leadership of the dockers' union? They were not there.
Fascism head up because the working class and the militant youth were taken from their revolutionary struggle, and lulled with promises that voting to Syriza and laws in the parliament "there workers were not going to pay for the crisis". And now they are paying the burden of this policy with cuts off, unemployment, political prisoners and fascist attacks. The Greek working class and youth need to take up the struggle in the streets again!
Syriza proclaimed that with "democracy" the attacks of those murderers of Golden Dawn were resolved. And the workers were more taken out from their struggle in the streets and got into the electoral path, dividing the ruined middle classes, more fascism attacks were. These people got tired of shoveling immigrants, are the murderers of Pavlos Fyssas, anti fascist militant of a working-class district of Athens, near the port of Piraeus.
It is not discussed with fascism, we will fight! Against the attack by the fascists refugees, it is need to set up a self-defense committees and security guard of all the unions, labor organizations and student.
It is an obligation of all the labor organizations who claimed themselves to be "anti-capitalist", "anti-imperialist", "anti-fascist" and "socialist" in Greece and throughout Europe, to give solidarity and organize with their class brothers, the refugees and workers of Greece, to defend them from the attacks of fascism and defeat the EU and Syriza plan of concentration camps and deportation against the refugees.
Smash the fascist gangs who attack the refugees!
No deportations! No to the concentration camps and decent housing for all!
Open the border! Papers and citizenship, labor and union rights for refugees!
Jobs for all! 35 hour work per week with salary equal to the basket for all workers in Europe, born on either side of the Mediterranean!
In capitalist Europe of Maastricht: We are all refugees! One class, one struggle!
Video of Soli Café, group of solidarity with the refugees
Refugees sleeping in Dock Chios
Fascists and polices in Pireos - April 2016
Dock Chios occupied by refugees of Vial
Road Camp Chios after the protest and scape; those who were left had been locked up again
Protest of Chios
Chios: refuggee imprisoned and hit by police by a fascist attack