September 28 2015 Bashar Al-Assad’s genocide against the masses of Syria must be stopped now! Al Assad has been doing the dirty work commanded by all imperialist powers that with their transnational oil companies, loot the entire Maghreb and Middle East Thousands of massacred... millions of refugees... With the blessing of Pope Francisco and under the mantle of the UN... Facing the situation where the children die on the Mediterranean cost, millions of Europe and all across the world no longer accept the fence and massacre against the Syrian people With 400.000 massacred and 10 million of refugees, in UN they still discuss if there is to carry on a pacific political transition with of without Al Assad. Enough with lies! The imperialism has set up long time ago a “holly Alliance” to smash the Syrian revolution and now seeks to give the final blow on the devastated Syria.
No more lies! The US and French bombs don’t fall on ISIS but on masses who don’t discipline to them in the zones where they control. Let's defeat the new military aggression to the martyred Syrian masses by the "Holy Alliance" of Obama, Zionism, Putin, the Iranian ayatollahs and the butchers of the French Fifth Republic! YOU: IMPERIALISTS, ZIONISTS AND DOG BASHAR ARE THE TRUE TERRORISTS! It is now clear that Al-Assad, Putin and the ayatollahs are ground troops of NATO and imperialist Big Oil to massacre the people. The working class and the oppressed peoples of the world must surround the refugees with solidarity and stand up alongside the Syrian resistance! To stop the war, we must win it! Let's go to Damascus and succeed in Jerusalem alongside the Palestinian masses! Let's end the massacre and occupation to the Palestinian nation and destroy the Zionist -fascist State of Israel! We are all refugees! We are all the Palestinian intifada! We are all the Syrian resistance! From working class and anti-imperialist organizations, and committees of solidarity with the Syrian people, let’s collect and send food, medicine, weapons and volunteers to fight alongside the resistance for defeating Dog Bashar! Let’s coordinate already a unified action of all committees and mass organizations OPEN MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF SUPPORT TO THE SYRIAN MASSES: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 AT 7 PM, FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY AND LETTERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BUENOS AIRES, PUAN 480, CABA-Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Argentina’s Capital City) (IN THE YARD) Facebook: Comité X Siria