May 2013


4th Congress of the FLTI

Statement of the FLTI
Collective for the 4th International

* With Al Assad, on behalf of the imperialist power, killing the revolutionary Syrian masses…

* With the Syrian revolution surrendered and slander by the treacherous leadership of the international working class

* With Netanyahu met with the chief of the Chinese Mandarins and Kerry with Putin, all together want a transition to legitimize, after Al Assad, another counterrevolutionary pro-imperialist regime… 


see also on Syria

One lost..... TEN MORE...!!! one less in our ranks, but … ONE MORE who fought up to the end … ONE MORE who gave everything he had …. Tribute of the FLTI to Abu Attia

see more

Now, the masses have been slaughtered, the counterrevolutionary forces of Zionism can attack, cowardly the Syrian nation…
Imperialism seeks to discipline its counterrevolutionary agents in the region and keep the bounty.


A betrayed and surrendered revolution: a bloody revolution

The last Word is not said yet:

To defeat the counterrevolutionary attack of Zionism, the working class and the exploited ones of Syria and Middle East must conquered Damascus and go into with the Palestinian revolution to take Jerusalem

The world working class must stand up to break the siege to the Syrian revolution
There an important fight is being launched for the world proletariat

I- On May 4 and 5 the Zionist plane bombed military aims of Al Assad and the brigades of the Republic Iranian Guard and Hezbollah, who were there near Damascus, as a military cover and Pretoria guard to the killer Al Assad.
The counterrevolutionary forces of Zionism say the attack was to prevent passage of weapons into Lebanon. This argument is just an excuse for military intervention, direct from Zionism and imperialism into Syria. This is when the jackal and murderer Al Assad has accomplished a brutal genocide against the Syrian masses and their heroic revolution. It is increasingly clear that the murderer regime of Al Assad did the dirty work of slaughtering the masses on behalf of the imperialist powers. It is time that their bosses, the imperialist powers, urging his Zionism watchdog begin implementing the transition process for the output of Al Assad, and so they are the ones stuck with the bounty of the Syrian nation, but preventing the masses to be the ones to overthrow revolutionary the regime, as happened in Libya with Gaddafi.
Imperialism needs to focus their counterrevolutionary forces and smash the revolution in Syria to cut the chain of revolutions that in 2011 from Tunisia to Yemen, from Libya to Egypt, and the upsurge Syria, threatened to reach upraise the Palestinian masses so they were the ones at the vanguard of the worker socialist revolution throughout the region.

Over one million four hundred thousand Syrians are overcrowded in refugee camps on the borders of Lebanon and Turkey, four million workers and peasants roam in the bloody Syria with their homes destroyed, over 350,000 dead lie buried in mass graves on the streets, mostly children and women, and people of the working class neighborhoods of the nation's most important product of the aerial bombardment of Al Assad Army and the slaughter house to house.
The dog Assad has already played his entire role and the role to slaughter the revolutionary mass of Syria and drown in a bloodbath the revolution. For imperialism, under these conditions and with this result, cannot be Assad the one to guarantee a post bourgeois revolution regime that make stable Syria and the entire region.

The Syrian revolution has been betrayed, fenced ... bloody. There imperialism concentrated forces to contain the chain of revolutions that came from Tunisia. With that chain of revolutions that threatened from Egypt and Libya, from Yemen to Bahrain, now expropriated and betrayed, imperialism could, for the first time use its Zionist gendarme to attack the masses and the oppressed peoples of the Middle East. With the Syrian masses revolting in Hama and Homs, in Tahrir Square in flames by the revolution, with the Libyan masses taking Tripoli with the flags of Palestine and Tunisia with the working class dislocating the murderer regime of Ben Ali, the Zionist gendarme could never have intervened, not even to warn that is there, as a strategic reserve of the counterrevolution in the region.
Imperialism has used all its agents, to siege, conspire and massacre the masses of Syria. There it planned to make a strategic defeat to the revolutionary masses of the Maghreb and the Middle East. It could do it because the treacherous leaderships and social-imperialist parties split the roles, some supported the murder Al Assad and the lackeys of imperialism of Russia and China, and others supported the cowards general of the FSA and the Syrian government hiding in Qatar, so from within the revolution the masses are disarmed, controlled and limited their will.

Now, the attack of Zionism is to alert each agent of imperialism in the region must play its role, for that they get pay. A new moment of revolution and counter-revolution in Syria has begun. The most perfidious of moments: the bourgeoisie tries to consolidate, in the negotiation arena, the successes that it got by deception, with counterrevolutionary fences with slanders by the treacherous leaderships, with bullets by the back, with extermination bombs in the battlefield against the exploited.
It is not the last word, the Syrian revolution and its fate will be resolved in the fights not finished in a revolution that still has flames on in the last trench and mainly in the fight of the working class of Maghreb and Middle East and internationally.
From this moment, the struggle to regain Damascus and this betrayed and bloody revolution will only be possible if the international working class breaks with the leadership that prevent them to conquer the international unity of the proletariat to destroy the siege to their Syrian brothers. The struggle for Damascus, as it is stated in this revolution will be solved as the Libyan masses start doing it, fighting openly against the transitional government, fighting for the bread that has been denied in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and continue to deny bread to the masses and take the European, US and world working class, US to barbaric conditions.
So much blood has been spilled for a decent life, to be able to eat and against the high cost of living. Thus, the struggle to regain Damascus, it is the struggle for the revolution in the Maghreb and the Middle East became openly into a socialist revolution to expropriate the bourgeoisie reaching Damascus and march with the Palestinian working class to take Jerusalem.

II - Half a month ago Obama, during his trip visiting his partner Netanyahu, said that Israel was his only strategic ally in the region and that it had the right to defend its borders by any means. But he made clear that, still, they should not attack Iran, but that was the time to send to the Iranian Republican Guards, to collaborate and support Al Assad and his army, so that one does not disintegrate in Damascus before they reach the masses to overthrow the genocidal dog.

US Imperialism drew lessons from Libya: Gaddafi slaughter in Tripoli when the revolution just started, NATO contained with selective bombing in Brega so that the militias do not move into Tripoli, Benghazi was surrounded by Gaddafi. The revolution seemed contained. Under the "sponsorship" of NATO, Gaddafi’s generals and the NTC negotiating a "transitional government", because they thought the masses were controlled and surrendered.   The western part of the border with Tunisia was again controlled by Gaddafi. But everything fell apart: the masses broke the siege of Brega, defeated Gaddafi troops in Benghazi and Misrrata despite and against the NTC; recovered west of Zawya and so the progress of the masses was irreversible into Tripoli making to burst the of the transition between the NTC, Gaddafi and NATO.
This deal included the general of Tripoli that Gaddafi, along with the NTC general, unified again the officer caste of the army and with old and new bourgeois politicians formed the new transitional government, keeping a strong power in Tripoli with Gaddafi's life safe and with unarmed masses city by city. None of this happened, the state's power was broken and with the masses arming overthrowing Gaddafi’s government.
This is the nightmare scenario for imperialism and NATO: to open in Syria a revolutionary crisis from above and all the bourgeois domain institutions leaving the masses armed. This exasperates imperialism, still regrets today that first victory of the masses in Libya. The US ambassador, devoured by the fire of the revolution that is still alive in Benghazi, proves that.

Imperialism has learned from this experience. They want to prevent this scenario today in Syria, therefore it has sent the Iranian Republican Guard to support Al Assad in Damascus, to strengthen their counter officer caste and retake even the last neighborhood and house from Damascus, because this is the condition for starting a transition Government, even without Al Assad.
The key of imperialism is that the revolution does not destroy all the bourgeois institutions of the ruling regime, as the military caste of judges, the bourgeois parties, laws, etc. because the state would be completely dismantled and the masses armed.
The aim of imperialism is that Syria may not be a new Libya. For that reason before it supported Al Assad with Russia and China facing the genocide and today with the Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah support the slaughter in Damascus and murderous caste of officers army, because in this way it can be guaranteed stabilize the fate of the transitional government. Without a question, imperialism knows what it wants: the officials of Al Assad will be the starting point of "new army" together with the generals of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). So the masses remain unarmed and therefore there is an order solution of the government of Al Assad, without putting in danger the institutions of bourgeois domain in Syria. It is precisely for that reason it was launched such genocide.

Imperialism was not seeking democracy, freedom, independence of the Syrian nation, much less charity and give food to the hungry and exploited ones. United States, as chief of the imperialist bandits, will guarantee the power of the exploiters and conquer a government that allows you to keep looting the Syrian nation. That's the transition plan that imperialism has begun to implement and, as we shall see, not only has disciplined Iranian Ayatollahs in Damascus, but also to FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra in the free territories, as well as Russia and China that in this negotiation meet the mandate of its imperialist master. its model is the transition of Egypt, Tunisia, and if possible, and the relationship of forces, Yemen.
The murderous military junta, with the co-ruling Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, is the model to apply in Syria. In this case, it will be with the bourgeoisie in Qatar, the Alawite bourgeoisie of Al Assad and with Assad ... very far from Syria.

III – In the current stage of the Syrian revolution it is exposed the fake and lie of the “axe of evil” proclaimed by Bush and US imperialism. For imperialism the only “axe of evil” is the working class it exploits and the peoples it oppresses. Iranian bourgeoisie is its junior partner; they are all members of the same exploiter class. Today, in Syria, imperialism uses its agents of the Shiite Iranian bourgeoisie, to support Al-Assad’s army in Damascus.  
Since Obama, as the boss of US pirates, admitted that they must start a retreatment of troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, the Ayatollahs are covering USA backs (by slaughtering the anti-imperialist resistance in Iraq) after they defeated their own working class during the uprisings for bread in 2009. When Obama assumed he told the Shiite bourgeoisie of Iran that he would “extend them his hand”. Now he gave his hand, guns and money to help him.

These are the facts against which all currents who claim being anti-imperialist before the eyes of the working class are crashing. They are really lackeys of imperialism. Several months ago Iran threaded with facing USA in the Mediterranean. They announced the highest fight ever… after a delegate of UN, two calls to embargos and the threat of missile of Zionism, the Iranian bourgeoisie set itself under the command of their boss Obama and marched to support Al-Assad in Damascus.

Hezbollah, junior partner of the telecommunications and part of the presidency of Lebanon, after attacking the masses in southern Lebanon who wanted to fight with their class brothers and sisters in Syria, sent the praetorian guards to fight in Syria, with Al-Assad.
Shiite bourgeoisie and Ayatollahs, have experience in smashing, strangling and slaughter revolution. They are the ones who stole, expropriated and drown in blood the Iranian revolution in the early ‘80s, led by the committees of soldiers and workers councils which demolished the regime and the government of Sha Reza Pahlevi. Shiite bourgeoisie, exiled in Paris, was sent to set a classic bonapartist regime, with the excuse of the theocratic regime, to expropriate the revolution and slaughter the best layers of the working vanguard and the soldiers who were part of the heroic revolution.
This tragedy of strangling the Iranian revolution led to its defeat and allowed imperialism lunching Sadam Hussein into a fratricide war against Iran, in order to scare the Persian masses with 4 million deaths.

IV – We re-affirm that the current attack of Zionism means an alert to the counterrevolutionary forces of the Iranian Ayatollahs and to Al-Assad as well. The alert is that when the new government of transition be agreed, will be done without Al-Assad. Hezbollah won’t be necessary in Syria and they will have to go back to Lebanon to look after the northern border to the Zionist State. Ayatollahs will have to keep controlling the Iraqi masses, because if they don’t, the bombs will fall over Teheran.
Why? Because if the chain of revolutions, that face directly imperialism and its lackey governments in Maghreb and Middle East, is defeated the Iranian Ayatollahs, after being used as NATO ground troops and gurkas in Iraq and Syria, won’t be necessaries anymore and the conditions for an imperialist attack on Iran will be achieved.
This is how imperialism treats its agents, history proves it. It used the Ayatollahs to smash Shoras and workers councils of the Iranian revolution and then sent Saddam Hussein to, in a war of brothers between brothers, cause a massacre among the masses of Middle East.
The Ayatollahs will ask for more business after their services were use. Imperialism only uses them now, in order to remove them tomorrow as junior partners and get all the oil from Middle East, starting with Iran’s.
This is the logic and dynamic of the revolution and counterrevolution and this is the reason of the counteroffensive launched by imperialism, measuring step by step the balance of forces, using all its agents and conquering new positions from which launching new attacks against the exploited peoples.

In Washington the Parliament and the Senate have been discussing for months how it is possible that their ambassador in Libya was killed. Obama tries to calm down his partners in Wall Street: “blood will run in Middle East, we will return to Libya and have revenge for our ambassador as soon as we finish the killing in Syria, Egypt, Palestine, when we recover Tunisia and then we will reach Tripoli”. And he also states that: “I chose losing our ambassador and not carrying on a US invasion beforehand in Libya and run the risk of losing complete control in the entire region and set on fire Middle East”. That is the balance of forces conquered by the revolutionary masses and that Obama wants to recover now by slaughtering in Syria with Al-Assad.
This is why whether world working class stops the imperialist beast, or it will bleed us and there will be new wars against the world proletariat, and Middle East and the Arab Maghreb in particular.
Treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat sold out Syria. As they do with all the fights of our classes. Defeating these treacherous leaderships, defeating them in the move forward, is the guarantee of their victory. This is the task that we, Trotskyists for the re-foundation of 4th International, have ahead.

V – Obama sent his Zionist agent to show strength with this selective bombing, also to send a warning to what will happen to the Palestine masses that are in a state of commotion next to the revolt. 4,500 Palestine prisoners fight, with hunger strikes, in the jails of the infamous Zionist state of Israel. The Stone thrown by the Palestine kids announce the beginning of a new Intifada.
Zionist settler, fully armed, has occupied the best lands in the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem. This is how Zionism is preparing to discuss the plan of “Two states”.
Day after day there are clashes between the Palestine masses and their Zionist prisoners in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The Palestine bourgeoisie of Al Fatah and Hamas is controlling the masses less and less, every negotiation with invader Zionism can become their overthrowing by the masses, who don’t accept “recognizing” the occupied Palestine in the concentration camps of Gaza Strip and the West Bank. In the mean time in Syria, the Palestine refugees have entered into combat against the murderous Al Assad and also are fighting in Lebanon.

The dual character of this counterrevolutionary action carried on by Zionism is to guarantee imperialism the disciplining all its agents, conquering a position of counteroffensive to smash the Palestine masses who are starting to rebel and to start counterrevolutionary maneuvers in the entire region when the US master requires.

VI – In Syria there is a concentration of counterrevolutionary forces to smash the masses and end with the chain of revolutions opened in Maghreb and Middle East two years ago. Neither Zionism nor any imperialist force could intervene directly to stop the insurrections started city after city, from Homs to Deraa, Aleppo, Raqa, Hama, Idlib, were uprising in Syria, in fights for bread and against the sell out of the nation to imperialism by lackey Al Assad.
On its revolutionary offensive started in 2011, with the method of civil war and insurrection, the masses started to transform Syria into a new Libya, dividing the murderous army horizontally while they set up committees of armed workers and soldiers, called “Committees of Coordination”, i.e. organisms of fight and self-determination of the rebel masses.
This revolutionary fight reaches the doors of Damascus and threats to overthrow jackal Al Assad, as the Libyan militias did entering into Tripoli. Imperialism couldn’t allow Al Assad’s head rolling like Kaddafy’s in Tripoli cut by the masses.
But for the last two years imperialism couldn’t intervene directly and let alone Zionism, because they would have thrown fuel to the fire of revolution that was burning all over the region. This is why jackal Al Assad had to play such role.

A huge concentration of forces internationally to fence,
betrayed and bleed the Syrian revolution

VII – Imperialism and its agents are launching a counteroffensive against the masses, who from 2011 started a chain of revolutions in Middle East and Maghreb. With this offensive it wants to put the balance of forces into its favor.
England, France and Germany insist on that they should arm directly the FSA so they reach Damascus, even expelling Jabhat Al-Nusra and its Islamic militias from the Saudi bourgeoisie who are looking of a piece of the business of Syria after Al Assad be overthrown.
Different imperialist powers discuss how the best way of burying the Syrian revolution is, even though they are sill afraid of that…
US imperialism, for now, doesn’t share the opinion of its imperialist allies. With a sharp class instinct, Obama realized that FSA won’t be able of controlling the masses, if it is seen as the ones to overthrown of Al Assad. Fairly, imperialism is afraid that the masses rebel before the removal of Al Assad and FSA can’t contain a new revolutionary offensive. They only control the masses when they are going back and after the genocide is accomplished.
FSA is the imperialist agent within the revolution to control and disarm it. It isn’t the agent that massacres, that is Al Assad’s role. If the FSA, pushed by the masses, enters into Damascus this would pose the following problem: Who stops the masses so they don’t do with Al Assad what they did with Kadday in Libya and destroy the officer caste in Syria and remain armed?
Imperialism sensed that even with Al Assad’s bombs and FSA controlling the masses, they haven’t been defeated yet, or fully disarmed. Thousands are withdrawing before the advances of Al Assad but they kept their weapons.
The rank and file of FSA faces day by day the “no battle” generals. As Trotsky said, on the Spanish civil war, we could say that in this “republican front” or “for democracy” the Qatar and FSA government are emerging and must merge much more generals as Al Assad. They are in charge of disarming the masses.  So far they achieved that the masses don’t expropriate the bourgeoisie en in the lands freed from Al Assad. So far, they have achieved to put in order militarily most of the masses.
USA doesn’t believe in the alternative proposed by France and Germany who are nervous for Obama’s delay in intervening directly. USA, as the boss of imperialists, insists in a pact with Al Assad controlling Damascus and setting up with them a negotiation table with the government of Qatar, the FSA, the Arab bourgeoisies, Russia, China, i.e. a cave of bandits also known as UN, so they can all together discuss a way out without Al Assad and start a transitional regime under US command, with the masses smashed and controlled.

The FSA is the first counterrevolutionary envoy to control the masses from inside your combat and expropriate their struggle

VIII – Imperialism with Obama, from Turkey, from UN, with its Zionist agent had understood well that it had still to control the masses in the areas they, with heroism and thousands dead people had managed to defeat the army of Al Assad. It was necessary, as we said, that the liberated areas of the Army of the dog Assad ended being controlled by those coward officers of the FSA, they were placed in front of the revolutionary advanced to contain, disarm the masses and ensure in these areas they do not expropriate the imperialism, the bourgeoisie, and the landlords.
They were the key factor in trying to transform the armed workers and their soldiers committees in a regular army under the command of former officers of the Army of Al Assad. Today they try to seem "democratic" in the FSA with an operations center in Turkey, disarming the masses and monopolizing the bread and food in the liberated areas. This way, they saved the bourgeoisie’s neck and they established "transitional" governments, city by city based on the disarmament of the masses.
This process of FSA control is very unstable. In cities like Homs and Aleppo, its   recruited ranks are the coordination committees which the former generals of Al Assad have put under their discipline just to control the weapons and giving alms to the masses to eat, at least once a day.
The FSA is still very far from becoming a regular army. Many patrols still fight with their name but they are not under its control. The way  the officer caste disguised as "democratic", which takes pictures in the fighting and then flees-, can control the masses and their heroic fighters, will be an important factor to define the rhythm of the transition that imperialism is preparing. For them the slaughter of Al Assad is not enough, a tight control of the "democratic" generals of FSA is required.

The FSA could never have these officers, who did not fight in a single decisive battle, they had not achieved this location if before the masses would not have been massacred in a real genocide by Assad's aviation, including his unmanned Drones. Nor a ground to air missile was given by the "friends" of the Syrian revolution of Turkey and Qatar to the armed masses. Imperialism has taken good care not to send heavy weapons to ELS because he was afraid it falls into the masses ‘hands. The European Union imposed a blockade of weapons to Syria, while Russia and China armed to the teeth Assad. IMPERIALIST POWERS DISARMED THE MASSES AND THEIR LACKEYS ARMED THE GENOCIDAL UP TO THE TEETH.
The forces of Al Assad would have collapsed by losing the air control of the nation, guaranteed with genocide and slaughter, because the army with his infantry and tanks dissolved themselves when they entering the cities, passing to the field of the rebellious masses
All these maneuvers of imperialism were not enough, because thousands of fighters refused to discipline to these generals of no battle, who sold bread and food more expensive in the liberated areas than in the ones controlled by the army of Al Assad
The key of transitional government of Syria, hidden in Qatar, was to disarm the masses in the resistance and in the liberated areas of Al Assad. A cynical plan very carefully concocted by imperialism, with Obama and Yankees' transnational companies planning it and following it day by day
But this was not enough to contain the masses. In siege warfare, and militia patrols concentrated their separate attack against the troops of Al Assad and threatened with an offensive that could break by the left, the FSA control.

From Saudi Arabia, led by Sunni bourgeoisie, Jabhat Al Nusra was sent to control and discipline more fiercely the combative vanguard of the resistance against Assad, that broke with the FSA

IX - Huge counterrevolutionary forces joined against the Syrian masses with the purpose of defeating and surrending the revolution.  Also, Sunni bourgeois factions in the Arab world, departed to Syria from Iraq and Saudi Arabia, sent to their Islamic fighters of Jabhat Al-Nusra, a lot of money, to have "heavy weapons". They tried to gain prestige with "anti imperialist" flags of Iraq and Afghanistan and trying to control and discipline the militias that broke with the FSA. They were the ones who came to control the resistance fighting in the gates of Damascus. Finally they achieved control the best of Syrian vanguard and its anti-imperialist struggle, while Al Assad accused them of being terrorists.
Trough Jabhat Al Nusra fraction of the Sunni bourgeoisie also came to compete for business, like the officers of the FSA did, before an eventual fall of Al Assad. Now, in the territories under Jabhat Al-Nusra's control, it shares business with FSA. Both of them organize as partner the local bourgeoisie, giving protection against the masses who threaten their property to be able to eat and make justice, because the local bourgeoisie were all spies of Al Assad against the masses.
This new mediation was to control the masses, who worked under the verge of the Saudi and Sunnites bourgeoisie from the region who imposed the “Koran law”, in order to disciplined the masses: they say, “give in the weapons, disciplined to the Koran or we will smash the vanguard who does not obey”.

It is public in Moscow the agreement between Obama and Putin, Netanyahu and the Chinese Mandarines, the Qatar government with the FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra.  They are all preparing to move forward into a new counterrevolutionary plan to strangle the Syrian revolution
X- Today the US State Chief Kerry together with Putin agree to make an international conference “for peace” in Syria for late May, as they have done it behind scenes to fully arm Al Assad to smash the Syrian masses.
In a press conference in Moscow, on May 8, with the Foreign Minister of Putin, Lavrov, hi said that now Moscow was concerned of the fate of the individuals in particular.
Under Kerry and Obama orders, their lackey Putin claimed: “we will work to create a new transitional government”, now without Al Assad.  It is clear that Putin is a servant of Obama and the US imperialism.
US imperialism disciplines all its agents.  Now? How will the currents who call themselves to fight against imperialism with the masses around the world say about this agreement where Putin is under the orders of his master Obama? Mean while the Chinese Mandarins received the order of other “Foreign Minister” from Pentagon who is Netanyahu, to give the needed orders.

What is clear here is that Putin, arming Al Assad to massacre the Syrian revolution, was under the orders of Obama, who now travelled to tell him that the new orders are that the time has come, after the genocide imposed by his agent Al Assad, to open the way to a new “transitional government without Al Assad”.
The order is precise: the rebels don’t advance, nor Al Assad delivers Damascus. While the transitional regime is being negotiated, the mercenary guards of the Iranian Ayatollahs support together with Hezbollah the Al Assad “government” in Damascus.
The FSA controls much of Alepo, Homs, Idlib and areas in several provinces where Al Assad was defeated. The Kurdish bourgeoisie is preparing to participate in the business of the “peace of the graveyards”.  The areas where Jabhat Al Nusra controls are claim by them as “Islamic states”, in order to control the masses with the Koran, the whimper and the killing, making to take an oath upon death.

In the Geneva Conference will be discussed “how to end the humanitarian crisis in Syria”, as they cynically announce. Obama forces, disciplining Moscow and Beijing, made an agreement between all the parts in conflict.
He threatens that if not all of his agents are disciplined, US imperialism is preparing for the disintegration of Syria, which would be a “Lebanonization” under the Zionist bombs, and then it will come a double and triple massacre against the masses. Syria will be split into four or five regions with a total set-back of the civilization in the region.
These are the conditions of the current moment of this brutal counter-revolutionary offensive against the masses in Syria. All the factions of the bourgeoisie, agents of imperialism that participated in this bloodstained Syria, will seek to divide the loot, but will do so under the orders of the US imperialism that will keep the part of the lion. This will guarantee that the borders of the Zionist state of Israel aren’t touched and that Syria has enough stability to act as a disciplining factor of all the masses in the entire Middle East and the Maghreb.

XI – The plan of the US imperialism is careful, since a miscalculation could provoke a catastrophe for the exploiters when Al Assad exits. The dominant classes are still terrified that the hungered masses, with their families slaughtered, see the fall of Damascus murderous regime as their own.
Obama, like a wounded lion, licks his scars. They considered the Libyan masses as defeated and fenced and today their ambassador in that country has passed away, while French construction companies try to rebuild their embassy there.

The bombing of Zionism to Syria was to make clear that no one can miss the conference called by United States and its servant Putin. Now the task is, as Lavrov and Kerry said, “to convince the government and all the opposition groups to sit in a negotiation table”.
After one year they decide to convene a conference that was agreed in Geneva in July last year to “stop the humanitarian crisis in Syria”. It is carried now with Al Assad’s dirty job already done.
Meanwhile, the discussion on whether or not chemical weapons exist in one or other side of the trenches is just an excuse of imperialist that, if it decides to intervene directly, they will “find them”, as an excuse to intervene directly.

XII – In this moment the negotiation of the imperialist bourgeois gangs is taking place in a thin ledge, the revolutions in the Maghreb and the Middle East were diverted but not crushed. The fall of Al Assad can mean that the martyred masses of Syria see it as their own victory and want to take justice into their hands and thus surpass those “no battles” FSA generals, imposed by imperialism from Turkey to control and disarm the masses in the liberated zones of the murderous regime of Al Assad.

The negotiation plan of the transition, irrigated with the blood of the martyred masses of Syria, has begun. But the final chapters of the tragedy haven’t been written yet.
The Syrian revolution, as well, isn’t but a link in a single revolution in the entire Maghreb and Middle East. Its luck will depend not only on the conspiracy, the traps and massacres against the masses, but also and fundamentally on a revolution whose fire has not been put out yet from Tunisia to the tormented Palestine.
We are facing a chain of revolutions that pierced the containment of all the treacherous leaderships of the international proletariat, as a part of the offensive that, since 2008 with the combats in Athens, China, Marikana, the European working class, has shaken the whole citadel of power, facing the bankruptcy of imperialism and the crack of Wall Street.
The last word is yet to be said. The fate of the Syrian issue will be resolved in last instance in the combat of the international proletariat.

XIII – US imperialism knows very well that to the interior of the United States the masses, after the setbacks in Iraq and Afghanistan, have placed limit very similar limit to the one when they were defeated in Vietnam in the mid 70s, which prevents it from performing offensive actions and of direct intervention as Bush did in the early years of the 21st century with the oil companies’ bosses and Halliburton eager to make businesses and plunder the routes of oil.
It isn’t easy for imperialism to finish settling this counter-revolutionary triumph in Syria. They are dealing with a chain of revolutions and with the limits that their own working class imposes them for superior military adventures.
We the Trotskyites claim that, if Al Assad’s counter-revolution against the masses is settled, it won’t be Chavez, Nasser or bourgeoisies that pose as anti-imperialist, but Zionism and new imperialist invasions the ones that will come upon Middle East and the Maghreb, including Iran, after the Ayatollahs finish their dirty work as servants of imperialism. And this was already anticipated by France with its invasion to Mali, so that, with its military bases from the Sub-Saharan African region, with its counter-revolutionary forces, it can prevent not only the spread of the Maghreb revolution towards the center and south of the continent, but also to be able to attack the revolution in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, etc. from the south

Imperialism, in the chain of revolutions opened in 2011 saw how all its control devices in the region were falling, from Mubarak to Ben Ali, and Zionism couldn’t intervene directly, as we already said. The imperialist butchers mourned Khadafy’s death together with the entire Obama’s left-wing, while the masses were armed in Libya.

The chain of revolutions was unfinished, but was not defeated. Imperialism is facing in Syria one of the first battles to start defeating the chain of revolution that threatened its dominion in the entire region and for that reason has used all its agents.

The role of the FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra: prevent the dual armed power of the working class and the exploited ones to emerge in the areas where Al Assad was defeated by the masses

XIV - The result of the actions of these two real 5th column, acting to finish controlling the masses slaughtered by Al Assad in the areas where he cannot get into. The masses have been submitted and controlled by these two reactionary bourgeois forces. They acted to prevent the masses to regroup their forces and to place their weapons under their discipline. The key of the policy of these currents was to prevent in the cities and territories where Al Assad was defeated to emerge a real dual power of the armed masses in struggle, which expropriates the bourgeoisie and to open the path to Damascus with the method of the inserruction, ie the proletarian revolution.
The "coordination committees" were embryos of dual power institutions in Syria, where the masses got into the insurrectionary phase of the civil war. These organisms controlled and organized supplies to soldiers who went with by thousands with the uprising people.
Pleas "for peace" with their peaceful demonstrations called by the religious of the Mosques, left behind when the army of Al Assad came to Hama, Deraa, etc, to smash the uprising masses.
From 2011 the local governments, city by city, the murderer Assad fell, collapsed. The mass dislocated the killer army of Al Assad. Dual power stood up which moved forward and developed as an organizer of the civil war to conquer bread and defeat the murderous officer caste of Al Assad.
The dynamics of the starting revolution, which engine was getting bread, satisfy the hunger of the masses, stop the high cost of living and the brutal unemployment (which was around 27% or 30%), was to expropriate the bourgeoisie, its banks and landlords, in order to eat. This pushed to an open mass political struggle against the dictatorship of Al Assad.
The entire world reformist left today want to make the masses around the world believe that in Syria the fight was and is "for democracy" in general, because they are "democratic masses fighting against dictatorships". This is a lie! The engine of the revolution was and still is bread, so that the masses confronted Al Assad. They needed democracy and freedom to organize, fight and smash Al Assad and the bourgeoisie.
Treacherous organizations of the proletariat want to deny, that the international working class revolution do not see this as their own, that the conditions of Syria were and are the same as those of Spain, China, Greece, the proletarian in Bangladesh where thousands of workers die in the textile prisons imperialist factories and as the U.S.A., where 43 million workers live with $ 3 a day of welfare state.

The international left wants to hide the class character of the revolution that started because just they want to submit the masses to "democracy", ie Obama, to the bourgeoisie and the "democratic imperialism", when it was this who armed Al Assad so he could slaughter, and now it prepares a "democratic trap" to expropriate their revolution, with Al Assad and the "democratic opposition", with one condition: the property of the capitalists is not touched. The crisis in Syria must be paid by the masses. And they're paying with widespread famine and hundreds of thousands slaughterd!
For that reason it was necessary to smash the Syrian revolution, as a warning to the revolutions that were coming from Tunisia, threatening not only the bourgeois regimes but also the property of the capitalists and imperialism. The death of Mohammad Bouazizi, who set himself on fire because he was not allowed to sell vegetables to feed his family in Tunisia, is a clear example of what we say. That was the spark that burnt everything.

XV - In Syria, at the beginning of the revolution, the local uprising per city, as it happened in Libya, developed in order to get the conditions of setting up worker commune who expropriated the bourgeoisie to move forwads to Damascus and take power, overthrowing Al Assad regime and opening a revolutionary crisis.
That was the offensive phase of the revolution, going on in the borders itself of the Israeli state. Thousands of fighters in the region of Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, went to fight alongside their Syrian brothers so that the revolution to their countries succeed in Damascus and be able to march into Jerusalem.
As we saw, imperialism and the bourgeoisie quickly realized that it was necessary to stop this revolution, all the traitors of the working class denied and the general staff of the exploiters understood clearly. The Syrian revolution was and is a link of a single chain of revolutions that at some point it is necessary to stop and smash, for that reason they send Assad to do so.
When Al Assad attack by land with his infantry and cavalry, his armies were dissolved when they were in touch with the masses, thousands of soldiers with their weapons went with their brothers and others were executed for refusing to kill their own people.

Therefore, the army of Al Assad, fully armed by Russia and China (who did a fabulous arms deal during war) was forced to grapple with the Air Force with drones, artillery and missiles to physically sweep each of these cities and worker neighborhoods of the uprising masses.
It was a counterrevolutionary war of extermination. Only after slaughtering and made from entire cities no-ones-land, trying to enter the officers and troops of Al Assad still were rejected, and with the heroic mass struggle they tend to dissolved even more. In the class civil war, Al Assad did not win the war. The fight was house by house. The worker, the ruined peasant, the soldier defended their family and children.
The war manual states that for every soldier of an invaded city, there must be 10 who attack him, here, facing the army attack of Al Assad attacking, 8 out of 10 who were attacking, those 8 were soldiers, sons of the people, therefore, they went to fight with masses against Al Assad. That was the dynamics of the revolution. And the counterrevolutionary response did not last.
The bourgeois army was splitting horizontally, that army that gave stability to the borders of the Zionist state of Israel, as the stability which used to give to Israel Camp David Pact from Egypt.
But the worst thing fort the bourgeoisie was that the power of worker and soldiers councils emerged. Those were the "coordination committees". It was necessary to prevent this at all costs. The dual power of the masses could develop, once the masses were armed and expropriating the bourgeoisie, their banks, their food distribution chains, their land, controlling the oil wells and pipelines, judging and punishing all the killers who are and were with Al Assad.

XVI - Imperialism and the bourgeoisie got scared. The revolution in Egypt was still alive. The masses marched week after week to Tahrir Square to fight against the regimes of the Generals of Mubarak and the Muslim Brothers.
Syrian revolution awoke thrill among its Palestine brothers and sisters in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, who were tried to neutralize by UN by voting in favor of a fake Palestine State in the concentration camps.
Thousands and thousands of Libyan and Tunisian fighters went to fight to Syria. Their dream, to which they died for, was reaching Palestine.
The dual power tending to merge in Syria was going to be seen as the power of all oppressed masses from Arab Maghreb to Jerusalem. That is why masses must be slaughtered. But, mainly, they must be seen as enemies of the world working class. This was the task of the traitors of the WSF.
Dual power must be strangled from within, as we saw before. It must be submitted, dissolved and Al Assad bombs weren’t enough for that. This is why FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra appeared. But they weren’t enough either. What it must be destroyed was the dual power of the armed exploited people, which as it represents the majority of the people fighting and threatens capitalists’ private property, it was the only and real enemy that all bourgeois forces must smash.
Thus they also sent Hezbollah and the Iranian Ayatollahs, supported by Russia and China, to put their weapons to smash dual power.
Workers and soldiers committees of the Syrian revolution can’t be forgotten and they won’t be by the world working class. As we can see, in order to destroy them, to prevent its development and national coordination and across Arab Maghreb and Middle East, all international counterrevolutionary forces concentrate.
This is why, we insist, from Turkey, from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, they sent the FSA and Jabhat Al-Nusra to abort the dual power of the masses, with parties/armies to dissolve, disarm and discipline, but mainly prevent the expropriation of the bourgeoisie. They masses moved to the defensive stage.
Even in the times of highest extermination of the worker and popular masses, of most brutal attack of the air force and missiles, there are patrols of the Committee of Coordination regroup their forces and started a war of siege, which prevented Al Assad occupy the cities.  It was the defensive phase of the civil war: men and women defending their children in the last trench, knowing that when Al Assad troops come in, they will all die.

XVII – In the areas free from Al Assad, slaughtered masses, outraged and with thousands of martyrs, kept looking for “spies” of Al Assad, who were the bourgeoisie of every city.
The masses, answering the genocide and massacre, attacked the spies of Al Assad and that led them to expropriate their mansions to get housing, their shops, banks, companies and their lands to eat. This was the dynamic of the worker and exploited masses revolution that was ongoing, as we said before.

This was the treacherous counterrevolutionary task. Masses must be disarmed and prevent they expropriate the exploiters. Thus, they protected all the “bourgeois-spies” of Al Assad and their properties, whether by hiring them as Generals of the FSA and becoming business partners or as Jabhat Al-Nusra do, exchanging to the officers of Al Assad with hundred thousand dollars each and keeping their companies.

Of course in these governments of national unity of FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra every can be arranged, everything can be sell and bargained, with the officers of Al Assad.
FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra propel a war of pressure to bargain with Al Assad. They don’t want to defeat him, but to become his partner, in the next government, with its officers and bourgeois factions that he represents. Their aim, when they control a territory is destroy and dissolve the dual power by expropriating it from the masses. This is also because they are forces to guarantee the agreement and negotiations already started between Al Assad and the government of the Syrian bourgeoisie in the exile in Qatar, Russia and China; all of them commanded by USA.

Under a common objective, i.e. keep capitalist property of the entire exploiter class, the bourgeoisie intervenes in war dissolving dual power of the working class, disarming them and establishing a war of armies and bourgeois fields, where they all do business based on the blood, defeat and unseen sufferings of the masses.
The obsession of the bourgeoisie summaries in preventing the merge of a territory where the self-organized masses, establish a dual power and show the way to defeat Al Assad’s army in Damascus with the insurrection and proletarian revolution. This war of extermination led 1.2 million women and children to the borders in refugee camps, entire cities disappeared, populations had been decimated with hundreds of thousands martyrs, millions looking a place to live; they do all that to smash the dual power. The embryo of dual power of the masses made merge hate and terror of exploiters and imperialism, and the accomplice silence, the defamation and slander from all treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat.

Against Geneva Conference of Obama, Netanyahu, Moscow, Beijing and Al Assad, the SNC in Qatar and the bourgeois generals of FSA.
Against the Conference of the traitors of the socialist revolution of WSF in Tunisia.

It's time to set up an international conference of workers and   fighting organizations of revolutionary world proletariat to break the siege of Syria and for the triumph of socialist revolution

An iron alternative for revolution of Maghreb and Middle East: Reformism and a makeup pro-imperialist  and counterrevolutionary  governments in Maghreb and Middle East
Or socialist revolution leading the exploited masses to victory

In the field of world proletariat's counterrevolutionary leaderships, a sector of these lies with the murderer Army of dog Assad that  slaughters the masses, and embraces the Iranian ayatollahs, the Bolivarian bourgeoisies, the murderers of Russia and China and  the new Cuban bourgeoisie, disguised as  "anti-imperialist" and they act before the masses  as if they  are "facing" US Imperialism.
Another sector proclaims the traitor pseudo theory -program of "democratic revolution" and "people's spring" that ended supporting the bourgeois generals and officers of the FSA, who quickly from the depths of Assad regime ,went to the "democratic front" to expropriate the proletarian revolution and secure the property of the capitalists.
All the scoundrels and huckster  of the "democratic revolutions" speaking from London, Paris, Buenos Aires, Spain, Austria and New York,  would have to go to subordinate themselves under the  discipline of the generals of the FSA not in the exile but in Aleppo, for drinking the blood of their own medicine.
To those who have called to support the swords of the generals murderers of Al Assad, who massacred hundreds of thousands of workers, children and women, we announce that the history of the world working class will not let them rest in peace for being complies of the worst genocide against the masses of Syria.
We, The Trotskyists, will take care of it. Because in Syria, two theories and two programs faced each other as we shall see. They are the theory of staged revolution of Stalinism and the subordination of the working class to the bourgeoisie, and the theory of permanent revolution and the program for the seizure of power.
"Democracy with the method of the proletarian revolution "had to be defended as Trotsky posed in the Spanish civil war. You had to crush al Assad, because fighting against him was the way the masses organized themselves and got the weapons. It was necessary to dispute in the military arena to the bourgeoisie of the "opposition" and its fractions, as Jabhat Al Nusra and FSA -to lead  the war, with the coordinating committees of workers and soldiers.
This fight of the masses was done in the worst conditions. Most FSM forces supported the bayonets of the murderous Assad. The ones who didn't call, from all over the world, such as TIL, the British SWP, ITU, the NAP, who  supported the FSA as the leader of the war against Al Assad and not the self-determination organisms of the masses (Soviets).
The latter ones invented all sorts of "Syrian democratic organizations" ... in exile, thousands of miles from the battlefield. The key was that the world working class does not defend the double power of the exploited masses of Syria. To them the international solidarity of fighters, drugs and weapons had to be sent.
Their leaderships were responsible for the working class could not have a policy of active and vanguard intervention through their organizations in the Syrian revolution. This was paid by the masses seriously, subordinated increasingly to bourgeois, petty bourgeois leaderships on the battlefield and this way to the slaughter of Al Assad.
They'll say "there were no conditions". That is a lie and a vile deception. Anyone who wanted to go and fight for the Syrian revolution had a place in a council of soldiers or a "coordinating committee". There are thousands and thousands brothers: Libyans, Chechens, Yemenis, Palestinians, Tunisians, Egyptians , etc..who are the living proof of that.
It was not because of the strength of imperialism, or its agents the native bourgeoisie that the revolution in Syria is surrounded, betrayed and bloody. It was  the perfidious and counterrevolutionary role played by the WSF and all Obama’s left, what prevented all working class organizations of the world could organize brigades of fighters, doctors and nurses, sending food, money and supplies, paralyze the ports of the imperialist powers and all  Syrian embassies in the world  were burned. Quite the contrary, they dedicated, since the beginning of the revolution, to siege, to slander and to separate it from the struggle of the world working class. So they ensured the generals of "no battle" of the FSA and the officials with much money of Jabhat Al-Nusra advance, disarm, control and subordinate the anti-imperialist masses of Syria massacred by Al Assad.

XIX- The Trotskyists take account these difficult events of the Syrian revolution, as we did from Libya, from the very field of battle. We are part of a wave of anti-imperialist fighters who went to fight and give their lives to Syria because they saw it as it really is, part of a chain of revolutions in the Maghreb and the Middle East.
From the bowels of the revolution itself we fought for organizing, arming, and centralize coordination committees in order to expropriate the bourgeoisie city by city to win the war, conquer bread and defend democracy with the method of the proletarian revolution. That is the way to defeat Al Assad and all agents of imperialism, also the "democratic" so the masses were the ones who taking this program in their hands, conquer the political direction of the war, with their armed self-determination organisms of workers, peasants and soldiers of the ranks and files, to win victory in the only possible way, which is none other than the triumph of the socialist revolution in Syria and throughout the region.
The Trotskyists fought to break the siege of the treacherous leaderships that prevented internationally, as in the Spanish civil war in the '30s, recovering proletarian internationalism, international brigades arrive from all labor organizations in the world to fight alongside the masses of Syria to the streets in the capitals of the imperialist powers and cripple its war machine as did the Port of Oakland against the Yankee invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, to surround Syrian embassies as did the Egyptian masses to cry "Al Assad, Hezbollah, NATO and America are taking care of  Zionism borders".

The General Staff of Obama and the imperialist powers have centralized all their bourgeois agents and reformists to smash the Syrian revolution.
The world working class needs his general staff: re-found the IV International

XX- we say it again, we don’t receive it as simply witnesses or journalists, neither have we known about it- as the social imperialist reformist left- through interviews to SFA generals who are settled far away from the battlefront. The internationalist Trotskyists gave our live and blood in this heroic revolution. We reached the fight as part of thousands anti-imperialist fighters from Tunis, Libya, and the entire Maghreb and Middle East.

A sting of invalid politicians that never reached neither will reach the battlefront of the international class struggle. “There is a lack and lacked a revolutionary party” they will say to justify their treason and blame responsibility on the “backward conscience” of masses justifying their own political cowardice and submission to the bourgeoisie.
Our forces, even weak, fight to set up a revolutionary party in Syria as well as in the entire Maghreb and Middle East. We fight by confronting the traitors of the world working class that in the name of “socialism” support the genocidal Al Assad and those who in the name of “democracy” gave the leadership of war not to the Syrian mass organizations but to the expropriators of the revolution; we fight against those who submitted the chain of revolutions from Tunis to Egypt to the parliaments and fake constituents.  
In the Syrian battlefield we confront the bourgeois and petty bourgeois leadership of the FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra who have transformed the civil war in their own business.

This time, the litany, the general truths of those saying “the party failed” express nothing more than their political submission to the bourgeoisie since they denied fighting for extending, developing within Syria and making the armed power organs of the workers and poor peasants popular among the world masses-so that they defend them-. These organs emerged as an alternative of power against the killer Al Assad: the coordination committees. The exploited of Tahir square, the militias of Libya, the factory committees and of unemployed of Tunis, the Palestinian heroic masses of Gaza and the West Bank had to coordinate and centralize with those organs. 

The European Union and UN imposed an embargo of weapons to Syria. What cynics they are! China and Russia gave full of weapons to Al Assad. Turkey and the Saudi bourgeoisie armed to the teeth to the leaderships of the FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra for them to disarm masses. It is already clear the embargo of arms was against masses. They had to avoid masses got armed.
The task of the world working class was to break with the block of weapons to the Coordination Committee shipping all type of armament to the coordination committees in the battlefront.
Now they will say and cry for the “backwardness of the conscience of masses”. But the Syrian working class only received shoots from behind on the part of the treacherous leaderships and their worker organizations and sustained the executioners of the Syrian masses.

The forces that fight for re-founding the IV International propelling this program reached the class war and fought for it in the battlefield. For that reason, we suffer the persecution of not only the killer Al Assad but also the coward bourgeoisie of the FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra.
We fought together with the rank and file workers and soldiers; we fought and died with them; we expropriated the assadist mansions; we recovered food for the fighters; we were at the head of judge and punish the killers and bourgeois of the Al Assad’s side in the free zones side by side thousands of selfless working class’ fighters of the region.
We fought for the armed workers and their children-the private soldiers- to choose   their chiefs in the battlefield. We propelled the coordination to conquer the supply and food that the FSA and Jabhat Al Nusra had under control and then sold them at a vile price to the fighters and their tormented families. 

XXI- In the war against Al Assad we are not neutral. We establish unity in military action where the enemy attacks and it is necessary to confront it. But we carry out this by warning that the FSA’ Generals and Jabhat Al Nusra send to the frontline the best worker fighters while they use all their power to discipline the masses in the rearguard.
We called on the best fighters to coordinate and centralize against Al Assad fighting for a revolutionary leadership of the war by setting up revolutionary worker tribunals to make justice with the bourgeois collaborators of Al Assad. We confronted determinedly to win the war by the method of the proletarian revolution.

We did not cede and don’t give up our political independence to neither the “ultra Islamic” bourgeoisie nor the “democratic” bourgeois of the FSA. We fight at international level against the Bolivarian, the Castro brothers and other lackeys of the Latin American bourgeoisie that sustains Al Assad.
We called tireless on the US working class to break with Obama, the chief of the imperialist gangs. We called on those fencing Wall Street to stand side by side the Syrian masses because Al Assad is sustained by the same bankers they are confronting in the 8 blocks of New York.
We call on the imperialist countries’ working class to rise up to paralyze the war machine of their own bourgeoisie for the French occupation troops invading Mali to be defeated and all the military bases imperialism have settled in Africa and the region can be smashed

We confronted the murderous and exploiters on account of the imperialism: Putin and the Chinese mandarins, those guarantors and “capangas” of TNCs in the Pacific who armed to the teeth to Al Assad.
Thus, we travelled to Japan and with the revolutionaries of the JRCL gave decisive steps ahead in breaking the fence on the Syrian revolution side by side the masses of the Pacific. They put their 50th Assembly against the War at disposition for the struggle of the Syrian masses and Middle East as well.
We called on the working class to fight like in Marikana. We have brought to Syria the war cry: “either you give us the increase in salary or we´ll kill the managers” for the Syrian working class to take it in their hands.
We have taken as ours the war cry of the Asturias miners: “if our children suffer hunger, yours will  shed blood” to take it as a war cry for the Syrian masses today piled up in refugee camps under starvation condition. 

This May Day we had the honor to convene an internationalist act together with our revolutionary comrades who fight in Syria. It was a truth worker assembly. In our IV Congress, from the FLTI and his Colective for the 4th International, together with the Brigade León Sedov and dozens of revolutionary worker fighters, we paid homage to the Martyrs of Chicago in the very same battlefield of the tormented Syria. 

XXII– The betrayal to the Syrian revolution consists in that in the last two years the international conditions were more than favorable for the international working class fighting for this heroic revolution not to isolated, enclosed, strangled and bloodied. Imperialism, with Syria drowned in blood and betrayed, could impose its counteroffensive.
As we have already said, the last word has not been said. What is sure is that the flags of the IV International now fly in Aleppo and Homs, despite the betrayal – which will surely be revenged by history - of all the Renegades of Trotskyism who soiled its program and its legacy in the streets of Syria.
We know that fighting in Syria and across the region by setting up the dual power and the self-organization of the masses, the Revolutionary Party will be built; though we anticipate it will not be Syrian, as this is not an isolated socialist revolution, but it is a link in a chain that is a single revolution of the Maghreb and the Middle East. The Syrian Revolutionary Party, of which we have already conquered a founding core, will be a link in a single and only party, which from Tunisia to Jerusalem it will act as a sensitive nerve, able to vibrate before any stimulus of the revolution and the counterrevolution. We who combat for founding anew the Fourth International are already stepping steps to do so.

XXIII– The Covenant of Obama with Moscow and Beijing, with the generals of Al-Assad already negotiating openly with the Syrian National Coalition (political representatives from the FSA) in Qatar a transitional Government, with the revolution bleeding-white, imposes urgent tasks to us, the internationalist workers that continue fighting for the Syrian and Middle Eastern revolution not to be defeated.
The Zionist bombings are the first bloody signals of this infamous Pact against the masses, being prepared behind the scenes, where none of the bourgeois fractions of the region want to stay out of the feast of the distribution of business in Syria. Such as dogs of prey, here and there they bite each other to dispute for the leftovers that their imperialist master throws them.
Confronting Zionism today means challenging the Covenants among Obama, Putin, the arch-reactionary and Pro-imperialist Chinese bourgeoisie, Zionism, the Arab bourgeoisie, Al-Assad, the Government of the CNS in Qatar and the European imperialist powers.
It means also facing Turkey as an advanced NATO detachment and the generals of the FSA, who have taken advantage of the bombing over the Turkish border, and found the perfect excuse to close and prevent the resistance from resupplying themselves; and so whoever is outside cannot enter and will die as a dog in the refugee camps, while the ones who are within will have to give up their weapons under the control of the generals of the FSA or the sheiks of the Jabhat al Nusra.
Once being closed the borders with Turkey, Lebanon and Israel, with the Pact that is on the works and its new "Geneva Conference" the borders will be closed under threat of more bombings; the order is already and continue to be clear, whoever is within the Syrian borders has to disarm or he/she will be fusilladed by the Transitional Government of the generals of Al-Assad, without Al-Assad.
Anyone who says that the Geneva Conference that Obama, the imperialist powers, and all of its agents with Russia and China, are preparing will bring a "democratic" Government of transition, is merely deceiving the masses. What is in the works is a counter-revolutionary Pact, so the generals of Al-Assad, with the FSA and Jabhat al Nusra - playing a role analogous to that of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt – are able to set up a Government settled on the massacre perpetrated by Al-Assad and on the disarmament and unconditional submission of the masses. What is to come is not a more democratic Government, but the settlement of the counter-revolutionary victory of Al-Assad. This is the Covenant and the imperialist policy which we must face and defeat today.
The proletariat has already undergone counter-revolutionary pacts like this, signed by treacherous leaderships. It suffices to remember the '80s with the delivery of the Nicaraguan and Central American Revolution with the Contadora and Esquipulas agreements; the Covenants of Stalin with "democratic imperialism" in the 1930s to throttle the chain of revolutions in Spain, France and Italy that opened the way to the 2WW; the Covenants of peaceful coexistence of Moscow and Beijing with imperialism, which led to waging counter-revolutionary blows to control the masses of Eastern Europe and sell-off dozens of revolutions in the West, saving the European imperialist powers from the Socialist Revolution.
The most emblematic of these dismal covenants was undoubtedly that in Yalta and Potsdam between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin who instructed workers to disarm themselves and reconstruct bourgeois Europe out of the 2WW ; those who refused, such as Greek, Italian or French partisans who heroically confronted fascism, were shot by Stalinism. This pact with the USSR usurped by counter-revolutionary Stalinists entering the UN, guaranteed in 1948 the Foundation of the State of Israel, armed to the teeth by Stalinism and imperialism to occupy Palestine and banishing from their own historic territory the Palestinian people, transforming it into a crowd pariahs in their own land and establishing a counter-revolutionary enclave to control the business of imperialism and the oil routes in the region.
XXIV - The pact that is being prepared in the meeting of Geneva will have an international counterrevolutionary character.
This pact includes that the Libyan masses must be disarmed. A chain of provocations from the GNC has begun against the Libyan militias. Gadafist generals are in the most important offices of the ministries, causing spontaneous un-coordinated reactions of brigades formed by fighters. Each one of them, on their own, are confronting the government of the GNC under the war-cry "out the Gaddafist officials".
The lack of coordination and centralization between the militias and the worker and students organizations that march for decent work and a decent pay, has become an open crisis in the Libyan revolution. This is because the Gadafist reaction, today commanded by the GNC and imperialism, is waiting for them, recruiting the same petty-bourgeois social base of Gadafi so they can apply counterrevolutionary putchs and hard strikes separately.

In Egypt, they must settle down a stable regime, between the military dictatorship and the Muslim Brotherhood, as it was with Mubarak before. We insist, as it happens in Libya, the pact has to guarantee, by all means, the defense of the government of the GNC, which is nothing but the same dog as Gadafi, only with a different collar. It is a government full of Gadafist ministries… which is now attacking the militias of Libya. This is just to clarify any doubt, if there is, about on which side imperialism is. Its government of the GNC is made 100% of generals, ministers and officials of Gadafi. It is clear that Gadafi's government had nothing of "anti-imperialism", except for the coverage given by the left made of Stalinist lackeys in the world and the renegades of Trotskyism such as the British WRP, the American SEP among other representatives of the club of Gadafi side walkers.
In Tunisia, the pact means that the worker organizations such as the UGTT, backed by the entire European left, have to keep on subordinated to the bourgeois government of Marzouki. It also means that the most desperate sectors that enter into the fight, such as the unemployed, must receive hard counterrevolutionary strikes by the salafist gangs.
The pact means the settling of France and its military bases in Mali, in order to attack the revolution of the North of Africa by the rear guard, and prevent it from expanding to the whole continent. The missiles that are aiming from Turkey into Syria, just in case the masses escape from the hands of Assad and the FSA, is an example of this.
The pact includes that the Palestinian masses remain in concentration camps in Ghaza and the West Bank, with the best lands in the hands of the fascist Zionist armed settlers.
The pact seeks to impose a bonapartist regime, such as that of Yemen and Bahrain, based in the bloody smashing of the masses.
In Bahrain over 60 thousand exploited were killed by the tanks of the lackey Saudi bourgeoisie, to keep the US Fifth Fleet military base out of danger, and to guarantee that the officers caste remain intact.
Over the basis of smashing the masses and the massacre in Yemen, a bonapartist regime was organized under a government made by Salah's party (the president that was toppled by 2011's revolution) now with the figure of Abd er-Rabba Mansour Hadi, together with the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is the plan that Obama wants to impose in Syria, against everyone that says about that "blacked Bush" expanding "democracy". The counterrevolutionary pact that he is preparing between the FSA, SNC, Zionism, Assad, Moscow and China is the definitive step they want to take to start finishing it.

XXV – This shows that we were not living "good-natured" "democratic revolutions". We have been living several acts of the beginning of socialist workers revolutions that put into question the power of the bourgeoisie and imperialism in the region. That's why, either the working class seizes power, or the counterrevolution will come, and will bring regimes which are even more counterrevolutionary than the ones the masses faced with their revolutionary uprisings, with an increasing plundering, even worse than before the revolution.

This is the lesson that the reformist left wants to hide from the masses. Either the working class seizes power, or war, counterrevolution and fascism will come, and will bring more starvation, misery and unbearable sufferings.
All the forces of the imperialist bourgeois counterrevolution are focused in Syria. They have the support of the treacherous leaderships. They intend to save the interests of the imperialist bankers of Wall Street, London City, Bundesbank and Citibank, so they can unload their crisis on the masses.
That bandit's cave named World Social Forum calls for "Socialism of the 21st century", that is to say, the type of socialism of Assad and Gadafi, the biggest agents of Wall Street and the managers of the imperialist transnational companies, as the pro-slavery businessmen of the Chinese CP.
Other currents call for the "springtime of the peoples", the beginning of "democratic revolutions" so the working class do not take power into its hands. But what actually came were democratic counterrevolutions. Imperialism and all its agents organize them and conspire against the masses to strangle the revolutionary processes. The fallacy that claims that the processes in the Middle East were mass uprisings promoted by Obama, NATO and the "democratic" imperialisms is the biggest slander against the heroic starving masses from Maghreb and Middle East… screamed out loud by the left of Obama. Today, they are unmasked. The tragedy is that they don't pay for the consequences, the masses do.

XXVI – In Middle East and Northern Africa, on the one hand we have reformism, which leads to the defeat of the working class. And on the other hand, confronting reformism, there's the program of the internationalist socialists that settles the conditions for victory, that is to say, that poses that the most immediate task of the proletariat facing the bankruptcy of capitalism is the victory of the socialist revolution.
There is no "Socialism of the 21st century" neither an "intermediate revolution". Either the working class takes power, starts a counteroffensive in Syria, Tunisia, etc., the US working class, from Europe, from the subjugated nations returns to the fight; or the defeat of the Syrian masses will be a starting point for a generalized counterrevolutionary imperialist offensive, to make the masses pay for the capitalist bankruptcy.

Yesterday, the treacherous leaderships put out the spark of Greece so it cannot burn up Europe. First, they supported the thugs of the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Greek unions, and they did not hesitate in smashing the workers that wanted to set the parliament on fire when the austerity measures were being vote; and then they paved the way to the story of a "pacific way to socialism" such as that of Syriza.
This way they threw away the forces and the energy of the masses in more than 20 general strikes to "put pressure" on the imperialist governments so they "ease the measure". Now, while reformism and Syriza keep on offering an election victory in two years, Golden Dawn and other fascist groups raise their heads, and with sticks they put the working class into order, while the workers have to cut trees from the public parks and squares in order to get wood for heating, the same way the Syrian refugees do it in the border with Turkey.
This is the counterrevolutionary pact of Obama, Al Assad and all the native bourgeoisies and the treacherous leaderships to strangle not only the revolution in Syria but also all the procesesses of mass offensive in Maghreb, the Middle East and internationally.

This international counterrevolutionary pact is particularly supported by Stalinism internationally and by the Castro Brothers, which today have become a rising bourgeoisie in the island. They decreed the right to inherit, while their children, dressed up in Armani suits, organize the golf fields in the luxurious hotels of the imperialist bourgeoisie. The new Cuban bourgeoisie, yesterday with pope Benedict 16th, Castro, Chavez and Obama agreed to sell out the Colombian resistance (which in history has over 250 thousand dead) and guaranteed the permanency of the US military bases in Colombia. Today, with the blessing of pope Francis, the Castro Brothers are selling out the Cuban revolution to Obama and the worms of Miami, and their "Bolivarian" partners in the Latin American continent are selling out the wealth of the subcontinent just as good as the imperialist lackey governments of the FTA, or even better. Castro, the "Bolivarians" and Chavez were the spearhead in the Latin American continent to support Obama, calling to cast a vote for him, as he was their candidate for president of the USA, guaranteeing that the black and immigrant workers do not break away from that black-stained Bush called Obama. And now, all the sidekicks of Castro Brothers call out loud "do not play for imperialism or Obama in the conflicts in the Middle East"… and with no shame at all! The biggest lackeys of Obama "are confronting the policies of Obama" in Syria? No, there's no contradiction at all. As imperialist lackeys they also support the saber of Bashar al-Assad with which he cuts the neck to the Syrian masses.

XXVII – The leadership crisis exacerbates in the world working class. Because of the treason of its leadership, today imperialism comes for all, to burden its crisis on the masses. This happens after an offensive of the exploited all across the world since 2008, facing the imperialist crisis and the bankruptcy of capitalism, as in the ruined Europe from Greece and Portugal up to the East against the IMF plundering, or as in the beginning of fierce fights of the US working class against the war, or as the uprisings of the Chinese working class, that of Asia, Africa and the entire Latin America. This even prevented US imperialism from intervening directly (in a Bush-type intervention) in the revolutions in Maghreb and the Middle East, because it risked to open a Vietnam scenario inside USA.
The reformist apparatus of the past couldn't contain this offensive. Here and there they were overwhelmed by a fast mass uprising. That's why they started to de-synchronize them, isolate their most advanced focuses so imperialism can concentrate all its forces to smash them.
In pompous meetings they promised victories. But now they only deliver defeats. The result is yet to be seen. Imperialism is careful, because it knows that a miscalculation in the balance of forces could mean a violent mass uprising. The fire of the revolution that has started won't be extinguished in just one or two acts. Spontaneity of the masses has shown lots of heroism and potential, and also has shown the cowardice and servility of the traitors to the working class. The obligations of the revolutionaries were multiplied by hundreds. The leadership crisis is now sharp. Resolve it, will guarantee the victory of the fight of the exploited.

Against the pact of surrendering that the enemies of the Syrian revolution want to impose to it, the forces of the international proletariat claim: We have to build up an international pact of the working class and the exploited, staring by an iron-strong unity of the exploited of Maghreb and the Middle East, to break the siege of the heroic Syrian masses.
The Palestinian masses have begun a strong Intifada. They have in their hands the task of stopping, from inside, the fascist war machine of the counterrevolutionary Zionist state of Israel. The working class and its organizations cannot leave, not for another minute, that hundreds of thousands of refugees in the camps in Turkey, Lebanon and other countries starve to death and being killed by Assad.
The forces of the world working class are huge. If workers brigades from all the workers organizations of the world could reach to fight with their brothers in Homs, Damascus, Aleppo, it will be an electric shock to put the Syrian workers back on their feet. A decided action like that could change the course of the history of this revolution.

The movement against the war in USA, from Oakland, has this huge task in its hands, from the guts of the very US imperialist beast, breaking its subjugation to Obama where the whole treacherous left took it.
Millions of immigrant workers from Turkey, Syria and the whole Middle East work in Europe, and they suffer the same starvation and attack that are suffering the rest of the European workers. The fight against starvation, against the increase in the cost of living, the unemployment, is the same as in Spain, France, Italy, Bangladesh, where the factories-jails fall down and the luxurious clothes for the Fifth Avenue of New York, London City or the Boutiques in Paris is made with the blood of the exploited.
There are enough forces to build up a strong international solidarity so the working class concentrates its forces in Syria, and stops at one point this imperialist counteroffensive, making it to retreat. If not, not only it will sweep away the Syrian revolution, but also it will clash against the whole world working class as it will be an example of punishment.
The coward leaderships subordinated to the capital are preventing a concentration of forces of the exploited of the world, at the same level that the one imperialism has put up in Syria.

A war cry of thousands of workers organizations of the world, calling to "stop the massacre in Syria", "let's all march to fight in the Middle East together with the Syrian masses to conquer Damascus" would be enough to revive the vigor of the fight of the Syrian masses.
The working class from Europe, USA, China, Russia and Japan, by paralyzing the war machine that supplies Al Assad, it could also create the best conditions to launch a working class counter-offensive in this countries and stop the attack of the big capital against the world working class.
To fight together with the Syrian masses means to confront the evil plan of "two states" for the Palestinian masses that Obama, the UN, and the world pro-Zionist left want to impose, confining them to Ghettos and Bantustans, while the fascist Zionist settlers occupy the best lands of the Palestinian nation.
The fight for Damascus is the same combat to defeat the Zionist state of Israel, and to march, with the Palestinian revolution, to take Jerusalem.
Against the counterrevolutionary militias of the Iranian Republican Guard and the Gurka brigades of the bourgeois Hezbollah that have taken Damascus, we have to raise THE FIGHT FOR INTERNATIONAL WORKERS BRIGADES TO GO TO FIGHT TO SYRIA, to build up again the shoras, the workers councils that Al Assad tried to destroy and kills every day, just as the Ayatollah bourgeoisie did it in Iran, in the revolution that in 1980s toppled Sha Reza Pahlevi.

The moment to call for an International Conference to break the siege to Syria has come. The most advanced fighting organizations of the world working class, such as the mineworkers of Huanuni (Bolivia), the revolutionary Chilean youth, the 'outraged' of Europe and Wall Street, the ones that fight in Marikana against the Anglo American and the ones that are fighting against the transnational companies in China and Bangladesh, together with those who are fighting in the battlefield in Syria, we have the responsibility in our ands to call it and set it up. That means to openly fight against the traitors of the WSF that gathered together in Tunisia, which went there to support the pact of surrendering of the masses in Syria, Palestine and the whole Maghreb and the Middle East.
This is a motion that, if it is taken by the workers and militant organizations of the world working class, it would mean that the siege on the Syrian masses would be broken, and we could organize international brigades to go to fight in Syria, to fight for the leadership of the war against the bourgeois forces that are concentrated there to expropriate the revolution of the Syrian masses.

XXVIII – The war in Syria can only be won by fighting for the socialist revolution, as a single revolution in the North of Africa and the Middle East, disregarding the fake parliaments and the treacherous fraudulent constituent assemblies, setting up the generalized arming of the exploited as in Libya while disarming the murderous officers caste of the bourgeois armies of the whole region.
Because of the crisis of leadership, the seizure of power by the Libyan masses was postponed. If this situation that poses the seizure of power passes by, the counterrevolution will come. US imperialism is preparing its forces to hit with a hard blow on the Libyan masses, counting with Mali occupied by France.
To defeat the Gadafist and their government, the Libyan militias have to call to unite their fate to that of the Syrian masses and for the revolutionary overthrowing of Al Assad.
The socialist revolution is the most immediate task of the subjugated people of Maghreb and the Middle East. The struggle for bread, work, education and decent health has taken the exploited to smash against the counterrevolutionary bourgeois armies and governments, and every device of imperialist dominance in the region.
Only with the victory of the socialist revolution we could end with the imperialist plundering of the region and with the occupation of the Palestinian nation by the Zionist-fascist state of Israel. With the expropriation, without compensation, of the imperialist oil companies, there will be enough bread, health, education, houses and work for all the exploited of the region that have "black gold" under their feet.
By expropriating the lands around the Tigris, Euphrates, Nile and the valleys of the whole Maghreb and the Middle East, we could immediately set up an agriculture that will be able to feed the starving people of the region.
A move forward in the socialist revolution in the Middle East could burn up Europe, the Mediterranean sea and will turn on again the spark in Athens, with which Paris will burn.
The time for the socialist revolution has come. The alternative is barbarism, war and the worst sufferings for the working class of the imperialist countries and the world. All the workers of the world must understand how the enemy acts, i.e., how much anger, hatred and how firmly it acts against the workers when they put into question its power, just to demand the right to eat.
The fight for the Socialist United States of Maghreb and the Middle East has to be the fighting banner of all the workers and the subjugated people of the region. This way we can conquer food, land, national independence from imperialism and it will be imposed the judge and punishment to all the murderers such as Mubarak, Ben Ali and their bourgeois generals and politicians, that today keep on pulling the strings of power, hiding behind the fraudulent constituent assemblies and the fake parliaments. This way the tormented Palestinian masses will have their nation, over the ruins of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel, and will conquer a free, secular, democratic non-racist Palestine.
The only governments that are truly democratic, representatives of the broad majority of the people of Maghreb and the Middle East, only will be the governments of the working class and the poor peasants, backed in their militias and the organizations of struggle of the masses.


4th Congress of the FLTI
Collective for the Fourth International