To establish a counterrevolutionary focus in the region,
under the UN, OAS and the Pentagon’s command
The Banzerist armed forces impose a coup d’état in Bolivia
Facing the imperialist offensive of re-colonization upon Latin America, the workers and the peasants respond with fierce revolutionary fights as in Chile and Ecuador, as in Haiti and Honduras. To stop these attacks, imperialism is concentrating its forces today in Bolivia with a coup d’état. The imperialist transnational companies, the OAS, the Banzerist Armed Forces and the police, which was rioted by the Media Luna knocked down Morales. Without any doubt, if this coup settles, imperialism will use it to generalize it to Latin America.
Imperialism comes for all in its “backyard”. They impose the coup d’état after Morales government had guaranteed the mining transnational companies and the hydrocarbon transnational companies huge superprofits as well as the land to the oligarchy for 14 years. The more the class-collaborationist leadership of COB (Central Federation of Trade Unions in Bolivia, TN) and the FSTMB (Miners Union Federation of Bolivia, TN) tied the fate of the working class to the pro-imperialist anti-worker government of Morales, the more the Media Luna oligarchy was reinforced, after it made a pact with Morales in 2008 under the tutelage of OAS and the UN, with the cover of the “Plurinational” Constitution that guarantee gas, minerals and land to imperialism.
The more the workers movement got divided, the more COB was lost as self-organization structure of the masses and the peasants and workers’ alliance conquered in 2003-2005 revolution was liquidated. With the trade union that collaborated with Morales, we can’t stop the Banzerist military. It is time to fight for an independent revolutionary COB, without subjugation to MAS and without lackeys of the eastern oligarchy, before it’s too late! No pact with the bourgeoisie or the landowner oligarchy! Not a single miner of Huanuni or of Potosi can give his/her life for Morales and the oligarchy. We, workers, don’t give our lives for our executioners.
Morales proved to be brave enough to massacre the exploited but a coward to confront Media Luna and the Banzerist officers’ caste that is under the commands of OAS, UN and the Pentagon. Now, the Media Luna seeks to be the direct manager of the business deals of imperialism by over-exploiting and attacking the workers and poor peasants like Morales or even worse.
The way out facing the coup d’état can only be provided by the workers and poor peasants fighting as in Ecuador and Chile, with the workers and peasants alliance against the capitalists and imperialism. Congress of COB now! One delegate elected each 100 workers and peasants from the entire Bolivia to re-establish the unity of the exploited! Remove all the class-collaborationist bureaucrats! May COB break with the bourgeoisie definitively!
Recover and re-found all CORs, CODs and the COB, for the working class to rise with the workers and peasants militia, as 1952 COB with the Pulacayo Thesis! Weapons for the workers and peasants! Only with the guns in our hands we will be able to remove OAS, the UN, the transnational companies and their lackeys Mesa, Camacho and the entire oligarchy of Media Luna. Dissolve the police and the Banzerist officers caste that seek a bloodshed of the workers and peasants! Rank and file committees that go with their guns onto the side of the workers and peasants!
The hatred of the miners and all the Bolivian workers against the starvationist government of Morales cannot be used to support the fascist Media Luna. The alliance of the workers should only be with the poor peasants, for work, bread, a wage according to the family shopping basket and the land so that the peasant can work it and live with dignity. Let’s expropriate the oligarchy of Santa Cruz, all the capitalists and their banks! Let’s expropriate the transnationals without payment and place them under workers control! Neither 30% nor 50%, 100% nationalization of hydrocarbons and minerals!
Out with Camacho, Mesa and the entire fascist Media Luna! Out with gringos!
For a provisional revolutionary government of the COB, supported on the armed masses!
For an independent and revolutionary COB!
Revolutionary General Strike!
Out with the US, the IMF and its military bases in Latin American!
Out with the colony ministry of the OAS and the UN!
Defeating the coup in Bolivia is a task of the entire working class of the continent, from Alaska to Patagonia. Break with the bourgeoisie and the governments lackeys of imperialism, to organize now:
Continental general strike against imperialism and its servants of the native oligarchies! |
Workers militias in 1952 revolution
Camacho entering La Paz