Honestly, watching the slaughter of Aleppo, Are there people still insisting that in Syria develops a war between Russia and the United States?
PO, PTS of Argentina insist with this question.A rare war in which United States did not shoot a single missile, did not send a single airplane, but gave the control and the air space to his Russian "enemy" so that it slaughter as they want it.
It is absurd nonsense what they claimed. Reality speaks on its own. On the contrary, they claim that we would be in a scenario where the US IS RECEIVING THE WORST HUMILITY OF ITS STORY!
And PTS goes too far saying that this is because of Obama's weakness. Let someone sensible in that party to stop so much nonsense. PTS and PO lost the satellite; they have to recalculate the route. Theyhave understood nothing of the revolution and the counterrevolution.
Geneva Agreement in action
Everyone is silent that in Aleppo the counterrevolutionary pact of Geneva is imposed. The Syrian Division Pact of Obama, Putin, Turkey and all its local agents.
This Agreement defined that neither US nor Israel could intervene to smash the Syrian revolution; since the first was not allowed by the American people after their withdrawn from Iraq, and the second one would only have thrown naphtha into the fire. For that reason the plan was to find mercenaries, agents, to do their dirty work.
They sent the hetman Putin who is the jailer of the former Soviet Muslim republics like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, Turkmenistan and dozens of them to slaughter the revolution from its army base in Tartus.
Iran makes an agreement with Obama and proves its faithfulness with Hezbollah to the US master, acting like Gurkas troops supporting Bashar.
US sent the Islamic State, ie Saddam Hussein's generals in Iraq, who coordinated with Al Assad watched out the oil wells and oil pipelines in the provinces of DeirezZor and Raqa, where they enter slaughtering the masses. That's what ISIS did.
Turkey controls the Sunni bourgeoisie, which moved to the field of revolution at the last moment to control, manipulate and smash the double power of armed workers and soldiers, split the army in 2011-2012, setting up the Coordination Committees.
They used the Kurdish bourgeoisie and Stalinism of PKK to break the military front in the civil war against Al Assad. Today the Kurdish masses end up being the one used in Geneva. Turkey gave out Aleppo, in exchange for Al Bab to the north of the province of Aleppo and leaves surrounded with its army the Kurdish cantons (surburb) in Rojava.
With the smashing to the masses, the one who will define the future of the split Syria and the future as colony-it will be neither Assad nor Putin-, IT WILL BE THE IMPERIALIST OIL COMPANIES AND WALL STREET. OBAMA DID A GOOD CONTRARREVOLUTIONARY WORK. NOW TRUMP COMES TO TAKE THE VICTORY... BUT IF THE MASSES ALLOW IT!!!
Aleppo is the last great battle to smash the double power, to give a lesson to the masses and smash the revolution. It is being defeated from outside and sold out and disorganized from within.
The reformist left is far to understand the revolution and counterrevolution
The left, on a new anniversary of the Argentine revolution, should respond. What would have happened if, on December 20, the Argentine revolution imposed itself on De la Rua and swept Parliament, bourgeois justice, and destroyed the army? Can answer this question to their militants?
We reply that this would have been an electric shock throughout Latin America ... and as it did in Syria and the entire Maghreb and Middle East, would also have triggered a continental and international counterrevolution
if this process had developed, no doubt that the counterrevolution would have regrouped its forces to attack the revolution ... as it has done in all revolutions of the world where the bourgeoisie threatened its power. He used Francos, Videlas, Pinochets ... that is, counterrevolutionary coups ... and ordered his agents to disorganize the ranks of the revolution from inside; the bourgeoisie to prevent expropriation of expropriators and the treacherous and paid leaderships of the working class to betray the revolution ... or else, to fill in a blood bath the best fighters being shooting from behind as in Spain in the '30.
Besides, to crush revolutions imperialism has developed fratricidal wars, where oppressed peoples massacred each other, as it happened with Iraq attacking Iran to finish crushing the heroic Iranian revolution of the '80 that was expropriated by the ayatollahs.
The reformist left, a nurse of the dying capital, sees only a "peaceful" and "democratic" way to socialism, and therefore does not prepare the working class, nor the exploited, or its militants for the counterrevolution once it begins to develop.
In the Middle East they saw "Peoples' Spring", that is, "democratic revolutions" when worker revolutions began for bread, which clashed openly with the governments and regimes of imperialism in that region. The masses does not enter the revolution with a book under their arms. The history of mankind is the history of class struggle.
In the case of Argentina, supposing that the revolution had developed at the level of Syria, Libya or Yemen, there would have been an open counter-revolution. although it didn't happened, the massacre of the Pueyrredón Bridge, the 40 killed on December 20, 2001 ...took place. This meant that the bourgeoisie was preparing its band of armed men and fascist forces to crush the revolution. This did not happen. The Bolivarians, with Castro, the Kirchners, the Morales, came to divert that revolutionary process and to strengthen a bourgeois way out, which the workers are suffering up to now.
But, we insist, if the revolution had developed, the counterrevolution would have given an immediate answer. It really grabs attention in all the programs of the parliamentary left the silence they keep about Malvinas, where there is a NATO base. Or do they believe that, as the PO says, "they will take political power" and NATO will look the other way?
No doubt that from Malvinas the NATO had attacked hard to the Argentine revolution. If the masses would not prevent it, the Chilean, Brazilian, etc. Armies would act as counterrevolutionary forces of imperialism to invade and strike against the revolution. There are 7 Yankee military bases in Colombia. Imperialism would use all its agents to crush the revolution and this is what it is doing in Syria and the entire Middle East.
Let's look at Haiti. UN troops invaded and occupied that country to crush the slave uprising. There are troops from all the Latin American countries, mainly from the Bolivarians, commanded by Brazil sent by the government of Dilma, the greatest coup and invader of Haiti.
When there is a revolution, the masses set up organizations to organize direct action and mass struggle. The bourgeoisie enters these organisms directly or sends its agents there to disorganize them, so that the organisms of power of the exploited ones do not develop.
And in Argentina if the revolution had advanced as in the Maghreb and Middle East, what would Peronism and other bourgeois fractions have done? They would have entered the double-power organisms to destroy them, to co-opt them, to strike hard and more combative wings.
Now that they are studying the revolutions of the twentieth century, will they realize that this is what happened in every revolution that was crushed? Imperialism, with the support of Stalinism, jointly organized and planned the strangulation of the most advanced revolutionary processes, including huge international counterrevolutionary pacts. This was the case in Nicaragua and El Salvador, where the Sandinism and the FarabundoMartí Front merged into bourgeois armies with counterrevolutionary fascist officers against whom the revolution faced.
Nicaragua was a crime ... With the death of more than 100,000 Nicaraguans, the "Contra", the army of mercenaries recruited from all over Latin America by Reagan with Argentine generals of the dictatorship who trained them militarily, was crushed and Sandinism ended up giving power to the bourgeoisie, organizing "democratic elections" ... as the PTS proposes everywhere ... "real democracy", as they would say along with their social-imperialist leaders Varoufakis from Greece and Callinicos from England .
Harp on and on that the "Third World War" is under way in Syria is like having argued that in El Salvador and Nicaragua there was a military clash between the USSR and the United States and that the latter was waging war against the workers' state. What was there was an international pact, Contadoras and Esquipulas, to crush the revolution. This is what is being imposed today in Syria, a counterrevolutionary pact of Turkey, Russia and the United States with all its agents ... pact and meeting where the world reformist left also sits. They are important at that table. They say that those who conspire against the revolution and against the people fight among themselves.
All right. That happens and happened in the Middle East. The bourgeoisie, when it sees losing its property, develops all its instinct and class consciousness. It sharpens it to an extreme degree. He has many agents, to whom he pays them. And so it support itself.
In the Middle East we live a chain of betrayed, besieged, massacred and stained revolutions, even by socialists who have not understood that the revolution is national by its form but international in its content. While the counterrevolution follows it until crushing it from all the world ... And from inside!!!!
THE PARLIAMENTARIAN LEFT IS LOST. THEY TALK TO "TAKE THE POLITICAL POWER" OF DECEMBER 20, BUT THEY DO NOT SPEAK AND THEY ARE NOT MAKING PARTIES FOR THE REVOLUTION. When they see it they do not distinguish it. When they are being crushed it, like now, either. That is the dilemma of the reformist: talk about socialism on holidays and never understand the minimum thing about the revolution, which they do not even dream of doing.
A tragedy:
The left echoes the Islamophobia that foments imperialism
The best example of this is the NPA (the so-called New French Anti-capitalist Party), which advises the butchers of the Fifth French Republic to colonize with "more democracy and less bullets". Their bosses use both.
From the lie of the Twin Towers to the weapons of mass destruction and the farce of the ISIS created by Obama, the imperialism created, as a program: Islamophobia. This was the guarantee to plunder the wealth of the peoples of the East and to massacre their revolutions. With this policy the reformist left acts as a cockatoo of imperialism, which only strengthens the control of the reactionary Islamic bourgeoisies over the exploited. THEY'VE BEEN LOST IN A SANDSTORM.
Do not they realize that the 300 thousand inhabitants of Aleppo the 99 percent are impoverished working families? Do you think they are suicidal? Where do you think they are going now? Where? To the desert, to rent a room in the areas controlled by Al Assad or anywhere in devastated Syria cost $ 300 today!! And the Syrian bourgeoisie lives in their countries, or abroad.
The masses are not guilty for the stupidities of reformism. Insightful workers will find the way to revolution. The massacre in Syria will not let live in peace to those who reviled it.