Libya - November 10th 2016
Even if the masses did not seize power and were subordinated to different local bourgeois gangs
In spite of the defeats and the partition of Libya
Imperialism couldn't stabilize a post-Qadafy regime
It keeps on crying the death of Qadafy, who stabilized its plundering of oil and gas
After imposing a new government by the UN in late January, this year, the inter-bourgeois disputes kept growing and growing. On the one hand, there is the Eastern Libya bourgeois fraction. They claim their government is the "House of Representatives" from Tobruk (an Eastern Libyan city close to the border with Egypt). They have a military wing led by Heftar, a Qadafyist general of the CIA who in mid September this year rushed to secure he oil wells and ports of Cyrenaica under his control (for this fraction), displacing the man who was working for the Libyan Central Bank, Jathran.
On the other hand, in the beginning of November, former congressmen of the already dissolved GNC (General National Congress, led by Tripolitanian bourgeois, who ruled Libya from 2012 to 2015) took over the government building in Tripoli (Libyan capital city) supported by militias of Tajura and Souq al Jumaa (two neighbourhoods that led the struggle against the dictator Qadafy in 2011). These bourgeois congressmen of the GNC claim to be the true government that represents the 2011 revolution and not that fakery imposed by the UN from abroad, let alone the "House of Representatives" in Eastern Libya.
Thus, over and above the diversion and abortion of the Libyan revolution, the different bourgeois Libyan gangs are still quarreling to see who will be the manager who manages the oil income of the imperialist gangs in Libya. Before the fall of the oil price, no one wants to leave without its part.
It is that they have not succeeded yet in reconstituting the state, that is to say, the band of armed men who safeguard the property of the whole of the capitalists, after the masses demolished it in 2011. They have not been able to decide yet who the government will be, The Junta that will run its businesses, after the masses executed the dictator Qadafy.
In Libya the revolution has not triumphed, the power has not been seized, despite having had it within reach on several occasions, as when Qadafy fell in 2011, when rebel militias took Parliament in mid-2013, or when Heftar's counterrevolutionary coup attempt was defeated in 2014. The masses' leaderships sold it out to the various sectors of the Libyan bourgeoisie, while the reformist left and the leadership of the organizations of the world working class calumniated the Libyan masses, isolating them from their true allies; the workers of the world, and leaving them at the mercy of the manipulations of the different fractions of the local bourgeoisie.
But neither the exploiters nor the imperialism have managed to impose themselves ... so the conditions have decomposed. Today there are several bourgeois fractions disputing business, and the masses are subordinated to each fraction, by city and region. The whole Libyan national state has been disintegrated, since Libya does not have a common market among its three regions that unifies them, taking even to the split of Libya
In this situation, imperialism misses Qadafy. It is that he was the Bonaparte who gave unity to Libya to be plundered by imperialism. He was the one who put the order of the oil companies. It is the Bonapartist government that imperialism would like to have.
Imperialism tried this current Government of UN in Libya was a Bonapartist institution. But to work he had to affirm his Army directly, that is to say, a protectorate.
But imperialism cannot send troops to Libya because its own working class doesn’t permit to invade any country.
They cannot stabilize a State and with the revolution of 2011 still open in the whole region and masses’ demands for bread and a decent life uncompleted, the possibility of their irruption is always present. For the moment they distract them with the excuse of fighting against ISIL in Sirte…a battle of various months that it seems to be endless. It is that they do not want to end that battle because if they do so, it could be the masses stop fighting against a phantom enemy, intervening among the gaps of Libyan bourgeoisie retaking the struggle to take the revolution of 2011 until the end to conquer their all unfinished demands.
Pero hay que decir la verdad. Si no se tomó el poder, si las masas libias se encuentran sometidas a sus distintas fracciones burguesas locales es porque la izquierda de Obama las ha calumniado… ha dicho que eran tropas terrestres de la OTAN cuando se levantaron contra el sirviente del imperialismo Qadafy. Ha dicho que eran tribus y pueblos bárbaros, y finalmente planteando que el enemigo es el ISIS (que se encontraría en Sirte), las han terminado de aislar de la clase obrera mundial y así las dejaron a merced de los manipuleos de los distintos sectores burgueses libios.
To tell the truth if the power hasn’t been seized, if Libyan masses are submitted to different local bourgeois fractions is because Obama’s left has calumniated them…He said they were NATO’s land troops when they raised up against Qadafy the servant of Imperialism. They said they were tribes and barbarian peoples, saying finally the enemy was ISIL (who would be in Sirte). They have isolated from the world working class leaving them at the mercy of being manipulated by the different Libyan bourgeois sectors.
Today Morocco explodes again. New struggles start against the dictatorship of Al Sisi in the middle of a brutal economic crisis. In Tunisia, the masses are still claiming for decent work. In Yemen and Syria a brutal Resistance does not give up in spite of bloody counterrevolutionary wars. The revolution that shocked the whole Maghreb and Middle East is still alive.
Let’s retake the road of 2011! Break with all national bourgeois leaderships, going forward to expropriate without compensation and under workers control the oil to get bread and a decent life! Only the Libyan working class, essentially composed by oil workers advancing this way, is able to unify Libya again and take the struggle of 2011 to the end, until the seize of power by the workers and poor people!
Let’s go forward to the triumph of the socialist and working revolution!