They come to conquer their unfinished demands
"MouhcineFikri is a martyr of the struggle for a decent life"
The people want bread, work, freedom and justice for the martyr!
Down with King Mohammed VI, his puppet government servant of French and Spanish imperialism and the entire Moroccan corrupt state!
Dissolution of the murderous police! Self-defense committees of the masses in struggle!
Neither judges nor officials of the king! Open the road to the Soldiers’Committees!
Open the road to the shoras of the workers and the poor people!
On October 28, the young MouhcineFikri arrived at his fish stall in the town of Al Hoceima with all his goods to be able to earn his daily money. Morocco has unemployment and very low wages make the street sale more and moreofter. This ends to be the only means of subsistence. As it is common in this country, the police asked him for a fine to keep his stall; and when Fikri refused, they seized all the fish and threw them into a garbage truck. Fikri, desperate, entered in the back of the truck to rescue his fish, knowing that it depended on it if he and his family could eat. The hated police of King Mohammed VI ordered to activate the crusher and in this way they killedFikri.
The rage before his death became an outbreak of the exploited masses of Morocco. It was the last straw that overflowed the situation. People is sick and tires of the state oppression and from the regime of the monarchy (called in local dialect Hogra), of the hunger and misery in which more than 30 million exploited live. "We all feel crushed by the garbage truck" "MouhcineFikri is a martyr for the struggle for a decent life" people were claiming as they took the streets by hundreds of thousands in Alhucemas, Rabat (the capital), Casablanca, Tanger, and others Moroccan cities.
The case of MouhcineFikri is added to the dozens of young people who throughout the country immolated themselves against the harsh living conditions and state repression that made it impossible for them to survive. In Kenitra, near Casablanca, the police closed down the crepe stall of a young woman, who then immolated herself at the door of the officer's house. Another young man blew himself up when he was not allowed to sell vegetables. And the long list of protests in the form of suicides seemed endless, until the exploited said enough, and after the assassination of Fikri, they took the streets in more than 40 cities by hundreds of thousands.
Contrary to what the bourgeois statistics alleged about an "economic growth", the conditions of misery for the exploited have only got deepened. More and more workers have to emigrate from Morocco to get a job in Europe. It is that the demands of the 2011 revolution of bread, freedom, a decent life which have not been conquered.
As another link of a single chain of revolutions throughout the Maghreb and Middle East, on February 20, 2011 broke out the revolution in Morocco. At that moment the masses took the streets by millions in all the Moroccan cities at the war cry of "people want the fall of the regime" ... but that revolutionary uprising was diverted towards cosmetic "democratic" reforms of the monarchic regime. The king continued to remain the power and he continued to appointment of the key positions of the state apparatus, which he continued to manage. He only broadened the participation of the bourgeois opposition party (the Development and Justice Party, PDJ), placed at the head of the government, to disguiselike democratic. This was done thanks to the fundamental role of the European left currents and the renegades of Trotskyism, such as the English SWP or the French NPA, or the London-based current "The Militant" (which even has a section in Morocco) who called the masses to set up constituent assemblies and demanded "more democracy," "peoples 'springs," "democratic revolutions," when we were facing with real workers' and socialist revolutions, where peoples were rising because of hunger, as in Tunisia Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria , Libya, Jordan, etc. Thus the left social-imperialist left currents left the Moroccan masses at the hands of the "democratic" bourgeoisie, who managed to save the regime.
Everything ended in a huge scam for the oppressed and starved masses of Morocco, as it was also in Tunisia, Egypt, etc. The Moroccan DPJ said that once the "democratically elected" government took over, he would face corruption and police abuses. But these increased more and more. He promised a decent life and he has only passed a plan of adjustment and attack to the masses with increasesof prices, increase of retirement age and more unemployment.
DPJ and the "democratic openness" of the monarchy was the way to save the regime before the revolutionary uprising of 2011, so that the masses remain even more starved and a handful of rich local bourgeois and state elite, ambassadors of the French and Spanish imperialism in Morocco make sure that all the Moroccan wealth goes to the Bourbon crown, the great Spanish and French financial capital.
Today the masses said enough. They took the streets again in the biggest demonstrations of 2011. They return for their revolution, to lead it to prevail, to conquer all the unfinished demands.
2011 returns for a decent life. MouhcinFikri is seen by the Moroccan masses as a martyr of this struggle. In order to conquer it, it is necessary to overthrownthe monarchist regime of King Mohammed VI and his men, all servants of the Bourbons and the Fifth French imperialist republic. We must fullfill the war cry of 2011 People want the fall of the regime!
Down with DPJ starvation government, King's puppets! Out with Mohammed VI! Dissolution of thecorruptedpolice, murderer of MouhcinFikri! Self-defense committees of the masses in struggle!
This is the way to conquer justice for the martyr, not at the hand of king's judges and ministers, servant of the French and Spanish monopolies that plunder Morocco and sink the masses into misery. Neither judges nor officials of the monarchy! Open the road to the soldiers’committees!
It is necessary to set up the power of the exploited people, the ones from bellow! Open the road to the Shoras! Only with a government of the workers and the poor peoplewe can end this starvation regime, and guarantee even all democratic freedoms and a constituent assembly. Only with a workers' government and the poor people can we end the hardships for the masses and imperialist plunder.
It is necessary to break any submission pact of Morocco to Spain and France, to expropriate without payment and under workers' controlall the assets, mines, lands and factories of imperialism where they overexploit the Moroccan working class! They have plundered all the wealth of Morocco for years, it is time those things return to their true owners to have bread.
The Moroccan uprisings show that the revolution of 2011 has not been defeated. The masses in hunger and miseryconditions, with their demands for a decent life unresolved, try again to the take their revolution to prevail. They are a breath of fresh air and the greatest allies to the unemployed young people in Tunis who still claim decent work, for the Egyptian workers who have started protests against the dictatorship of Al Sisi, the workers and poor people of Yemen against the Saudi invasion, the masses besieged in Aleppo and the Syrian resistance against Bashar al-Assad, the Palestinian masses against the Zionist occupation and all the exploited in the region.
Long live the struggle of the Moroccan masses and in the entire Maghreb and Middle East!
From Al Hoceima to Tunis, from Rabat to Cairo, from Casablanca to Aleppo, Damascus and Jerusalem...One single intifada!