On Bolsonaro’s victory
For 15 years, PT and its bourgeois partners in the government guaranteed IMF and transnationals their profits
Now, as “squeezed lemons”, they kneel submissively before imperialist master and leave the government …
The new whip that US have to deepen the attack against workers and the people
In his twitter account Haddad gave his support to Bolsonaro and wished him “Success!” and “good luck!”
With opponents like this, Bolsonaro will have the road paved to try to fully apply the attack on the working class and the plundering plan of imperialism, which Dilma-Temer’s government had been carrying out, like two lemons squeezed by the IMF.
We will see if Bolsonaro and his entourage of sepoys succeed. This will depend on the workers and their battles that have already started.
PT class collaboration government, Stalinism and the big contractor and finance employers leave the government with 13 million unemployed, millions without work and middle classes ruined by a recession which has started years ago.
The pretender to Bonaparte Bolsonaro is now the whip that imperialism needs to loot Brazil and starve workers.
The PT? It has been a while since it had surrendered and been blessed by the Church. Lula ran to jail and was at judge Moro disposal, when the metal workers wanted to defend him.
Dilma? She has proved to defend the mechanisms with which the Constitution of 1988, like the impeachment, which is used as a fuse to make bourgeois changes in advance, when all the bourgeois cliques see it necessary.
The bourgeoisie already used this mechanism in 1992 to get rid of Color de Melo, to prevent him from being overthrown by the masses in the streets.
The bourgeoisie and imperialism achieved an enormous triumph in Brazil.
In the midst of a huge political and social crisis, in the midst of a deep economic crisis, with a government like Temer’s (with 1 percent approval) they manage to change the horses in the middle of the river.
They got rid of a class collaboration government which they do not need any longer needed, and they deepen their offensive by launching a brutal labour flexibilization with Temer.
And now it manages to stabilize all the ruling institutions: the Justice, the Parliament and political parties, the Armed Forces and a two-party system, which Bolsonaro and Haddad have come to guarantee.
The bourgeoisie has the government that they need holding a whip in its hand.
All the ruling institutions of Brazil semi-bonapartist Constitution of 1988 were used to solve this political crisis and today they are strengthened.
Reformist left announces a change of regime... that is a lie. Here we are witnessing the strengthening of the infamous regime imposed in Brazil at the end of the dictatorship, which allowed a government of class collaboration for years and now a strongly bonapartist government, with desperate middle class that will be used by the transnationals and their government as a point of support to attack the poor people.
“Pure” bourgeois democracy is a privilege for rich countries only… In Brazil plundered by the US and MERCOSUR transnationals the Consitution of 1988 what is imposed is a semi-bonapartist regime, with statized unions, with parliamentary support which allows the deception of the masses every 4 years.
This is your bourgeois democracy, Misters reformists!
Bolsonaro with his attempts of repression comes to explore among middle class the conditions for a fascist attempt. He measures and will measure the balance sheet of forces.
If workers submitted to PT and its class collaboration front are imbued with pacifism, they will be easy preys of the proto-fascist attempts.
The breakup of unions with the bourgeoisie dressed as “democratic”, it is a race against the clock.
Workers are the ones who do not have the leadership they deserve.
The Socialists, the self-proclaimed “anti-capitalists”, who were frightened under the skirts of the bourgeoisie, the PT, trade unions bureaucracy, they have all subjected the exploited to their "democratic" executioner, blessed by the Church.
The PT and its administrations with the big bourgeoisie did not touch a single dollar to trasnationals, to the IMF… They only got the commissions and change for themselves... Until yesterday Odebretch and big local builders have been winning... now the US is coming for all the business in their “backyard”.
PT and their bourgeois partners threw the whole crisis to the masses; they were managers of the crisis and the bankruptcy against the workers and the people. That is Bolsonaro, the outcome of the alliance between PT and imperialism as administrator of their business and MERCOSUR for 15 years and attacking every working layer and middle classes.
Bankrupted Brazil can have governments that flirt with the people any longer. Anesthesia does not work any longer.
Millions of starving unemployed workers and layers of the middle classes ruined voted for Bolsonaro. He convinced wide layers of desperate masses -who are left aside by union bureaucracy- and ruined middle classes that the enemy was corruption and PT´s robbery… Tying the faith of the working class to the “local big builders” and PT, administrators of bourgeois business, was and it is suicidal.
The submission of the working class to the bourgeoisie by its leaderships prevented the exploited being the leaders of the oppressed nation, attacking the super profits of the transnationals and the IMF, which plunders Brazil with U$750 billion. There is the money for the unemployed, the ruined middle classes. Only the proletariat fighting to seize power can solve the crisis and rebuild the alliance of the oppressed classes of Brazil against imperialism. Their leaderships prevented it…
Thus the alliance of the majority of Brazil was destroyed; i.e the workers, peasants and poor popular layers. The submission of the proletariat to the bourgeois gangs of PT who constantly attacked the people did it.
Masses will pay for this and not their coward leaders, renegades of Marxism, who have abandoned the struggle for socialist revolution a long time ago.
Lula’s stage surrendering before judge Moro with the Church hugging Boulos (the leader of the anti-capitalists) and Haddad’s greeting Boulos too are reliable facts of submission that the renegades of Trotskyism have long shown to which they call the "lesser evil" (as Stalinism has done). Here it is their lesser evil: Bolsonaro!
They would deserve to pay the sacrifices that Bolsonaro will impose on the exploited. The tragedy is that the masses will pay for it. They have been resisting, like in 2013 facing Dilma’s onslaught in the streets, like in 2017 with the general strike against Temer.
In Argentina, the FIT is preparing its support to Kirchner sector; they want to convince their socialist grassroots of the policy of supporting bourgeois progressive camps. It is a perfidious secessionism and falsifications against Marxism which has been carried out with rivers of ink.
Brazil 2013: “You do not represent us!” That was the war cry of the exploited’s uprising against Dilma-Temer’s government. That war cry was drowned by leftist who were allies of TNC’s government.
But the exploited’s dreams are far from the ballot boxes… We will see in the streets if they can stop the exploited’s rage with words and sticks!
The ones of the top changed their horses in the middle of the river. Workers should do it too, getting rid of union bureaucracy and the left that ties them to the bourgeoisie.
There are more than enough forces among the working class and incoercible socialists for such task.
The scam of “Bolivarian revolution” leaves Latin America. They do it while the kill and starve the people and without touching a single dollar from imperialism. Furthermore, they yield Cuba up to imperialism! And with submission and cowardice they did the same with Brazil to Bolsonaro and Trump.
It is more than clear that with Haddad and his bourgeois and Stalinist partners Bolsonaro will not be defeated. It is also clear that the methods of proletarian revolution are the only way to defend democratic freedoms and confront capitalists’ onslaught.
That is what the resistance against Bolsonaro’s government is about: breaking with the bourgeoisie and setting up self-defence committees. The working class must boom Brazil like in ‘70s: Revolutionary General Strike to welcome Bolsonaro!
Trump and the US are coming for everything in their “backyard” and coward native bourgeoisies will not be the ones in charge of defeating them…
Let’s break with IMF. Let’s conquer jobs and lands and in order to do so: let’s expropriate the expropriators of the people!
Let’s end with MERCOSUR of transnationals and move towards conquering the unity of the working class and poor peasants in Southern and the entire Latin America against imperialism and its junior partners, native bourgeoisies!
There is a clear alternative: “Either a Socialist Revolution or a Caricature of a Revolution”
A lutta continua!
CROJA (Comité Revolucionario Obrero y Juvenil por la Autoorganización)
of Brazil
LSTI (Liga Socialista de Trabajadores Internacionalistas) of Bolivia
LOI-CI (Liga Obrera Internacionalista)/ Democracia Obrera of Argentina
LSTI (Liga Socialista de Trabajadores Internacionalistas) of Peru
POI-CI (Partido Obrero Internacionalista) of Chile
Adherents of
Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional