
December 9, 2014



Interview within the bloody Syria, to the internationalist workers fighters of the Brigade Leon Sedov

We interviewed Abu al baraa and Abu muhajer, members of Brigade Leon Sedov, in a point of the Syrian borders. They answer to the “fiction” that FSA its generals supposedly “democratic” describes as friends of people and revolutionary Jacobean. This is what we stated to them, from the Committee Board of the International Workers Organizer, at the beginning of the interview. Here are their words:

Abu al baraa: The youth and workers of the world must understand that we are surprised and then we are outraged when we see the refugee camps where thousands of women and children die of cold in the borders of Syria, while the generals of FSA live in confortable warm houses. And the same happens to us when we see leaders of the left currents who claim to fight in support of the Syrian oppressed and we hear telling epics stories of the battle-less generals of FSA.
We read, despite the difficulties of war, the statements of the international left about the Syrian question. We saw an article to a leader of the Current of Revolutionary Left in Syria, which lives in Sweden, to whom European socialist currents interviewed him on September 21st.
According to them, here in the free territories, there are elections to the popular comities. They speak of youth assemblies, of woman movements organized for their rights, of cultural meetings of any kind… of a huge process of self-organization of the masses. According to this article from far, very afar from here, it would seem that Aleppo is a flourishing city, with cultural parties, with leisure for the youth, polls, public debates of parties and currents in the entire city, with established right of the workers to fight and organize themselves in defense of their wage… Really? Aren´t these people talking about a European Capital?

It would be good for this current to come to Aleppo and we could together go aroung, see the “poll places”… that we interview together all the parties and currents that defend the revolution against the jackal Al Assad, to know their positions, that according to them, it should be public and should be able to express with no proscription…
We could go together to the masses self-organized committees that this current states that they exist in the neighborhoods where FSA leads so they could argue with the self-organized masses.
We would walk and walk through the streets of Aleppo and we wouldn’t see any of this. There will only fall the barrel-bombs of Al Assad and we would be inspected for weapons in some checkpoint of FSA or Front al-Nusra to take from us the rifle if anyone have it, or take from us from our few belongings… if we still have any of them. Or even they could put us in jail –or shot us- by the FSA for the single fact of not support them, under the accusation to “be part of the Islamic State in Irak and Sham” even though we are not from them, or the other way around, to be taken by the Islamic State” with the single accusation to support the FSA, even when we do not.

This isn’t a “spring”… it’s hell! Because this thieves of FSA and Front al Nusra stole our revolution…

To the spokesmen of FSA that roam through the world, it would be good that any of the currents that flatters them ask for the permission to go where they decide, in any city of the freed zones and controlled by FSA, a meeting of their militiamen where we can propose that every political and religious current could express their own position freely; where we can propose that the chiefs and officers can be elected by the soldiers that fight and that this brigade of FSA refuses to be the bodyguard of any bourgeois that made deals with Al Assad.
If we state together this minimally democratic motions in these meetings (that we think they don’t exist), these political currents and us would end prisoners, or even worst. And let’s not think about what would happen to us if we state that we must establish an economy based on the expropriation of the entire production and the “wealthy men” to win the war!
Of course there is no election or mass body where we or any other Syrian has the opportunity to intervene in the revolution that we made. There are only FSA bodies, Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic state and others to control us and steal the revolution.

Abu Muhajer: It would be good if this left wing people of LIT or the European left, who have relationship with the mayor state of the FSA, to remind them that please increase the wage of the workers who work 12 hours per day in the construction, cleaning, in the field or where we can… and we don’t get more than 180 dollars per month! If this people have the chance to get into those “democratic” meetings that at least they can make this claim of the workers to be heard, and support the ones who “are” at the bottom and they say they go to FSA meetings to launch this proposal.

And if not, they can ask to FSA spokesmen how much do the workers that they make to work as slave earn and how much do the youth they recruit earn, the very same youth of the low layers that go to your “meetings”, with young of the “upper layers” who are used as soldiers to keep their properties paying them misery. Stop lying!
The youth of Syria gave its best fighters in the battles against Al Assad. The worker youth, unemployed and employed workers and starved people of Syria are now knelt down in FSA to the rich middle classes and the bourgeoisie for them to protect their properties. That’s why the youth is breaking massively with the FSA.
In the areas controlled by FSA, workers earn the same wages of starvation and misery by the rich men and capitalists who manage the national trade within the entire Syria and outside it, and the workers of the zones controlled by the dog Al Assad get the same starving wages… Don’t lie any more.

The European left and FSA gets horrify when the masses tries to requisite the bourgeoisie to be able to eat. But they don’t get horrify when their generals of FSA and Front Al Nusra pay with taxes to the same people that they say to defend. Yes! They charge taxes to people that eat cats, dogs, rats and even grass with olive oil to survive, while this generals make businesses with the Al Assad generals. They do not get horrify when these organizations requisite the mass belongings making up any excuse.

In the Libanization of Syria as it is happening, all the bourgeoisie businesses are kept, with a common currency issued by the Central Bank controlled by Al Assad. It is guaranteed the wares transit, of services and coin through true inner custom houses. This custom houses are the control posts that the FSA and the Nusra Front dispute, as there are others that are controlled by the generals of Al Assad. They charge the taxes, disarm and steal the masses the little they still have with them.
Front Al Nusra, FSA and the generals of Al Assad sign between them transit letters of goods in the checkpoints and areas that each of them controls. Front Al Nusra and FSA are expropriators and stranglers of the Syrian revolution. As they strangled it, they have so far guaranteed the businesses with the Al Assad generals.
This is the question; there is no half-measures. The masses take the political and military leadership of the revolution in their hands, breaking all agreement with the bourgeoisie, or the revolution will be strangled beforehand.

Abu al baraa: The new commander discovered by LIT, from the “local council” of Membej. This Abou Maen, states in the article that you send us two days ago, that when the dog Bashar attacks “we all take the weapons and there is no distinction amongst us”.
It is not the case, don’t lie. The rich generals and the bourgeois stay behind and don’t fight. Most of the families of the FSA bourgeois and the generals of Al Assad are in the coasts of Lebanon. The workers are the ones that die and give our lives for the revolution. In the refugee camps, where 3 million of Syrian exploited crowds in tents, there we are all equals: refugees, starved, no life and no future.
FSA generals and their bourgeois families aren’t there. Equality? How much cynicism!
In my experience, the worst that can happen is to fight with this bunch of businessmen of the FSA. They are at the back waiting that we defeat Bashar army, or to be defeated. They just watch from far away to say that they were there and then they wait for the chance to negotiate with the regime the result of the battle. And they have no problem to leave alone in the battle front the ones who are fighting against the regime or to withdraw in the middle of the fight, or even worse, to order the withdraw in the middle of the night guard duty to leave alone the aims where Bashar army walks through. We are not surprise about it. And if we expel all Bashar’s troops, while we end to guarantee the place, they appropriate of what is being left in the way.

This left currents, why do they defend the pockets to the rich generals and the businessmen of FSA? And why did they stop defending the interests of the workers who are the ones that really gave our lives to face the jackal Al Assad? Is this the price that we, the workers, have to pay to conquer “democracy”? ... We did not do the revolution for that!

They talk about the “popular comities” and the people that give orders to FSA… Please! It is not believable. FSA receives orders from Turkey or from Qatar.  And we all know here that they work for USA. How can they lie so much?

What it calls our attention is that they talk so much about “democracy and self-organization” outside Syria, because here the word democracy does not exists where FSA controls and even less where the Front Al Nusra does. They already expropriated and destroyed the true democracy, the one of the soldiers and local coordination committees that emerged from 2011 until mid 2012.

OOI: Well, this position of the Obama’s left at international level tries to make the masses believe a fiction that doesn’t exist in Syria.

Abu Muhajer: Yes, effectively. The expropriation of the revolution by these army-parties is and was a tragedy that we live daily. We aren’t over reacting. Winter was very harsh. Let’s imagine what was for women and children, sleeping in tents, in the refugees camps in the borders of Syria. The worst thing was when it snowed; there were a lot of deaths.
The spokesmen of FSA outside (and if someone gets offended I am sorry) just cover a group of thieves who are the commanders of FSA. They didn’t fight for the revolution; they are the ones who stole our revolution. They have made fortunes and hoarded huge wealth, making businesses with our revolution.
You can’t go through a checkpoint of FSA or Front Al Nusra without them stealing you everything… with the excuse of the smuggling they steal everything. They are “Are you a muhajer?”. This means that you are member of the Islamic state, and they take you in prison (taking into account the last fights between the fights of the FSA and the Islamic state of Irak and Sham). And if you have the chance to go by “Islamic state” they ask you “Are you a muhajer? Are you with us?”. This means that weather you are with the FSA and they put you also in prison. And if you have the way to prove that you are neither with the FSA nor with the Islamic state, you can also go to jail. And all your belongings (money, weapons, phones, so on) are kept to them and they do not give you them back.

IWO: The FSA speak men, they talk about heroic women fighting in the Salah ad-Din area…

Abu al baraa: Yes, I heard that fantasy. It is not true. The Syrian women and their children have died thousands of them by the dog Bashar. In fact, future generations and generations after that one will talk about it. It is the case because the fascist policy of the dog Bashar is to make the free areas devastated land. For that reason millions of workers get stuck in the borders.

Now, those women brigades of FSA, people from foreign countries talk about are police women of the FSA, they are the ones who check which goods the women in the resistance can have in order to expropriate them. Please, say the truth! This is what they are! This is the women policemen of the FSA in order to control the masses! The story tells outside Syria is suffered by our women and children inside.

I do not know Abou Maen and we have fight hard with our brigade in Membej. I can have an idea how he looks like, for what I read. Especially because he said he is a member of a “security brigade”. This means that he is a thief, because “security” for them it means to make up that any of them got something in an illegally way, or they have any links with the regime or they are from the regime, and they detained people and get all the belongings.

When he states that the fight for “a democratic secular Syria with freedom of religion” is not just a political opinion respectable. Here in Middle East the different social classes and their layers express through religion. Most of the exploited layers and the working class are Sunnites.  They express themselves politically.
These Sunnites masses are the ones that at the door of the Mosque in December, 2011 started the rallies and revolutionary uprisings.
This Abou Maed who talks in the media surely comes from a Christian family (or some branch of it). They are a minority and they asked for the respect to all the religions.
At the beginning of the revolution, this Christian bourgeoisie, these bourgeoisie fractions went most of them to Sweden, running away from the revolution.  If I am not mistaken, Abou Maen comes from there, now he is atheistic. And I am sure that when he is in Syria fakes that he has a Muslim life.
It is weird that he talks about the pluralism in FSA and he does not talk about the Islamic brigades of the FSA. I wonder where in the FSA he “fights”. It seems he does not even read the piece of news in Al Jazeera…This brigades are well known, everywhere, even in the media, talk about them.
How to ignore the Islamic brigades of the FSA? Why doesn’t he say the truth?
Rank and file layers broke with FSA and it had to prevent the split from organizing out of its control. So they drove part of the process through Islam, setting up militias of the “Islamic” Front then they claimed to be independent from the FSA, secretly they are part of it.
We know dozens of this militias and brigades because we have fought together, as WITH Aharar al-Sham, maybe one of the most important groups of this “front”, with Liwa’ Tawhid.
Even more, this “moderate Muslim” front is the one called by USA to go to the conference in Geneva and they denied going because otherwise their generals would be unmask in front of their fighting rank and file.

Abu Muhajer: Despite we have fought and have the honor to fight with the brothers of Libya, Tunisia, Chechnya, that as real anti imperialist fighters came into against the dog Bashar, and despite that we are honor to have and have had leading our fight internationalist revolutionaries who fight for the 4th International, we are a real current in the working class in the cities and towns where we are.
They cannot disguise the reality here, no to us.

We have been fighting to free the political prisoners who are in the main prison (on of Al Assad’s jail) of Alepo, the most important city north of Syria.
There the Basharist officers have our comrades with a gun aiming in their head. They are threaten to be killed, as hostages, Bashar officers save their own lives. In fact, they did it when they saw that we were going to get into the jail, they shot one by one, so we did not go away.  As soon as we got further, they stop shooting to keep them as hostages of this main prison. In this prison, there are many of the best fighters who started this revolution.
FSA generals and Front Al Nusra take food and supplies to the prison making business with Bashar generals, besides of what they receive from the air by regime helicopters in barrels that do not explode. Those generals do not care how to fight in order to free the hostages! Do you know what we did –the workers- that we know how to work with our hands? We dug, we made tunnels, and we are construction workers. We work 12 hours per day taking shifts in order to make the tunnels and free our comrades.
Do you think the FSA general or any boy from Sweden or Front Al Nusra worker with us? They only tried to lead the work. And finally Front Al Nusta imposed itself thanks to its prestige and resources. He recruited one of the workers who worked there to make the work and they ordered him. They could divert the path and agenda that we had for the tunnel. This worker opened the tunnel before the time estimated and in the wrong place, and in that space the army of the dog put us grenades and water, so the tunnel was unused. We had to make a new one from beginning.
As you can see here, in the fields are the working class and poor peasants. These camps seem more and more as concentration camps so the workers and peasants do not go back to fight.

Abu al baraa: It is necessary to dismantle this new lies being built in order to back the Troy horses of imperialism in the free areas. We are many of us, in the black list of FSA and Front Al Nusra, chased by their judges and generals to fight openly against Al Assad and to fight with the masses to expropriate the bourgeoisie, the big business, to fight to stand up the moral of the fighters of the working class, so their children can eat, so the soldiers of Al Assad can upsurge –they are children of workers and poor people. They came to put me in prison and to Abu Muhajer at home. They put in prison my brother, with the excuse that “we are of the state” only because they know that we oppose to them and to the government and we are against the control they have in the city I lived. Of course we are not for the state. They do not care; they got him as they go so many fighters. We could set free my brother the other day. But not everyone that FSA is putting in jail can be set free because they might not have the means.

IWO: What do you think? Why all of the sudden the left currents’ newspapers are full of apologies and inexistence legends about the generals without battle of the FSA?


Abu Muahjer: If I have to respond I would say the following: they have to legitimize the bourgeois leaderships of the FSA for them to negotiate with the dog an “ordered” transition of the killer Bashar and to guarantee masses not to rise up when the jackal is leaving.
Yesterday, a sector of the WSF, the Stalinists and other sectors of the left currents gave legitimacy to the Iranian Ayatollahs, Hezbollah and dog Bashar before the eyes of the world masses so that they can massacre masses.


Today these political parties that appear around the FSA play the role of legalizing by the left-side the pact of Geneva II of the Syrian National Coalition, the FSA, the murderous generals of the dog Bashar, Obama and Putin.
They want to legitimize by the left to those who will be sitting together with the killer Al Assad to negotiate the “freedom” of the Syrian people.
To fight against these fakers is to fight against the Geneva II plan.

IWO: Do you see that this time the Geneva Conference II is been prepared to be set at the end of January?

Abu al baraa: For the massive bombs that now the dog Al Assad is launching to massacre and terrorize masses so that they accept it…it seems to me that’s the case. Moreover, I would tell you it has already started.
There is not any big or small city at the borders left without been bombed by the jackal Al Assad. It is a military policy of terror to impose the surrender and legalize the Syrian National Coalition so it can negotiate a cease of fire. 
We note something important these days to take into account…what we experience in towns and cities is that the clashes have flared up among the Front Al Nusra, the FSA, and the “Islamic State of Iraq and Sham” by frontal military assaults.
The “Islamic State” has launched an offensive to take the FSA check points since the FSA was losing enormously his authority and prestige before masses. The Front Al Nusra and “the State…” already moved time before the FSA from check points and arsenal centers like in Deir ez-Zor and Otma  surroundings and took border passages connected with Turkey like Bab al-Hawa.

The Front Al Nusra capitalizes on the anti-imperialist hatred felt in vast youth’s sectors. They are a fraud similarly or worse than the FSA generals.

To understand what we are saying, the Sunni triangle in Iraq has just rebelled, a true anti-imperialist rebellion of the masses in Falluja that was the vanguard against the invader US troops in Iraq.
In such insurrection the masses occupied the police stations, destroyed the barracks of army, puppet of Obama. What did the “Islamic State” do? -They are the bourgeois political force that wants to establish a new state in the North of Iraq and in the sunni triangle- they sent troops, patrols and weapons to control that insurrection imposing a hard control. In that way they negotiate with the puppet Maliki government in Iraq.

Here in Syria, the “Islamic State” that seeks to unify the North and East of Syria, and the Sunni Triangle of Iraq are doing the same thing: they have launched an offensive to occupy territory to negotiate what percentage of business will be taken for them in the Geneva Conference II or in the partition of Syria.
For us, these military clashes and the massacre carried out by Al Assad are hints that it is already the Geneva Conference II: a martyrdom and massacre for masses and a deepen step ahead in the
Libanization of Syria.


Abu Muhajer: The plan Geneva II is this. Such violent clashes among the army-parties, among the FSA, the Front al Nusra, and the “Islamic State” is to try to tear apart and destroy a great conquest of the revolution, that is, the territorial dual power conquered by the masses when we smashed here, in the North of Syria, the murderous troops of the dog Bashar.
The war among the army-parties is to finish destroying the territorial dual power and make a pact then with the imperialism as regard the business. Geneva II has started. If this plan is imposed, the road to any “solution” set by imperialism to Syria will be opened since the masses will lose the possibility to recover the zones they freed from the dog Bashar.

Besides, it is perfect for their counterrevolutionary plan since the controls of all the apparatus on masses have deepened as well as the submission of masses to them. At the same time, they keep them isolated from the Falluja process making this process appear another front they have, that is, of the “Islamic..”. It means if you are with them, they are already doing the dirty work and say how, and if you are not with them, you are against them, that is, against Faluja. It is a false dilemma between FSA and the “Islamic State” that they are trying to impose on masses to control and divide them.

Abu al baraa: I want to clarify that in the zones where the “Islamic State” controls, huge demonstrations against them have taken place and we have participated. These mobilizations are not organized by the FSA but by the masses that wonder: “why did we defeat Al Assad if we have dogs like him that for a piece of bread kill and chase our people?” The same hatred and loss of prestige begin to be felt against the FSA whose generals continue protecting or are part of the basharist bourgeoisie and make promises they will resolve the question together with the Qatar government, with Obama and the Al Assad’s generals in a conference abroad.

Such solution never comes; on the contrary, the only thing received is a mountain of corpses.
These bourgeois army-parties together with the bombs of the dog Bashar are the biggest enemies of the worker and poor peasants’ revolution we have began years before.
For that reason, they carried on this counterrevolutionary move since by confronting each other, and imposing such confrontation on masses making they suffer the consequences provoke that the hatred against one organization be expressed in the submission to the other or that they choose between the lesser devil ending up subjected to it. All the organizations are gaining prestige again, above all the FSA that is the attacked one-and the masses hate the internal confrontation- and thus, they enter Geneva II.

IWO: we want to transmit you that effectively for us you are right, the plan of Geneva II has started. But it isn’t a “Syrian” plan. In this plan agreed by all the bourgeois factions in the region, the imperialism tries to stabilize the region by a counteroffensive set by his dog Bashar in Syria. Imperialism tries to stabilize Iraq. And as they used his “adversaries” of the Iranian Shiite bourgeoisie to keep the control on the Syrian revolution, we don´t have doubt he will use the “Islamic State” of the Sunnite bourgeoisie in Iraq to stabilize the Maliki government of the US protectorate.  
Such Geneva II plan means the victory of the military dictatorship in Egypt that even today are jailing the youth of the 6 April Movement.
Geneva II plan is settled the LNC or even to end up arming a regular army able to smash the militias in disarming process in Libya.
The imperialism must rebuild the control devices masses destroyed in the 20011/12 revolutions.


Abu al baraa: Yes, that’s right. In fact, Egypt army has bombed all the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt to cut off the supplies and advance to impose an economic suffocation on Gaza. They don’t even want to set in Egypt a kind of fake “democracy” , the chief general of the army assumed the presidency by right (everybody knows he has been exercising it indeed)  getting transformed in Hosni Mubarak, but under another name, but the same.

Abu Muhajer: This counterrevolutionary offensive is about it in the region and in Syria particularly. The falling and crisis of Bashar would mean a hard strike against Zionism to whom the dog guards the borders. It is clear that Geneva II is the imposition of a “Palestinian State” in the ghettos, true concentration camps in Gaza and the West Bank. And such plan of counterrevolution must be carried out by the imperialism without using his Zionist gendarme directly.
For that reason, it is clear that Obama uses all his agents to make fight everybody against everybody and that everybody strangles the revolution.


Abu al baraa: You are talking about Palestine and I want to say something, today we received the sad news that the regime bombed the Palestinian camp settled in Damascus named Yarmouk by throwing a Scut missile, one of the most powerful missiles they have. We are sure that the Palestinian bourgeoisie located there playing the role of partner of the dog Al Assad has marked the coordinates.
The missile impacted just in the place where the children organized demonstrations asking for food. The attack did not touch the Palestinian bourgeoisie in the regime. All the political parties that speak in the name of the struggle against Israel are with the Bashar regime. But we know that the Palestinian people are side by side the Syrian exploited people.

IWO: Do you want to say anything else?


Abu al baraa: Yes. The fighters of the Brigade León Sedov know that the most powerful missile we have to defeat Al Assad isn’t the patriot missile- that never will be given by neither Obama nor the FSA since they don´t want to smash Al Assad- . The imperialism obliged Al Assad to make the dirty work while the FSA generals long for having a seat in Geneva to share out among them the business together with the US master and the dog’s generals.
If the Syrian revolution is crushed, the dark night will come for the Palestinian masses and the region.

Abu Muhajer: In the civil war, and we experience this daily, is necessary a supreme engagement on the part of all of us. The workers and peasants are not able to assure the victory but only when we fight for our emancipation.  To get submitted to the leadership of the generals of FSA bourgeoisie and Front al Nusra, to Obama means assure before hand our defeat and we cannot allow it.

The strength of Al Assad is because the WSF have legitimized him through an anti-imperialist cover and left him the hands untied to massacre the heroic Syrian revolution.
The leaderships of the world working class have fenced us. They deny mobilizing millions of immigrants of Africa and Maghreb who make the worse jobs in Europe and are kicked out at their fate by the worker bureaucracy.
We, the Syrian workers, have learnt it in the Brigade León Sedov because we have seen revolutionary youth from other countries fighting side by side us.
The bourgeoisie was smart. They sent their bourgeois officers from Iraq, Qatar, and Turkey to expropriate our revolution. The true crisis is that due to crisis of their leadership the world working class did not see that here in the Syrian revolution the fate of the next period was and will be at risk to a great extent.

Why will the worker fighting organizations send their aid for the Syrian revolution if the FSA generals according the Left are already there to guarantee the victory by asking for weapons to U.S.A?
These people have left the Syrian working class in the hands of “North America, Obama, the Pentagon” and the bourgeois FSA generals.


The comrades before finishing the interview announce what we consider resolutions they have taken and through us they make them public. They say good-bye to us stating they-from the Brigade León Sedov -have decided the following:

To call for the class war on those in Syria, the region and at international level to defeat the plan Geneva II on the  part of Obama, the dog Bashar, the FSA, Zionism and the generals of the Front Al Nusra who are prepared to stabilize the region and control the borders of the Maliki government of the US protectorate in Iraq.

To call on the Palestinian masses, the rebelled workers in Tunisia, the revolutionary militias in Libya and the world worker organizations to conquer a counter conference against that of Geneva. A Counter conference to re group the forces, defeat the imperialist counteroffensive and under the banners of the socialist revolution to achieve the victory of the revolution started in 2011 in Tunisia and to have the Palestinian flag flaming in Jerusalem.


To fight tirelessly to defend what we have conquered by our revolution in the zones where we defeat the dog Al Assad but by the method of the worker and socialist revolution expropriating the bourgeois and bankers. That’s the road to reach Damascus to take the barrack and airport and recruit the worker and soldier who deal with the planes with which every day they massacre our families.

We consider ourselves internationalist revolutionary fighters that today fight in Syria combating for a worker and revolutionary leadership to have in this class civil war today expropriated. And we fight to set up again the soldiers’ committees and Coordination Committees. We fight for the direct democracy and to finish with the bourgeois generals and commandants of all the army parties that have disarmed and submitted the working class to their bourgeois discipline.

We fight for every worker and women worker to have his/her weapon and choose their chiefs in the battle field, and their delegates in their work places. We fight and will fight to organize action committees in the refugee camps where we call on the international working class to concentrate their struggle and solidarity. Here are placed the millions who will lead our revolution to the victory. They have been put there by the killer Al Assad’s bombs, the FSA’s bourgeois generals, the Kurdish bourgeoisie and the Front al Nusra, all of them have disarmed them and expropriated their revolution.

To send a fraternal salute to the revolutionary comrades from Tunisia who fight to defeat all the leaderships that are collaborationist with the class enemy. There, our Syrian revolution started that will triumph in Jerusalem by smashing Zionism. Paraphrasing what the Libyan said in Misrrata, today we can say: “Today in Syria, Tomorrow in Wall Street”.To salute full of excitement the freedom achieved by the world and Palestinian masses for the comrade Samwe el Aissawi. He is an example. He has told the Palestinian leaderships that they have abandoned the fight for the prisoners, and that it is a stain they will have on their forehead.

The same we say to the “socialist” leaderships that send the working class to fight for the revolution and submit them to the bourgeoisie, their political parties and generals.
The consequences have resulted in a Calvary for the revolutionary masses of Middle East and those leaderships couldn´t take out such stain from their forehead.

To send a fraternal and moving salute for our brothers Las Heras oil workers persecuted by the same oil companies that smashed and massacred all our nations in Middle East. The struggle for their freedom is part of the same fight to free our brothers who have started the revolution and still are in the jails of the killer Bashar.


From our Brigade and at the battle front against the jackal Al Assad, from where the exploited and oppressed resist, to call in Alepo for organizing and propelling an armed mobilization of the tormented masses against the Geneva Conference and against all the lackeys of Obama that will seat in there to validate the ongoing massacre carried out by the dog Bashar.

Bridage Leon Sedov
January 2014