Tribute from comrade Ch.
on the passing away of David Soria
Today it’s been the first 24hours without a great cadre. He was a fighter for the re-foundation of the Fourth International; an internationalist. How proud I am of fighting under the same flag. Every greeting that came raised his stature to that of the humble one who gives everything for his class. He was an example. Much loved and respected. He wasn’t afraid to say what was wrong. If it had to be said he would say it. And he listened to criticism knowing how to accept them. He sought the truth. I want to say goodbye but I can’t. Like many of us who knew him, I think he still had a lot to give. This rotten system that no longer deserves to exist survives by killing us in a thousand ways. He resisted living and lived resisting. His life for the cause, at the cost of enormous sacrifices, his death would not be in vain.
Revolutionary greetings for David’s family and his comrades