Bolivia, Huanuni
July 1st, 2020
While the mining transnationals and the cooperative bosses continue to amass millions in profits with the support of the coup government...
Pandemic spreads, layoffs and wages due for six weeks at the mine deepen
We must unite the struggle and the ranks of the workers of Huanuni with Vinto, together with the factory workers and teachers who are fighting!
Yesterday, the leader of the Chojlla mine, Simon Apaza, denounced that more than 10,000 workers have been dismissed nationwide, among them the miners. In addition, there are massive layoffs among the factory workers, reaching more than 5,000 only in La Paz department. At the same time, the government, through the Minister of Mining, announced that 44 million bolivianos (around 6.358 million dollars) will be injected into the cooperative bosses and that support will also be given to the transnationals, stating: "without a doubt we are in a position to give equal support, certainty and legal security to large mining activities such as San Cristóbal, Manquiri, Sinchi Wayra, with whom we have already had conversations”. This is seen in the government's actions that guarantee profits for private companies and cooperative owners.
While this is happening, the Huanuni mining union today "peacefully" took over the state-owned metallurgical company of Vinto to claim the $39 million debt owed to the Huanuni Mining Company (EMH), in addition to the $41 million owed to the Colquiri Mining Company (EMC). This occupation was to put pressure on the meeting that was held between the Huanuni, Vinto, Colquiri unions and the Ministry of Labor, which had an agreement in which Vinto committed to pay 2 million dollars to Huanuni and 2 million dollars to Colquiri, of which that amount has to be paid to the suppliers of inputs and to the salaries.
This is the result of 14 years of the MAS government of Evo Morales that did not invest a single peso in the state companies, all were loans and trusts that the miners with blood and sweat were paying with interest. In addition, in 2017 the steps were taken to privatize the state mining companies with the so-called "Refoundation of COMIBOL," today the fascist government of Añez, comes to continue this plan with the excuse of the pandemic, preparing the layoffs of the elderly or those who are advanced with silicosis. A real white massacre!
In the midst of the pandemic, Huanuni miners are forced to risk their lives - to the COVID and the lack of industrial security - by extracting the tons of ore to guarantee their owed wages (they have not been paid for six weeks now). 66 Huanuni miners were already infected in the collapsed hospitals until June 26, and they do not even have trained personnel and basic supplies. The government talks about respecting the quarantine when they are not paid a salary to bring food to the mining families. Quarantine, yes, but with decent wages!
While this attack on the miners deepens every day, the leadership of the COB and the Mining Federation do not denounce the massive layoffs of the miners, nor the factories, nor the wages earned, and as if that were not enough they continue to support the militarization in Huanuni that has only taken the lives of several unemployed people by the bullets of the army. The widespread attack is already here and tends to deepen even more, which is why the factory workers are forced to take to the streets in defense of their jobs, as well as the teachers who denounce layoffs and the virtual education that the government does not guarantee.
Because of this situation, the leader of the miners of Chojlla with a just hatred denounced: "The leaders of the mining workers like Juan Carlos Huarachi and Orlando Gutiérrez, would have betrayed assuring that they are not claiming for the workers' benefits" (CCB News Agency, June 30, 2020). An audacious denunciation by the mining leader, which reflects the feeling of the base that suffers from hunger and misery. Enough with the collaborationist leaders in the ranks of the miners!
We have to impose from the base the rupture of the COB with a "pacification" pact signed with Añez, the MAS over the spilled blood of November! Let us recover the COB and the FSTMB to make it available for our demands against the attack of the capitalists and the coup leaders in the government! For an emergency congress of the FSTMB of base delegates, where the unemployed miners and miners who do not exploit other miners are represented , without collaborationist bureaucrats and from there vote on a plan of struggle and the unity and coordination of factory miners, teachers with the poor and unemployed peasants! Stop dividing the workers' ranks between the occupied and the unemployed! The only jukus () are the transnationals who stole 4 billion dollars from the Morales government in 2018 alone. Today this situation has not changed, the plundering continues and they are trying to advance in liquidating what little remains of the nationalized mining industry! We cannot allow this!
San Cristobal (Sumitomo) and all the transnationals must be expropriated without payment and under workers' control! There is the money for investment in nationalized mining, for work inputs, biosecurity equipment for decent salaries and retirement, decent and quality health and education! The mine that is closed, suspended or fired must be expropriated without payment and under workers' control! The army and police must be removed from the mining districts and the streets of the country! If the miners stand up these repressive institutions will want to bathe the mining districts in blood as they did in Senkata, Ovejuyo and Sacaba. By self-defense committees to give security in the streets to the people!
Our best allies confront the transnationals, like the miners of Ukraine who, together with their families, fight for the payment of their owed wages, so do the exploited African Americans that stand up in the heart of the Yankee imperialist beast, the black vests fight against the French Vth Republic and the workers of General Motors in Mexico call for an international fight. That is the way!
Correspondent from Huanuni
"Workers occupy company"