The current counterrevolutionary counter-offensive to recover Aleppo by the genocidal regime of Al Assad together with Putin's troops, Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah, which has left thousands massacred and devastated land in all cities taken by the rebel masses, has exposed the sinister role of those currents that in the name of "neutrality" support the slaughter of Bashar Al Assad. Such is the case of the PTS leadership and the Nuevo MAS, who said that the sides in contention in the Syrian civil war are reactionary and that it is indistinct for the fate of the masses and the exploited who imposes itself in the battle of Aleppo.
In its article dated December 9, IzquierdaDiario, PTS claims: "The number of imperialistand regional powers operating in Syria and the divergence of their interests, none of them progressive for the Syrian people, are what have marked the brutal butcher of the last years ".
Nuevo MAS, in its article of December 7, states: "Workers, young people and all sectors of the people of the Middle East and the world must draw conclusions from the Syrian case. There is no progressive way out from the hand of bourgeois dictatorships like Al Assad, but neither from the hand of Islamist organizations and retrograde jihadists that have nothing to do with the positions and traditions of the left. The support to one or another side can only lead to long and bloody conflicts (...)"
To say that it is indistinct who wins the battle of Aleppo in today's Syria, is to say that it was indistinct if Franco (Al Assad) smashed the Republic with fascism in the Spanish civil war of 1930s, since both sides were representatives of the great capital of the Spanish state. This position is really miserable and it transforms the leadership of these two currents into traitors of the civil war in this case in Syria. PTS and Nuevo MAS, like all the left currents that turned its back on the Syrian revolution leaving Al Assad's hands free to massacre, in their "neutrality" they repeat a battery of anti-Marxist brutalities in order to poison the conscience of millions of workers in the world so that they do not see the Syrian exploited as their class brothers and do not come to their aid.
Facing this policy, the Trotskyist during the Spanish Civil War stated: “For the capitalist class, the difference between democracy and fascism is not decisive. According to the circumstances you use one or the other for your own purposes. But for the petty bourgeois agents of capital - the leaders of social democracy, Stalinists and anarchists- democracy is the very source of its existence and influence. Fascism means disaster and extermination. The revolutionary proletariat cannot place the two camps in struggle in the same bag: it must use this combat for its own interests. It cannot achieve success with a neutral policy, but on the contrary, striking militarily its enemy number one: fascism"
It is by no means indistinct for the masses and the revolution who imposes itself militarily in a civil war. It is that if fascism, in this case Al Assad and his counterrevolutionary troops of occupation, comes to massacre directly and immediately to the masses and their revolution. That is the role of the fascist agent of imperialism. In the case of the Syrian revolution, the end of fascism is to massacre to restore control of the bourgeois state that left the revolution of 2011 unbalanced, reestablish the monopoly of arms and liquidate the double power imposed by the armed groups of the masses.
The role of the FSA and the Islamic bourgeoisie in the Syrian revolution was to "get by" once the masses destroyed Al Assad's army, with democratic or falsely anti-imperialist flags as the Islamic bourgeoisie does, to control the revolution from within. That is to say, to disorganize the double power of the committees of workers and soldiers imposing their parties armies. They are also agents of imperialism, the difference is that they must deal with the revolution from within, manipulating the masses and crushing their left wing and when not, imposing a focus of terror on the vanguard to control the masses while making some concessions As were the $ 700 salary granted by the ISIS, the guardians of imperialism's oil wells.
It is not the same for the lives of the masses and their families that in Aleppo and Syria the policy of extermination imposedby the fascist Al Assad.
Fascism today is managed not by the lack of heroism of the exploited masses and workers, but it is sold out by the FSA and the Sunni bourgeoisie, supported by Turkey, who already disorganized the rebel masses enough to impose the fascist Al Assad and the 5 armies of mercenaries who do the dirty work of smashing the revolution on account of all the imperialist powers. Stalinist Kurdish PKK with the YPGs with USA maintained their counterrevolutionary pact with Al Assad, with which they imposed a perfidious counterrevolutionary policy that separated the struggle of the Kurdish people from their true enemy: Al Assad.
On the side of Al Assad are not the masses. His troops are mercenaries; his "control" is the slaughter and extermination. This role cannot be fulfilled by the "republican front", it could not fulfill even for a second, since its role is to control and manipulate the revolutionary masses from within. We insist, its role is to selectively manipulate, disorganize and repress the vanguard; they are the democratic guardians of the private property of the capitalists where the revolution imposed its double power, even territorial.
In Aleppo, the FSA and Al Nusra withdrew all military forces after the rebel offensive in August which broke the siege and reached the center of Aleppo. They went north to fight in distraction battles against ISIS, while Al Nusra hid the weapons of Idlib, including the huge amount of weapons snatched in August to the Al Assad artillery school in Aleppo. That was and is the role of the Popular Front, to separate the masses from arms so that, ultimately, fascism liquidates them. On the subject of the Popular Front government in the '30s Spain, Trotsky stated, "The Stalin-Caballero government tries by all means to give its army the character of democratic guardian of private property. This is, in essence, the Popular Front. Everything else is phrases... precisely that is why the Popular Front prepares the prevail of fascism. The one who has not understood this, it is deaf and blind ... Without a proletarian revolution, the military victory of democracy means only a detour on the path of fascism"(Leon Trotsky," Is victory possible? ", April 1937)
Al Assad on the one hand, and the FSA and Al Nusra on the other, are not the same, they are different agents and the revolutionaries in that clash are not neutral. The two bourgeois blocs are agents of imperialism, but they do not play the same role.Saying that the fascist Al Assad and his mercenary occupation troops and the parties of the Sunni bourgeoisie that control the rebel masses are the same and do not distinguish where the working class is manipulated and deceived in civil war, is tantamount to being vulgar and a miserable traitor. It is like having said in the Spanish civil war, which was the same as Madrid or Barcelona, because Franco was as much an agent of Spanish imperialism as the Republicans. Such a position would have been condemned by the whole international socialist movement, "Obviously, Franco is a direct enemy of the masses of workers and peasants. Negrín. Caballero, Stalin and Company are less obvious enemies, camouflaged, who still lead millions of workers and peasants. With Franco, the only possible combat is a physical combat (...)"(Leon Trotsky" Againstthedefeatism in Spain, September 1937)
The fight against the hated Al Assad has stated at all times the break of the masses with their democratic or Islamist jailers. First, because it became increasingly clear that they wanted to compromise with the miserable Al Assad. Second, because with weapons in hand and earning $30 or $100 a month, the masses would not accept millionaire businessmen, such as the bourgeois generals of the FSA.
The struggle for a proletarian leadership of the war was and is posed in Syria. The current fascist counter-offensive comes to interrupt that process in one act.
In the case of Syria, the policy of PTS and Nuevo MAS of "neutrality" does not make them break with the Stalinists who directly support the dog Al Assad, that is, they stand as their servants, lackeys and their concealers. What are the arguments to support "neutrality"? In the Islam-phobia justly developed by imperialism to colonize and loot oil and gas throughout the region. They are "crusaders" and social-imperialists.
The world reformist left is looking for progressive bourgeoisie on all sides to subordinate the working class to the "progressive" bourgeoisie, but when intervening in a civil war, refuses to be on the "progressive side" to fight for the triumph of the socialist revolution. In Brazil they were behind Dilma, saying that a "coup" had to be fought, when in reality was a normal conspiracy in the Brazilian parliament between capitalist gangs, and in Syria they say that the fascists of Al Assad are the same as the resistance.
When the revolution of Maghreb and Middle East began, back in 2011, as links of the same chain of revolutions throughout the region, they called it the "Arab spring", which look for democracy and constituent assemblies as in Tunisia and Egypt. In fact, they ended up covering up the counterrevolutionary blows of imperialism and all its agents of the native bourgeoisies. Traitors are told traitors, and those hidden behind "neutrality" support the massacre and genocide of Al Assad. They will never be able to speak on behalf of socialism.
It is now clear why they did not send condolences to the Socialists of the Leon Sedov Brigade, who died as heroes defending Aleppo with the revolutionary masses. The leadership of the reformist leftcurrents, denied the existence of the Brigade Leon Sedov that is recognized by enormous sectors of masses of the resistance. They celebrate the death of the revolutionaries of Syria, just as they do not care for the least suffering of the masses, the fate of thousands of massacres and the conditions of millions of refugees. To tell the truth, the indifference of the traitors and lackeys of Stalinism fills us with pride. Make it clear that the Trotskyists are in the right trench of the Syrian revolution: fighting for the triumph of the socialist revolution.