ZIMBABWE January 6th, 2016
Today are the sugar workers, teachers and health workers of Zimbabwe the ones standing up
Let’s coordinate and unite the forces of the workers movement to stop the attacks of this repressor and hunger government on behalf of Anglo American and other TNCs!
More than 16,000 workers in Zimbabwe went on strike demanding higher wages against employers of slave South African sugar company Tongaat Hulett. This company has vast sugar plantations, sugar mills and processors Hippo Valley in southeastern Zimbabwe. Today workers in sugar cane plantations are paid a minimum wage of $170 per month (about 2380R) and are calling for an increase of $300 (R4.200), which the bosses refuses absolutely.
While the strike of workers in the sugar plantations goes on, teachers in Zimbabwe called for a day of action in the city of Harare on 04/01/2016. Tired of waiting to be paid their salaries and annual bonus, between different labor unions and student as ZINASU (student union), PTUZ (progressive teachers union), ZIMTA (teachers' union), RTUZ (rural teachers union) among other organizations made the call to all organizations and workers who were struggling. It is that these demands such as work for everyone, is the demand of the entire labor movement.
In their call they fight for immediately pay of the owed salaries and annual bonus received by municipal workers. They also condemned and rejected the pension deduction of 7.5% and for all civil servants to have a living wage. Since earlier this month also doctors and nurses went on strike for the same demands as well as better working conditions. This was publicly declared by one of the health union leaders: "Many of the nurses were unable to even go to their work because of lack of money for the bus. Most of them (nurses and doctors) wanted to go to work as usual, but could not do it because they have no transport facilities and also say in the places from which come without the basic amenities. "
Teachers, along with health workers and the sugar workers, took the streets in Harare and paralyze the country's hospital system.
The government, with the just demands of the workers, did not hesitate and sent to the demonstration on 4-01 in Harare police forces to repress violently who were demonstrating.
The labor movement in Zimbabwe today continues the wave of strikes that lasted all through 2015, as was the struggle of civil servants in cities of Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Chinhoyi and Mutare against the dismissal law.
Students of Zimbabwe, and then the heroic strike of South African students, shook the southern continent against the increase in university and for free education. These fights tended to unify with the struggle of the labor movement for better working conditions and a decent wage. 12-12 various leftist organizations and leftist political parties in Zimbabwe was carried on an International Day of Struggle for political prisoners, persecuted workers and refugees as part of the situation that comes across throughout Zimbabwe
Enough! We cannot allow the government of Mugabe and other bosses' parties continue attacking the workers and exploited to pay for the crisis they caused!
We cannot fight divided anymore, our strength lies in unity. A single demand, one fight for the entire labor movement!
Yesterday rail workers, street vendors, civil servants and students fought in the streets, today again teachers and health workers.
All organizations that speak for the working class and their just demands should break with the government and the bourgeoisie which only starves us and dismiss us. Enough of the collaborationist union bureaucracy!
Let’s take the fight in our hands, as the health workers and teachers are doing! It is necessary to win grassroots assemblies in all factories, mines and workplaces of Zimbabwe! Let set up a Coordinator Committee of the workers in struggle, of unemployed workers, street vendors, railway workers, civil servants and those who fought in Gweru and the students!
Let’s set up student-worker Fighting National Committee! We must organize and prepare the General Strike now for all our demands for education, health, housing and salary 1000USD (12.500R) for all workers!
Enough with Mugabe! We must defeat Mugabe's plan, employers and imperialism! We have to conquer a working plan to resolve the crisis. To end the barbarism and hardships imposed on us by thos starving and repressive government of the oppressors, For a revolutionary provisional government of workers and poor peasants!
There are plenty of money, expropriation without compensation and under workers' control of Anglo American, all transnational, the large landowners and banks! Sliding scale of wages and hours of work already! Decent work for all already!
Those who take all our riches are the bosses, imperialism and the government. Enough of rich black bourgeoisie in a sea of black slaves! For the Socialist United States of Black Republics in central and southern Africa!
One fight, one demand, a single enemy throughout South Africa!
Out with Zuma and the ANC in South Africa, Mugabe of Zimbabwe and other governments lackeys of the transnational companies in the region! Enough with TNCs that rob our wealth! Out imperialism from Africa!
For a unified fight throughout the entire Southern Africa!
WIL from Zimbabwe