Huanuni – Bolivia, April 21st 2018
To the militant miners of Hwange (Zimbabwe) and the wives committee,
which is fighting since February this year.
From Bolivia, as miners, housewives, workers and students we let you know we are with your struggle. Your struggle is the spearhead of all the miners of the world and their families to confront the attack of the imperialist transnational companies. Since February your struggle shakes us and also strengthen us to keep organizing ourselves as proletarians above borders. That’s why we think that if we unite our forces against the servile governments and the imperialist transnational companies, we will be invincible.
Dear comrades, we take this chance to let you know that in Huanuni mining district (located in Oruro department in Bolivia) it happened a true tragedy inside the tunnels. There was an explosion deep in the tunnels in level 240, with a sad result of 8 miners killed instantly and sadly, while many were seriously wounded, of which onealso died. We consider this is entirely responsibility of the government, the state and the transnational companies, as if they don’t kill us by starving us or with bullets in repression, these enemies of the working class kill us by over exploiting us without any funds by safety for the workers. The industrial safety in Huanuni is low. Last February –when you started your struggle- a miner also lost his life as a result of being crushed by a load of mineral. We see these facts as a thread of continuity where this is not by chance.
Today, with the support of the leaders who are sold to the government of Morales, the mine is under surveillance of the eyes of the police and the military, which is generating fear in the families. Under the excuse of investigation, they have militarized the entire town. We are still standing! Our 9 comrades were mourned and while being at their funeral miners, families and friends cried all together “Glory to the fallen comrades in level 240!” They are our class brothers, just as the comrades from Marikana-South Africa who were slaughtered by the murderous police of Zuma government and the imperialist transnational companies in 2012. We don’t forgive and we don’t forget our 34 class brothers of Marikana and Huanuni!
Please know that in spite of the distance between us, we are with you comrades of Zimbabwe. One single class, one single struggle! Your struggle is an example and deserves to be generalized internationally in all the mines of the world!
Gladis Mitma Former leader of housewives committee
Huanuni Mining Company (E.M.H.)
Rene Achacollo Electric workshop - E.M.H.
Eduardo Soto Electric workshop - E.M.H.
Gladis Condori A. E.M.H.
Ivan Quispe E.M.H.
A. Córdova E.M.H.
Juan Flores E.M.H.