June 12th, 2021
Marxism Africa 2021 of the ISO of theBritish SWP: representatives of Zionism and the SACP of the ANC could speak, while the Trotskyists were censored and silenced
The ISO raises its program of class collaboration and subjugation of the oppressed to their "democratic" executioners and to Stalinism
We Trotskyists waged battle for the socialist revolution as the only immediate solution for the martyred Africa and the world working class
On May 23, a meeting called by ISO, the current of the British SWP in Africa, was held via zoom. In this "open" meeting, the spokesmen of Zionism such as Ilan Pappé or the leaders of the South African Communist Party, the same who are part of the murderous ANC government, had a long time to speak. But the Trotskyists who fought in Marikana, on the front lines of Colombia, in the trenches of the Syrian revolution, were censored and we were denied the floor. Reneva Fourie, leader of the Central Committee of the SACP, the Communist Party of South Africa, sent fraternal greetings to the meeting at the same time that we Trotskyists were being banned.
As we will see here, none of this was accidental. In this meeting, once again, the ISO raised its program of class collaboration front with the bourgeoisieas the way forward for the African working class.This was the program of Stalinism with which all the national liberation struggles in Africa after the Second World War were betrayed. Stalinist politics took the form of armed parties posing as the left wing of national liberation movements, with their program of putting a native bourgeoisie in power, to prevent national liberation movements from defeating or expelling imperialism. They separated the struggle of the exploited in the colonial countries from the struggle of the workers in the central countries, for the sake of unity with the native bourgeoisie on polyclass fronts.
But from the hand of the "native bourgeoisie" national liberation was not achieved: neither the break with imperialism, nor the distribution of the land was achieved. The results of this betrayal were semi-colonial nations with governments of a millionaire black bourgeoisie, managing the plunder and exploitation of imperialism, plunging the continent even further into absolute misery.
They did the same in the ‘80s and ‘90s, betraying Africa's revolutionary struggle against apartheid with the dozens of counterrevolutionary pacts such as the "reconciliation" pact in South Africa, promoted by the ANC, Stalinism and Mandela. The result of the betrayal of Stalinism was an Africa martyred a thousand times by imperialism, at the hands of AngloAmerican and Lonmin.
Today the ISO does nothing but relaunching this old Stalinist policy of "staged revolution", hand in hand with the CP in the ANC, or as they did in Zimbabwe calling on the exploited to vote and trust the MDC in "defense of the democracy against the dictatorship”. This is how they tell the workers that first they have to submit to the bourgeoisie to fight to achieve in the first stage "the full working democracy", and once this goal is achieved, then start, in a second stage, the fight for socialism.
The big “absences” in ISO meeting
For this reason, in the “open” meeting of the ISO, not only the Trotskyists were banned. The thousands and thousands of black workers who made US imperialism tremble, the thousands and thousands of black workers who rose up in France, in England, where the SWP has its parties, did not participate in this meeting. As if a combat of the exploited of Africa were possible without counting on their most important ally, their brothers who were and are taken as slaves to the imperialist powers! But we are not surprised that this was the case. In England, the SWP has supported Corbyn on its shoulders, portraying him as a socialist, subjecting the working class to the feet of the Labour Party of the British imperialist pirates. In the US they told the exploited and black workers that the solution would come from the hand of Sanders of the US Democratic Party, also saying that he was a socialist, while he supported Biden. Thus they diverted the fighting in the central countries, those that had and still have the key to the liberation of the exploited in the semi-colonial countries, and in Africa in particular, separating these battles as Stalinism knew how to do before and also does now.
It is not surprising then either that in this meeting imperialism, which is the most important bourgeois fraction in every semi-colonial country, the cause of plunder, hunger, misery and the worst of the hardships imposed on the African masses, the enemy that workers have not only in Africa, but also within the imperialist powers, it did not even exist.
This meeting was one more episode of the Unique Party that former Trotskyists and Stalinists set up in Havana, handed over to imperialism by the Castros; a meeting of the "socialists" of Sanders, Corbyn, and other impostors.
The deception of the ‘socialist kibbutz’ of Ilan Pappe, the theorist of the binational state in Palestine
Among the "luxury" guests of "Marxism 2021" it was Ilan Pappe, a former professor at Zionist universities who is hailed by the entire New Left as an "eminence" on the Palestinian question and who opened the first session of the day. This historian wielded as a policy and program for Palestine that of a "single state for Arabs and Jews." A true atrocity that legitimizes the fascist Zionist State of Israel, since it does not propose that it must be destroyed so that Palestine can regain its nation and drive out the Zionist occupier. This sinister policy of a binational state, which today is so fashion among former Trotskyists such as the PTS of Argentina, gives the character of a nation to an occupying state that imposes the tightest military control, funded by the United States, towards the only nation that exists, Palestine, whose capital city is Jerusalem. This professor proved to be so supportive of the Zionists that he even raised the impudence that with the Kibbutz the Zionists had brought socialism to Palestine. The comrades of The Truth of the Oppressed, faced this infamy and laid bare this "eminence" as defender of Zionism, applauded and venerated by the entire New Left, as it can be seen in the speeches that we reproduce here.
The ISO social-imperialists and their slanders against the uprising masses in the Middle East
Gwisai, leader of the ISOZ of Zimbabwe, spoke of the revolutions in the Maghreb and the Middle East. Ghayath Naisse, a supposed Syrian based in France, also did so. According to them, the revolutions that began in 2011 are "unfinished revolutions" and their weakness lay in the non-intervention of the working class, as in Syria and Libya, claiming that there were not organized in unions there. This is a claim of the social-imperialists who only recognize the working class as the subject of union struggles. They refuse to recognize the most concentrated of the working class in the region, where the oil workers, the construction workers, the transport of the black gold that the imperialist pirates loot. Those workers entered into a mass political struggle, with independent actions, that put in check the control devices of imperialism in the region with its dual power armed organizations. For them, as it was evident in their speeches, it was imperialism that entered Libya to overthrow Kaddhafy. Once again the infamies against the revolted masses of the Middle East, as they have already done, accusing them of "NATO troops" and dressing the greatest servants of imperialism as their enemies! From the very inside of the trench and the revolutionary combats, from the newspaper The Truth of the Oppressed, the deception was exposed in this meeting: Kaddhafy fell at the hands of the rebellious masses, and this is still an open wound for imperialism today, because this dictator was his faithful servant.
Two strategies and two programs clash on the African continent: the perfidious policy of class collaboration of Stalinism and the renegades of Trotskyism; and the theory-program of the Permanent Revolution
Much was said about environmentalism, pandemics, clean energy, "inter-ethnic struggles" and cultural problems. But much was hidden: imperialism is the one who plunders the resources of martyred Africa, imposing the worst of hardships, turning hunger into a true pandemic that leaves millions without a piece of bread, in one of the corners of the planet that possessesfertile lands, oil, gold, diamonds! How to speak of "inter-ethnic struggles" without mentioning that it was imperialism that drew borders in Africa to better plunder it, imposing fictitious nations, without even respecting the native culture?
Anglo American and Lonmin have plundered Africa for centuries, stealing all its wealth and plunging the working class of the continent into terrible misery. But about this they did not say a single word. Not a mention was made - as we have already said - about the enormous betrayal of Stalinism to every revolution and uprising there was at the end of World War II, about how they later imposed reconciliation with the oppressive target and gave up the fight against apartheid, thus emerging as semi-colonial countries with bourgeois governments of black millionaires in a sea of slave workers. But without the key role played by Stalinism, subjecting the working class to the bourgeoisie, separating the struggle of the African worker from his brothers who were yesterday taken as slaves to the United States and European countries, as they continue to do today, the tragedy for the colored worker would not have been imposed.
Also at this point, the two strategies and programs for the African working class became clear again: that of the ISO (British SWP), the servants of the Anglo-American and imperialism in a single party with the new black enslavers of the ANC, the CP and the union bureaucracy of COSATU, and on the other hand the party of the workers of Marikana, assassinated in 2014 for confronting and rebelling against imperialism and its lackeys of the black bourgeoisie, the party of the revolutionaries, WIL,which with the Fourth International we affirm that in Africa “the complete and effective resolution of its democratic goals and of its national emancipation can only be conceived through the dictatorship of the proletariat, wielding power as leader of the oppressed nation and, above all, of its peasant masses”(LT, Permanent Revolution).
Trotskyists were censored by the new epigones of Stalinism
The floor was forbidden to Carlos Munzer, author of the book Marxism and the Black Question, suffering a true ban, with the excuse of "lack of time." His speech had to be written in a chat.
There he raised the immediate need for the socialist revolution as the only possible way out for the oppressed peoples of Africa, and that this must be inextricably linked to the struggle of the exploited within the imperialist powers. This speech also responded to the "crisis of conscience" raised by the panelists, and to the "weaknesses" of the revolutionary processes: the crisis and the weakness of the struggle of the exploited is none other than that of their leaderships, those that subject to the masses to policies of class collaboration, of support for the "progressive bourgeoisies" as in the case of Stalinism that calls to support the ANC in South Africa, or in Egypt where the left called to support the April 6 movement.
As comrade James from WIL of Zimbabwe put it, the great problem that we workers and exploited face are the leaderships that make the enemies look as allies and allies as enemies, as they not only do in South Africa with the ANC but also for example in Zimbabwe where, like the ISO, they called and call to support the MDC.
For this reason, two strategies and two programs are confronted within the workers movement. On the one hand, those who speak of socialism to subject the workers and exploited to the fronts of class collaboration with the bourgeoisie, in alliance with Stalinism, leading their battles to a dead end and betraying them. On the other hand, the Trotskyists, who continue the legacy of the Fourth International of 1938, propose that the path to the liberation of the oppressed peoples and workers of the entire world will only come hand in hand with the victory of the socialist revolution, fighting alongside the workers of the imperialist powers, to strike like a single fist against the transnational companies that plunder our lands, super-exploit us, subject us to misery and if we reveal ourselves they will assassinate us. In the US, Europe and throughout Africa… the same fight! |