Bolivia - December 4th, 2019
The rank and file of the urban teachers in La Paz must rise up against their leadership and the COB bureaucracy to be able to fight against the fascist coup
The teachers’ union rank and file is not dumb. They're a thousand times more audacious than the collaborationist leadership they have, which is directed by the POR. Disgracefully this leadership of the teachers' union has ended hanging of the coattails of the Media Luna. They sought their "progressive general", a new Torres in the likes of him in the 1971, and found a "Banzer" that massacred in Sacaba and Senkata.
The rank and file of the teachers’ union wanted to fight against Añez's fascism but the POR prevented them from that, as well as Huarachi of the COB prevented the workers' rank and file from entering the scenery against the coup together with dozens of poor peasants that entered the fight.
It is necessary to smash this fascist government…! Why do the leadership of the POR silence that it is necessary to smash the fascists with the methods of the proletarian revolution? They have hidden overnight the dictatorship of the proletariat they were propagandizing along 100 years...
For an Assembly of the rank and file of the teachers’ union to expel the treacherous leaders that supported the coup of the fascist Añez! It is necessary to expel the collaborationist leaders of the COB that agreed in a pact with the fascist Media Luna over the blood spilt in Sacaba and Senkata! Everybody to El Alto! For a worker-peasant Congress for conquering the militia! Committees of privates to defeat the fascist coup!
Camilo Bravo