The left currents in order to justify their support to the slaughter of Al Assad massacre to turn its back on the workers and exploited who fight against the Syrian genocidal regime and its mercenary troops, the New World Left repeats the imperialist propaganda towards the Muslim peoples of Maghreb and Middle East with which justify the imperialist plunder of the region and its military invasions. With its anti-Muslim Islamophobic campaign and against jihadism, imperialism has committed its most atrocious massacres against the masses. It did it before with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and today in Syria with the perfect excuse about the "fight against ISIS" slaughter the masses with the hand of Al Assad and Putín. We are facing a blatant imperialist propaganda to justify its action in the region shows that even those who yesterday represented the "axis of evil" as the Iranian ayatollahs and Hezbollah today are correct soldiers of their cause and allies in the slaughter against the Syrians.
The New Left has echoed such a campaign and has transformed it into its main argument with which it poisons the conscience of millions of workers in the world. They repeat in their press that in Syria the two sides in conflict are reactionary without recognizing the revolutionary struggle of the masses against the genocidal Al Assad. They argue that the workers and exploited who have been fighting since 2011 to defeat Al Assad and conquer bread and freedom are all Jihadists.
They are telling to the world's workers that the slaughter against the Syrian masses and Aleppo must be allowed because they are all ISIS, Al Qaeda and jihadists. Among the workers, they spread "anti-Muslim" phobia, which is the flag with which Bush invaded Iraq and France Mali and Chad. The bourgeois left conveys the poison of the regimes of the oppressors. Why do not they accuse the Pope and the heads of the Russian Orthodox Church of being the greatest and murderous jihadists on the planet blessing the sables of how much murderous militiaman slaughter their people?
In Syria, as in the whole Maghreb and Middle East, there are two sides: a jihad of the oppressed and another jihad of the oppressors. The "secular left" is being the buffoon of the latter.
The anti-imperialist masses, manipulated by the local bourgeoisies, were treated by the white, educated, secular and Masonic left wing of the imperialist bourgeoisie as "barbaric and backward peoples," when it was this left that defended the interests of the Imperialist FrenchFifth Republic, the City of London and Wall Street. The workers have fought more than this pro-imperialist left that attacks the strong point of the masses, their spirit of vanquishing against imperialism.
Those who fight against the assassin Al Assad are not "tribes," "backward barbarian peoples," nor "Islamic extremists," as reformers and social-imperialist currents say. It is the working class and its allies, the poor of the country and the city. To the prejudices and inventions of the revisionists of Marxism who treat the workers of the oppressed peoples with disdain and contempt, the Trotskyists confront them by fighting alongside the revolutionary masses and returning to the best lessons and traditions of internationalist Marxism, as was the revolutionary appeal of the Third International to the Peoples of the East which proclaimed:
“(The Communist International T N) has convened the peoples of the East without asking each of the representatives: ‘Do you, at this moment, belong to the Communist International, to a Communist Party, or do you not?’ We did not ask you: ‘What party do you belong to?’ We asked each one: ‘Are you a man who lives by his labour? Do you belong to the working masses? Do you want to put a stop to the strife between the peoples? Do you want to organize a struggle against the oppressors? That is enough. (…) We respect the religious feelings of the masses and we know howto re-educate the masses. This requires many years’ work. We approach with caution the religious beliefs of the working masses of the East and of other countries. (…) We think that the day of the Sultans is over, that you should not put up with autocracy. You should dispel and destroy faith in the Sultan, and establish genuine Soviets. The Russian peasants also had great faith in the Tsar. When, however, a real people’s revolution flared up, hardly a trace of this faith in the Tsar was left. It will be the same in Turkey and in the whole East when a real earthy peasants’ revolution flares up. Then the people will very quickly getrid of their faith in the Sultan and in their masters”.
(…) I say that we are now faced with the task of kindling a real holy war against the British and French capitalists. Comrades, remember what is being done, northward from here, by these bandits even at this moment. I will not speak about those peoples who are particularly well represented here. You yourselves know the situation that British and French capital has created in Turkey, the situation British capital has created in Persia, the situation of Armenia, which yesterday all the governments of the Entente wanted to defend and whom nobody is now defending. I willsay a Little. ”
(…) Comrades! Much has been said about ‘holy war’ in recent years. The capitalists, when they were waging their accursed imperialist war, tried to present that slaughter as a holy war, and made many people believe this. When in 1914-1918 they spoke of a ‘holy war’, that was a monstrous deception. But now, Comrades, you who have for the first time assembled in a congress of peoples of the East, must here proclaim a real holy war, against the robbers, the Anglo-French capitalists. Now we must say that the hour has sounded when the workers of the whole world can arouse and raise up tens and hundreds of millions of peasants, can form a Red Army in the East as well, can arm and organize a revolt in the rear of the British, can hurl fire against the bandits, can poison the existence of every insolent British officer who is lording it in Turkey, Persia, India and China.
(…) Comrades! Brothers! The time has now come when you can set aboutorganizing a true people’s holy war against the robbers and oppressors. The Communist International turns today to the peoples of the East and says to them: ‘Brothers, we summon you to a holy war, in the first place against British imperialism!’