July 30 2015
After the bombing of a Kurdish cultural center in Suruç, the Turkish Government, who was responsible for the attack, launched a brutal onslaught on the oppressed Kurdish people and bombarded positions of the ISIS in Syria to cover it up
The Turkish regime wants to establish itself as gendarme against the exploited masses in the entire Maghreb and Middle East
We must stop the hand to Erdogan's murderous Government!
For the right to national self-determination of the Kurdish people!
The Syrian resistance against Dog Bashar must raise this demand and not allow a single attack from ISIS against this oppressed people, calling the Kurds to break the Covenants which its bourgeoisie has signed with Bashar dog
Down with the Covenants of the Kurdish bourgeoisie and "left" PKK party with murderous Erdogan, Syrian Dog Bashar and the US imperialists invading Iraq!
They have carried the Kurdish nation at the foot of their executioners
For Self-defense Committees and Worker and Soldier Councils of the Kurdish nation, exploited in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran!
Armament won’t be surrendered!
Out with ISIS, the new US-Saudi agent in rebel areas of Syria and Iraq! Let’s stand up for Aleppo, the capital of the resistance, against the genocidal Bashar Al-Assad!
Monday July 20 2015 there exploded bombs at a Kurdish cultural center in the city of Suruç, on the border with Syria, where at least 32 people were killed while several were sent seriously wounded to the hospital. Suruç is a city where the vast majority of the population is Kurdish and borders with Kobane.
Quickly, ISIS was accused of carrying out this attack, though it, in turn, never recognized it openly.
The Turkish Government of Erdogan and his gang said that the attack was not against the Kurds, but against all Turkey and that "it would no longer tolerate terrorism". He released 3 bombings on positions of ISIS in Syria near the border with Turkey, which served as a smokescreen to launch a brutal attack on the Kurdish people.
Between last Friday July 24 2015 and Saturday July 25 of the same year at least 590 Kurds were arrested over entire Turkey on suspicion of being "terrorists", and the Turkish aircraft in the subsequent days returned to bomb not ISIS but Kurdish positions in Iraq and Syria.
The so-called “Kurdistan Workers' Party” (Stalinist PKK) and left global groups made ISIS responsible for the attack and denounced the Turkish Government which "had done nothing to stop it"... that is, demanding it to combat terrorism. And the Turkish Government told them how it is "fighting terrorism": with a brutal attack on the Kurds covered by just 3 missiles shot at the ISIS. In mid-2013 the PKK had signed a disarmament Pact with the Turkish Government in order to open a "peace process". Thus it had delivered the fight of the Kurdish masses to the Turkish oppressor. And today we see how the Turkish Government works before this Pact. It is clear that the Kurdish people have not benefitted from this submission of the PKK to the Turkish regime. These oppressed people gained nothing from their bourgeois leadership support to the US invasion of Iraq. Because they were used and manipulated by imperialism and its agents, to then be slaughtered and persecuted. This is what happens today.
The exploited Kurds are paying costly being manipulated by their own bourgeoisie, which in exchange for crumbs and a couple of businesses, gave it in to be doubly exploited. This is the result of the Covenants imposed by the Kurdih bourgeoisie, in support of the US invasion of Iraq, of "non-aggression"-collaboration with genocidal Dog Al-Assad and above all, the Pact of disarmament that sealed with the murderer and repressive Turkish Government of Erdogan.
Self-claimant left leaderships globally allowed that to happen and subjected Kurd workers and exploited to their bourgeois leadership, under the excuse that "it confronts ISIS". So what happened is that the Kurdish bourgeoisie could manipulate its people and subject them to their oppressors - via their pacts – the US imperialists and the Shia and Turkish bourgeoisies. Thus it dissociated the fate of the Kurdish nation from the revolution of the workers and exploited that was rising up in Syria, Iraq and throughout the Middle East, while tying the Kurds to their tormentors, i.e. Al-Assad, the Shiite bourgeoisie in Iraq and Iran (where 12 million Kurds are oppressed), and Erdogan. The Kurdish bourgeoisie divided the front of the exploited, and the Kurdish people were subjected to their oppressors. This submission is what today the Kurdish workers are paying with jail, repression, persecution and death.
The Kurdish bourgeoisie has imposed the worst of the pacts and agreements on their own people. It has refused to boost the struggle for the self-determination of the Kurdish people throughout the Middle East, as part of the same struggle throughout the region for defeating the Zionist-fascist State of Israel. That’s why it makes a deal with Dog Bashar that defends the borders of the Golan Heights to Zionism. Thus, they have divided the national and anti-imperialist fighting of the Middle East masses. It has divided the Kurdish nation from its allies and has joined his enemies.
All oppressed people in Maghreb and Middle East that have risen up, shouted the battle cry: "For the destruction of the Zionist State of Israel". But the Kurdish bourgeoisie keeps silence about it, due to its Covenant with US imperialism in the invasion of Iraq.
The left servants of Obama, which say they are "pro-Kurds" are in fact giving in the Kurdish people, because they are accomplice to the Kurdish bourgeoisie in the surrender of its own oppressed people.
Down with the Covenants of the Kurdish bourgeoisie with murderer Erdogan! Out with the Peshmerga and the party of the Kurdish bourgeoisie in Iraq, a member and supporter of the Government of the US protectorate in that country! Down with the Pact of the YPG and the Kurdish bourgeoisie with Al-Assad in Syria!
NATO has just convened on request from Turkey. Resolution: support Turkey in its military and political campaign against both ISIS and the Kurds. Erdogan immediately went on to declare that "it is impossible to continue with the peace process with the Kurds" and that "politicians who have ties with 'terrorist groups' should be stripped of their immunity, so that they can be prosecuted".
It is clear that the Turkish Government at least let running, or directly carried out the Suruç bombing, to be used as an excuse to unleash a crackdown the Kurdish people.
After the last elections, the party of Erdogan - the AKP had lost its majority in the Turkish Parliament and needed to make a coalition to name a new Prime Minister and a new Cabinet. The Kurdish party HDP had gained dozens of parliamentarian seats. At the same time the Kurdish bourgeoisie had formed part of the counter-revolutionary plan for the partition of Iraq and Syria, controlling oil areas and border crossings for trade routes, where their profit.
In this counterrevolutionary plan, each bourgeois sector was left with a part of the territory where it controlled and crushed the masses: the ISIS in the "Levant", the Shiite bourgeoisie in Southern Iraq and the Government of Al-Assad in Damascus.
The Turkish Government already had crushed and defeated the last large working-class struggle that took place in Turkey in 2013 and 2014, and also controlled areas from Syria with his allies the bourgeois "opponents" to Al-Assad as FSA and large fractions of the Sunni bourgeoisie, which controlled from the inside - as the ISIS does today - the rebel masses.
After the Suruç bombing and these latest attacks, Erdogan and NATO seek to reassure Turkey as a large counterrevolutionary gendarme to discipline both Maghreb and Middle East, and the Kurdish masses in particular.
Turkey tries to create a "safety zone" between its border and part of Syria, which is the beach head for future major military actions by NATO. They are creating the conditions to make imperialism take all business in the future.
Meanwhile, trade at the borders of Turkey is guaranteed by Erdogan and the Turkish bourgeoisie. They will not allow ISIS or the Kurdish bourgeoisie, invigorated by military battles, to be transformed into import and export enterprises for Turkey. The agents of imperialism play a lesser role for splitting and "Lebanonizing" Syria and Iraq, under the command of NATO and imperialism.
Turkey has to discipline the Kurdish nation, since in its inside there are more than 16 million exploited Kurds that can rise up seeking to put an end to national oppression and double exploitation. The Turkish Government needs to crush and repress fiercely the exploited Kurds it opresses within Turkey, also harshly attacking the Turkish working class, guaranteeing Erdogan’s and his gang’s businesses.
Enough suppression and attack on the Kurdish people by the Turkish Government! Let's break the covenants that submit the Kurdish nation to their oppressors! Armament must not be handed in! For self-defense committees and councils of workers and soldiers of the exploited Kurdish nation in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran! For the right of Kurdish people to national self-determination! Turkish workers must take these demands and join the Kurds in a single fight, pitting its repressive Government, since this attack it is not only against the exploited Kurds, but against the whole of the oppressed, and tomorrow will be expressed through layoffs, wage reductions, loss of conquests, and jail and repression for all those who oppose it.
Let's stop the hand to Erdogan's Government. It is urgent to counter this counter-revolutionary force, be it bombards ISIS or the PKK, because those missiles and a crackdown will also fall over the Kurdish, Turkish and Syrian masses!
The immediate task for the Kurdish masses in Syria is to immediately break any Pact of collaboration by the YPG and the PKK with murderous Dog Bashar Al-Assad, supported by Hezbollah and the Iranian Republican Guard, the same one that represses and massacres the Kurds in Iran. Down with the pacts with the murderers of the Kurdish masses in Middle East!
Let's return to the unity in all Syrian resistance for fighting Dog Bashar! We defend the Kurdish people from any attack by Turkey and the Saddam-Husseinite bourgeoisie of ISIS. We defend the Kurdish people from any betrayal and from the nasty scams of their own bourgeoisie.
We defend Aleppo, the capital of the resistance, against genocidal Bashar. Let's return to put in place coordination committees of armed workers and poor peasants! We must return to welding the unity of the exploited fighting against Al-Assad to reach Damascus! Out with ISIS, the new US-Saudi agent in rebel areas of Syria and Iraq! Let's deal with the Government of the US protectorate in Iraq and reach Baghdad!
In the aftermath of the Second World War, US and British imperialists drew the borders of the current national States of Maghreb and Middle East. They did not give the Kurds their nation, while they did draw the Zionist-fascist State of Israel as its gendarme in that region. It is clear that the right to self-determination of the Kurdish people can never come in the hands of imperialism, which only uses and manipulates them to then slaughter them, while denying them the right to have their nation. Only the Kurdish people may conquer their nation, if desired, as part of a worker and socialist revolution in the entire Maghreb and Middle East, where working-class conquer its unity, expropriating the multinational corporations and imperialism.
Down with the counter-revolutionary pacts submitting the Kurdish nation to the bourgeoisie and imperialism! Out with Erdogan and NATO, invaders and killers of the peoples in Middle East!
For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist State of Israel! For a free, secular, democratic and non-racial Palestine!
For the right of the Kurdish people to national self-determination! Stop the Saudi war under the command of the imperialist oil companies against the Yemeni revolution! Out with USA and its puppet government of lackeys in Iraq! US invaders, hands off Afghanistan!
For the Socialist United States of Maghreb and Middle East!
Abu Muhajer