Smash the Banzerist generals and the fascist bands of the oligarchy of Santa Cruz!
All power to the COB!
Workers and peasants militia
Rank and file Congress of the CODs and the CORs
Break all collaboration with the Bolivarian bourgeoisie, which surrendered itself to the ‘rosca’ and to that cave of bandits of the OAS a long time ago
After 14 years of managing the transnational’s businesses, Morales was used as a squeezed lemon, as a serial payer of the usury foreign debt, as Maduro in Venezuela and as the K had done in Argentina.
Evo was in charge of guaranteeing the mining and hydrocarbons transnational companies 4 billion dollars of those incomes of Bolivia a year.
He did not touch a single square meter of land to the oligarchy of Santa Cruz, but he did attack the conquests of the workers. He removed the payment premiums and bonuses from the miners. He dismissed thousands of factory workers for customs opened to imports.
The more the collaborationist bureaucracy of the COB supported Morales, the more it divided the labor movement and created the conditions for the military pronouncement of the murderous military and the fascist putsch of the Media Luna, promoted and organized by the US, the UN and the OAS.
Evo surrendered. Lula had already done it, on his knees before Judge Moro. Cowards! The native bourgeoisies know that if they arm the working class it would crush the reaction and the revolution would raise its head and attack the transnationals, the gringos and all the executioners of the people.
We can't waste another minute!
The COB must disregard the power of the oligarchy and the Banzerist military.
Reunify the labor movement that the treacherous bureaucracy divided, supporting Morales and the Chapare bourgeoisie!
For an independent and revolutionary COB
Guns, machinegun, Bolivia doesn't shut up!
National Congress of the COB with rank and file Delegates now!
Break with the US
Expropriate the transnationals and agrarian oligarchy
Worker militia and soldiers committees
Re-establish the workers and peasants alliance
We must fight as in 2003 and 2005 and as in Chile and Ecuador today
Without any delay:
Out with the US, the transnationals, the OAS and the UN!
Out with the IMF!
Down with the trade union bureaucracies, collaborationists with the bourgeois governments and the imperialist plunder!
Continental general strike all across Latin America!
The people want the fall of all colonial regimes
Open the road to the only revolution that will conquer freedom, bread, land and national independence: the worker and socialist revolution, or cartoon of revolution.......
INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF FLTI (International Trotskyist Leninist Fraction)