Bolivia - October 23, 2020
In the face of the 2020 election results
After the counterrevolutionary coup of November 2019, the Senkata and Sacaba massacre and eleven months of repression, jail, layoffs and starvation of the impoverished masses…
The hated pro-coup government of Áñez and its military dictatorship received a death wound from the revolutionary rise of August!
During this dictatorship, with its majority in the Legislative Assembly and its "pacification" law agreed with the Media Luna and the COB bureaucracy the MAS gave the dictatorship legitimacy and governability.
Now the transnationals, the OAS and the militarycoup are calling on the MAS to save the regime before it falls into the hands of the exploited
With the electoral trap, a diversion was imposed on the rise of the masses who were looking for justice, bread and work.
Let us recover the COB! The worker and peasant base must impose the rupture with the "pacification" deal of the MAS, the Media Luna, the OAS and the UN. Let them not steal our struggle or the blood that has been spilled!
After eleven months of fascist government with massacres, brutal repressions, criminal proceedings, dismissals and jail for the exploited, under the aegis of the OAS and the UN, the electoral elections have finally taken place where the MAS won with 55%, compared to 28.9% for Mesa and 14% for the fascist Camacho.
Áñez entered the government palace with the murderous officers and the fascist police who spread Senkata and Sacaba with blood, with bible in hand, while Camacho and his fascist gangs burned the whipala, breaking the heads of workers, peasants and the woman in a skirt and Evo Morales fled the country far from the fascist bullets.
The MAS Assemblymen, with their majority in the legislature, voted a “pacification” pact for the coup plotters on November 25, 2019 to close the crisis. And now after having entered into a crisis that pact with the revolutionary rise of August that left the Áñez dictatorship wounded. The same officers who overthrew Evo, together with the OAS, are calling for elections and the MAS to control the hatred of the masses, prevent the revolution, save the transnationals and murderers of the people. So the victory of the MAS in these elections is the diversion and expropriation of the struggle of the masses that sought to bring down their executioners.
With the revolutionary rise of workers and peasants in August, the “pacification” pact of the Media Luna, the MAS and the Cobista bureaucracy enters into crisis
And the fascist government of Áñez and the hated dictatorship are mortally wounded
Those exploited in the eleven months of the fascist government never missed the fight. And even more they had the fall of Áñez within reach in the revolutionary days of August.
There, imperialism and the Media Luna were terrified by the independent eruption of the masses crying "We don't want elections!" and "Out with the fascist Áñez!" The emboldened coup government made armored vehicles run around and fiercely mobilized fascist gangs in Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and La Paz to intimidate the exploited.
This did nothing more than stoke the hatred of the poor peasants and workers who from the base surpassed their collaborationist leaderships such as the COB; they imposed a general strike with roadblocks at the national level, local insurrections occurred while the committees tended to become generalized embryonic armed self-defense groups as in Cochabamba, Warisata and El Alto to crush the police and fascist gangs. The MAS “pacification” deal and the coup leaders entered into an open crisis, the MAS base itself disrespected their leadership, the Huanuni and Colquiri miners sought to reach El Alto where the residents of Senkata together with the Association of Victims of the Senkata and Zona Sur Massacre cried out for justice for our martyrs and wounded fallen in November.
No one could control the hatred and the struggle of the masses that seriously endangered the entire regime as a whole and the businesses of the transnationals. This opened the possibility of retaking the Bolivian revolution of 2003-2005 with the worker and peasant alliance and with it the prospect of the destruction of the officer caste, the expulsion of imperialism and the expropriation of the lands of the fascist oligarchy de la Media Luna to get the people out of hunger.
That is why immediately the transnationals, the Banzerista officials, the OAS and the UN that overthrew Morales in November 2019 had to call for elections and let the MAS in urgently so that the dictatorship did not fall into the hands of the worker and peasant masses, because they could have been who seized power, thus destroying the whole regime. The MAS, as in 2003-2005, came to prevent the revolution and save the expropriators and murderers of the people by calling for peace and elections, manipulating the workers and poor peasants. Thus they reimposed the deal of "pacification" and the electoral trap as a way out full of deception and false illusions.
Now, Arce, victorious in the elections, says that he will reconcile and pacify the country. It's a lie! He comes to save the murderers of the people and the looters of the wealth that we step on.
None of this tragedy against the masses could have been imposed without the most treacherous role and function in Bolivian history of the COB bureaucracy in recent decades.
The cobista bureaucracy supported Añez's coup, when the banzerist generals massacred in Senkata and Sacaba and the fascists beat the "polleras" (women in typical ample skirts, NT). Traitors!
In the August days this same bureaucracy, as the left leg of the "pacification" deal, decreed a fourth intermission to the general strike and after three weeks of arduous struggle, the peasant base, the neighborhood councils and the miners who came to El Alto had to retreat and submit to the electoral trap biting their teeth, disnownig the Huarachi bureaucracy of the COB and Villasante of the Federation of Neighborhood Councils of El Alto as traitors. After aborting the general strike, the bureaucracy went out to campaign for the MAS together with the leaders of the Mining Federation, while the factory workers were massacred as in Vita laboratories, persecuted, prosecuted, imprisoned and still continue to resist as some mining districts such as Huanuni (Oruro), Paititi (Santa Cruz) and Andacaba (Potosí) against the attack of the businessmen, the coup government of Áñez and the transnationals.
Workers should know that to apply its plans of plunder in Latin America and Bolivia, imperialism needs all its agents and managers of its businesses, including not only the Bolsonaros and the Piñeras, but also those with a kind or sweetened face like the MAS of Arce Catacora, who must now launch the imperialist plans of Wall Street.
Thus the electoral result that gives victory to the MAS does not mean at all a defeat to imperialism, Trump and the Media Luna as affirmed by the reformist left of ex-trotskyists and Stalinists. With bombastic titles such as the official PO affirmed "Crushing defeat of the coup, of Trump and Bolsonaro in Bolivia” (published on October 19) and the PTS with its leader Nicolás del Caño who published on Twitter “… the result of the election in Bolivia is a setback for Bolsonaro and the continental right”. And like the other end of the rope, the POR continues to cackle that there was no coup, but a "popular rebellion" together with the banzerista officers and the murderous police that massacred workers and peasants, even reproaching Camacho and Media Luna for their inability to prevent the return of MAS! Wretched!
These currents such as the LORCI / PTS and the official PO tell us that with the victory of the MAS at the polls, the murderous coup-mongering army officers, and Trump and Bolsonaro, were pushed back, this is a total preposterous notion that leads directly to the feet of the Stalinist policy of the bourgeois camps that implies "democracy" would have triumphed at the polls against fascism. On the contrary, those who truly put the fascists Áñez, Mesa, Camacho in check and made them retreat were the workers and peasants with the revolutionary days of August, which the MAS of Arce and Morales came to expropriate, abort and divert to save the whole regime.
We must resume the path of August, that of the general strike and the worker-peasant alliance!
It becomes urgent to unite the workers' ranks, since different factories and mining districts are fighting separately; they cannot be left alone for another minute. To this end, it has become decisive to RECOVER THE COB and IMPOSE FROM THE WORKERS AND PEASANT BASES A RUPTURE WITH THE “PACIFICATION” DEAL OF THE MAS, THE COUP-PLOTTERS AND THE OAS. Let them not steal our August struggle or November's bloodshed! Out with the traitors from our fighting organizations! Congress of the COB now, with rank-and-file delegates, 1 for every 100 workers and poor peasants! We must recover the COR of El Alto, the COD’s, the FSTMB to fight for our demands!
We must impose trial, punishment and jail for the murderers of the people.
Freedom to political prisoners! Dissolution of the murderous police!
The civil war must now be waged by workers and peasants against their executioners. Workers' and peasants' militia now!
Neither peace, nor truce! Áñez, Camacho, to prison! No collaboration with the executioners of the people!
They took everything from us and now we're going for all of them! No justice, no peace!
Expropriation of hydrocarbons, mining and banks without compensation and under workers' control!
The immense tracts of land must be expropriated from the landed oligarchy and given to the poor peasants, so that the people can come out of hunger! Factory that closes, suspends or dismisses must be taken under workers' control without compensation! All hands available to work! Minimum mobile wage at the level of the cost of living, for all the unemployed!
We must break with the IMF! No to the repayment of the fraudulent foreign debt!
Gringos go out! They organized the coup. Morales fled ... the people did not surrender.
We must resume the August struggle with the revolutionary general strike and the workers' and peasants' alliance until the regime and its reactionary constitution emerged from the deal between the MAS and the Media Luna in 2008, blessed by the OAS, is brought down!
Out with the UN and the OAS from Bolivia!
Bolivia will be socialist, or it will be a Wall Street colony!
Socialist League of Internationalist Workers of Bolivia
The Association of Victims, Diseased and Wounded of the massacre of Senkata- Southern Region, during the Open Rally in El Alto after the betrayal of COB bureaucracy to the strike of August
Factory workers struggling against lay-offs
and factory shutdowns, September 2020
Open Rally of August in El Alto shouting “Out with Añez”
Open Rally of August in El Alto shouting “Out with Añez”
Worker and peasant rank and file imposed
the general strike to COB bureaucracy
The warcry of “Out with Añez” in August 2020 general strike
Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca celebrating
with Orlando Gutierrez of FSTMB and peasant leaders