South Africa - April 16th, 2018
Everyone standing by the heroic struggle of the Hwange miners and their women's committee against the imperialist transnationals!
If they win, win all the workers!
The Hwange miners continue standing in their heroic struggle that has already been 3 months for the payment of wages owed and salary increase. The women of the miners have set up a committee and continue to camp and block the entrance to the mine facilities since February.
This mine is part of the imperialist transnational Anglo American, the same that plunders all southern Africa and massacred the 34 miners of Marikana when they went out to fight for their salaries.
The Hwange miners cannot continue in isolation for another minute! Their demands are the same as those of the entire Zimbabwean labor movement: decent work and wages for all!
The fate of the working class and the oppressed of Zimbabwe is defined in the struggle of the Hwange miners. The miners of Hwange and their brave women cannot be left alone! If this is the case, the imperialist bosses of AngloAmerican and its military junta will try to repress them and crush their struggle, as they did yesterday in Marikana. We cannot allow it!
Let's surround with solidarity all the Hwange miners and their women's committee! From all the trade unions and all workers and student’s organizations in Zimbabwe, delegates with the mandate of the grassroots assemblies must vote to go to Hwange to collaborate with the strike fund and to fight together.
Everyone to Hwange to set up a National Struggle Committee to vote for a unified struggle plan and conquer the General Strike!
For self-defense committees to defend ourselves against the repression of the state and the military junta!
For this: all the organizations that speak in the name of the working class must break with the bourgeois parties that starve and fire us!
Today the bureaucracy of the unions is dividing and betraying the heroic struggle of the workers. The leadership of the ZCTU, other currents and wings of the trade union bureaucracy and ISO, the British SWP party in Zimbabwe, have turned their backs on the Hwange miners, refusing to send delegates to establish a National Fight Committee there to advance in the General Strike. These directions, with a program of "Assembly of the people against austerity and neoliberalism", are forming a front with bosses’ parties that pose as "democratic" as the MDC to deceive the workers and subject them to the trap of the next elections. Enough of collaborationist union bureaucracy! Against the electoral trap, General Strike to defeat the imperialist transnationals and their lackey government of the military junta!
Hwange's miners face transnationals that never reconnect hours when they explore the natural riches of colonial and semicolonial countries and explorers who extramine them who use all the world's industries. These imperialist miners made huge profits with the sacking of lithium, or carbon, or copper, a tin, etc. from all South Africa, Latin America, etc. This is one of the three cartels that controlled the entire world economy from the city of London and Wall Street. They’re part of is 1% of imperialist parasites. That’s why the struggle from the Hwange miners is the same of the miners of Marikana and all South Africa and also the proletariat of Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and the whole world. Or what face or attack of transnational mines that plunder all the riches of the subjugated nations, submit the working class and kill like in Marikana!
Expropriation without compensation and under workers control of all mines! Out the transnationals! Out the IMF! Out imperialism!
The working class of the central countries, in the United States and England, must rise with the workers of Zimbabwe, to confront the Anglo American, the owner of the mining company of Hwange, who plunders all southern Africa.
Out Mnangagwa! Down with the murderous military junta that governs for the imperialist transnationals!
Enough governments of representatives of black millionaires, partners of banks and the TNCs that govern in a sea of black slaves!
Workers International League